
BLZbubbaok i think this is a legitimate bug here00:35
BLZbubbausing the bionic uec image, all of my qemu-kvm vms get the same DUID in systemd-networkd00:36
BLZbubbawhich systemd-networkd uses as the DHCP identifier instead of the MAC address00:36
BLZbubbaso all my vms got the same IP00:36
BLZbubbaand it is a catch 22 from what I can tell because netplan doesn't appear to have a way to set the client identifier to MAC.00:37
hggdhnacc_: got a question for you, if you do not mind00:58
nacc_hggdh: sure00:59
nacc_(i'm a bit distracted and short-tempered due to php, but i'm here :)00:59
hggdhnacc_: we had, of old, some jenkins instances to deal with tests -- both ISO and kernel00:59
hggdhdo they still exist?00:59
nacc_hggdh: i thought so ... let me ask00:59
nacc_powersj: --^ do you konw?01:00
hggdhwe set them up in... 201x, and at least as of some 3 years ago they were still in place01:00
nacc_yeah i thought i've seen some jobs go through for them, but powersj is my goto jenkins person01:01
hggdhI was looking for them, but the only jenkins instance I can find is for a few server tests01:02
hggdhnacc_: also, being short-tempered with php is, regrettably, not uncommon 01:02
nacc_hggdh: :) not at the language itsellf (luckily i don't have to use it), but with the migration to 7.2 -- lots of entanglement in bionic-proposed right now01:03
hggdhyep, was reading on -release on the woes01:04
hggdhthere is https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/, but seems dead01:05
nacc_hggdh: if we don't hear back today, i'll ask around tmrw01:06
hggdhnacc_: no problem... for whatever reason I decided to check on the work we were doing for QA whenI left Canonical...01:07
powersjhggdh: That jenkins you linked to me is dead. I talked to the desktop folks in NYC and we wanted to try to get results on there again, but haven't made much progress01:07
hggdhso no other place where we run ISO tests?01:08
powersjI'm in the process of getting the ISO tests for server made public01:08
hggdhack, thank you01:08
powersjthe things I run are inside canonical01:08
nacc_powersj: thanks for the info01:08
hggdhyes, it would be nice to have visibility again. Thank you both01:09
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iGullyGuyCan I test Ubuntu 18?21:45
amd64upgrade to the latest ubuntu using `sudo so-release-upgrade`21:47
amd64then run `sudo do-release-upgrade -d`21:47
amd64make sure your computer is fully up to date21:47
amd64iGullyGuy good luck!21:48
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