
oscar1234whats the trick to get hexchat in ubuntu mate to autojoin other channels?00:29
kernalright click on the channel / autojoin00:29
oscar1234they are in the network list autojoin section but not working00:29
oscar1234kernal, did that but restarting nothing happens00:30
kernalso the server autojoins?00:35
oscar1234yes and this channel00:35
oscar1234its the built in thing from the welcome screen00:36
kernaland you want to auto-join another channel on the freenode network?00:36
kernalhmmm don't know oscar123400:36
oscar1234mebbe gotta start hexchat another way00:36
kernalI don't have any issues with it here00:36
kernaloh yeah, I launch hexchat from the applications menu00:37
loy_hello there! i'm new to ubuntu mate..03:50
=== egos_ is now known as egos
raspbubuntu_Une petite question, j'ai un ecran 27 et je n'arrive pas a configurer le  fichier config.tct  pour modifier l'afficahe de sorte que tout lécran soit utliser sous ubunt mate10:58
nemoI have no idea what config.tct even is, so couldn'tve helped even if I wasn't busy getting ready for work at that time13:12
kernel^klinkI'm looking for some help, is this the right place?17:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:13
kernel^klinkI'm having a weird problem on 16.04 with weather applets. I have installed gis-weather, my-weather-indicator, and simple-weather. And none of them will display the temp in the taskbar, only an icon17:15
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:16
kernel^klinkI'm having a weird problem on 16.04 with weather applets. I have installed gis-weather, my-weather-indicator, and simple-weather. And none of them will display the temp in the taskbar, only an icon. Anyone have any ideas why?18:29
kernel^klinkI can't seem to find answers on google or bug trackers for the projects18:29
nemokernel^klink: I'm on 14.04 personally, and would totally check to see what I'm using for weather except as luck would have it I'm just over 50% through dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb18:33
nemokernel^klink: I'm gonna WAG it's whatever comes with that mate time/calendar/weather widget18:34
nemopretty sure that's what I've always used18:34
nemokernel^klink: I should say, I'm on 14.04 and devuan at this point.  but the particular machine I'm copying has not made that jump yet ☺18:35
nemoand. man is Unity annoying. once I finish this update this thumb drive is getting MATE too18:36
kernel^klinkNo prob nemo, I actually don't mind the default mate weather aplet, except the scrollbar irritating always jumps to the top while I'm trying to read the forecast. Even if I try and hold it in place with the mouse. I tell ya' I just can't win with these weather indicators lol, and I don't care for desktop widgets.18:46
kernel^klinkhopefully some one will come along that has an idea. I can't help but think that I may just be missing some dependency or something18:47
nemokernel^klink: the general issue feels like none of the things you picked have a gnome2/mate applet or gnome2/mate notification area support18:55
nemokernel^klink: but... again. why not just use the standard mate date/time/weather thing?18:55
kernel^klinkthat is what I was kind of thinking, could they have possibly updated to only be using gtk3 now18:56
kernel^klinknemo, as stated I'm having probs with the scroll bar with the standard mate weather applet. plus I really like the info that the my-simple-weather-indicator gives18:57
nemook. wasn't sure that was same thing18:59
nemowill try one of those once I get my machine back18:59
nemobut... don't remember ever having a scrollbar18:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax19:07
kernel^klinkthanks nemo :-), I'll just be lurking for awhile19:13
alvaroI'm new in here21:32
alvaroWhat does it do?21:32
=== Nathan is now known as kernal
TaZeRwhat does what do?22:10
kernalhey TaZeR22:10
lostMeUbuntuit.  information technology22:14
kernalmorning lostMeUbuntu22:15
lostMeUbuntunight kernal22:15
lostMeUbuntugmt -122:16
saigel_Got a weird problem here. Ubuntu 16.10, Mate Desktop. Trying to start VLC (and other programs), I get a window frame only. No contents. Please suggest what I should check to solve this problem. See: http://www.saigelosli.com/vlc-problem.png23:47
Darkhero|mobileDoes restarting mate-panel fix anything?23:58
saigel_Don't know how to do that.23:59

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