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smoserhey... wondering if there is a easy solution for this that we're missing.16:51
smoserwe have a recipe building curtin and publishing to a 'daily build ppa'.16:51
smoserthen, we have code that is testing the package build from that daily build ppa (on a nightly basis)16:51
smoserwe have a test harness that lives in the source.16:51
smoserso we apt-get install curtin16:52
smoserand apt-get source curtin16:52
smoserand then run the test harness from the source16:52
smoserthe issue is that we find skew between source version and binary version16:52
smoserand then we have expected failures because the harness isnt at same level as the code16:52
naccsmoser: why not use curtin= ?17:09
naccsmoser: to force them to be the same17:09
smosernacc: source package ?17:10
smoserapt-get source17:10
smoserand apt-get install17:10
smoserget different versions17:10
smoserthats my problem. (because the binary just isnt published or possibly built yet)17:10
smoseroriginally i guess i assumed that the source would only ever be published if the binary was built.17:11
naccsmoser: if you can apt-get install curtin17:11
naccthen you can find what version you have installed17:11
naccthen apt-get source curtin=<version>17:11
naccpresumingn the ppa has kept that source avaialblle17:11
smoseroh. yeah... and do you think that will always be there?17:12
naccsmoser: i forget the rules for ppas17:12
smoserdo the ppa archives keep more than one ?17:12
smoserthats worth a try though. thanks.17:12
naccsmoser: it won't go back super far regardlless, but i'm assuming this only matters for the most recnet build(s)?17:14
naccsmoser: you can check the source list on the ppa page, or using lplib, i thinnk17:14
naccsmoser: you could see what import-ppa does (from git-ubuntu) for your ppa17:14
smosernacc: thanks17:15
smoserrharper: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/curtin/+git/curtin/+merge/33729017:24
naccsmoser: yeah that seems reasonablle. I wouldl expect a PPA to keep the sourcse used to build any packages that are currently installlable; obviously this is a race (i'm guessing) where a new source is being built, so it's possible they would disappear midway, but it seems a bit unlikely17:39
cjwatsonsmoser,nacc: it probably won't be published in Sources files, but you should be able to do dget https://launchpad.net/~OWNER/+archive/ubuntu/PPANAME/+files/curtin_VERSION.dsc (or moral equivalent)23:10
nacccjwatson: ah good to know23:12
smosercjwatson: ok. thank you. harder than i'd like it to be. but ok.23:45
cjwatsonI miiiight be wrong, but I thought this was in my list of "boy I sure wish this worked differently, but I don't feel like spending the non-trivial effort involved in fixing it"23:51
wgrantcjwatson is correct. Only the most recent source remains published on ppa.launchpad.net.23:54
wgrantThe only case where multiple versions of a particular source or binary are published in an (archive, suite, arch) is atomic arch-indep domination.23:55
wgrantA similar mechanism could probably be used for sources, now that atomic arch-indep domination exists, but nobody's ever done that.23:55
cjwatsonThe Debian archive has done it for a while.23:56
wgrantI mean nobody's looked at it seriously in LP's history AFAIK23:57
wgrantIt also ties into the whole Built-Using thing.23:57

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