=== tanuki_ is now known as tanuki | ||
Space-Duck | What are your thoughts on installing Webmin on production web servers? | 07:06 |
andol | My first thought? Why on earth would you do that? | 07:07 |
Space-Duck | Cause I'm lazy... I'm tired of configing | 07:08 |
Space-Duck | But is my convenience worth it? | 07:09 |
andol | Using Webmin seems a lot more work than to have your config reusable in a configuration management system. | 07:09 |
HackeMate | how does opendns work, they are a dns server with a huge /etc/hosts file? | 08:49 |
lordievader | HackeMate: They are an open resolver. They forward queries to the authoritative nameserver. And probably cache the answer. | 09:36 |
sileht | jamespage, coreycb, zul, ddellav Hi, last libvirt/qemu released on cloud-archive looks broken : https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1748622 don't hesiate to ping me for any additional log/output/debug | 13:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1748622 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "with last proposed libvirt/qemu update instances missing" [Undecided,New] | 13:55 |
Redfoxmoon | Hello! just installed ubuntu server 17.10 on a computer with an e1000e ethernet controller, in the installer it's able to configure the ethernet controller correctly | 15:36 |
Redfoxmoon | However when it reboots into the installed copy, there's no ethernet entry in /etc/network/interfaces, adding one doesn't help either | 15:37 |
Redfoxmoon | Quite stumped as to what to do... | 15:37 |
Redfoxmoon | ..... lalala installed *again* and now it just magically works | 15:38 |
Redfoxmoon | my luck ;_; | 15:38 |
Redfoxmoon | nvm. | 15:47 |
Redfoxmoon | and I solved it! yay | 15:50 |
tomreyn | well done ;-) | 16:25 |
Redfoxmoon | *sigh* it's a tiny bit annoying the old interfaces crap was left in though, honestly:-) | 16:34 |
Redfoxmoon | Makes it just slightly confusing.. | 16:34 |
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