
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
=== Guest23352 is now known as ogasawara
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tjaaltonI'm lost with lxc (again). created a container for bionic with "lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud -n autopkgtest-bionic -- -r bionic -d daily" and it worked, but the container is not listed in 'lxc list' and 'lxc info autopkgtest-bionic' just says "error: not found"08:50
tjaaltonrunning autopkgtest of course fails with "Error: container autopkgtest-bionic is not defined"08:51
tjaaltonit fails even with containers that lxc info does list08:51
tjaaltonthis is on a xenial box08:51
cjwatsontjaalton: you're mixing the lxc and lxd tools; generally speaking lxc-* and 'lxc *' don't mix09:05
tjaaltonmixing how? these are from the manpages09:06
cjwatsontjaalton: well, it's wrong.  what manpages?09:06
cjwatsontjaalton: I mean, if you want to use lxc-* then you need to do that throughout, so you need to say lxc-ls -f rather than lxc list, etc.09:06
tjaaltonautopkg-virt-lxc and autopkgtest09:06
cjwatsontjaalton: consider using the new world instead though as it's generally a lot easier to use; so 'adt-build-lxd ubuntu:bionic' to build the image and then it'll be a lxd image and show up in 'lxc list'09:07
tjaaltonI've probably done that before09:07
tjaaltonbecause lxc list does show two instances (for sid and zesty) but using them is the problem now :)09:08
cjwatsonright, adt-virt-lxc(1) has the creation instructions you give but it certainly doesn't recommend using 'lxc list' afterwards.  try adt-virt-lxd(1) instead09:08
cjwatsonah, that actually recommends 'adt-build-lxd images:ubuntu/bionic/amd64' instead (ubuntu:... and images:ubuntu/... are built in somewhat different ways)09:09
tjaaltonok, I'll start from there and write this down somewhere..09:09
tjaaltontoo many ways to do something09:09
tjaaltonautopkgtest in xenial is too old, doesn't have manpages for adt-virt-*09:20
tjaaltonguess it's time to upgrade anyway09:20
tjaaltonmine is from backports09:21
cjwatsonI'm running xenial and have manpages for adt-virt-*.09:21
cjwatsonSo ITYM too new.09:21
cjwatsonThey probably refactored something between 3.20.4 and 4.3 ...09:21
tjaaltonwhy of course.. :)09:22
tjaaltonit's autopkgtest-virt-* now09:23
Mirveveryone with lxc/lxd gets to the 'lxc' command confusion zone before learning the lxc=lxd lxc-=lxc truths :)11:12
Mirvrecently I was doing lxc inside lxd and got somewhat even more confused11:12
vilaMirv: :)11:16
tjaaltonwell, creating a bionic container doesn't seem to work, networking fails12:34
tjaaltondns to be exact12:34
Mirvyou can try creating /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf manually with nameserver
ogra_on bionic rather /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf i12:55
ogra_i guess12:55
tjaaltonhow exactly, I'm just running autopkgtest-build-lxd12:56
tarzeauif i would like to get a package into 18.04, and something is stuck in new queue, any chance to speed it up?12:58
tarzeauthe freeze is around end of february right?12:58
jbichatarzeau: it's stuck in Debian's NEW queue, right?12:59
tjaaltonI mean, the dns failure is in the container itself, it can't resolve archive.ubuntu.com...13:01
tjaaltonhuh, looks like the host is affected too, wth13:03
tjaaltonnope, was just slow13:03
Unit193So you're just having a bad day..13:05
Unit193tjaalton: Oh, any chance -ati will be patched in bionic?13:05
tjaaltonpatched for what?13:05
Unit193freedesktop bug 10294813:06
ubottuFreedesktop bug 102948 in Driver/Radeon "xf86-driver-ati can not let me visit tty1 to tty6" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10294813:06
Unit193Switching TTYs doesn't work out so well.13:07
tjaaltonthere will usually be new releases of ati & amdgpu before our FF13:07
tjaaltonI'll poke MrCooper about it13:08
Unit193Thanks, and sounds good (looks like a few memleak fixes too.)13:12
tarzeaujbicha: yes, the font and colmap13:14
tarzeaujbicha: but i also plan to finish up cool-retro-term before march13:14
jbichatarzeau: you could try asking #debian-ftp and explain why you think you need it processed sooner13:14
jbichanew packages can still be accepted into Ubuntu after Debian Import Freeze, but it's a manual process and not guaranteed13:15
tarzeaujbicha: it's not like we don't have an own repo at work. it'd just make it easier, and thinking globally, i'm sure there's a few people having fun at the colmap fonts-league-spartan packages14:57
tarzeauwe haven't decided at work yet whether we stay with ubuntu 18.04 or go back to debian for the future...15:02
pisihello, i'm curious, when will be released gnome 3.27 packages for ubuntu 18.0416:08
juliankpisi: Historically speaking it seems it started with the .9X series16:12
juliankthat is, 3.27.9116:12
juliankmerging the early alphas does not seem like a particularly good idea IMO16:12
juliankbut I'm not a desktop guy :D16:13
pisijuliank: make sense, i heard theme and icon theme will change with 18.04. what about plymouth theme do you know?16:15
pisithis is bad i think plymouth theme too old16:17
juliankI don't care much what I see in these 5 seconds :D16:19
juliankbut I'm pretty sure it's kept consistent with other stuff16:19
juliankhmm, it seems to me the theme has not changed since at least 201516:23
juliankbut then I don't think it looks a lot different from other UI elements16:23
xnoxpisi, there was chatter about community engaged redesign of plymouth theme, but not sure if anything has happened yet. at least we do have new plymouth merged, and have high-dpi plymouth by default now.16:28
pisixnox: Is there a link to this?16:33
dokocjwatson: fyi, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/355902779/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.py-macaroon-bakery_1.1.0-1_BUILDING.txt.gz16:43
cjwatsondoko: drat, thanks17:04
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wxli can confirm the installer does not have an SMP kernel, at least in that `uname -a` does not report SMP and CONFIG_SMP is not set in /boot/config*19:34
wxloops wrong channel hah!19:34
cjwatsondoko: py-macaroon-bakery fix uploaded to unstable22:07

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