
cmaloneyGood AM11:54
cmaloneyHow goes?12:05
cmaloneyHow do you like the hue lights?12:05
rick_hI'm figuring it out still12:36
rick_hI got some just white ones yesterday as they're a lot cheaper and figured most of the time I turn on/off lights based on if they're my daylight ones or soft white ones12:36
rick_hI'm just not sure how I'm going to move the family from turning on/off light switches12:37
cmaloneyJust break the switches. :)12:39
cmaloneyIt took a bit for JoDee to adopt to the X10 stuff12:39
rick_hand in our living room we've got two lamps that have two switches on them. One switch is the soft white and one daylight, and then these other two lamps with just daylight on the other side of the room and I'm trying to figure out how to avoid a world where it's "hey google, turn on front lamp 1 and set color to daylight; hey google turn on front lamp 2 and set to daylight" as a replacement for flip switch;flip12:40
rick_hyea, I mean there's 14 bulbs in the living room in various lamps so not dropping the $$ to make them all color super power at once12:41
rick_hfiguring out how to set it up is kind of 'hmmmm...not sure'12:41
rick_hanyway, it's cool in the office as I can move the light from blue in the morning through red at the end of the day and I do love how any light is now a dimable light12:42
cmaloneyUnfortuantely the wiring in this house makes X10 a bit of a pain12:43
cmaloneyhaving to do tricks to get the max coverage without dropping more $$ for repeaters and what-not12:43
cmaloneyBut being in bed and turning off the living room light = A+12:44
rick_hhah, yea I can see that12:51
widoxrick_h: 14 bulbs in one room??13:43
rick_hYea, 4 lamps. Two have 3 each and two have 4 each on two switches. The first two are these towers with the paper cover and the others we use for the most part either 3 daylight on or the one soft white on.13:44
widoxI'm a light nazi. if you leave the room, you turn off the light. done :)13:44
rick_hYea, but because I like daylight when doing stuff but soft at reading or movie time they're never all on at once13:45
widoxa bulb that mimics daylight?13:45
widoxI'm out of touch, I guess13:45
rick_hYea, I moved most of the house to daylight13:45
rick_hIt's just their color spectrum13:45
widoxhuh. I think we have soft mostly13:45
rick_hMost folks get soft white which are more red/yellow13:45
widoxsoft or warm. but yep13:45
rick_hDaylight it more pure white, true color for work like photos and such, and supposed to help with winter blues13:46
rick_hBut not very 'mood setting'13:46
widoxlike a SAD light13:46
rick_hSo I like this hue idea of same bulbs changing color13:46
rick_hAnd every bulb can dim13:47
rick_hAnyway, it's fun to play with but it's one of those things you can setup in 100 ways so not sure how to do it yet13:47
rick_hI wish I could just put the color bulbs in each lamp and decide later but that's a LOT more $$13:48
widoxyou're talking about these guys? http://a.co/8aVW97F13:51
cmaloneyJoDee hates daylight bulbs so only my office has them14:00
widoxyeah, contractor put in regular bright white LEDs everywhere. Heather has been swapping them out to the warm ones...14:03
cmaloneyPrevious owner of this house loved halogen bulbs14:04
cmaloneyThey literally had incandescent-shaped bulbs with halogen cores in them14:04
cmaloneyI've been replacing them with LEDs where I can14:05
cmaloneyStill looking for a G8 dimmable bulb14:05
rick_hwidox: so I have 4 of those that came in the starter set, but I've since gotten these guys http://a.co/7I07noA that only do shades of white14:10
rick_hI've got a bunch of LED daylight bulbs if anyone wants some :)14:11
jrwrenrick_h: I'm lolling at you.  :p14:18
jrwren"Internet of shit" is a meme for a reason.14:18
rick_hjrwren: glad to be of service14:18
rick_hjrwren: yea...it's toys to play with for sure14:18
jrwrenrick_h: Yeah, it can be fun.14:19
rick_hevidently I'm more light curious than most running with different bulbs in different fixtures so I can tweak the lighting :P14:19
cmaloneyI think it's more training the family to turn off the lights when they leave the room. :)14:21
cmaloneyJoDee swears that I'm trying to kill her because I turn off all of the lights and keep the house dark14:21
cmaloneyproblem is I'm more dark-adapted than she is, being part corporate mushroom and all14:22
rick_hso I actually put in motion sensor switches on the light inside the garage and the guest bathroom but now my son goes in and moves them to on vs auto14:29
rick_hof course he also sometimes turns it into off from auto so I want into the room expecting light and go ...oh what blew out now?14:30
cmaloneyTechnology, foiled again14:30
brouschI could see my son doing circuits around the house to make sure the auto-off lights stay on14:44
waldo323_is daylight the coloring?14:45
rick_hwaldo323_: yea14:45
rick_h http://a.co/aJzZk9U14:45
waldo323_i have a few spots that need to be converted to led so could use them if they are still looking for a home14:46
rick_hwaldo323_: sure, have about 10 of them atm. Just have to figure out how to get them to you14:51
cmaloneyMUg meeting?14:59
cmaloneyThat's in two weeks15:00
rick_hcmaloney: I should, when is the next one15:00
cmaloneyFeb 13th15:00
cmaloneyJorge is presenting15:00
cmaloneyso you can give him shit about Kubernetes. :)15:00
rick_hlol is he?15:00
cmaloneyAnd how it's a huge waste of time. ;)15:00
rick_hhah, yea I'll try to make it out then15:01
rick_hheh, so we built a whole distro around it and such? :P15:01
cmaloneyI'm messing15:01
cmaloneyI know just a teensy bit about it15:01
cmaloneyBut it seems really interesting for large-scale deployments15:02
cmaloneylike Google15:02
rick_hhaving the front door replaced and all I can think of now is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRSWpZiDquk15:12
* rick_h isn't going to be overly productive today...15:12
brouschWe replaced the door ourselves last summer. It took a full day and 6 trips to Home Depot.15:24
waldo323_also, I work in commerce charter twp/west bloomfield now15:25
waldo323_i really don't want to replace my front door - house was built in the early 50s and i think the dimensions are unique to that time...i also have metal door frames for most of my doorways in the house- even most of the closets15:27
waldo323_rick_h, how much would you like for them?15:27
rick_hbrousch: heh yea. I want it done by someone that knows the various bits and things it needs to be put in, trimmed, sealed, adjusted, etc15:28
rick_hwaldo323_: you can have them.15:28
brouschMy dad said it would be easy, he's done it before. However each house is subtly different, and mine had some annoyingly sized walls15:30
jrwrenI'd love a new front door with nice windows like rick_h's new one. Its on my list. :)15:30
cmaloneyConceptually it's really easy15:30
jrwrenmental note: hire that out because I don't want to take all day and 6 trips to HD.15:30
rick_hbrousch: ouch yea15:30
rick_hyea, I mean it's a square hole15:31
brouschYeah, I'm trying to say rick_h made the right choice15:31
jrwrenFraming is a skill which takes development.15:31
rick_hbut we had some air leakage around the door the last few years and when I investigated how to seal it I couldn't figure out wtf I was supposed to fix15:31
rick_hexperience..."haven't seen that before" turns into "yea solved that before"15:31
brouschsilicone all the things15:31
cmaloneyCaulk the door shut15:32
rick_hwell the bottom was leaking air and the stuff I tried to stick onto the door just pulled off. the new door has this fancy adjustable base plate I hope will do better15:32
jrwrenmuch like tech!15:32
rick_h"from now on we only use the garage door"15:32
rick_hjrwren: ++15:32
brouschNow we need more attic insulation and baffles. My wife says, "You can just scoot around the attic on your back and nail it up. I saw it on youtube." oh hell no15:33
jrwren"if I can do it, you can do it. have at it"15:36
cmaloneywas much like the time with the washing machine and replacing the springs15:36
jrwrenI got pros to blow foam and cellulose in my attic. it was well worth it.15:36
cmaloneywatched a youtube video, watched the dude in the video puncture the drum of the washing machine15:36
cmaloneywent "Nooooooope"15:36
rick_hjrwren: +1 that's on my todo list for next winter for sure15:37
jrwrenIts also a matter of what kind of work you enjoy and what you don't. There are some things that I actually enjoy, and somethings that I don't and others that I aboslutely loath. I'll hire out the loathsome stuff.15:37
rick_hwe'll be in this house 12 years this summer so we're hitting a lot of stuff now15:37
jrwrenCuz guess waht, I only get so much time off work and I'm gonna be VERY grumpy if I spent my whole weekend doing some stuff that I absolutely hate.15:38
jrwren12 years!  congrats!15:38
rick_hI tried to convince the wife to move...no go15:38
jrwrenwhy move?15:41
jrwrenyou've almost got the house paid off, then you can retire. :p15:41
jrwrenI tried to convince my wife to move too, and she was willing, but we couldn't agree on to where.15:41
_stink_brousch: i put attic baffles in my old house15:42
_stink_it was quite an experience15:42
rick_hjrwren: hah, because I want 3 acres, a pole barn, and fewer neighbors15:42
cmaloneyFewer human neighbors15:42
_stink_head stuffed into the triangle edge of the roof with nails poking you in the eyeballs in the dark15:42
jrwrenrick_h: ah... yup. nice!15:43
rick_hjrwren: but my wife desires none of those things so it's hard to convince someone to move, change schools, change is hard ...all that when she doesn't want it15:44
rick_h_stink_: good times eh?15:44
brousch_stink_: You are built better for that job. I am heavy and large15:45
jrwrenrick_h: yup, and... she is right :)15:45
rick_hjrwren: :P15:45
rick_hbrousch: tell me about it! lol the last time I went into the attick through the little cut out in my son's bedroom closet I vowed that if I had to go up there again I'd cut the ceiling and put one of those pull down stairways in the hallway lol15:45
rick_h"what's that? go to the attic? Fine, let me just get my saws-all15:46
_stink_we had a drop down ladder in that house, it was nice15:47
_stink_except in the winter when i put plastic over it15:47
brouschI have 2 attics. One is accessible by taking everything out of the cleaning-supply closet and climbing on shelves. The other requires disassembling our only bedroom closet and removing everything from it.15:48
jrwrenone of my attics has the ladder and that is nice. The other does not, and its a pain.15:48
_stink_brousch: i remember lying there in the dark listening to cars go by thinking "if i were single and i died here no one would ever find me"15:48
jrwren_stink_: they'd find you when you started to smell.15:48
jrwren_stink_: but if it is winter, not until spring. :p15:48
rick_h"hmm, what's changed recently? well daddy ran away from the family back in Jan so can't be related to that at all..."15:49
brousch_stink_ would live up to his name15:50
rick_hman, them moving from hammers to running saws at the front door is like the dentist running the drill15:50
rick_hyou cringe but hope it'll all be ok...15:50
cmaloneyjust hope they don't say "whoops"15:52
rick_hwoot! before: https://photos.app.goo.gl/0XkSspn63otx1WR83 and after: https://photos.app.goo.gl/UqLLJtSlSnukC6ej219:08
rick_hand they did a whoops heh19:09
cmaloneyrick_h: nice!19:14
brouschThe windows on only one side makes me uncomfortable19:24
brouschWhat are you hiding behind those bricks?19:24
brouschmuch nicer though!19:24
widoxrick_h: nice20:50
widoxwhere did your doorbell go?20:50
widoxthe trick-or-treaters will be confused now20:54
rick_hand before: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wX4mnS0WDgUB6Jqz2 and after: https://photos.app.goo.gl/GACnUf2hjHjwQSum2 (really need to redo the roof and siding)20:58
rick_hwidox: so we had a wireless one but it's gone. I'm waiting for the nest hello to come out (pre-ordered) and will put that in once it's released either this month or next20:59
widoxall kinds of new door fun. looks good!21:01
widoxwe got a Therma-Tru entry doors, they look great. people think its a real wood door21:03
rick_hlmao, I sent my wife a picture and she replies "you're going to be home when I get off work right? You realize I can't get into the house"21:06
rick_hhadn't thought of that, but yea new doors/opener in the garage and the front door does mean you're locked out. lol sent the wife to work and changed all the locks!21:07
widoxshe picked up on that quick!21:17
rick_hAnyone need a 8 port switch? Dell 2808 managed switch?21:19
jrwrenno ricknet?21:19
rick_hjrwren: had to move to more ports so swapped out with a larger switch21:20
jrwrenah, cool!21:21
jrwrenits too bad, I just picked up an 8port a few months ago. bad timing.21:22
rick_hYea all good.21:22
rick_hThis is how I get a full closet of stuff I don't use. Can't throw it out but not going to put it anywhere else.21:23
waldo323_is it gigabit?21:36
waldo323_I can take that too. (how much do you want for it?)  i have been meaning to get one but kept putting it off21:38
rick_hwaldo323_: sure21:45
rick_hwaldo323_: you can get dinner if we go out afterwards?21:45
waldo323_cool thank you21:47
jrwrenoh man, this is absolutely great!  http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2018/02/rfc-ubuntu-1804-lts-minimal-images.html  I never thought I'd see the day.21:52

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