
tsimonq2chrisccoulson: Hi there! Any chance you could take a look at fixing bug 1715213 and bug 1715214 for the next uploads? (There's patches that exist and are already in openSUSE, they just need reviewing and cherry picking)00:25
ubottubug 1715213 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Adopt openSUSE patch that adds high-res icons for Firefox, so the Large Icons task switcher in KDE Plasma doesn't have an ugly Firefox icon" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171521300:25
ubottubug 1715214 in mozilla-thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Adopt openSUSE patch that adds high-res icons for Thunderbird, so the Large Icons task switcher in KDE Plasma doesn't have an ugly Thunderbird icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171521400:25
xnoxdoko, done, eventually. need to check if that built or not09:04
* xnox ponders if networking is broken at fosdem, or ubuntu bionic is.09:04
FauxDEMNetworking is pretty terrible.16:32
FauxDEMVery long wait for a DHCP lease, very high latency network in most places.16:32

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