
cyberangerOmnifrog: Tell me about it, I can never find my pulse and it scares me.01:35
Unit193It's not that hard, but sometimes disturbing how high it can be.01:39
* cyberanger still can't find it01:43
Omnifroglol, this conversation has moved along at an average of a line per day02:40
OmnifrogI don't worry about heart rate as much as blood pressure though02:41
Omnifrogshit. I just raised the line count/day02:42
wrstQuadruple, now :)02:55
wrstwell we've just ruined it now02:56
wrstwell I'm done now... I'm an old man, going to bed02:58
Omnifrogdon't break a hip on the way03:00
Omnifrogtechnically she did JUST say that03:21
Omnifrogoops >.>03:21
moppo(_)                                               | |10:14
moppo_ _ __ ___   ___ _   _ _ __   ___ _ __ _ __   ___| |_ ___   ___  _ __ __ _10:14
moppo| | '__/ __| / __| | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ __/ __| / _ \| '__/ _` |10:14
moppo| | | | (__ _\__ \ |_| | |_) |  __/ |  | | | |  __/ |_\__ \| (_) | | | (_| |10:14
moppo|_|_|  \___(_)___/\__,_| .__/ \___|_|  |_| |_|\___|\__|___(_)___/|_|  \__, |10:14
moppo| |                                             __/ |10:14
moppo|_|                                            |___/10:14
moppoaverage-guy [Ubik] Omnifrog wrst Unit193 cyberanger meetingology xTEMPLARx ubuntulog10:14
average-guythat was fun10:25
Unit193A wake up call?10:25

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