
dokochecking for ORCUS... no00:03
dokoconfigure: error: Package requirements (liborcus-0.12 >= 0.12.0) were not met:00:03
dokoNo package 'liborcus-0.12' found00:03
dokoConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you00:03
dokoinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.00:03
dokoand no sosmon00:03
jbichadoko: I think you'd be a bit closer if you started with https://code.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-debian-pkg/+ref/ubuntu-bionic-6.000:09
jbichabut you could probably wait until next week though, right?00:09
=== user8394 is now known as user8393
dokojbicha: yes, I'm waiting ...07:57
xnoxLaney, somehow, on this network at fosdem, the timezone is wrong =/09:00

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