[03:45] IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG #SUPERBOWL BEST IRC NETWORK FUCK YOUR NETWORK [03:45]                                                                [03:45]                                                              [03:45] YOUR IRC NETWORK IS TERRIBLE NO ONE CHATS THERE COME CHAT HERE  [03:45]                                                                [03:45]                                                               [03:45] WE TAKE CHATS TO A NEW LEVEL, SOMETHING YOU'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE [03:45] wallyworld bitchecker anastasiamac thumper veebers nevermind el_tigro1 rogpeppe1 junaidali Spads jog_ skay kina__ niemeyer ryebot markthomas bladernr gaurangt mthaddon` icey seyeongkim diddledan mpontillo antdillon SaMnCo jdandrea_ mup jw4 dames tvansteenburgh drcode cmars axw Cynerva neclimdul arosales bobeo gaughen balloons mwe1 jhebden beisner joedborg smgoller- idobos CadBane eriklonroth [03:45] john51 lathiat knobby narindergupta zerick mhall119 wolsen fnordahl ubuntulog3 zeus jhobbs obedmr gsamfira Cheeky-Celery verterok ubuntulog2 dnegreira atrius wgrant cory_f Odd_Bloke LiftedKilt heckles1000 coreycb bogdanteleaga xnox cargonza WillMoogle Lukewh tbc aisrael Makyo jose axino grumble magicaltrout med_ admcleod jcsackett ever pmatulis__ dweaver xavpaice jam plars lifeless hbogert_ [03:46] so convincing [03:47] thumper: i am tempted. I don't know about you! :) [03:47] thumper: spam doesn't need to be convincing, all it needs is to get a few clicks [03:48] who would be tempted I wonder? [03:48] you sure that was spam? [03:48] of a sort... sure [03:48] thumper: There's a freenode bot you can invite into the channel to get it kicked from the network a bit quicker [03:48] * blahdeblah rummages for the name [03:49] * lifeless ponders directing a few Tbps to that user [03:49] It does seem that if you are trying to get people to try something that spamming obscenities about this network isn't a good way to do that [03:49] thumper: Bot is called Sigyn [03:49] lifeless: They're probably using a victim machine/network - probably not the best idea [03:50] yeah [04:01] blahdeblah: O I know. but the temptation :P [04:02] blahdeblah: it would at least stop the current spamm [04:02] lifeless: There's a reason it's called temptation :-) === frankban|afk is now known as frankban [14:24] kwmonroe: magicaltrout thats abosolutely amazing! I wish I could get good like that. Working on polishing up my linux mojo right now, learning how to make GUIs in bash, and how to work with EOFs, and sed & awk exercises. Hopefully learn why the kernel works some day [14:35] magicaltrout: kwmonroe Would you two recommend that someone put specific applications for administration into /usr/sbin , and applications for root level systems administration in /sbin ? [14:36] Im trying to figure out the best ways to divide my mantainence scripts and programs, so that I can lock the root account down to minimal use, while also using it to do tasks I want few, if any, other admins having access to === zeus is now known as Guest60045 [15:26] bobeo: https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2017/xv6.html [15:26] bobeo: walk through ^ a few times [15:26] bobeo: let me know if you have any questions [15:27] I've worked through xv6 quite a few times .... it makes learning about the kernel more of a "bite size" experience [15:27] which is super cool [15:29] bdx: oh...my...lawd....my brain...its talking about actually building a kernel, ITS LINUXFROMSCRATCH!!! OOH GAWD thE PAIN! [15:30] bdx: im already downloading it o.o [15:30] bobeo: its already built [15:30] its a very very simplified kernel and os [15:30] so you can more easily inspect it and see whats going on [15:31] bobeo: enjoy! [15:31] oh yeah, my bad, the code is there, but you do have to run the make command to build it - for sure [15:32] bdx: wait...its a shitload of pieces? how do I run it? I feel like i just got a puppy in a box, how do I make it bark? D: [15:32] haha [15:32] yes [15:32] very much so [15:32] the "make" command? Ive only used that once...and um...lets just say I had a full metal alchemist experience.. [15:33] aha [15:33] it should take you 1-3 months to become familiar with the codebase of xv6 and the process of building the operating system [15:34] its not something you are just going to "get" [15:34] learning how the kernel and unix/linux os work is not a quick fast experience [15:35] bdx: wait...wait. this thing says the kernel is 1MB, seriously? [15:35] yeah [15:35] bdx: dude.. [15:35] bdx: thats amazing! [15:35] bdx: 8O is this how CONTAINERS WORK!? [15:36] bobeo: aha, yea, many of the concepts in xv6, especially process confinement and system resource access will make you think of containers [15:38] bdx: I have found my miagi! Teach me sensei o.o [15:39] bobeo: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~markem/CS333/ - this is a full xv6 class with all of the associated material (the same class and the same professor I took xv6 from) [15:39] ^ that should be all you need [15:39] just read and go through it like you were in the class [15:40] everything you need is ^ [15:40] bdx: oh to be in IRC! CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY! [15:40] :) [16:01] bdx: So I have a question, if im not mistaken, someone said you made this: https://jujucharms.com/u/omnivector/owncloud/1 [16:01] bdx: I love that you integrated postgres instead of mysql, or a backend nfs system, and I want to do the same thing with gitlab, but I also want to learn to do what you did to do this, so that i cna do this with other applications. [16:02] bdx: Im a big fan of postgres, and I understand it, as well as know how to cluster the databases, and loadbalance between them, so Id like to make that readily avaialble to others. Can you teach me, or show me something that can teach me that also? [16:20] is it possible to rename machines and/or units in juju? [16:23] bobeo: no, unfortunately not [16:24] bobeo: that'd be an interesting juju plugin, juju alias x y [16:30] rick_h: dang. Is it possible that when you deploy the machine or unit you can decide what its named, at creation. e.g.: juju deploy owncloud --config example.yaml --to lxd:9 --uname owncloud/0 [16:30] bobeo: no, it's straight up auto number through the model/history. [16:30] bobeo: if names changed/etc it makes things like the audit log and such much harder [16:31] rick_h: BAH! sad panda :(. understood. cycles are best spent elsewhere for now. I will at it to my dreamlist. [16:31] bobeo: https://jujucharms.com/u/omnivector/owncloud/6 - the latest revision 6 might give you better experience [16:32] bdx: oo! I shall indeed explore it, thank you! Also, is relating a web app like gitlab or owncloud as easy as juju relation postgresql:db webappname:postgresql [16:32] bobeo: the codebase is here https://github.com/omnivector-solutions/layer-owncloud - you can ask questions about what is going on in the code on this channel if you have questions [16:33] is that really how the actual relationship is established, and it just auto deploys the db, and configures the app to use it? [16:33] bobeo: yes [16:33] `juju relate` [16:34] bdx: so does that mean if I do: juju relate postgresql:db gitlab:postgresql, gitlab will automatically use postgresql to store all of its files? [16:34] bobeo: if you haven't already found rick_h's blog here http://mitechie.com/blog/ [16:34] reading up ^ will help in learning about Juju more [16:35] also reference https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable and try to find answers to your questions [16:35] bdx: Oh my lawd.... I swear youre a treasure trove. [16:36] :) [16:36] bdx: Ive checked the docs on quite a few of these questions, and quite a lot of the questions were answered, but some of them im iffy on,and some im just outright confused [16:38] cool, yeah, sometimes you just have to get some deeper insight .... another way to get feedback (and also contribute to Juju) is to create an issue on the Juju docs here https://github.com/juju/docs/issues when you can't seem to find the correct information [16:39] bobeo: creating an issue on the juju docs will help the answer you are looking for make its way into the documentation if it isn't in there [16:39] always the balance of "OMG INFO OVERLOAD" vs "how can I get this going quickly and feel like I'm amazing?" [16:47] bobeo: fwiw, you *can* set the name at deployment time, but not the number. so "juju deploy owncloud fooberrycloud" would deploy the owncloud charm, but you'd reference it as 'foobeerycloud/0' [16:47] rick_h: I dont want to feel like im amazing, I want to be the merge clone of kwmonroe rick_h and bdx , all in one super human cyborg form. Hellbent on collecting all of the infinity stones, the rings of power, and consuming the green latern core. [16:48] ha! === dames is now known as thedac [17:01] bobeo: a broken and defeated, disfigured and demented being, damned to spend eternity in a dark hole, scratching at a keypad and burning its eyes out staring at a screen - thats just me [17:01] not sure what you would get if you put kwmonroe + rick_h in the mix ... nothing good though, I can tell you that [17:01] :P [17:02] lol [17:02] true dat [17:14] bdx :p [17:27] hi... in autopilot with maas , which juju charm did autopilot use for choosing compute (kvm & lxd) ? is it the same as openstack-base charm in store? === frankban is now known as frankban|afk