
lotuspsychjeFlannel: are you gonna kick every volunteer that tries to help #ubuntu?07:47
Flannellotuspsychje: You've been talked to *many* times about not just throwing factoids at people.  You definitely know better.07:47
lotuspsychjenobody replyed to that guy, the reccomended postfix factoid could be usefull to config his problem07:47
FlannelNo, it has nothing to do with what he was asking.07:48
lotuspsychjeFlannel: nobody ever warned me ever about factoids, you can check the logs about it07:48
FlannelIf that's the case, then I'm sorry for kicking you.  I obviously got you confused with someone else.07:48
lotuspsychjeyou did the same with alkisg too..we lost that guy07:49
lotuspsychjehe supported #ubuntu for years here07:49
FlannelWhile I generally have a policy of not discussing operator actions with other people, I'll just say no.07:50
Flannelalkisg was being belligerent and was removed because of that.07:50
FlannelJust because someone does support doesn't give anyone a free pass to also cause problems.07:50
lotuspsychjeso 1 little problem can override years of support?07:51
FlannelYou've got it backwards.  "years of support" doesn't give you a get out of jail free card if you're harassing someone.07:52
Flannellotuspsychje: Besides, it was only a kick, after two warnings.  He isn't banned.07:52
lotuspsychjei know he isnt, but a kick in this case resulted that he will never come back, never help users here anymore07:53
lotuspsychjefor us thats a great lost07:53
FlannelI will say we consider "total" behavior when it comes to longer bans, so you may get "more" chances to get kicked before you get a longer cooling off period.07:53
FlannelBut an operator's responsibility to make sure the channel is a place where someone can get support.  Which means if someone is disrupting that, we need to stop that disruption.07:54
Flannellotuspsychje: But anyway, I've been informed by some other people that you are not the person I was thinking of.  Which means, you're 100% correct that you shouldn't have been kicked.07:56
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=== Menzador is now known as HideFromJohnjohn
=== HideFromJohnjohn is now known as Menzie
CoderEuropeAlrighty then, I need guidance in better IRC-ing for #ubuntu-offtopic that I was got the kick from afew days ago ? Any help appreciated.19:56
eli think we're past the point of that being worth our time19:58
CoderEuropeYou need to give a reason - just so I know - 'cos I really don't have a clue ?20:00
elbecause you've been coached in how to interact with people repeatedly in the past and have been completely dismissive.20:02
eli am not interested in expecting others to have to go through the same process as i've tried with you as that is an unfair expectation of their time.20:03
CoderEuropeel, you are never on #ubuntu-offtopic, though - I wanna hear it from from the decision makers. and anyway - all you told me was not to discuss 'local news' - which I have fully complied with (?)20:04
elthat was not the only thing i discussed with you20:05
CoderEuropeIs it my name ?20:05
elwhy would your name be the problem?20:05
CoderEuropeyou tell me ?20:05
elCoderEurope: i'm not interested in your gaslighting. you brought the possibility up, why did you bring the possibility up.20:06
CoderEuropebecause some ppl don't like Europe, possibly ?20:06
* el raises an eyebrow20:07
CoderEuropeIs that a yes ?20:07
daxIf the conclusion you came to after being repeatedly talked to about your behavior by multiple people, and being kicked from the channel immediately after being told by multiple chanops that you're annoying, is that this is somehow related to your nick, you are not competent to be in IRC channels that require any level of awareness or social nature whatsoever.20:07
elit is not20:07
hggdhCoderEurope: so, anything else? If not, please /part the channel20:11
CoderEuropedax, I may be in the wrong channel, perhaps - but unfortunately you act like an Emporer, and only chu said I was annoying, and you followed him - to which chu revealed he was exceedingly overdosed on alcohol. Let me be frank - I shall now leave this channel and all of the friends that I have made because you are barely loquacious at times, and I feel that all I am doing is nuturing these ubuntu friends. as such I have not booked to attend20:18
CoderEuropeUbuCon Europe - and thereby I shall not be establishing a Loco using www.Ubuntu.im (which I own) - you nocious actions merely drive me to talk to local Ubuntu-ists more often as you give no alternative.  adieu. By the way - I shall now remove my £4,500 in ubuntu bounties on bountysource aswell.20:18
daxAbout the only thing I have to say about that is: Ubuntu does Bountysource?20:19
wxlalso can you *over*dose on alcohol and still be conscious?20:20
el"overdose" is a complicated term20:21
CoderEuropeAgain you fail to talk the truth, and act like all you are interested in is money, not Free Software. Ubuntu and its components have been doing bountysource for years (YEARS !) Ubuntu BOUNTIES NOW REMOVED - except for other users contributions. You Lost in acting like mono-syllabic ill-informed    kids. https://www.bountysource.com/search?query=ubuntu21:20
crester48Hello hello21:28
daxcrester48: hello again Ender21:29
crester48how are you doing?21:29
hggdhah. sehr gut/whois crester4821:35

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