[09:11] morning boys and girls. [09:52] Morning all [09:59] morning all [12:29] morning uk irc users. :p [12:47] * zmoylan-pi waves from ireland o/ [12:58] * m0nkey_ waves from Canuck land [13:05] * brobostigon waves from a private autie island called TaylorWorld, :) [14:12] * SuperMatt waves from his lair built in to a skull shaped volcano [14:19] must be a bugger for amazon to deliver to.... [14:20] That's why they invented drones to deliver [14:20] SuperMatt: Does your volcano split in two and Thunderbird 1 launches? [14:20] but why have a remote forbidding lair if it lets any one approach?! [14:21] Gotta allow the Amazon delivery [14:21] so any james bond passing just needs an amazon van/drone to deliver the killer blow.... [14:42] Why would I need an Amazon delivery? I'll have my own team of mad scientists and engineers on site to create all the tools I need [14:50] takeout deliveries... [14:51] evil chefs [14:53] not the same... [15:06] When someone falls in to the spike pit, I'm not going to leave all that meat to go to waist [15:06] waste [15:08] you don't know what diseases they're carrying... [15:25] I'm not going to eat that stuff. It goes to the prisoners [15:25] but while I have the chefs, they might as well whip up a curry [15:29] an a katzu curry as well, :) [15:29] and* [15:43] mmm... katsu curry [15:49] :) [15:50] one of my favorites. [16:01] I found out recently that my favourite katsu serving establishments in London is owned by an aquaintance of mine [16:01] Got a free meal when I found that out [16:02] ah cool, :) [16:06] gotta figure out how to time it some I'm there every time he is and get more free meals