
naccpowersj: yeah, i think so -- we would build the snap, run its tests and then do the integration tests (which live outside the snap still)00:00
powersjok I will probably change the job type from pipeline to a normal workflow then00:02
naccsounds good00:02
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=== z0 is now known as zzz
MJCDofficehow does ubuntu-cloud work?11:41
MJCDofficelike, not the install process but how do I actually make my cloud do work11:41
MJCDofficealso any good FOSS web based dashboard would be nice11:42
MJCDofficeif not included11:42
Checkmateguys how to change /phpmyadmin url to another name looks some one brute forcing shit19:11
Checkmateguys Unit fail2ban.service has failed.19:27
ikoniaCheckmate: tone down the language please20:00
ikoniaCheckmate: the URL is defined in the vhost20:00
ikoniaif the fail2ban unit is failing, read the error to see why it's failing20:00
Checkmateikonia i just removed it to reinstall again then i got hell problem20:04
ikoniathat means nothing20:04
CheckmateUbuntu 16.10 yakkety dont want to get upgrad20:04
ikoniaexplain the problem if you want help20:04
Checkmateikonia https://pastebin.com/raw/TzAHydxb20:16
tomreynCheckmate: 16.10 is long EOL21:22
ubottuUbuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety21:22
Checkmateyes think to upgrade after i finish some sql move21:23
tomreynbetter dump / backup and reinstall21:23
tomreynor rather: install a current release21:23
tomreynthen restore data21:23

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