
=== xqb` is now known as xqb
hal90001first time using weechat yeah ;o)12:00
hal90001knome: thx12:07
hal90001i like it. used pidgin before. its nice. but i dont like the fact that it stays active in background when i close it.12:08
crondOk that confused me SO much12:10
crondCause WeChat, the chinese android app12:10
crondso you made me doubletake.12:10
hal90001crond: ;o) no no its weechat client for terminal12:12
crondlol yeah that makes SO much more sense.12:13
crondcan't say I've ever used it, in ssh I just use irssi12:13
Unit193Good plan.12:13
crondI use hexchat in X, though.12:14
hal90001crond: yeah i thought about using irssi  but weechat i tried first12:15
crondhey if it works, it works12:15
crondno point in getting religious about program choice in Linux12:15
crondunless you use emacs. cause emacs is terrible.12:15
hal90001i'll try irssi next - not that i care about features - i'll choose what suits me better12:18
Unit193You'll have to configure it a bit, I'd recommend a newer version that supports SASL.12:19
hal90001Unit193: like themes or colors?  xubuntu gives me 0.8.19 from official repos12:21
Unit193That should do.12:22
crondlooks like my debian box has 0.8.17 and it has SASL I do believe12:23
crondso you'll be fine12:23
hal90002here i am12:25
Unit193crond: https://irssi.org/2016/02/29/irssi-0.8.18-released/12:25
hal90002looks and feels a little bit untidy - nicknames are not in a list on the right side - but i know it can be configured12:26
crondUnit193, hmm, guess it doesn't.  interesting12:26
Unit193crond: cap_sasl.pl only.12:27
crondI just connected to my znc so it hadn't come up12:27
Unit193hal90001: Yeah irssi isn't the best out of the box, but I'm quite fond of it myself.12:28
hal90002i think i'll get along with weechat (i'm lazy) but ill keep irssi installed for checking it out a bit more later12:29
Unit193Sure, use what works (in your case, weechat.)12:29
crondJust don't use emacs.  it probably can be an irc client, but it's a terrible idea.12:30
knomecrond, didn't you just say there was no reason for getting religious...12:30
crondknome, except about emacs.12:30
knomenope, including emacs, if you will12:30
crondnever.  also, it DOES have an irc client.  https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs?action=browse;oldid=EmacsIRCClient;id=ERC12:31
crondEmacs: "Screw the kitchen sink approach, we toss the entire house at it."12:31
hal90001i heard about emacs but do not really know what that is - there is "mac" in the name that worries me ^^12:32
Unit193crond: He was politely asking you to tone down the negativity, actually.12:32
knomeUnit193, yes12:32
Unit193hal90001: Text editor with extensions.12:32
crondUnit193, pfft. I'm just playfully taking cracks at emacs, if people don't have enough of a sense of humour to handle some teasing, then they have other issues12:33
crondalso, if they care enough about a text editor to get offended, more issues.12:33
hal90001nano and mousepad are nice12:33
knomecrond, maybe, but this is also a family-friendly and all-inclusive channel, so let's be nice and not make people go away even if they had problems that made them leave...12:34
crondemacs is notoriously ...feature rich.  I don't see how on earth making a joke about that could be 'non-inclusive'12:34
crondit's a text editor, not gender identity12:35
crondbut fair enough12:35
crondI haven't ever used mousepad12:37
knomeit's a good, simple GUI text editor that does its job12:38
hal90001I have a question here. There is a MIME Type Editor in Xubuntu. I can assign default programs to open specific file types and change the associations to another program. But there is no option to remove the file type association. That bugs me.12:38
knomehal90001, ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list12:40
knomei think that should do it..12:40
crondwouldn't it be in  /usr/share/applications/defaults.list or /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.cache ?12:41
crondOh, yeah, or for local user.12:41
knomelikely the one i mentioned, unless you want to remove some default defaults...12:41
crondwhat knome said12:41
knomeand cache is just what it says - cache - don't trust it :P12:41
crondI have a tendancy to hamfistedly modify things for my entire system in the wrong places.12:41
knomeunfortunately sometimes you kind of have to, and that's even worse12:42
hal90001found it. /usr/share/xubuntu/applications/defaults.list seems to be the right one with the unwanted association i was looking for12:45
hal90001okay have to to some day activities besides hacking linux and chatting with you - see ya and thanks for the help12:49
Ariefsomeone, can you help me fix audio in XUBUNTU 16.04 ?13:10
cfhowlett!sound | Arief start here13:11
ubottuArief start here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:11
crondhmm firefox isn't scaling fonts with my system dpi scaling13:58
anonymous_aliashello @all18:40
anonymous_aliastoday I upgraded vrom 17.04 to 17.1018:41
anonymous_aliasnow I have a strange behavior after I closed the lid of my laptop18:41
anonymous_aliasafter reopenning the lid the mouse pointer disappeared and when I move the mouse the lower part of the screen up to the line where the mouse pointers "hotspot" schould be flickers balck and white.18:43
anonymous_aliaswhen I stop moving the mouse the desktop is shown as normal.18:44
anonymous_aliasWhen I logg of and log in again the behavior is back to normal until I again close thze lid.18:45
anonymous_aliasany hint where to look for the problem?18:45
well_laid_lawnanonymous_alias:  see if the X log shows a clue18:54
zleapprobably in /var/log18:58
anonymous_aliaswell_laid_lawn: something special to look for (except "error")?19:10
well_laid_lawnI have never seen your issue before so not sure how it would be happening19:12
anonymous_aliasnothing suspecious in  /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:13
well_laid_lawnwhat's the vid card ?19:13
anonymous_aliasVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)19:13
anonymous_aliasDisplay controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)19:14
well_laid_lawncheck to see if it is using sna when it needs uxa19:15
anonymous_aliascan you guide me how?19:15
anonymous_aliason the other hand, it it was such a basic configuration, shouldnt it fail before closing the lid too?19:16
well_laid_lawnin a terminal   grep -i sna /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:16
anonymous_aliasreturns nothing19:17
well_laid_lawnthat was my guess for what's happening19:19
anonymous_aliaslooking for uxa in /var/log/Xorg.0.log also returns nothing19:20
anonymous_aliasis that OK?19:20
well_laid_lawnsome things to try - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/intel_graphics#SNA_issues19:27
anonymous_aliasThanks for the li9nk but none of them seams to e applicapable because they have different failure descriptions. Also they seam to apply for lder GCs before Rev06 whereas I have Rev07.19:43
well_laid_lawnit does seem to be an odd thing you have happening there anonymous_alias19:47
anonymous_aliasthink so too... ;o)19:52
anonymous_aliasthe odd thing is that I only made a minor update and now it's broken...19:53
well_laid_lawnit will be systemd handling the lid closing/opening iirc19:57
well_laid_lawnsomething with that might have changed with the update19:57
anonymous_aliasI wonder how to find out what...20:10
anonymous_aliasquite strange: I just figured out that when I switch to a console (<strg><alt><f1>) and back to grphic console (<alt><f7>) the problem disapears (until I close the lid next time...). So at least I have a work around.20:54
anonymous_aliasThanks well_laid_lawn for your time!20:55
Atomic_fZQd2is asking for help with xubuntu appropriate here?21:06
krytarikSee the topic, and just ask away.21:09
Atomic_fZQd2when i boot it up , it shiw the xubuntu logo and the after a few seconds starts flashing and doesn't boot. not a gpu issue.21:13
Atomic_fZQd2any help is appreciated21:13
Atomic_fZQd2here's what i tried: chrooting and upgrading the system with apt-get upgrade and also apt-get autoremove21:14
Atomic_fZQd2i also tried reconfigurong with dpkg21:14
=== Atomic_fZQd2 is now known as quantzbeats
krytarik!nomodeset | Atomic_fZQd2: Also tried this yet?21:15
ubottuAtomic_fZQd2: Also tried this yet?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:15
well_laid_lawnfrom the live cd you should be able to mount the os and check the kernel log too21:16
quantzbeatswell_laid_lawn: where's the kernel log? in /var/log ?21:18
quantzbeatsubottu: will try that now21:18
ubottuquantzbeats: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:18
well_laid_lawnyep in /var/log21:19
quantzbeatsok will check after work.21:22

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