
jabukM 1.3 > 16.km JZ od OSILNICE @10/02/2018 02:58:51  https://maps.google.com/?q=45.47+N,+14.51+E02:08
* sasa84 potiho pride in se pokrije s kovtrčkom10:31
jabukIsraeli F-16 jet shot down by Syria fire, says military | Syria News | Al Jazeera11:45
jabukThe Israeli military says one of its F-16 planes was shot down during their Syria operation targeting 'Iranian sites'.11:45
Lurker69opa, narobe kanal11:45
CrazyLemona tak si ti11:53
zdobbieopa!?!?! se vidiva na bojiscu!12:11
Lurker69sej ni tko zlo narobe link14:55
Lurker69če bo kdaj tretjy svetovna vojna se bo verjetno začela s člankom s podobnim naslovom14:56
Lurker69btw ma kdo tokaj slovenske win 10?14:56
Lurker69wčeraj sem našel eno slovnično napako pa me zanima če je v slovenski verziji tudi14:57
Lurker69v windows defender security center settings https://image.prntscr.com/image/4OiRxZD8SsCpevka8FOVxw.png14:57
Lurker69sovražim tote nove settingse v windowsih, prvič zarad retarded dizajna, in drugič ker toti novi sceeni vsebijejo manj nastavitev kot stari control panel14:59
Lurker69če hočeš recimo met angleške windovse ampak slovenski (nemški) format za datum, tega ne moreš nastavit v teh super nepreglednih novih settings straneh, ampak moraš odpret dobri stari contol panel15:01
Lurker69sm mislu da so vse stvari prenesl v novi format, ampak očitno se motim15:01
Lurker69zgleda da so win8 win10 win10 anniversary in win 10 creators updae še vedno bol kot ne beta public testing, al ka15:02
zdobbiemah https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/johann-johannsson-visionary-composer-behind-sicario-dies-at-48-108361918:35
jabukJohann Johannsson, Visionary Composer Behind 'Sicario,' Dies at 48 | Hollywood Reporter18:35
jabukOne of Hollywood's hottest film scorers, Johannsson earned Grammy, Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations and also premiered a composition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.18:35
jabukMakerThink Knight Precision 3D Printer Unboxing! - YouTube20:55
jabukAll Machined Aluminum with Servos and Ball Screws on 3-Axis! More info here: https://www.makerthink.com/knight2 Email: business@makerthink.com Gina Häußge's ...20:55
CrazyLemoni like this 3d stuff... looks awesome20:56
jabukDrax the Destroyer on Twitter: "Check out the reaction of this 98 year old man when he finds out how old he really is… "22:14
jabukM 1.4 > 5.km SZ od ŽUŽEMBERKA @10/02/2018 23:18:17  https://maps.google.com/?q=45.87+N,+14.91+E22:29

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