
rick_hyea...school cancelled :(13:41
cmaloneyOh lovely14:02
cmaloneyYeah, we're supposed to get more snow too14:02
=== ColonelPanic002_ is now known as ColonelPanic001
jrwrenHow much did you get? We got abou 4" and school is on here.15:47
rick_hwe got about 6 I think total. It's hard to tell because it was so windy that there's places where it's really thin and places it's nearly knee high15:49
jrwrenah, another case where just a bit north you get a lot more.15:54
waldo323i don't know how much we got but 4-7 +drifting, it was right type of snow to shovel with my shovel with wheels on it15:55
rick_hyea, the early stuff when it was warmer was the heavy wet stuff but through the day it turned into the light power stuff that I just use my snow pusher vs the blower on15:56

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