grrrrrub | I'm using the ubuntu live usb right now to chat with you, the installer is still open and I cant do anything with the window | 00:00 |
TJ- | grrrrrub: I think there may be a directory /var/log/installer/ or similar | 00:01 |
grrrrrub | I'm going to try leaving unallocated space on /dev/sda and see if the installer will create it automatically | 00:03 |
grrrrrub | maybe that's the problem | 00:03 |
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ribbit_tiff_ | hello | 01:20 |
installopencv | hey | 01:32 |
installopencv | i need help installing opencv on macos anaconda python virtual environment | 01:33 |
vinicius_ | oi | 01:54 |
vinicius_ | oi | 01:55 |
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Guest96880 | ok | 01:55 |
Guest96880 | oi | 01:55 |
EldonMcGuinness | Just spent the better part of a day trying to figure out why Virtualbox kept freezing up my host box when starting a VM. Come to find out it is a clash between Virtualbox's lack of an update in the repos and the 4.13 kernel. I would think something like that would have had a post or something telling people. :/ | 02:14 |
fffer | on 17.10 im running dual monitors, is it possible to have the launcher on both screens and in differnt positions? i cant find anything in the settings | 02:51 |
fffer | on the main display im fine with the defualt, the second monitor is vertical and would like the launcher to be at the bottom | 02:52 |
laughingtiger | ubuntu is stupid, all ubuntu users are stupid. | 03:10 |
xgpt | anyone use a console based email client with gmail? something well integrated with gmail and also easy to set up? | 03:12 |
at[m] | I remember there being one back when gmail just started but a lot has changed since | 03:14 |
at[m] | but google it and you might find something | 03:14 |
at[m] | it's not unfeasible | 03:14 |
fffer | every one idels on irc | 03:16 |
fffer | gg | 03:16 |
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ryu_ | d | 03:33 |
ducking | What's a good Ubuntu channel to talk about bugs? | 03:54 |
xromulus | Here? | 03:55 |
ducking | Just making sure :^) | 03:55 |
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ducking | xromulus, -- don't know if I filed it right, didn't find any interfaces to be very intuitive | 03:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1747030 in Ubuntu "Native screen recording issue (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+R)" [Undecided,New] | 03:58 |
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ducking | And I guess I pissed whoever runs the /r/ sub off 'cause my topic was ghosted lmao | 04:03 |
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seaword | Is it possible to install packages via patch version numbers? I want to install postgres-9.6.3 specifically, not the latest 9.6. | 04:09 |
cfoch_ | hello | 04:14 |
cfoch_ | I can't see icons in libreoffice... I am using the version 17.10 | 04:14 |
aegis | cfoch_: Did you install from source? | 04:17 |
cfoch_ | no | 04:17 |
cfoch_ | it's the one that comes by default in Ubuntu 17.10 | 04:17 |
nemo_ | Would anyone have any ideas how I could directly reformat my usb stick? I was formatting it yesterday but it failed and now it wont be detected when I plug it in? | 04:44 |
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strive | nemo_: 'fdisk -l' as rot. | 04:52 |
strive | s/rot/root | 04:52 |
Okeanos | guys i installed ubuntu with vmaware, i used diskspace of my NAS. Now when i try to login it only gives me option to login as guest. anyone has a clue why? i can login in terminal with my account | 04:55 |
nemo_ | strive rot? | 04:57 |
aegis | ROOT | 04:58 |
aegis | s/rot/root | 04:58 |
homer3 | What's a good desktop+microphone capture app, please? | 05:08 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 05:34 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, sub b? | 05:35 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: good, come to #ubuntu-discuss | 05:36 |
Osmodivs | hello. What is the best format type for a HDD so Windows and Ubuntu can access its files? | 05:53 |
lotuspsychje_ | Osmodivs: on the same machine, ubuntu can read alot of formats | 05:54 |
lotuspsychje_ | Osmodivs: check /media or /mnt | 05:54 |
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Osmodivs | lotuspsychje_, Yeah, but NOT windows, I had a FAT32 HDD and Windows could not read it, it tells me to format to something Windows can read | 05:55 |
lotuspsychje | Osmodivs: for windows problems best to ask formats in ##windows | 05:57 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, -- Don't know if I filed it right, could you help? I don't know how to investigate this issue further. | 05:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1747030 in Ubuntu "Native screen recording issue (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+R)" [Undecided,New] | 05:58 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: let me read holdon | 05:58 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: i suggest you try a few tests, like if your on wayland try the xorg session? | 06:00 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: and start the screen recorder from terminal to catch errors, you can add to the bug | 06:00 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, what screen recorder is used? It's just a hotkey. | 06:03 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: your recording 1 pic, or record a video of your desktop? | 06:04 |
ducking | Desktop, using the native screen recorder with default hotkey provided by installation. | 06:04 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, desktop, video | 06:05 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, 17.10 and 17.10.1 give same results | 06:06 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: check your system monitor to see how its called | 06:06 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, how2do that? (noober at this part) | 06:07 |
ducking | Unless you just mean the GUI system monitor lotuspsychje | 06:07 |
lotuspsychje | yeah thats the one | 06:08 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: i always use kazam to record, never used the native one | 06:08 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, not seeing anything pop up and it's killing itself... hmmm.... | 06:10 |
* ducking started recording right now... lets see what happens and if it dies while just typing here | 06:10 | |
ducking | doot doot doot still recording, nothing there it died | 06:10 |
ducking | hmm... | 06:10 |
ducking | It's recording and saving it to Videos in my home folder. | 06:11 |
ducking | The files are there and intact from start to finish. | 06:11 |
ducking | Not sure why it's dying tho... | 06:11 |
ducking | Try it yourself lotuspsychje ? | 06:11 |
ducking | ctrl + alt + shift + r | 06:11 |
Cyndanera_ | Hello | 06:11 |
ducking | Should get a record button in your statusbar. | 06:11 |
ducking | And it'll save to Videos in your home folder if you have it. | 06:12 |
ducking | If not it'll save to home, per what I've read. | 06:12 |
lotuspsychje | Cyndanera_: welcome, how can we help you? | 06:12 |
Cyndanera_ | with editing source code | 06:12 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: that worked on my side | 06:14 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: made a webm movie in home/video's | 06:14 |
Cyndanera_ | BTW I'm new. | 06:14 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, did it exit without you stopping it manually? | 06:15 |
ducking | Maybe that's how it's supposed to work lotuspsychje only short clips? Hmm... not sure what to man to learn more about it... | 06:15 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: no, it records until pressing ctrl alt shift r again | 06:16 |
lotuspsychje | !support | Cyndanera_ | 06:16 |
ubottu | Cyndanera_: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and and | 06:16 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: are you in wayland or xorg please? | 06:17 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, derp it says "record a short screencast" in the hotkey settings | 06:17 |
ducking | Try letting it run for a while and see if it exists automagically. | 06:17 |
Cyndanera_ | <lotuspsychje> how would I edit the desktop source code? | 06:17 |
ducking | exits* | 06:17 |
lotuspsychje | Cyndanera_: desktop source code? | 06:18 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: are you in wayland or xorg session? | 06:19 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, whatever the default 17.10 is. | 06:20 |
Cyndanera_ | you know like the icons that know on your main screen | 06:20 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, none of the files that are recorded are longer than 30s, I'm thinking that's the cap. | 06:20 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: can you go try the same in xorg please? | 06:20 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, I'm almost absolutely certain that's what the issue is. I was thinking the command was a full on screen recording utility. | 06:22 |
ducking | It caps off at 30s | 06:22 |
ducking | It wasn't meant for full scale recording I don't believe. | 06:22 |
ChileStuff | Greetings denizens | 06:23 |
Cyndanera_ | like this, | 06:23 |
ducking | Sup ChileStuff | 06:23 |
ChileStuff | Spent the last few hours screaming at the virus known as windows 10 | 06:24 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: what graphics card & driver plz? | 06:24 |
lotuspsychje | ChileStuff: offtopic mate | 06:24 |
ChileStuff | 2 hours working on an email only to have an "update" screw the pooch | 06:25 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, Driver Version: 387.34 , GeForce GTX 1060 | 06:25 |
ChileStuff | Entirely on topic ... it's why I installed Ubuntu :) | 06:25 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, does your screen recording last longer than 30 seconds? | 06:25 |
ducking | If it caps off at 30s, I've solved the issue. | 06:25 |
Cyndanera_ | <lotuspsychje> desktop source? | 06:27 |
ChileStuff | Where can I find a manual or tutorial on command line syntax? | 06:27 |
lotuspsychje | !bash | ChileStuff | 06:28 |
ubottu | ChileStuff: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: | 06:28 |
ChileStuff | Grasia amigo | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: wayland and nvidia are a no go | 06:30 |
homer3 | What's a good desktop+microphone capture app, please? | 06:30 |
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ducking | lotuspsychje, can you please replicate, ctrl + alt + shft + r lasting longer than 30 seconds? | 06:31 |
Cyndanera_ | How do I edit the desktop source code? | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: recording started | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | !patience | Cyndanera_ | 06:32 |
ubottu | Cyndanera_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | !info kazam | homer3 | 06:32 |
ubottu | homer3: kazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-2 (artful), package size 732 kB, installed size 1693 kB | 06:32 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: why do you think you need to edit source code? your question comes across as something you don't relly want to do, because it doesn't makes ense | 06:33 |
Cyndanera_ | because I trying to make it into a video game console menu | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: you are right, its stop after 30sec | 06:34 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, ty for verifying | 06:34 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: i don't know what that means | 06:35 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: but not sure yet if its a bug or the purpose of gnome | 06:35 |
ChileStuff | Thanx for the help | 06:36 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: you might ask that in #ubuntu-gnome too perhaps? | 06:36 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, pretty sure it's not a bug, the hotkey description does say SHORT screencast | 06:36 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, it should be more explicit though. | 06:36 |
Cyndanera_ | you know like the wii as a menu | 06:37 |
ducking | "Record a short screencast" is the exact wording lotuspsychje | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: try kazam for a longer record | 06:37 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: you want a wii menu on your ubuntu desktop? | 06:38 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: i'm sorry, this doesn't seem like a support topic of any kinda | 06:38 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, right on, I've heard good things about it, I was just hoping that I had found something and trying to contribute :) appreciate your help. | 06:38 |
Cyndanera_ | no, I want to make my own menu in the os | 06:39 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: thank you for testing this out! | 06:39 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: perhaps might close your bug, or set solved? | 06:40 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, I'm trying to get back into programming and away from wasting time :) I'd love to get to where I was developing full time and working on projects. | 06:40 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, yeah, definitely will close trying to figure out the layout and how to work the bug tracker, not used to the interface | 06:41 |
lotuspsychje | !contribute | ducking you can still help | 06:42 |
ubottu | ducking you can still help: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see and | 06:42 |
Cyndanera_ | <lotuspsychje> could you please just tell me how to edit the desktop gui source code? | 06:42 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, how do I close the bug report? | 06:42 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: well at first, add a new message how you solved it | 06:43 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, added a comment at the bottom stating not a bug and that the screencast only lasts for 30s | 06:44 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: allrighty thank you, can you edit status of the bug? | 06:45 |
telnetter | Hello al | 06:45 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, yes, what should I choose? fix committed? | 06:45 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: yeah ok | 06:45 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: devs might close the bug if they read like this | 06:46 |
Roden | concat deck any or bot | 06:46 |
telnetter | I nedd install Xandros os for my asus eeepc | 06:46 |
lotuspsychje | telnetter: this is ubuntu support | 06:47 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, maybe not the best work, but hey, first try, learning :P | 06:47 |
telnetter | Ok | 06:48 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: you aren't going to edit source code, afaict to do what you want | 06:49 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: it's probably just config files | 06:49 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: but really, why? | 06:49 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: solved bugs, are also helping the community finding things out | 06:49 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, right on, definitely, different eyes see things different and interpret the same results in different ways | 06:49 |
Cyndanera_ | I developing my own game console and I using modfided linux source | 06:50 |
ducking | Cyndanera_, do you have a screenshot of what you are trying to achieve? | 06:50 |
Cyndanera_ | no just need to know what file to edit in linux source to change what controls\displays on main desktop on linux | 06:51 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: so not ubuntu at all? | 06:51 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: you are in the ubuntu support channel | 06:52 |
Cyndanera_ | ubuntu source code | 06:52 |
Cyndanera_ | so yeah it is ubuntu | 06:52 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: you are doing this with Ubuntu? Or are you forking Ubuntu? You said "modified linux source" | 06:53 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: you are being very vague, claimed to be new and then said you are building your own game console | 06:53 |
nacc | those statements seem self-contradictory | 06:53 |
Cyndanera_ | yeah editing Ubuntu source | 06:54 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, Kazam looks exactly like what I needed for full length screen recording. | 06:54 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: changing the Ubuntu source is not ontopic for this channel, in any case | 06:54 |
Cyndanera_ | then what channel is for Ubuntu dev? | 06:54 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: i don't know, you aren't doing Ubuntu development | 06:55 |
nacc | Cyndanera_: you are doing your own thing, it seems like | 06:55 |
sumyunseal | umm | 06:59 |
sumyunseal | who knows docker | 06:59 |
nacc | sumyunseal: there are docker channels | 06:59 |
sumyunseal | o u dont like docker | 07:00 |
sumyunseal | every1 loves it | 07:00 |
nacc | sumyunseal: that's not what I said | 07:01 |
bazhang | sumyunseal, please specify your issue | 07:01 |
ducking | How does you issue of docker relate to Ubuntu sumyunseal? ' | 07:01 |
sumyunseal | maybe coz docker is better than ubuntu? | 07:02 |
nacc | sumyunseal: ok, you are trolling. please do so somewhere else. | 07:03 |
ducking | sumyunseal, 🔨 | 07:03 |
sumyunseal | oh yeah | 07:03 |
Roden | his is a re-post from #ubuntu-cn which seems to be inactive and ##linux where nobody seems to have a solution. On Ubuntu-Mate 16.04, I am unable to find a WUBI Chinese input method that works as a normal Chinese input method should | 07:03 |
Roden | WUBI is the most popular input method for Chinese people. So, I think there must be a solution. ibus only allows the user to select individual characters (sometimes there are hundreds, and it is very time-consuming to use this archaic input method)... and the built-in method is the same. | 07:04 |
Silvering | Hi everyone! I installed ubuntu 16.04 LTS server and configured an openvpn + firewall. My goal is to avoid (to start) external connections without using VPN. Now I can use my phone to make an ssh connection with the server in 4G, without VPN working. I want to avoid that. Any idea ? I hope I'm clear.. | 07:05 |
Roden | Silvering, wouldn't you need a method for identifying whether or not the connecting user is on a vpn? | 07:08 |
Roden | Also, Silvering, should you ask yourself if there's a more reasonable way to accomplish whatever you're trying to accomplish behind this? | 07:09 |
badboyjer | hey guys im back!! | 07:12 |
Silvering | @Roden : I explain you my goal. I building a house. Everything will be manage or control via homekit devices. I want to enforce the security. In other words, when I'm out of my house and I want to close my shutters I want to be able to communicate with my house using vpn. | 07:13 |
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Silvering | @Roden : This means that if I'm at friends, connected with their wifi, I can't do this. If I activate the vpn on my phone, now yes I can | 07:14 |
Silvering | @Roden : I'm looking for the conf to do that because everything else is working just perfect | 07:14 |
poiqwe | Hi, I'm running Ubuntu Server and have a user who's ssh login defaults to screen "HEY! USE SCREEN". screen bash takes me to where I need to be but how do I mod this users account to default to a bash session? | 07:16 |
Roden | Are other people using your device, though, Silvering? Because you could use a special key to identify your device, or example.... | 07:16 |
Roden | Or you could do it on the phone side: drop the interent if your vpn fails | 07:16 |
Silvering | my device will be use only by me | 07:18 |
Silvering | yes your last comment is interesting | 07:19 |
poiqwe | editted /etc/passwd and solved. thanks. | 07:24 |
Roden | silver_hook, are you silvering? | 07:30 |
silver_hook | Roden: no | 07:31 |
sumyunseal | no what | 07:35 |
bazhang | sumyunseal, did you have a ubuntu support issue | 07:36 |
sumyunseal | yes | 07:36 |
sumyunseal | yes i do | 07:36 |
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Roden | Just wanted to quickly re-post my issue: I'm trying to find a Chinese input method that can accept whole words instead of individual characters. If anybody has a solution, please let me know. Otherwise, I will wait and hope that something comes across on forums. | 08:06 |
Roden | testing two solutions ttyl | 08:13 |
za1b1tsu | How to actually remove an application? I'm trying to remove gtags (global), tried sudo-apt remove, sudo-apt purge etc. But when I type global in terminal it's still there | 08:17 |
ducasse | za1b1tsu: you've tried 'apt purge global'? | 08:20 |
za1b1tsu | it says: Package 'global' is not installed, so not removed. But when I type global in the terminal is still there | 08:21 |
za1b1tsu | the program still works | 08:21 |
ducasse | try 'dpkg -S $(which global)' | 08:22 |
sumyunseal | close terminal | 08:22 |
sumyunseal | open terminal | 08:22 |
za1b1tsu | it says dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/local/bin/global | 08:23 |
za1b1tsu | I close and open terminal, typed global still there | 08:23 |
sumyunseal | then ur gey | 08:23 |
ducasse | za1b1tsu: ok, so it's not from a package, you must have made a local install | 08:23 |
ducasse | sumyunseal: stop that | 08:24 |
za1b1tsu | ducasse, to remove a local install, I just delete the folder? | 08:24 |
sumyunseal | lol | 08:24 |
ducasse | za1b1tsu: that's not very clean, and would also remove anything else you might have in /usr/local/bin | 08:25 |
za1b1tsu | ahh, I did this sudo make uninstall | 08:26 |
za1b1tsu | in terminal global, is gone. Now I can safetly remove the folder right? | 08:26 |
ducasse | za1b1tsu: /usr/local/bin? just leave it. | 08:27 |
za1b1tsu | ducasse in home/my_user/global v6.3/ | 08:29 |
sumyunseal | yes | 08:29 |
ducasse | you can delete that, yes | 08:29 |
sumyunseal | thats called building packege from source | 08:29 |
sumyunseal | its comes w install and uninstall script | 08:29 |
za1b1tsu | thanks for your helps, got gtags is garbage | 08:33 |
nerdinja | i truely struggle understanding file permissions n such, anybody willing to point me in the right direction assigning permissions to my wordpress directory? i have no idea what i'm doing | 08:36 |
sumyunseal | stop being such a nerd | 08:37 |
Flannel | nerdinja: You'll probably need to ask wordpress people about what the permissions are supposed to be (although world readable and nothing else is /usually/ OK for the files, and read+execute for the directories). I'm not a wordpress person. | 08:38 |
V7 | Hey all | 08:38 |
Flannel | nerdinja: | 08:38 |
Flannel | nerdinja: That webpage will walk you through understanding what's what and how permissions work. | 08:38 |
V7 | So after installing some app and configured this app to run via specified user then to permit this app use root's files we need to add app's user to root's group | 08:39 |
V7 | Is it right ? | 08:39 |
nerdinja | yeah i've seen this before, i know it's shameful but i still don't fully grasp the permissions setup "desired" by a wordpress install | 08:39 |
nerdinja | i was tinkering trying to give permission to install a few plugins through dashboard now i'm locked out of even opening the site at all | 08:40 |
nerdinja | D: | 08:40 |
V7 | Also root's files should have 2 digit as "read" | 08:40 |
MrMart | has a broken AMD64(probably i386 aswell) mini-image due to . There is a working one on trusty-updates ( Anyone here who can change the link to a working one? | 08:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1546459 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "segfault at b774bd9d ip b7352a0d sp bfda8f30 error 7 in[b7349000+13000]" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 08:40 |
Flannel | nerdinja: Unfortunately, I've never used it. You might be able to get help in the #wordpress channel though. | 08:40 |
nerdinja | yeah you're right | 08:40 |
nerdinja | you didn't use to hang in a tinychat room did you, Flannel? | 08:40 |
Flannel | nerdinja: I'm not even sure what tinychat is, so probably not. | 08:41 |
sumyunseal | nerdinja, chmod -R 777 . | 08:41 |
Flannel | nerdinja: Do NOT do that. | 08:41 |
nerdinja | yeah not the flannel i'm thinking of, he's a cool dude, though. ftr. | 08:41 |
nerdinja | Flannel: i don't know much but i know not to do that | 08:41 |
nerdinja | pretty much ever | 08:41 |
ducking | nerdinja, tbh if you messed with the permissions heavily, saving your config files and restarting would probably be easiest if you haven't done much... dare I ask if you have a backup? | 08:43 |
V7 | So after intalling spamassassin and letting it to run via custom "spamd" user and if're getting and error like "status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: sendmail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/ Permission denied )" so we need to add spamd user to root's group ? | 08:45 |
nerdinja | ducking backup of? | 08:46 |
nerdinja | i haven't really changed much at all | 08:46 |
nerdinja | just a few vital things apparently :P | 08:46 |
ducking | Backup of your previous installation before you modified :P nerdinja | 08:47 |
nerdinja | of wordpress? | 08:48 |
nerdinja | yeah | 08:48 |
ducking | nerdinja, restore and try again? :] | 08:48 |
nerdinja | okay, so i solved the issue... but it's definitely not in the correct way/with any understanding | 08:48 |
ducking | lmao | 08:49 |
nerdinja | chmod -R 755 /my/wordpress/dir fixed it | 08:49 |
nerdinja | plugins installed | 08:49 |
nerdinja | can secure the permissions more later | 08:49 |
ducking | nerdinja, if it's just testing, have at it, just remember that they won't play the same if you develop in that permissioned environment :^) | 08:50 |
nerdinja | yeah true, hence why i want it set up correctly from the start (now) | 08:51 |
sim642 | On xubuntu 16.04 whenever I want to unlock my computer I have to enter my password twice: after the first time it briefly shows me the logged in stuff and then throws back at lockscreen, the second time it works. It's extremely annoying, any ideas? | 08:51 |
nerdinja | permissions make my brain hurt, no idea why. mental block or something. | 08:51 |
ducking | nerdinja, I feel you, I never sad down and fully learned them, which I know I should. | 08:51 |
nerdinja | glad i'm not the only one lacking a full grasp of this | 08:52 |
nerdinja | i wish i could find via google a pastebin or screenshot of what a correctly-configured wordpress directory's permissions look like | 08:53 |
ducking | nerdinja, maybe "wordpress permission cheatsheet" ? | 08:55 |
nerdinja | certainly worth a shot, and seems promising | 08:55 |
ducking | nerdinja, | 08:57 |
V7 | Could anyone tell the default /etc/postfix user, group and perms ? | 08:58 |
ducking | nerdinja, | 08:58 |
ducking | Perhaps | 08:58 |
ducking | nerdinja, also | 08:59 |
ducking | Not pretty cheat sheets, but they look simple enough. | 08:59 |
nerdinja | thanks man, much obliged | 09:03 |
ducking | :] | 09:03 |
s10gopal | it is wise to purchase ssd if using ubuntu on laptop(i5 th gen 12gb ram 1tb 5200hdd) | 09:11 |
Roden | re: adding Chinese language input support on Ubuntu-Mate: fcitx. WORKS. | 09:12 |
Roden | goodnight | 09:12 |
=== hacker1222 is now known as hacker1221 | ||
ducasse | s10gopal: is that a question or a statement? | 09:19 |
s10gopal | ducasse: question | 09:20 |
ducasse | s10gopal: an ssd speeds things up a lot | 09:20 |
s10gopal | ducasse: battery life ? | 09:20 |
ducasse | s10gopal: they are easy on batteries afaik | 09:21 |
s10gopal | ducasse: and for little speed should i invest $60 ? | 09:22 |
s10gopal | afaik? | 09:22 |
ducasse | that's up to you, really. afaik = as far as i know | 09:23 |
akik | s10gopal: for a lot of speed. there at least 4x or 5x faster | 09:23 |
akik | they're | 09:24 |
ducasse | s10gopal: get a good quality ssd, though. | 09:24 |
s10gopal | thx | 09:24 |
s10gopal | i should create swap ? i'm having 12gb ram | 09:26 |
JizzOnTits | Do the creators of ubuntu engage victims in sexual favors for the latest versions of their software? | 09:28 |
cfhowlett | !ping | 09:38 |
ubottu | pong! | 09:38 |
JizzOnTits | ji!zz | 09:38 |
s10gopal | i should create swap ? i'm having 12gb ram | 09:40 |
Ben64 | doesn't hurt | 09:40 |
s10gopal | ? | 09:41 |
cfhowlett | s10gopal, it's your choice | 09:41 |
s10gopal | cfhowlett: is it usefull ? | 09:42 |
cfhowlett | it depends. try one and dee | 09:42 |
JohnnyDoe | Are anyone running Ubuntu Server on a HP Proliant ML350P? I'm thinking on buying a ML350P... Is that a stupid thing? | 09:48 |
s10gopal | cfhowlett: or i should create spaw on hdd and os on ssd ? | 09:48 |
cfhowlett | I use os on ssd and put my /home on hdd. | 09:49 |
moon_ | ?? | 09:51 |
s10gopal | cfhowlett: dedicated gfx is disabled in bios , but still ubuntu show amd | 09:51 |
donofrio | so is 17.10 more secure/updated thank 17.04 (with old-releases in source.list) | 09:51 |
moon_ | 有人吗 | 09:51 |
moon_ | 这个是什么玩意 | 09:51 |
cfhowlett | s10gopal, that's above my experience. sorry | 09:51 |
cfhowlett | !cn | moon | 09:51 |
ubottu | moon: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 09:51 |
s10gopal | thx a lot | 09:52 |
moon_ | thx | 09:52 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! | 09:52 |
cfhowlett | !kylin | moon_ | 09:52 |
ubottu | moon_: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is an official part of Ubuntu. For more information, see | 09:52 |
moon_ | so,I would speak English | 09:52 |
ducasse | donofrio: yes, of course . 17.04 is eol | 09:52 |
cfhowlett | moon_, yes please! | 09:52 |
cfhowlett | ask your question | 09:53 |
moon_ | thx bye | 09:53 |
cfhowlett | !server | JohnnyDoe | 09:54 |
ubottu | JohnnyDoe: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: - Guide: - Support in #ubuntu-server | 09:54 |
cfhowlett | donofrio, IMHO there is no valid need for most users to use anything other than LTS releases, currently 16.04 | 09:54 |
donofrio | ok, attempting do-release-upgrade -d on my setup (skip unneeded onedrive login) | 09:54 |
donofrio | cfhowlett, security updates? | 09:55 |
cfhowlett | all the time | 09:55 |
cfhowlett | sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade | 09:55 |
donofrio | cfhowlett, I always do "apt-get update --allow-unauthenticated && apt-get upgrade --allow-unauthenticated -y && apt-get dist-upgrade --allow-unauthenticated -y && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get autoclean -y && sync && sync" | 09:56 |
cfhowlett | seems familiar except for the sync at the end | 09:56 |
donofrio | cause I run remmina-next (that is why it has allow-unauthenticated) | 09:56 |
donofrio | (yah I don't trust io so I manually sync (twice lol)) | 09:57 |
cfhowlett | looks legit | 09:57 |
donofrio | probably doesn't matter in wsl lol | 09:57 |
donofrio | yes I use remmina 1.2.0 for rdp to my servers from within xfce4 on ubuntu 17.04 on windows 10 ;) | 09:59 |
ducasse | donofrio: you should upgrade to 17.19, 17.04 is eol and unsupported here | 10:01 |
donofrio | yah doing that now | 10:01 |
donofrio | :) | 10:01 |
donofrio | I'd go 18.04 is my wsl setup would support far it just breaks sudo and other glibc 2.26 things | 10:02 |
cfhowlett | what did you expect. it's still in beta1 | 10:02 |
ducasse | !ubuwin | 10:02 |
ubottu | Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see | 10:02 |
donofrio | lol I'm lurking in that channel always as well | 10:02 |
donofrio | figure others might want to learn that userspace rocks ;) | 10:02 |
donofrio | 1.4k here and 126 folks there lol | 10:03 |
ducasse | we don't do wsl here, 18.04 neither | 10:03 |
donofrio | I lurk un +1 all the time as well lol | 10:04 |
donofrio | un = on | 10:04 |
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NEXXIA | First 384bits resolver #resolve problem | 10:16 |
NEXXIA | netfilter #AD-hoc has been compromised by a TABLET ubuntu AndroVM 4.11 | 10:17 |
s10gopal | how to fix it ? | 10:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 10:20 |
cfhowlett | s10gopal, it's a known but that hasn't been fixed yet. | 10:21 |
ducasse | s10gopal: you've been told before, wait for a response and followup to the bug report - we can't help you | 10:21 |
NEXXIA | no help necessary in my case, overflow. | 10:24 |
NEXXIA | Suppicions come from ITHQ - High ADMIN. | 10:25 |
NEXXIA | Supplicant resolve a Net-RESET form. | 10:25 |
NEXXIA | @HOST for AndroVM. | 10:26 |
cfhowlett | NEXXIA, this is a support channel for those needing assistance. please don't spam | 10:26 |
NEXXIA | right | 10:27 |
=== NEXXIA is now known as NEXXIA_NETFILTER | ||
TJ- | Failing to DNAT/SNAT a VM guest > Host DNS resolver, any ideas? Details: | 10:35 |
donofrio | uh correction once I run do-release-upgrade where even if I'm 17.04 already it still does the upgrade and when completed it breaks sudo and other glibc 2.26 things on my daily driver ;( | 10:37 |
NEXXIA_NETFILTER | I have - 2.113 | 10:37 |
NEXXIA_NETFILTER | my drivers is in old-execute GNOME. | 10:38 |
ducasse | NEXXIA_NETFILTER: do you have a support question? | 10:38 |
NEXXIA_NETFILTER | Can it be fill for a temporary_SLAND | 10:38 |
NEXXIA_NETFILTER | system board demonstrated that they could potentially execute outside a parameters of VirtualBOX as a guest OS. | 10:39 |
NEXXIA_NETFILTER | We did get target to have A VNC installation that we didn't progress or either use. | 10:40 |
akik | NEXXIA_NETFILTER: please train your bot somewhere else | 10:40 |
NEXXIA_NETFILTER | I have no bot | 10:40 |
cfhowlett | bot? oh H*** no! that should be an insta-ban offense | 10:40 |
tomreyn | bot/script/whatever | 10:41 |
NEXXIA_NETFILTER | I use empathy | 10:41 |
donofrio | and now I cannot sudo ;( | 10:42 |
NEXXIA_NETFILTER | So sorry I have no idea about where about if somebody is interested, it's cool. | 10:42 |
=== NEXXIA_NETFILTER is now known as NEXXIA-BELL | ||
TJ- | time to disconnect someone from their ISP methinks | 10:42 |
donofrio | NEXXIA-BELL, do you have a question, if so just ask it. | 10:43 |
NEXXIA-BELL | Forget it, just passing bye - see ya in | 10:43 |
NEXXIA-BELL | thanks.again | 10:43 |
donofrio | drive by's ugh | 10:44 |
donofrio | well now the do-release-update finished I'm still at 17.04 and I cannot sudo ;( | 10:44 |
TJ- | donofrio: you've rebooted ? | 10:44 |
donofrio | no need to with wsl just exit bash and run it again.... | 10:45 |
akik | donofrio: i think with wsl problems you are mostly on your own | 10:45 |
TJ- | donofrio: ahh, that's not supported here, I think it's #ubuntu-wsl or somewhere | 10:45 |
akik | donofrio: try the wsl sub-reddit | 10:46 |
donofrio | I'm in that channel and only 126 folks there as to the 1476 folks here | 10:46 |
cfhowlett | still doesn't me we support it here thus the dedicated channel | 10:46 |
curly | hi - which tool should i use to add a user in 18.04 ? cli? or is there another gnome-tool you recommend? | 10:52 |
cfhowlett | command line and 18.04 is supported in #ubuntu+1 as it's not even released yet. | 10:53 |
curly | thx | 10:53 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! | 10:53 |
anddam | didn't the control panel allow that since a few version back? | 10:57 |
max_max | !list | 11:03 |
ubottu | max_max: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 11:03 |
cfhowlett | anddam, it still does | 11:03 |
Viktor | Hello, can I get some dual boot support in this channel? | 11:10 |
cfhowlett | Viktor, yes. | 11:10 |
cfhowlett | !dualboot | 11:11 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 11:11 |
Viktor | Cool, I have already made the installation and I have both Ubuntu 17.10 and Windows 10 installed, but Im having troubles booting them using the same BIOS settings | 11:11 |
cfhowlett | !uefi | 11:12 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 11:12 |
cfhowlett | I suspect your issue might be uefi but someone with more experience should speak up | 11:12 |
Viktor | Right now I can start Windows 10 if I use the UEFI boot manager and have SATA operation set to RAID on, but then I cant boot ubuntu. If I instead use SATA operation set to AHCI I can boot Ubuntu perfectly fine using grub but cant boot Windows (It gets stuck in bitlocker recovery) | 11:13 |
Viktor | So my current situation is I have to switch between SATA operation modes to be able to switch between the OS's | 11:14 |
Viktor | Anyone know somewhere I can get help with this particular problem? | 11:15 |
Viktor | I would make a forum post but the forums seems to be down | 11:15 |
ducasse | Viktor: you are right, the bios typically needs to be set to ahci for ubuntu to work, raid mode won't | 11:17 |
Viktor | So there is noway around having to switch between these modes to boot? | 11:17 |
Viktor | Shouldnt Windows be able to work with ahci? | 11:18 |
ducasse | yes, but i don't know if it has to be installed in that mode or if you can switch it | 11:19 |
Viktor | Oh ok, I got Windows preinstalled | 11:20 |
Viktor | But I guess they used the RAID option | 11:20 |
ducasse | very likely, i get the impression they often do that | 11:21 |
ducasse | i would ask in ##windows if anyone knows how to change it without reinstalling windows | 11:22 |
Viktor | So I need to use UEFI boot manager and SATA operation set to RAID to boot windows, and GRUB with SATA operation set to AHCI to boot Ubuntu unless I can switch Windows to work with AHCI instead of RAID, correct? | 11:23 |
ducasse | yep, that's about right | 11:23 |
Viktor | Alright, thank you | 11:23 |
causative | 17.10 - software updater popped up a window as I was typing and instantly installed the updates without asking for a password. Should I be concerned? Shouldn't it take a password? | 11:42 |
causative | I didn't even get a chance to read the updates before they installed, is it possible my system is compromised? | 11:43 |
causative | or is this just how updates work now? | 11:43 |
EoflaOE | causative: your system is not compromised. The packages are being updated. You might have pressed space while the system updater appears. Do not interrupt. | 11:46 |
auronandace | causative: it only asks for a password if a new packages need to be installed (usually an updated kernel) | 11:46 |
causative | thanks! | 11:48 |
EoflaOE | you are welcome | 11:48 |
simpledat | Hi | 12:11 |
simpledat | Full Disk Encryption + Home folder encryption needed? Since Ubuntu doesn't use a separate partition for the Home folder (afaik), wouldnt full disk encryption already cover the Home folder? Does adding Home folder encryption add more security of some kind? | 12:11 |
TJ- | simpledat: FDE is for power-off protection, home directory encryption is for power-on but user-logged-off protection | 12:14 |
simpledat | TJ-: Ok thank you | 12:15 |
ircfan | hello, where can "ufw" related topics be talked about? | 12:16 |
tomreyn | if it's about ufw on supported ubuntu release, here is fine. | 12:17 |
ircfan | i think its a specialized version - ubuntu 16.04.3 server | 12:18 |
TJ- | ircfan: UFW is the same | 12:20 |
ircfan | i am wondering how i could allow http and https from geoip location germany, austria and suisse and deny everything else | 12:20 |
steganos | hello | 12:21 |
steganos | i need help | 12:21 |
TJ- | ircfan: via UFW I'm not sure; using raw 'iptables' it's just a case of using the geoip module | 12:21 |
steganos | so my nvidia gt650 m keeps crashing on ubuntu 16.4 | 12:22 |
steganos | any suggestions | 12:23 |
steganos | i even tried to rebuild the kernel modules | 12:23 |
steganos | using dracut | 12:24 |
steganos | but of no luck | 12:24 |
steganos | can anybody help here | 12:24 |
tomreyn | steganos: can you describe 'crashing' more closely, which driver are you using, what's in your logs (syslog + Xorg.*.log*)? | 12:26 |
steganos | yes | 12:27 |
steganos | wait sir | 12:27 |
steganos | nouveau for gt650m | 12:30 |
johannes1966 | Hello | 12:36 |
jk^ | hi all, i've opened vlc media player->Open folder but it doesn't let me open external hard disk connected by usb :\ This drive doesn't appear in the window to choose folders :\ | 12:42 |
tomreyn | jk^: so it's probably not mounted, yet. do you see it in 'df -h' output or can you see files on it on your preferred file browser? | 12:45 |
tomreyn | "ls /media/$USER" should list it and in there you should see the files on it. | 12:51 |
mispp | anyone ever had time-out during boot on local filesystem? i have btrfs, quite big volume, that somehow doesn't properly mount - sometimes. | 12:59 |
mispp | some hints? | 13:00 |
tomreyn | run fsck on the unmounted file system, check !smart data | 13:02 |
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BluesKaj | Hey folks | 13:13 |
=== pal_ is now known as pally | ||
mispp | tomreyn: both fine. funny enough, this didn't happen on 16.04, but on 17.10 it does. | 13:27 |
simpledat | A critical error has occurred while running the virtual machine and the machine execution has been stopped. | 13:28 |
simpledat | What is this about? | 13:28 |
s10gopal | how to disable dedicated gfx from bios insydeh20 | 13:32 |
cfhowlett | s10gopal, not an ubuntu thing at all. go into your bios. hit the off switch | 13:33 |
s10gopal | cfhowlett: i did it from bios but ubuntu still detect it | 13:34 |
cfhowlett | did you save the change to bios before you rebooted? | 13:34 |
s10gopal | yes | 13:34 |
=== menace is now known as Deknos | ||
s10gopal | how to disable dedicated gfx from bios insydeh20 | 13:52 |
existenz | hey, i'm having a problem importing a mysql backup database with utf8mb4_general_ci collation, i seem to lose my utf8 characters, adding new ones work fine though, just the import is messed up | 14:03 |
existenz | not quite sure what the problem is.. i do the same thing on my local server where i have xampp installed and it's all fine, but on my vps on ubuntu it just doesn't work right, i don't have xampp on the vps though, just standard apache, mysql, phpmyadmin setup | 14:04 |
existenz | anyone know what could be the problem? it's all basically standard setup | 14:05 |
=== Richard is now known as Guest11961 | ||
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s10gopal_ | how to list gfx card ? | 14:28 |
EriC^^ | s10gopal_: lspci | 14:32 |
s10gopal_ | EriC^^: i have disabled dedicated gfx from bios but still this cmd show amd | 14:33 |
azizLIGHT | can latest ubuntu or lts respond to media next or media previous keys (next track/ previous track) on lock screen? | 14:33 |
EriC^^ | s10gopal_: try 'lshw -c video' | 14:34 |
s10gopal_ | EriC^^: vga compatable controller is intel display controller is amd | 14:35 |
EriC^^ | does it say anything next to driver= ? | 14:35 |
s10gopal__ | EriC^^: | 14:37 |
JoeLlama | okay so to install updates on a ubuntu computer is pretty easy right? sudo apt-get install apt-offline | 14:39 |
JoeLlama | I dunno if I like the idea of creating a signature file first, I'd rather just pick and choose the update files I wanna download but I guess this is the way it works. | 14:40 |
tomreyn | JoeLlama: sudo apt full-upgrade | 14:40 |
JoeLlama | anyone have comments on how difficult this is to do? | 14:40 |
JoeLlama | oh full-upgrade? | 14:40 |
JoeLlama | I will look that up | 14:40 |
tomreyn | JoeLlama: apt-offline if for when you have no internet connection | 14:40 |
JoeLlama | yes no internet access | 14:41 |
JoeLlama | or in this case, a network that NEVER touches the internet right tomreyn? | 14:41 |
tomreyn | JoeLlama: yes, anything airgapped | 14:42 |
JoeLlama | and of course in this case doesn't matter what platform, debian, ubuntu, redhat, all the same right? easy peasy. | 14:42 |
JoeLlama | airgapped... | 14:42 |
JoeLlama | k | 14:42 |
s10gopal_ | uefi vs legacy , which should i choose ? | 14:44 |
JoeLlama | okay and moving right along... anyone here use VLC? I keep hearing about MPlayer people seem to like that but I'm a long time fan of VLC plus VLC supports CrystalHD video decoder hardware. | 14:45 |
JoeLlama | any comments on VLC and issues that people have had? It just seems to work pretty good and comes with lots of codecs | 14:45 |
JoeLlama | hey A_D | 14:46 |
abdelghani | hello | 14:46 |
tomreyn | most people here won't respond to polls. | 14:46 |
akik | JoeLlama: what problem do you have with vlc? | 14:46 |
JoeLlama | ah ok tomreyn | 14:46 |
JoeLlama | so far akik none :) but I just want the best player for ubuntu | 14:47 |
=== s10gopal_ is now known as qwertfcfe | ||
akik | JoeLlama: ok... | 14:47 |
abdelghani | anyone know the channel for security (CTF) | 14:47 |
pepee | is anyone having a really odd problem, where the system keeps eating memory for no apparent reason whatsoever? | 14:47 |
pepee | abdelghani, ##security | 14:47 |
tomreyn | !alis | abdelghani | 14:48 |
ubottu | abdelghani: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 14:48 |
JoeLlama | what is your favorite player akik? | 14:48 |
akik | JoeLlama: you should choose the video player that works for YOU | 14:48 |
brainwash | pepee: and you can't tell what is hogging memory? | 14:48 |
JoeLlama | yes yes and that is the goal... I am trying to find the one that works for me akik... what is the player that works for you? :) | 14:49 |
s10gopal | uefi or legacy , which should i choose ? | 14:49 |
akik | JoeLlama: windows media player. satisfied? | 14:49 |
JoeLlama | neato :) heh | 14:49 |
JoeLlama | but does that run under linux? :/ | 14:49 |
JoeLlama | personally Idon't care for media player it's weird | 14:49 |
brainwash | !ot | 14:49 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:49 |
pepee | brainwash, yep, tried looking for programs eating too much shared memory, then some kernel modules, then I disabled all the graphics stuff, then I reverted to a previous kernel version... and I still haven't found a thing | 14:50 |
JoeLlama | ok so far what I am seeing is MPlayer is the preferred player for ubuntu.... I will research MPlayer too then. | 14:50 |
pepee | brainwash, shared memory usage keeps growing at a 1MB/s rate | 14:51 |
brainwash | pepee: did you use any particular program to check memory usage? | 14:51 |
pepee | brainwash, htop, ipcs, top, free, sar, ... | 14:51 |
JoeLlama | for MPlayer you need to install the codec packages from what I am finding. Something I don't need to do for VLC. I will also research the codec packages for MPlayer. Thanks akik :) | 14:51 |
brainwash | ok | 14:51 |
pepee | some kernel stuff | 14:52 |
pepee | nothing shows the source of the leak | 14:52 |
brainwash | any messages in the system log? | 14:52 |
pepee | it scares me that my system could have been compromised, but rkhunter shows nothing at all | 14:52 |
TJ- | pepee: have you checked if /tmp is on a tmpfs (or any file-systems) ? | 14:52 |
Walex | pepee: welcome to web browsers and crappily written applications | 14:53 |
pepee | Walex, I disabled all the graphic programs, including the kernel module itself | 14:54 |
pepee | it still kept happening | 14:54 |
pepee | TJ-, checking rn | 14:54 |
TJ- | pepee: and how are you determining that memory is being 'eaten' ? What tool(s) | 14:55 |
pepee | htop and the memory indicator in KDE | 14:55 |
pepee | the last one tells me it's shared memory | 14:55 |
pepee | also, the system starts thrashing when it's out of mem... and NONE of my programs is eating 3+ GB of RAM | 14:56 |
jatt | KDE is a memory hog 🐖 | 14:57 |
pepee | .. | 14:57 |
TJ- | pepee: does it happen if you boot with -- i.e. dont' start the GUI? | 14:57 |
jatt | exactly | 14:57 |
pepee | again, I disabled the radeon module and all the graphic programs | 14:58 |
pepee | disabled sddm, blacklisted radeon, only used the ttys to check the system | 14:58 |
jatt | boot in single user mode | 14:59 |
pepee | disabled some other kernel modules just to check if they could be the problem... nothing | 14:59 |
pepee | TJ-, tmp isn't mounted as tmpfs | 14:59 |
TJ- | pepee: OK, so you need to look at which system services are running, because it's unusual the culprit is likely to be something you've installed that isn't part of a default install | 14:59 |
jk^ | tomreyn, <tomreyn> jk^: so it's probably not mounted, yet. do you see it in 'df -h' output or can you see files on it on your preferred file browser? | 14:59 |
jk^ | yes, it is mounted | 14:59 |
jatt | I get the culprit is KDE's nepomuk bs | 15:00 |
jatt | bet | 15:00 |
pepee | TJ-, when I killed the DE, no process was using that much memory | 15:00 |
pepee | jatt, I disabled it | 15:00 |
TJ- | pepee: any LXC/LXD/docker containers or VMs running ? | 15:00 |
pepee | a long time ago | 15:00 |
jatt | well done | 15:00 |
=== semeion is now known as mnemonic | ||
pepee | TJ-, they are installed, but I also killed those services | 15:01 |
pepee | this is the oddest thing that has ever happened to me | 15:02 |
pepee | in my ~10 years using linux, I've been able to fix most problems and find workarounds for other ones... | 15:03 |
pepee | this time, not even shutting down the DE and reverting the kernel fixed it | 15:03 |
TJ- | pepee: anything out of the ordinary in the kernel log? | 15:04 |
Walex | pepee: try this: sudo lsof | egrep ' (mem|mmap) ' | egrep -v '/usr/(lib|share)' | sort -k 7,7n | tail -20 | 15:05 |
TJ- | pepee: IS the system using any unusual file systems? overlayfs, aufs ? | 15:07 |
pepee | lemme share some logs with oyu | 15:07 |
pepee | *you | 15:07 |
JoeLlama | how do I install VLC offline? | 15:08 |
s10gopal | uefi or legacy mode which one should i choose ? only want to install ubuntu 15 6th gen 12gb ram 120gb ssd (laptop with insydeH20) | 15:08 |
pepee | JoeLlama, download the .deb manually and copy it to the target machine, then install it by double clicking on the file, or by using dpkg -i as root | 15:14 |
pepee | s10gopal, legacy, I guess. | 15:14 |
JoeLlama | ok thanks for the help guys! :) | 15:14 |
TJ- | !apt-offline | JoeLlama | 15:14 |
pepee | s10gopal, mine is a laptop with insydeH20, too | 15:14 |
TJ- | !info apt-offline | JoeLlama | 15:15 |
ubottu | JoeLlama: apt-offline (source: apt-offline): offline APT package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1 (artful), package size 45 kB, installed size 223 kB | 15:15 |
JoeLlama | hrm? | 15:15 |
pepee | TJ-, Walex | 15:15 |
JoeLlama | oh yes thanks TJ- :) | 15:15 |
JoeLlama | I got that part but apparently it's a bit of a process they don't have a single type of update or installation from what I am reading | 15:15 |
s10gopal | TJ-: found anything ? | 15:15 |
JoeLlama | I'll figure it out though.,, | 15:15 |
JoeLlama | bbl | 15:15 |
md84 | hi i'm trying to disable font ligatures in xubuntu. i tried the solution from | 15:19 |
md84 | but that didn't work. is there some other way to disable ligatures. i do NOT want to disable hinting though | 15:19 |
md84 | the font i'm using is Monaco on xubuntu 16.04. application MousePad. the font renders without ligatures in Emacs | 15:19 |
md84 | thanks for any information on how to fix or investigate this further. | 15:19 |
pepee | guess I'll have to do some forensics on my own system :( | 15:23 |
BosSKurT | hello | 15:25 |
Walex | md84: 'mousepad' uses Pango and Cairo to render text so probably something there, else it is application specific | 15:25 |
calogero | Hi all | 15:30 |
existenz | hey, how do i update mariadb from 10.0 to latest? i get this when i try to update: This installation of MySQL is already upgraded to 10.0.33-MariaDB | 15:32 |
Walex | md84: well it turns out that Pango will use unconditionally any ligatures that a font has, so your only option is to edit the fontfile you are using to remove them (property "liga" I think). | 15:32 |
md84 | thanks Walex. i'll look into fontfile editing. | 15:33 |
tomreyn | existenz: there's no package by the name of "mariadb" in ubuntu, maybe you're using a third party repository? | 15:33 |
existenz | @tomreyn yeah, i think i had to update the repo | 15:43 |
existenz | trying to update now.. | 15:43 |
existenz | stuck at 92% lol | 15:45 |
s10gopal | for ubuntu which one is better uefi or bios ? | 15:48 |
jsubl2 | s10gopal: is personal preference. google uefi vs legacy | 15:50 |
lotuspsychje | s10gopal: dualboot or singleboot ubuntu? | 15:50 |
s10gopal | lotuspsychje: single boot | 15:51 |
lotuspsychje | s10gopal: if your system has uefi, for singleboot ubuntu you need to disable fastboot & secureboot | 15:52 |
s10gopal | lotuspsychje: which one should i choose , uefi or legacy mode ? | 15:52 |
lotuspsychje | s10gopal: legacy | 15:53 |
s10gopal | lotuspsychje: thx | 15:54 |
calico | How can I decrypt an AES file in 17.10? | 16:06 |
Nova_ | hello | 16:10 |
lotuspsychje | Nova_: welcome, how can we help you | 16:10 |
Nova_ | hello | 16:10 |
Nova_ | Whats up man | 16:12 |
jatt | calico: ccrypt | 16:12 |
Nova_ | what ? | 16:12 |
lotuspsychje | Nova_: only ubuntu support here please | 16:12 |
Nova_ | okay | 16:13 |
Nova_ | Are there channel for kali linux ? | 16:13 |
ducasse | !kali | 16:14 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on, Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) | 16:14 |
calico | jatt, thanks, only really old threads come up when googling | 16:14 |
curlyears9 | I am haveing a new, realtively disturbing problem. My machine is suddenly locking up, accepting no input other than ctrl-Q. I have to manually reset the machine each time. It's to that poiint where it's happening about every ten minutes of run time. | 16:14 |
curlyears9 | 16.04.4LTS | 16:15 |
jatt | calico: it's also possible with openssl | 16:15 |
curlyears9 | any hints, thoughts? | 16:15 |
=== curlyears9 is now known as curlyears | ||
athornfam2 | Anyone having issues posting messages to | 16:17 |
curlyears | please? I am also having issues with fiewfox locking up when thunderbird opens a web page associated with an email message. Notevery time, no clear parttern to when it will or won't occur | 16:19 |
jatt | can you access the machine with ssh when it's locked up? | 16:20 |
victorbjelkholm | hey people, I'm having a disturbing issue that I can't seem to fix. I'm trying to figure out why my mouse cursor lags when switching tabs in a browser (chrome or firefox) and between windows in awesomewm sometimes. I've tried everything I could figure out to try, like switching cables between the monitor, different resoltuions, different nvidia/nouveau drivers, different kernel version and now I'm stuck, I | 16:20 |
victorbjelkholm | still have the same issue. I did not have this issue on 16.04 but happened when I did a fresh install for 17.10. I have a nvidia gtx 1080ti and i7-7700K CPU so doesn't feel like I should hit any bottlenecks when just switching tabs.... It seems to be related to something with the GPU, as switching tabs gives me the lag but doing a lot of work for the CPU doesn't affect it. Can someone guide me to troubleshoot | 16:20 |
victorbjelkholm | this issue? | 16:20 |
victorbjelkholm | I don't even know where to start digging for gpu performance troubleshooting | 16:21 |
curlyears | this problem manifests itselg as a white screen with black kettering, telling me "Oops, this window has crashed. Sending copy to mozzilla. etc., ect." Then it gives me a choice of killing the app or restarting the windw. | 16:21 |
curlyears | *wow* and I thought *I* wrote long posting!!! :) | 16:23 |
curlyears | +s | 16:23 |
lotuspsychje | victorbjelkholm: nvidia + wayland is no go | 16:23 |
victorbjelkholm | lotuspsychje: I'm using x + awesomewm | 16:23 |
lotuspsychje | victorbjelkholm: xorg with nouveau? | 16:24 |
athornfam2 | Well I keep getting a "You don't have permission to access /newreply.php on this server"..... | 16:24 |
victorbjelkholm | afaik, $XDG_SESSION_TYPE is set to x11 | 16:24 |
victorbjelkholm | lotuspsychje: I've tried nvidia's drivers and nouveau, both with xorg and same issue | 16:24 |
victorbjelkholm | also tried multiple versions of nvidia drivers to no avail | 16:25 |
lotuspsychje | victorbjelkholm: how much ram do you have? | 16:28 |
victorbjelkholm | lotuspsychje: 16gb | 16:28 |
lotuspsychje | plenty for gnome | 16:28 |
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victorbjelkholm | I'm running awesomewm, but xfce gives me the same issue so doesn't seem related to the window manager | 16:29 |
calico | jatt, isnt there something similar to kleopatra for aes? That would be crazy. Crrypt seems to not work for me, for whatever reason, it always says that the password doesnt match | 16:30 |
lotuspsychje | victorbjelkholm: did it run smooth on gnome+xorg+nouveau? | 16:30 |
victorbjelkholm | haven't tried that, replaced gnome with awesomewm before I could. Will try it out and report back | 16:31 |
auronandace | victorbjelkholm: you didn't experience the issue in 16.04 so were you using the default kernel + xorg combo or did you use the hwe updated kernel and xorg? | 16:32 |
lotuspsychje | victorbjelkholm: also your on .1 of 17.10? | 16:32 |
victorbjelkholm | auronandace: pretty sure it was the default kernel, as I don't know what a hwe updated kernel is | 16:32 |
victorbjelkholm | lotuspsychje: no, 17.10 | 16:32 |
lotuspsychje | victorbjelkholm: ah, better update to latest first mate | 16:33 |
victorbjelkholm | aight, I'll try that. Thanks! | 16:33 |
auronandace | !hwe | 16:33 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 16:33 |
auronandace | victorbjelkholm: if you try the enablement stack on the lts and then suffer the same problems as a fresh 17.10 install then that suggests the issue lies either in the newer kernel or xorg | 16:35 |
lostMeUbuntu | hi all. so.. if you installed ubuntu with btrfs and /home on a separate partition.. how you gonna get to your /data in home if that peticular install won't boot no more? | 16:35 |
victorbjelkholm | auronandace: ok, I'll try it out. Thanks | 16:36 |
curlyears | gott go.......BCNU L8R | 16:38 |
lostMeUbuntu | i can read the root partition files, which is btrfs. but looks like the /home partition acts as if it is encrypted. | 16:40 |
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JoeLlama | how do I install apt-offline on a system that is offline? | 16:47 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: download the deb file and the dependencies and use "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/files/*.deb" | 16:48 |
ducking | JoeLlama, offline as in not connected to Internet AND Intranet? | 16:48 |
JoeLlama | I have a stand-alone box no wired or wireless connections EVER | 16:48 |
JoeLlama | there is quite the learning curve | 16:49 |
ducking | JoeLlama, understood. EriC^^ solution is probably most appropriate. | 16:49 |
JoeLlama | o k but I don't quite understand the path | 16:49 |
JoeLlama | I will use a signature file I guess also | 16:49 |
ducking | /wherever/your/files/are/located | 16:50 |
JoeLlama | what files ducking? | 16:50 |
ducking | The packages you want to install. | 16:50 |
EriC^^ | the .deb files you want to install from | 16:51 |
JoeLlama | oh ok so pick anyplace? any directory>? | 16:51 |
JoeLlama | what is the most logical place to choose> | 16:51 |
ducasse | lostMeUbuntu: are there any files/dirs in /home? | 16:51 |
ducking | Put on USB -> Mount USB - > Navigate to USB | 16:51 |
JoeLlama | oh! | 16:51 |
ducking | :^) | 16:51 |
JoeLlama | ok :) so like how to I find the usb path? | 16:51 |
ducking | If it auto mounts I believe it will be under /media/ somewhere. | 16:52 |
JoeLlama | neat thanks :) | 16:52 |
ducking | JoeLlama, best of luck! :D Holla back if something arises (haven't had a use case for this, so it's interesting to learn) | 16:52 |
JoeLlama | oh sweet so it also uses the volume label in the path ducking? | 16:53 |
ducking | JoeLlama, nifty eh? :) | 16:54 |
JoeLlama | sweet | 16:55 |
lostMeUbuntu | ducasse: there are for sure. but all i can see in caja are to referring files. | 16:55 |
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson | ||
JoeLlama | what if two usb drives have the same volume label (just curious) | 16:55 |
gopal | Error when installing ubuntu from pendrive | 16:55 |
gopal_ | after this error blank screen | 16:55 |
gopal_ | black | 16:55 |
ducking | JoeLlama, haven't encountered that so your guess is as good as mine :P I'm sure it's handled somehow though. | 16:56 |
ducasse | lostMeUbuntu: what do you mean by 'referring files' - symlinks? | 16:56 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: it usually just adds a (1) at the end | 16:56 |
JoeLlama | welp that didn't work (: | 16:56 |
JoeLlama | oh wait duh | 16:57 |
lostMeUbuntu | ducasse: i think so. they have an arrow. one is called: Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop | 16:57 |
JoeLlama | ok so like... I did like EriC^^ said and I get a > prompt | 16:58 |
ducasse | lostMeUbuntu: aha, then they're encrypted with ecryptfs. | 16:58 |
gopal_ | what should i do? | 16:58 |
lostMeUbuntu | the other is a 'readme.txt' file | 16:58 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: did you put quotes in it? | 16:58 |
ducasse | lostMeUbuntu: | 16:58 |
JoeLlama | oh yeah but now it says no such directory or path :/ | 16:59 |
lostMeUbuntu | ducasse: oh good lord! somebody told me it would be no problem accessing with just any live usb session. but that wont do i guess? | 16:59 |
ducking | JoeLlama, perhaps just cd to the directory and try from there? | 17:00 |
lostMeUbuntu | btw tnx for the link ducasse | 17:01 |
JoeLlama | I'm installing VLC. it was easy on the Wifi box | 17:01 |
gopal_ | should i disable tpm? | 17:01 |
JoeLlama | hrm... cd to the directory... is the the directory where I wanna put the VLC files or ... | 17:01 |
JoeLlama | maybe I'm trying to do to much too fast | 17:01 |
ducking | JoeLlama, where the packages you want to install are. | 17:02 |
ducking | cd /media/yourusb | 17:02 |
ducking | then sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 17:02 |
ducking | Inside of that folder | 17:02 |
JoeLlama | I dunno where the packages are ducking | 17:02 |
JoeLlama | I assume they are online | 17:02 |
ducasse | lostMeUbuntu: if it's encrypted with ecryptfs things are a bit more complicated | 17:02 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: what are you trying to install? apt-offline? | 17:03 |
ducasse | lostMeUbuntu: as you can see :) | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | !info apt-offline | 17:03 |
ubottu | apt-offline (source: apt-offline): offline APT package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1 (artful), package size 45 kB, installed size 223 kB | 17:03 |
JoeLlama | yes I guess I will need that first EriC^^ | 17:03 |
JoeLlama | so I guess I am trying to install apt-offline first | 17:03 |
JoeLlama | new users are frustrating huh | 17:03 |
gopal_ | Error when installing ubuntu from pendrive | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: nah i'm trying to figure out what you're trying to do ultimately | 17:04 |
JoeLlama | ultimately I want to install VLC to a box that is completely isolated from any wire or wifi | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: you want to install apt-offline to be able to install other packages without an internet connection? i've never used apt-offline before | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | aha | 17:04 |
JoeLlama | yes | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | let's see 'what apt-cache show vlc' lists for the dependencies | 17:05 |
JoeLlama | I have boxes that NEVER touch a wire | 17:05 |
gopal_ | plz | 17:05 |
gopal_ | !ping | 17:05 |
ubottu | pong! | 17:05 |
EriC^^ | wow, it has a lot of dependencies :D | 17:05 |
JoeLlama | I do have a ubuntu box that has wifi | 17:05 |
gopal_ | disabled tmp too | 17:06 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: apt-offline needs these packages python-argparse and python-magic | 17:06 |
JoeLlama | 'um.. o k | 17:07 |
ducking | EriC^^, have you used docker? Doesn't docker make "portable" applications? | 17:07 |
gopal_ | EriC^^: what should i do? | 17:07 |
JoeLlama | I guess I need to read up a bit more first EriC^^ | 17:07 |
JoeLlama | thanks for the help :) | 17:07 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: on the same version of the pc, do "apt-cache show apt-offline" look at the Depends field | 17:08 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest29206 | ||
JoeLlama | yeah it's going to take more time than I have atm | 17:08 |
JoeLlama | I will get back to this | 17:08 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: you're practically there | 17:08 |
JoeLlama | oh> | 17:08 |
JoeLlama | well I have to do things like eat and fix a ferris wheel so... | 17:08 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: which ubuntu version is the pc that's offline? | 17:08 |
JoeLlama | it's the latest | 17:08 |
JoeLlama | 17 something or another | 17:09 |
EriC^^ | and the pc you're on right now? same version? | 17:09 |
JoeLlama | no this is windows crap | 17:09 |
JoeLlama | but I have another that has 16.04 on it with wifi | 17:09 |
JoeLlama | I am used to just downloading files and instaling them | 17:09 |
JoeLlama | this is a new world for me | 17:09 |
JoeLlama | if there is a way I can just download some kind of zip file I am good | 17:10 |
gopal_ | lotuspsychje: Error when installing ubuntu from pendrive | 17:10 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: hmm, well on the 17.10 one, type "apt-cache show apt-offline" get the dependencies from the Depends line and then run 'apt-cache show python-magic' for example, and look at the Filename line, that's the link to where you can download it manually and use dpkg to install them all | 17:10 |
EriC^^ | JoeLlama: like pool/universe/f/file/python-magic_5.25-2ubuntu1_all.deb means it's at --> pool --> universe etc | 17:11 |
JoeLlama | umm... ok I will copy / paste that to a file for later use... believe it or not I really do have an amusement ride to go fix | 17:11 |
JoeLlama | far from here | 17:11 |
JoeLlama | so thanks EriC^^ I will catch up later | 17:11 |
JoeLlama | and I will do some reading on the subject oo | 17:11 |
JoeLlama | too | 17:11 |
ducking | JoeLlama, check that out | 17:11 |
EriC^^ | ducking: nope, i've never used it before :| | 17:11 |
ducking | !apt-zip | 17:12 |
JoeLlama | ok thanks ducking too | 17:12 |
JoeLlama | gotta go for a bit gotta get ready | 17:12 |
ducking | !info apt-zip | 17:12 |
ubottu | Package apt-zip does not exist in artful | 17:12 |
JoeLlama | afk | 17:12 |
ducking | !info aptzip | 17:13 |
ubottu | Package aptzip does not exist in artful | 17:13 |
ducking | Hm.... wonder if it was merged with something. | 17:15 |
ducking | | 17:15 |
gopal_ | Error when installing ubuntu from pendrive | 17:15 |
ducking | Anyways, good luck! :] | 17:15 |
gopal_ | 17:15 | |
lotuspsychje | ducking: apt can download packages with apt download or something | 17:16 |
lotuspsychje | ducking: stores them ad .deb | 17:17 |
lotuspsychje | as | 17:17 |
ducking | Right on lotuspsychje, JoeLlama was looking for a solution to install VLC on a non-networked machine. | 17:18 |
ducking | lotuspsychje, I was thinking maybe docker would be a quick solution? Doesn't it create "portable" applications? | 17:18 |
=== hal9000 is now known as Guest84170 | ||
gopal_ | after clear security settings , error dont occur but still black screen | 17:29 |
gopal_ | anyone online ? | 17:34 |
LumumbaGaplyk | Not only lonely))) | 17:35 |
smoked0g | kind of | 17:35 |
gopal_ | Error when installing ubuntu from pendrive | 17:35 |
LumumbaGaplyk | Why don't try install from Live FLASH ? | 17:37 |
gopal_ | thats wht i am trying | 17:38 |
LumumbaGaplyk | what's about alternate .iso? | 17:38 |
badboyjer | sup | 17:45 |
aegis | Anyone want to play Cards Against Humanity in #bitcoin-dating | 17:59 |
tomreyn | !offtopic | aegis | 18:03 |
ubottu | aegis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 18:03 |
JamesB | Hello. I just upgraded from Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 14.04, and am finding that all AppArmor profiles with 'network' declarations are not working. dmesg shows DENIED with operation create for family inet, sock_type dgram etc. Any idea what is wrong and how I can fix this? The server has quite a few AppArmor profiles. Disabling them is not an option. | 18:05 |
lotuspsychje | JamesB: 12.04 is eol, pretty risky to keep using your system this way | 18:06 |
tomreyn | ...unless you had ESM | 18:07 |
lotuspsychje | hey ioria | 18:07 |
JamesB | That's why I just upgraded to 14.04... | 18:07 |
ioria | lotuspsychje, hi lotus ... | 18:07 |
lotuspsychje | JamesB: yes, but 12.04 has been eol risky for security holes would you still trust your system? | 18:08 |
tomreyn | JamesB: consider doing another upgrade to 16.04, since that'll change a lot more things and maybe your profiles will start working again, or fail entirely. ;-) | 18:08 |
lotuspsychje | JamesB: i would clean install in your case | 18:08 |
tomreyn | i agree, clean install is a better option | 18:08 |
JamesB | It's not the profile. I wrote them and they allow network just fine. It's Ubuntu. Why is AppArmor network broken? | 18:09 |
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JamesB | and what is the workaround? Thanks | 18:12 |
tomreyn | | 18:12 |
tomreyn | might help | 18:12 |
tomreyn | after a dist-upgrade, don't expect every customization you made to work out of the box. | 18:14 |
tomreyn | s/dist-upgrade/ubuntu release upgrade/ | 18:14 |
=== [1]KrisWood is now known as KrisWood | ||
KrisWood | Hello everyone. I'm trying to get SSH working on my ubuntu machine for remote connections so I can fiddle with it while I'm out and about. I can connect to it just fine on the local network, and I've got port forwarding set up, but when I try to connect from an external network I get a "Connection Refused" error. How can I troubleshoot this? | 18:15 |
tomreyn | KrisWood: does the computer you run ssh on have a public ip address? | 18:16 |
tomreyn | KrisWood: sorry, that's irrelevant if you have port forwarding setup properly. | 18:17 |
KrisWood | tomreyn, no, the public IP is on the router, which has port forwarding set up to one of the ports on the ubuntu machine | 18:17 |
tomreyn | KrisWood: my guess is that you haven't though. watch /var/log/auth.log while you try to connect | 18:17 |
KrisWood | ok | 18:18 |
KrisWood | Nothing hits the auth log | 18:19 |
KrisWood | last thing in there is connecting via ssh on the local network | 18:20 |
tomreyn | KrisWood: you can also test this with netcat to simplify the test case. stop the ssh server, then run: "sudo nc -vvl PORT", replacing 'PORT' by the port your ssh server listens on (22 by default). then on the remote system / the system going through port forwarding, run "nc -vv YOURPUBLICIPADDRESS YOURPUBLICFORWARDEDPORT" - and replace those upper case strings accordingly. | 18:20 |
tomreyn | KrisWood: also in case you are testing from within the same network you need to be aware that there are routers which won't let you connect to the internet and back into the lan via port forwarding. | 18:21 |
tomreyn | so be sure to test from outside / use a proxy / shell running remotely. | 18:21 |
KrisWood | nc: Address already in use | 18:22 |
tomreyn | you didnt stop the sshd then or something else is still running there | 18:22 |
lotuspsychje | KrisWood: firewall/router could block? | 18:22 |
KrisWood | oh right didn't stop sshd | 18:22 |
KrisWood | how do I do that? | 18:22 |
tomreyn | sudo service ssh stop | 18:23 |
KrisWood | thanks | 18:23 |
KrisWood | netcat is listening now | 18:23 |
crazygary | will i get yelled at if i ask somewhat stupid questions? | 18:24 |
KrisWood | crazygary, not by me ;) | 18:24 |
tomreyn | crazygary: only if the stupid is not ubuntu support related. | 18:24 |
tomreyn | *question | 18:24 |
KrisWood | tomreyn, nothing hitting netcat either | 18:25 |
crazygary | afirm, thanks | 18:25 |
tomreyn | KrisWood: so either the port forwarding doesn't work properly or your(or another) router / firewall prevents you from connecting | 18:26 |
KrisWood | ok I'll try opening a different port | 18:26 |
KrisWood | Oh hey, the router shows two devices with the same IP... | 18:30 |
ioria | no good | 18:30 |
tomreyn | this sounds wrong | 18:31 |
crazygary | release renew dhcp on router perhaps? | 18:31 |
KrisWood | I was messing with trying to get a cisco vWLC running on this machine and at one point I created an OVS bridge and moved the IP address to the bridge | 18:34 |
KrisWood | but the router kept both on the same IP | 18:34 |
KrisWood | brb | 18:34 |
lotuspsychje | KrisWood: nmap can also help you define wich ports open/filtered from remote | 18:38 |
rs3 | Hello...installing Ubuntu 17.10 desktop and though I installed in UEFI mode and created an EFI system partition, my laptop does not see the efiboot entry. I can avoid this by letting Ubuntu partition itself, but I fear I must be missing something when doing my own partitioning scheme in the installer. Any suggestions? Thanks! | 18:40 |
lotuspsychje | EriC^^: one for you mate ^ | 18:40 |
=== Richard is now known as Guest50861 | ||
strive | rs3: Is your laptop UEFI? | 18:44 |
rs3 | strive: Yes, UEFI and BIOS switchable. Currently running UEFI with Legacy Oproms disabled | 18:44 |
rs3 | strive: for reference, it is a Dell Latitude E5540 | 18:44 |
strive | rs3: Is this a duel-boot with Windows or JUST Ubuntu? | 18:45 |
strive | dual* | 18:45 |
rs3 | My hunch is that there is a command besides update-grub that needs to be executed. (After mounting the installed partitions and chrooting into my install, I can run update-grub successfully...but I don't know what step is missing to register that efi boot stub) | 18:45 |
rs3 | strive: Just Ubuntu | 18:45 |
Imratrojan | hello | 18:46 |
strive | rs3: What tool did you use to create these partitions? | 18:46 |
rs3 | strive: Ubiquity. When going through the install process, I elected to create my own partitions. I have two disks and had a somewhat specific arrangement in mind, which is why I went this route. Prior to running Ubiquity, I used the Disks utility to format the two disks, both GPT. | 18:47 |
strive | Oh. | 18:48 |
bee_real | Does anyone know the best way to do an in-place upgrade of 16.04 to the 18.04 nightly? | 18:48 |
rs3 | strive: The weird thing is...I can just tell Ubiquity to auto-partition and boom, everything will work fine. But then I have a monolithic / (no separate /home partition), a swap partition I don't want, &c...but it'll boot just fine, register the EFI boot stub, all that stuff. If I choose to do it my way, I can't seem to get it to boot; it does not show up as a boot option. | 18:49 |
rs3 | But I do ensure that I create an EFI system partition (250 MB), a /boot partition (not sure if necessary), root, home. It's an apparently valid install otherwise. | 18:50 |
=== bruno is now known as Guest85717 | ||
strive | rs3: Does it have a boot flag? | 18:51 |
rs3 | strive: Good thought...I'll check. | 18:51 |
rs3 | strive: Are you referring specifically to the EFI partition? According to gparted it has boot flags "boot, esp" set | 18:54 |
ioria | rs3, do you have a /EFI/boot/bootx64.efi ? | 18:56 |
rs3 | ioria: I'll check now. Need to mount and chroot again ;) | 18:56 |
strive | rs3: Does your /etc/fstab file contain an UEFI partition? | 18:57 |
strive | afk. | 18:57 |
fresh_install | hey, my laptop does not stay in standby/hibernate anymore and I am currently trying to debug this. dmesg has these acpi events after i tell it to suspend and it wakes up: is there a place with more log info? | 18:58 |
EriC^^ | lotuspsychje: :P | 18:58 |
fresh_install | I issued the standby, it wakes up automatically and i'd like to know what causes this. | 18:59 |
oerheks | fresh_install, maybe some vibration from a passing truck, triggers the mouse, seen that before | 19:00 |
rs3 | strive: /etc/fstab lists the EFI partition though with a UUID identifier: UUID=E600-F7D5 /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1 | 19:01 |
rs3 | ioria: /boot/efi/ is empty. Hmm! | 19:01 |
fresh_install | oerheks: nope. this didnt happen just once. it always happens. | 19:02 |
rs3 | ioria: should it be /EFI/boot as you asked, however? | 19:02 |
ioria | rs3, sudo efibootmgr -v | pastebinit | 19:02 |
fresh_install | also, if you read the logs its almost instant | 19:02 |
strive | Hm, /boot/efi | 19:03 |
s10gopal | is my dedicated gfx card is off ? | 19:04 |
rs3 | ioria: | 19:05 |
rs3 | ioria: appears to just show my bootable DVD drive (using a live CD now) | 19:05 |
ioria | yep, as you can see | 19:05 |
ioria | rs3, ls /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/ | 19:06 |
rs3 | ioria: No such file or directory...I did mount the EFI partition before chrooting but /boot/efi is completely empty | 19:06 |
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rs3 | ioria: That said, I just issued a mount without any options (e.g., specify filetype or other options as seen in /etc/fstab. I can try that and see if it appears) | 19:07 |
ioria | rs3, mount -a , should be enough | 19:08 |
rs3 | ioria: Fair enough. Did that, no change. Still empty | 19:08 |
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ioria | rs3, can you paste sudo parted -l | 19:09 |
lotuspsychje | s10gopal: unclaimed means driver not loaded | 19:10 |
s10gopal | lotuspsychje: i disabled it from bios , | 19:10 |
rs3 | ioria: | 19:10 |
lotuspsychje | s10gopal: then your intel card is working with driver=i915 | 19:11 |
=== sudheendra_ is now known as sudheendra | ||
ioria | rs3, ubuntu on /dev/sda ? | 19:12 |
rs3 | ioria: Actually no...unfortunately my mSATA SSD is on /dev/sdb. sdb1 == efi, sdb2 == boot, sdb3 == root, sdb4 == home, and sda1 == extra storage (VMs and stuff) | 19:13 |
ioria | rs3, sdb2 == boot ? | 19:15 |
rs3 | ioria: yeah. I have a /boot and a /boot/efi. Think that might have tripped Ubiquity up? | 19:15 |
ioria | yep | 19:15 |
rs3 | ioria: Makes sense. Can I salvage this using efibootmgr to write the necessary stuff? | 19:16 |
ioria | rs3, if your disk already contains an ESP it can be used for Ubuntu too | 19:17 |
jerichowasahoax | rs3: you can use your esp as your /boot partition too | 19:18 |
ioria | only 1 ESP per disk, btw | 19:18 |
rs3 | ioria, jerichowasahoax: OK | 19:19 |
ioria | and 1G for boot it's a lot (but ok) | 19:20 |
rs3 | ioria: Yeah. Might do away with the /boot partition | 19:21 |
ioria | given your / only 30.0GB i'll take some space away | 19:22 |
ioria | sorry, nope 219 ? | 19:22 |
gopal | lotuspsychje: ? | 19:23 |
rs3 | ioria: the 219GB is /home | 19:23 |
lotuspsychje | gopal: yes? | 19:23 |
gopal | lotuspsychje: how to turn it off? | 19:23 |
ioria | rs3, so root is 30 ? | 19:23 |
rs3 | ioria: Yup | 19:23 |
ioria | mmm | 19:23 |
lotuspsychje | gopal: turn what off? | 19:23 |
gopal | lotuspsychje: amd gpu | 19:23 |
lotuspsychje | gopal: you said you disabled it from bios? | 19:24 |
gopal | lotuspsychje: yes | 19:24 |
gopal | lotuspsychje: but after installing ubuntu | 19:24 |
lotuspsychje | gopal: card shows whats the issue? | 19:25 |
rs3 | ioria: There's probably little reason for splitting / and /home on a single-user system, I guess...I think for my own curiosity's sake, I might go back and reinstall with just EFI, root, and the storage partition. See if it is bootable afterward. | 19:25 |
gopal | lotuspsychje: still loading | 19:26 |
ioria | rs3, ok | 19:26 |
lotuspsychje | gopal: perhaps try a blacklist? | 19:27 |
rs3 | strive, ioria, jerichowasahoax thank you all for your help! | 19:27 |
gopal | lotuspsychje: how? | 19:27 |
ioria | rs3, you're wellcm | 19:27 |
lotuspsychje | !blacklist | gopal | 19:27 |
ubottu | gopal: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u » | 19:27 |
gopal | lotuspsychje: [ 1.426632] radeon 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003) | 19:27 |
strive | rs3, :) | 19:28 |
=== Menzador31 is now known as Menzador | ||
canaima | hola | 19:30 |
hamoodZX | what's up | 19:30 |
canaima | hello | 19:31 |
wicope | hi, systemd question thanks | 19:37 |
gopal_ | ioria: can you plz help me ? | 19:39 |
ioria | gopal_, about ? | 19:39 |
gopal_ | ioria: is my amd gfx still on ? | 19:40 |
ioria | gopal_, you can check with xrandr --listproviders | 19:40 |
gopal_ | Providers: number : 1 Provider 0: id: 0x44 cap: 0x9, Source Output, Sink Offload crtcs: 3 outputs: 2 associated providers: 0 name:modesetting | 19:41 |
ioria | gopal_, lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' in a pastebinit (not here) | 19:42 |
jonathan_x | wicope: It's because you haven't run "systemctl status ttrss" yet, and "journalctl | grep ttrss" | 19:43 |
gopal_ | ioria: | 19:43 |
ioria | gopal_, you disabled amd in bios or booting with radeon.nomodeset ? | 19:44 |
gopal_ | ioria: in bios + nomod | 19:45 |
ioria | gopal_, ok, i guess is gone (wondering why, tho) | 19:45 |
gopal_ | ioria: and plz tell me how to install it | 19:46 |
ioria | gopal_, why you want an unsupported kernel ? | 19:46 |
gopal_ | ioria: | 19:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,Triaged] | 19:47 |
gopal_ | ioria: [ 1.449810] amdgpu 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003) ? | 19:48 |
ioria | gopal_, you already tested the latest upstream kernel ? | 19:48 |
gopal_ | ioria: yes , it decreased battery drain a little bit | 19:48 |
ioria | gopal_, so, what ? | 19:49 |
gopal_ | ioria: upgraded my laptop hdd so want to install it again | 19:49 |
gopal_ | ioria: and after kernel upgrade , i need to again black list readon and amdgpu? | 19:50 |
ioria | gopal_, well, if you already did it , you know howto : you dl the .debs and sudo dpkg -i *.deb ( linux-image, headers, all for your arch ) but i can't recommend it | 19:51 |
wicope | jonathan_x, thanks here more info | 19:52 |
gopal_ | ioria: i forgot , plz tell again , this time i will note it down | 19:52 |
jonathan_x | wicope: Probably just : /bin/sh -c 'command > file' | 19:52 |
ioria | gopal_, linux-image-4.15.0-041500-generic, linux-headers-4.15.0-041500_4.15.0-041500.201802011154_all.deb, linux-headers-4.15.0-041500-generic | 19:54 |
gopal_ | ioria: plz tell me cmd | 19:54 |
wicope | jonathan_x, yes, /bin/sh -c '/usr/local/bin/docker-machine help > /home/usuario/a.txt' work but /bin/sh -c '/usr/local/bin/docker-machine ls > /home/usuario/a.txt' not work | 19:54 |
gopal_ | ioria: and i need to apply patch too | 19:55 |
ioria | gopal_, what patch ? | 19:55 |
gopal_ | ioria: 0001-base-packaging.patch 0002-UBUNTU-SAUCE-add-vmlinux.strip-to-BOOT_TARGETS1-on-p.patch 0003-UBUNTU-SAUCE-tools-hv-lsvmbus-add-manual-page.patch 0004-UBUNTU-SAUCE-no-up-disable-pie-when-gcc-has-it-enabl.patch 0005-debian-changelog.patch 0006-configs-based-on-Ubuntu-4.15.0-7.8.patch | 19:55 |
rs3 | ioria: Reinstalled without a distinct /boot, just EFI, and everything is golden. Thanks again! | 19:56 |
ioria | gopal_, might be wrong, that is for the source | 19:56 |
ioria | rs3, good job | 19:56 |
romonsters | hello | 19:57 |
ioria | gopal_, a .deb is a binaty, you don't apply patches to binaries ... | 19:57 |
gopal_ | ioria: plz read this , first para | 19:58 |
Checkmate | i have problem on updat | 19:58 |
Checkmate | update | 19:58 |
luxio | are spectre/meltdown patches out yet? | 19:58 |
Checkmate | yakkety | 20:00 |
Checkmate | Ubuntu 16.10 yakkety problem update | 20:00 |
brainwash | !eolupgrade | 20:01 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 20:01 |
analogical | in the terminal how do I copy a file from the directory I'm in to the same directory giving the copy a different name than the source file??? | 20:01 |
akik | analogical: cp source destination | 20:01 |
ioria | gopal_, you don't apply patches to binaries ... | 20:02 |
analogical | akik, that works for simple filenames but not for more complex filenams | 20:02 |
gopal_ | ioria: so i dont have to install them ? | 20:02 |
akik | analogical: you can use bash filename completion to handle that | 20:03 |
jonathan_x | wicope: Have you tried running "sudo /usr/local/bin/......" ? | 20:03 |
ioria | gopal_, please, rethink your idea to use that ml kern | 20:03 |
analogical | I need to make the cp command understand the a file with [filename] isn't a folder! | 20:04 |
jonathan_x | wicope: Also better do "nano /etc/systemd/system/......." to check | 20:04 |
gopal_ | ioria: i want to test it again , i will remove it tomorrow , i need to download them ? | 20:05 |
akik | analogical: cp '[test]' '[test2]' | 20:05 |
akik | analogical: if you use bash completion, it adds \[ | 20:06 |
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analogical | why the ' symbols?? | 20:06 |
ioria | gopal_, | 20:06 |
akik | analogical: [ ] are special characters | 20:07 |
analogical | and...? | 20:07 |
ioria | gopal_, you don't need lowlatency | 20:07 |
gopal_ | ioria: and i need to again blacklist amdgup and radeon ? | 20:07 |
akik | analogical: the ' takes out the special meaning and treats the character as is | 20:07 |
ioria | gopal_, why ? it's the culprit ? are you sure ? | 20:08 |
gopal_ | ioria: yes | 20:08 |
ioria | gopal_, what's your amd card ? | 20:08 |
gopal_ | ioria: amd r5 m430 | 20:09 |
Hathadar | How may I change the font size for the default terminal on Ubuntu desktop? | 20:09 |
analogical | akik, thank you very much! | 20:11 |
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wicope | jonathan_x, ok, i will try, i reboot, thanks for the help | 20:15 |
ioria | gopal_, maybe you card it's not (fully) supported by the open source drivers | 20:18 |
gopal_ | ioria: thats why i want to disable it | 20:19 |
ioria | gopal_, i see | 20:20 |
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Checkmate | how to install fail2ban without apt-get | 20:21 |
jerichowasahoax | Checkmate: that's not a wise decision. what's wrong with using apt-get? | 20:22 |
Checkmate | jerichowasahoax | 20:22 |
ioria | gopal_, 1) i cannot suggest a mainline kernel; 2) i cannot suggest to give up a discrete video card (you paid for) 3) you know :þ | 20:23 |
jerichowasahoax | !info fail2ban yakkety | 20:23 |
ubottu | fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-1 (yakkety), package size 232 kB, installed size 1227 kB | 20:23 |
badboyjer | ity ita | 20:23 |
jerichowasahoax | !info fail2ban trusty | 20:24 |
ubottu | fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.11-1 (trusty), package size 126 kB, installed size 616 kB | 20:24 |
Dynetrekk1 | hi, ubuntu 16.04 - simple terminal/tmux torrent client? | 20:24 |
gopal_ | ioria: , i dont use gfx much | 20:24 |
jerichowasahoax | i thought the bot complained if i fed it unsupported releases | 20:24 |
jerichowasahoax | or are both of those still supported | 20:24 |
ioria | gopal_, your wifi probably broken | 20:25 |
Checkmate | jeri want the log of apt-get install fail2ban ? | 20:25 |
gopal_ | ioria: its working , i'm using it | 20:26 |
jerichowasahoax | Checkmate: sure | 20:26 |
ioria | gopal_, we're ok, then | 20:26 |
gopal_ | ioria: how to select kernel ? | 20:26 |
jerichowasahoax | Checkmate: though i think the best advice i'm going to have is to upgrade to artful | 20:26 |
ioria | gopal_, from grub | 20:27 |
gopal_ | ioria: how to set defaul to mainline ? | 20:27 |
jerichowasahoax | Checkmate: or "downgrade" to xenial, but that's an LTS release so it's more of a sidegrade, really | 20:27 |
ioria | gopal_, it's not at top ? | 20:27 |
gopal_ | ioria: idk | 20:27 |
Checkmate | | 20:27 |
ioria | gopal_, reboot | 20:27 |
gopal_ | ioria: need to update grub too ? | 20:27 |
ioria | already done, but it does not hurt | 20:28 |
gopal_ | ioria: rebooting | 20:28 |
jerichowasahoax | Checkmate: but either way, the version of ubuntu you're on right now is no longer supported, so mirrors probably got rid of all the old packages | 20:28 |
Checkmate | jerichowasahox any solution to get only fail2ban installed!! | 20:29 |
ioria | gopal_, don't be surprised if wifi is dead | 20:29 |
jerichowasahoax | Checkmate: does it absolutely, positively, no if ands or buts HAVE to be without moving to another Ubuntu version? if so, why? | 20:30 |
gopal | ioria: wifi is broken | 20:31 |
ioria | really ? | 20:31 |
gopal | ioria: yes | 20:31 |
Checkmate | i just want to finish some job on mysql then i will do it | 20:31 |
Checkmate | i want just install fail2ban | 20:31 |
jerichowasahoax | Checkmate: so i would finish that job, then upgrade, then try installing fail2ban again | 20:31 |
Checkmate | ok thanks | 20:31 |
gopal | ioria: 4.15.0-041500-generic , ml is installed :) | 20:32 |
ioria | gopal_, joy... let's play ... sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source and reinstall ; reboot | 20:32 |
gopal | ioria: how i can fix my wifi ? | 20:32 |
jonathan_x | Real smart not to try the link I gave you | 20:33 |
badboyjer | whats wrong with your wifi? | 20:33 |
jonathan_x | | 20:33 |
wicope | hi, | 20:37 |
Checkmate | jonathan_x i'm not sure with the link | 20:37 |
gopal | ioria: thx | 20:40 |
calico | ... Kubuntu performs AMAZING... until it doesn't. Gnome was worse. I need reliability. How can I achieve that with Ubuntu...? | 20:46 |
ioria | calico, what's your (real) problem ? | 20:46 |
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Guest96 | *I dont have a wired connection on my fresh installed ubuntu server, somebody online who could help? | 20:48 |
lostMeUbuntu | so is there any manual to recover from grub probs? | 20:48 |
calico | ioria, my browsers become super sluggish for no apparent reason, they crash, the entire desktop freezes, my screen starts flickering ... my keyboard shortcuts randomly stop working - things of such nature ;) | 20:49 |
lostMeUbuntu | grub isn't user friendly. it's pure horror. | 20:49 |
ioria | calico, your hardware ? | 20:49 |
ioria | Guest96, server like 16.04 ? | 20:50 |
Guest96 | ioria , yes | 20:50 |
ioria | Guest96, uname -r ? | 20:50 |
calico | ioria, Lenovo Thinkpad T430, 4GB of RAM and - I think --> 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i5-3230M, Intel® HD Graphics 4000 | 20:51 |
Guest96 | 4.4.0-87 generic | 20:51 |
ioria | Guest96, cat /etc/network/interface | pastebinit | 20:52 |
calico | ioria, as I said mostly performs without a single hick up... until it start going downhill FAST | 20:52 |
akik | calico: plasma 5 has been very stable for me on two intel cpu laptops | 20:52 |
ioria | Guest96, cat /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit | 20:53 |
Guest96 | no such file or directory | 20:53 |
ioria | Guest96, cat /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit | 20:53 |
Guest96 | | 20:55 |
calico | akik, do you have an idea if the screen flickering problem can be solved without switching to xrender for compositor, the graphics are horrendous | 20:55 |
ioria | Guest96, server usually set that file in the installation process , ... so ? | 20:56 |
Guest96 | yeah, but the dhcp failed | 20:56 |
calico | akik, I am willing to deal with the rest, at least for now... but the screen flickering is really bad | 20:56 |
akik | calico: there's a xorg snippet for intel gfx "tearfree" | 20:56 |
Guest96 | im guessing it something with the driver, cuz i cant even ping the router | 20:56 |
akik | calico: also a newer kernel could help | 20:57 |
calico | akik, how do I go about using the snippet (or whatever..:)). Isn't 17.10 already providing the latest kernel? | 20:58 |
badboyjer | bazhang_ are you a girl? | 20:58 |
akik | calico: here's a forum post with the guidance | 21:00 |
akik | calico: you need to create the directory /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d yourself | 21:01 |
Guest96 | Cant connnect/ping router on ubuntuserver, somebooody? | 21:02 |
xoxo | hi. no deramfactory channel. anyone able to help me install it? running into some problems | 21:02 |
akik | calico: but i remember at some stage i needed a newer kernel for the flickering | 21:02 |
calico | akik, and create a 20-intel.conf file in there with these contents? | 21:03 |
renee | sup | 21:03 |
akik | calico: yes. i see that it has removed the formatting but maybe it'll work | 21:03 |
akik | calico: the lines between Section and EndSection are usually indented | 21:04 |
calico | akik, so I saved it as that | 21:09 |
calico | is it fine | 21:09 |
TJ- | Guest96: check the interface's WoL (Wake On LAN) setting ("sudo ethtool <IF>"), and tell us what chipset/driver ("lspci -nnk -d ::0200" should show the Ethernet device) | 21:09 |
akik | calico: indented the other way around :) sorry if my english is not correct | 21:09 |
akik | calico: Section and EndSection at the start of the line | 21:10 |
TJ- | Guest96: also, if "sudo tcpdump -ni <IF>" shows incoming packets but nothing outgoing, it's likely it's a well-known bug whereby on dual-boots the Windows network device-driver needs to have it's WoL settings disabled - it leaves the chipset in a state the Linux driver cannot 'undo' | 21:11 |
calico | akik, so save & reboot now? | 21:12 |
akik | calico: sure, it's also enough to restart either lightdm or sddm | 21:12 |
Guest96 | oh sorry TJ- was trying to se if i could setup usb sharing | 21:14 |
TJ- | Guest96: do you dual-boot the system with Windows? | 21:15 |
Guest96 | no | 21:15 |
Guest96 | it was 10 installed before on it tho | 21:15 |
TJ- | Guest96: hmmm, I'm not sure if the setting can survive - it may be in the eeprom of the chipset. Anyhow, it's worth checking using the commands I gave you. | 21:17 |
calico | akik, thanks. I really hope it's gonna work this time man. One, I want it for myself and then I want to stick it to the "just get a macbook" crowd | 21:18 |
TJ- | Guest96: the first line of the lspci output from that command - right-hand end of the line, just give us the [xxxx:yyyy] part - that's the unique vendor:device ID | 21:18 |
Guest96 | TJ- 8086:153b | 21:18 |
TJ- | Guest96: OK, 8086 confirms it's an Intel to start with, which is the series of chipsets affected by the WoL bug I described | 21:19 |
calico | akik, so you're saying my hardware is alright for Kububtu? Also, my volume keys don't work, can you help with that? | 21:19 |
apsknight | I am using Ubuntu 17.10, VLC is not opening on my laptop when I try to open it by clicking on its icon but it is opening when I open it by terminal(by typing vlc). Can anybody help me. | 21:19 |
akik | calico: yes. my other laptop is from 2011 and works fine | 21:20 |
Dynetrekk1 | hi, where does transmission-cli save downloaded files to by default? | 21:21 |
TJ- | Guest96: so that is "Ethernet Connection I217-V" ? | 21:21 |
Guest96 | ye | 21:21 |
akik | calico: somebody else might know about those keys. i think i've seen a software package that'll handle them | 21:21 |
calico | akik, yeah... last night I ran like 50 youtube tabs on two different browsers, all playing... So it is mostly fine until it gets messed up for ssome reason... | 21:21 |
TJ- | Guest96: OK, before we go further. Has the system been completely powered off (wall-plug removed / battery disconnected) since Windows 10 was on it? | 21:22 |
Guest96 | TJ- No, just booted a Ubuntu usb and started installing | 21:22 |
TJ- | Guest96: Could you try that first and then come back if the problem persists? It's possible, if WoL is the issue, that will clear it | 21:23 |
calico | akik, I found something, but they're talking setting gsettings reset, I don't have that, do i? | 21:23 |
akik | calico: i found this | 21:23 |
TJ- | Guest96: basically, need to have the NIC 'forget' it's WoL setting, so all power needs removing | 21:23 |
Guest96 | TJ- The battery disconnect to flush bios is something i wanna avoid because my fan settings ;( | 21:23 |
TJ- | Guest96: don't need to remove CMOS battery, I mentioned battery in case the system were a laptop :) | 21:24 |
akik | calico: kde doesn't use that setting | 21:24 |
TJ- | Guest96: but... you could check if the system's BIOS settings have a WoL control, and if so,disable that too | 21:24 |
akik | calico: there's also something called keytouch package | 21:24 |
Guest96 | TJ- ah ok, will try, brb s | 21:24 |
TJ- | Guest96: I have seen mention of BIOS WoL setting causing it too | 21:25 |
calico | akik, E: Unable to locate package xev | 21:25 |
calico | ;/ | 21:25 |
akik | calico: xev is installed by default, i think | 21:25 |
akik | calico: (i haven't used that) | 21:26 |
tomreyn | xev is part of x11-utils | 21:26 |
Guest96 | TJ- done, still no internet tho, but im guessing since the dhcp failed in the installation i need to do something? | 21:29 |
TJ- | Guest96: So, you're back in the installer having booted from a cold power off state? | 21:29 |
Guest96 | TJ- I'm in the srv terminal, i just went through thinking i will set it up later | 21:30 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
calico | akik, I am following the guide. But I am getting lost here - keycode 161 = F14The keycode's should be the ones you wrote down earlier. The F key numbers should be numbered after those that are actually present on your keyboard (so if you have a standard windows keyboard, you would have 12, if you have a mac keyboard you will have 16 so start at 17). | 21:31 |
TJ- | Guest96: Oh, that makes things easier! OK, let's check the WOL state. Identify the interface name first with "ip link show" and tell us what it is | 21:31 |
calico | What's the deal with the F keys, akik ? | 21:31 |
Guest96 | TJ- eno1? Is that it? Im quite new to Linux myself so ;) | 21:32 |
TJ- | calico: The function keys on the keyboard go from F1 through F16, so for setting up new entries start with F17 | 21:32 |
TJ- | Guest96: that'll do :) I can include in commands I give you then! now do "which ethtool" - tell me if a path is returned. If not, the tool isn't installed so we need to do something else | 21:33 |
akik | has somebody tested that keytouch package? does it work good with ubuntu? | 21:33 |
Guest96 | TJ-sbin/ethtool | 21:34 |
Guest96936 | hi | 21:35 |
TJ- | Guest96: Yay! OK, "sudo ethtool eno1" and report the lines "Supports Wake-on:" and "Wake-on:" | 21:35 |
Guest96 | TJ- pumbg & g | 21:36 |
Bi2Te3Powered | #bash | 21:37 |
TJ- | Guest96: OK, the first set is the list of modes the device supports, and the "g" is the current mode, which is "Wake on MagicPacket™. So let's disable it with "sudo ethtool -s en01 wol d" | 21:37 |
TJ- | Guest96: do "sudo ethtool en01" again and verify the current "Wak-on:" mode is now 'd' | 21:38 |
TJ- | s/en01/eno1/ | 21:38 |
TJ- | Guest96: and let's try resetting the hardware: "echo 1 | sudo dd of=/sys/class/net/eno1/device/reset" | 21:39 |
TJ- | Guest96: then do "ip link show dev eno1" and confirm we didn't lose the device :D | 21:40 |
akik | calico: did the graphics situation become better for you? | 21:40 |
Guest96 | TJ- all done | 21:42 |
calico | akik, not sure yet, it'll take some time to find out. I am messing (successfully) with Global Keyboard Shortcuts, works/// | 21:43 |
TJ- | Guest96: any sign of the network DHCP working now? if not, try another reboot. Once rebooted check "sudo ethtool eno1" again to confirm the 'd' state of the WoL is still set | 21:43 |
Guest96 | TJ- wake is on g now after reboot | 21:44 |
TJ- | Guest96: aha! It's definitely the issue I described! Do you have another system from which you can send the MagicPacket to see if that'll wake the interface? | 21:45 |
Guest96 | TJ- from this comp i guess, its windows tho | 21:46 |
TJ- | Guest96: hmmm, you'll need to find a Windows tool to send it, and use "ip link show dev eno1" to get the MAC address to send to | 21:47 |
TJ- | Guest96: Linux has "etherwake" tool for this | 21:48 |
TJ- | Guest96: also, can you tell us the make/model of this PC as reported by "dmesg | grep DMI" | 21:49 |
Guest96 | TJ- Asus H87I-PLUS motherboard - | 21:51 |
daddesio | Hey guys, it seems my laptop hard drive is failing. After about 1 hour, it BSODs, and when I restart it says "hard drive not found". I can flip the laptop upside-down/right-side up again and that fixes the issue for another hour, so it makes me think it's a connector issue. | 21:52 |
daddesio | Anyway, I have backed up most important files but would like to clone the drive. I've heard Clonezilla and ddrescue are good. | 21:52 |
TJ- | Guest96: OK, before we go further, let's try some other diagnosis in case it's not WoL causing this. Run this command and see it reports any packets. "sudo tcpdump -ni eno1" (Ctrl+C to break out) | 21:54 |
Guest96 | TJ- "that device is not up" | 21:57 |
TJ- | Guest96: hmm, try "sudo ip link set up dev eno1" then try the tcpdump again | 21:58 |
Guest96 | TJ- Now im getting something atleast | 22:01 |
TJ- | Guest96: in tcpdump? Is it all incoming or do you see outgoing packets too? | 22:01 |
TJ- | Guest96: what subnet is your LAN? We can try setting a static IP on the I/F | 22:02 |
Guest96 | TJ- no idea, just a wall of text for me | 22:02 |
tomreyn | daddesio: if you expect physical issues, gddrescue is better than clonezilla. | 22:02 |
Guest96 | TJ- | 22:03 |
daddesio | I'm not sure I really expect any issues with the platter/head/etc. I *think* it's most likely just the SATA connector or possibly the hard drive circuit board or my motherboard dying. | 22:03 |
TJ- | Guest96: that's only the mask :) the subnet is something like (== | 22:03 |
raidghost | daddesio: how dying? | 22:03 |
raidghost | Guest96: Uese a subnet calculator | 22:04 |
daddesio | When I'm able to boot into Windows, everything appears to work for about 1 hour. Although I'm not sure if that's just because the hard drive head crashed. | 22:04 |
tomreyn | daddesio: did you check S.M.A.R.T. data? not that it's overly reliable, but it can provide an indication. | 22:04 |
daddesio | so like I said, the drive works for about 1 hour at a time until Windows (or Linux) working. On Windows, I'll get a BSOD after 2 minutes; on Linux, I'd see weird errors when I pull up Ctrl+Alt+F2. | 22:05 |
daddesio | Then when I restart the laptop, it says "Hard drive not found". The issue resolves if I flip the laptop over (like I'm trying to remove the battery), or leave it unplugged for 5 minutes, etc. | 22:05 |
Guest96 | TJ- - | 22:05 |
tomreyn | daddesio: those 'weird errors' can also be seen when you run "dmesg -T" in a temrinal window. and you can post them to a pastebin if you want someone else to examine them | 22:06 |
daddesio | I just copied over 20GB of stuff via SCP before it BSOD'd. | 22:06 |
joshter | is this the right channel for assistance | 22:06 |
TJ- | Guest96: OK, Ctrl+C that tcpdump then do "ip addr add dev eno1" | 22:06 |
TJ- | Guest96: then try to ping some existing IP address on the LAN, e.g. "ping -c 5" | 22:06 |
joshter | using 2-in-1 laptop-tablet. unable to drag/move or resize few windows like firefox, chromium and this irc chat when in tablet mode - touch screen | 22:08 |
tomreyn | daddesio: if it reliably fails after a given time, this suggests it fails due to warming up. you may want to put it in a fridge before connecting it next time if you'll try to recover more data. but before you do this, be sure to rule out all the other possibilities which are not drive related (bad connector / cable / controller /mainboard) | 22:08 |
Guest96 | TJ- how to ctrl+c tcpdump= | 22:08 |
TJ- | Guest96: just press Ctrl+C | 22:08 |
TJ- | Guest96: I was assuming the previous 'tcpdump...' command was still running, so telling you how to stop it. If you already stopped it, ignore the instruction | 22:08 |
Guest96 | TJ- ah, okay, already stopped it | 22:09 |
daddesio | tomreyn: Ah, I learned about that technique from the Scott Moulton "Hard Drive Recovery" videos from 2006. Don't put it in the freezer, but *cooling* is a good idea. | 22:09 |
TJ- | Guest96: just do the "ip addr add ..." and then the "ping ..." | 22:09 |
joshter | anybody would like to help? lol | 22:10 |
joshter | using 2-in-1 laptop-tablet. unable to drag/move or resize few windows like firefox, chromium and this irc chat when in tablet mode - touch screen | 22:10 |
tomreyn | daddesio: right, you don't want ot go much below specified operating temperature. | 22:11 |
Guest96 | TJ- Now i can ping my this comp | 22:12 |
TJ- | Guest96: Oh! So it wasn't WoL - Yay :D ... so now we need to figure out why the DHCP wasn't working | 22:13 |
joshterr | test 123 | 22:14 |
TJ- | Guest96: Guest96 which release of Ubuntu is it? "cat /etc/issue" | 22:14 |
Guest96 | newest srv distro | 22:14 |
Guest96 | TJ- 16.04.3 lts | 22:15 |
TJ- | Guest96: OK, so the current Xenial Long Term Support | 22:15 |
TJ- | Guest96: so that'll expect to have networking configured using either systemd-networkd or ifupdown. How did you configure the network? Maybe via the file /etc/network/interfaces ? | 22:16 |
Guest96 | TJ- no idea, my mate was trying to do it but he could get the internet to run either | 22:17 |
TJ- | Guest96: if you do "cat /etc/network/interfaces" do you see a section for "eno1" ? | 22:17 |
Guest96 | TJ- and he gave up ,D | 22:17 |
Guest96 | TJ- no, just see the standard auto lo ,iface lo inet loopback | 22:18 |
TJ- | Guest96: maybe there's a separate file for it, so try this: "grep -rn eno1 /etc/network/interfaces{,.d/} " | 22:19 |
TJ- | Guest96: if you get nothing from that, try "grep -rn eno1 /etc/systemd/network/" | 22:20 |
Guest96 | TJ- from systemd i got something | 22:21 |
TJ- | Guest96: Oh, good... is it "Name=eno1" ? | 22:22 |
Guest96 | TJ- ehm no | 22:22 |
TJ- | Guest96: OK, what is the filename reported for the grep match? (I assume it was a match and not an error message) | 22:23 |
Guest96 | TJ- [1] exit 127 fwep -en wno | 22:23 |
TJ- | Guest96: that looks like a shell message for a command put into the background, did you mistype? | 22:24 |
TJ- | Guest96: basically, what you want in /etc/systemd/network/ is a single file containing this: | 22:24 |
Guest96 | TJ- yeah i did ;:D | 22:24 |
TJ- | Guest96: you can fetch that file from my server and install it using "wget -O - | sudo tee /etc/systemd/network/" | 22:25 |
TJ- | Guest96: after than ensure the networkd service is enabled/running with "systemctl status systemd-networkd" -- you should see something similar to "Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)" -- if 'enabled' says 'disabled' tell me | 22:26 |
Guest96 | TJ- just getting missing url with wget | 22:27 |
ATLowther | Any recommendations for a terminal replacement? | 22:28 |
Guest96 | TJ- can i just make sudo nano file with that? | 22:28 |
ATLowther | I tried terminator. I wasn't a fan. | 22:28 |
TJ- | Guest96: sure, I was trying to make it easier for you | 22:28 |
TJ- | Guest96: "sudo nano /etc/systemd/network/" | 22:28 |
oerheks | ATLowther, 10 *best*, but i think you have the best already, gnome-terminal | 22:29 |
oerheks | | 22:29 |
ATLowther | My main desire is multi-tab support. | 22:30 |
Guest96 | TJ- systemmd-network service disabled | 22:31 |
TJ- | ATLowther: have you considered using a terminal multiplexer like tmux or screen? | 22:31 |
ATLowther | I have never heard of that before. | 22:31 |
Guest96 | TJ- veondor preset enabled | 22:31 |
TJ- | Guest96: OK, so "sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service" then "sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd.service" | 22:31 |
TJ- | Guest96: after that, because we set a manual IP address, it might get another, so try a reboot | 22:32 |
Guest96 | TJ- sudo systemctl, no such file or diretory | 22:32 |
TJ- | Guest96: typo? | 22:33 |
Guest96 | TJ- yeah, forgot the D.. | 22:34 |
Guest96 | TJ- well, i have internet | 22:35 |
TJ- | Guest96: right, and 2 IP addresses I suspect :) Now to try a reboot to make sure it's permanent | 22:35 |
[1]KrisWood | tomreyn, Success! I removed the device with the conflicting IP from the router config, and removed the broken bridge configuration from my ubuntu machine and now SSH is working properly! Thank you for steering me in the right direction! | 22:36 |
=== xqb` is now known as xqb | ||
TJ- | !cookie tomreyn | 22:36 |
Guest96 | TJ- yeah, i got it after reboot | 22:37 |
TJ- | Guest96: Yay! | 22:37 |
Guest96 | TJ- is it done? | 22:37 |
TJ- | Guest96: sorry about the WoL detour | 22:37 |
TJ- | Guest96: yes | 22:37 |
Guest96 | TJ- Like jeez, first time doing a physical linux-machine | 22:38 |
=== [1]KrisWood is now known as KrisWood | ||
Guest96 | TJ- the hyper-v setups has been way to easy on me | 22:38 |
TJ- | Guest96: Not sure why the installer failed to get it set up, it may be there was some WoL interference we cleared, but I can't be sure | 22:38 |
Guest96 | TJ- can we make a summary of what we really did so i can save it for further use ;D | 22:39 |
TJ- | Guest96: created the systemd-networkd configuration and enabled the service | 22:44 |
TJ- | Guest96: we also explored the state of the Wake On LAN setting in the belief it might be causing the Trasmit side of the network interface to not send data | 22:44 |
yehuda | ##java | 22:47 |
Guest96 | TJ- Well thank you so much for the help, but if i should fuck something up again(who knows) and reinstalls and the DHCP fails again, i just can make the eno1 file with the Match and DHCP stuff, the enable and systemd-network? | 22:47 |
TJ- | Guest96: Yes - assuming the Wake On LAN isn't interferring | 22:48 |
Guest96 | TJ- Ok, well it works now thanks to you atleast, lets just hope i dont fuck it up ;) | 22:49 |
TJ- | Guest96: use a snapshotting file-system, then you can take snapshots at various points and roll-back if you mess it up, rather than needing to do a full reinstall | 22:51 |
Guest96 | TJ- Any guides for it? I used lvm while setting up, so any guides for securing the server and etc will be appreciated | 22:52 |
TJ- | Guest96: lvm is what I was going to suggest | 22:53 |
tomreyn | thanks for the cookie, t-j, i'll add that to my browser. | 22:54 |
TJ- | Guest96: as simple as "sudo lvcreate --snapshot --name NAME -L 5g VG/LV" - where 5g is the limit on the size. See "man lvcreate" for more | 22:55 |
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crazygary | is there a google authenticator available that isn't the shitty one from github? | 22:58 |
Toba | you mean a TOTP client app? | 22:59 |
crazygary | yeah lol | 23:00 |
Guest96 | TJ- okay, will look into that, u know any good harden/secure guides? Will be putting it online just beein doing localhost within the vm | 23:01 |
Toba | crazygary: can you point to "the shitty one from github", so we're on the same page? | 23:02 |
crazygary | | 23:03 |
crazygary | that one, i mean it might not be shitty, but i have no idea how to use it | 23:03 |
TJ- | Guest96: well, don't bind services to public interfaces unless that is needed, and configure the firewall for INPUT/FORWARD policy DROP then add specific rules for each service/port you wish to allow | 23:05 |
TJ- | Guest96: see | 23:06 |
Guest96 | TJ- Will read it, And thank you again for the help | 23:12 |
xqb | why doesn't this render nicely? | 23:19 |
tomreyn | xqb: don't cross-post #debian and #uubntu. | 23:56 |
xqb | thanks tomreyn I'll keep that in mind sorry thanks I apologise thanks sorry | 23:57 |
tomreyn | thanks | 23:58 |
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