[00:05] hi guys! [00:08] somebody know whats the differences between Ubuntu LTS and Ubuntu simple? [00:16] Ubuntu LTS = "Ubuntu long term support" [00:17] I think: Ubuntu guarantees security updates and some bug fixes for LTS for three years [00:18] each LTS release is in April of even-numbered years, so 16.04 is LTS, and 18.04 will the next LTS [00:18] whoops, ale_ isn't even around. oh well === xqb` is now known as xqb [09:20] hello? [09:21] well_laid_lawn i'm back [09:21] you up? [09:22] I'm here but a little busy. what's up ? [09:22] i can't boot up , or even get to the login screen due to a PAM issue ( might be xorg as well idk ) [09:22] lightdm: PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet.so): /lib/security/pam_kwallet.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [09:22] this is the error that pops up in /var/log/auth.log [09:22] lightdm: PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet5.so): /lib/security/pam_kwallet5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [09:23] i tried rewrapping the passphares ( to my home directory ), i also tried installing kwalletmanager. tried Deleting .Xauthority . none of it worked [09:24] i see the xubuntu loading scree and then it just starts flashing [09:24] the way i did all of that was by booting into a live cd and chrooting into the system [09:27] any help is appreciated [09:28] quantzbeatz, please don't crosspost to multiple channels [09:28] bazhang: sorry === Atomic_fZQd2 is now known as quantbeatzbak [15:24] Hi guys! Just joined to say I am installing xubuntu in a very old pc after more than ten years with kde and kubuntu! [15:25] And I am already at the 5th time I am attempting to install it because every time or the installation gets stuck or I get some kernel panic error in the init :D === xubuntu77i is now known as Wakka [15:27] I'll come quite often in this group though, so...hope you won't course me :P === Wakka is now known as WaKKa [15:43] Wait, why are they installing xubuntu with kde [15:43] that's weird. [15:53] Hi guys after a fresh installation of xubuntu daily release I keep getting this error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eyiq4g7xcgaxgbf/IMG_20180211_164813.jpg?dl=0 does anyone can help me figuring out how to solve? The installation is 64bit and my CPU does support it [15:55] WaKKa, any particular reason you're using a daily? [15:56] I want to be install as much recent as I can since I don't want to update or upgrade anytime soon [15:56] and your install is broken, you'll have to reinstall, and I'd make sure your download/image written to usb aren't corrupt. Re-download 17.10 and use etcher to write it to usb to install [15:57] and that's not how it works [15:57] you can't just download a daily build and not have to update :) [15:58] ...ok...I will try to install the 17.10...can I make a USB pen with unetbootin via xubuntu live according to you? [15:58] you should be able to, yes. [15:59] Ok I am trying, thank you for the moment crond! [15:59] WaKKa: hang on [15:59] Flocculant: yes? [16:00] I'd not use unetbootin - half the time it doesn't work ... try that etcher thing if you want or install gnome-disks, they both work fine in my experience [16:01] and fyi - the daily is probably the worst thing to pick to not have to update ;) [16:03] Flocculant: sorry but I didn't understand, how do you suggest to make the usb pen? [16:03] This morning I installed the 32bit and worked well...the only problem was so far every program I needed was in 64bit deb [16:07] use unetbootin then [16:08] what do you mean 'in 64 bit deb' ? where are you getting things from that you have to choose? [16:10] Flocculant: Chrome, atom.io just two examples [16:11] Anyway I am downloading the 17.10.1 and trying to install it directly in / via live by unetbootin...finger crossed :D [16:12] you need to burn it to usb and then install it from there [17:37] Hey guys! You were right! Just installed 17.10.1 and works [17:38] When the LTS will be out will I be able according to you to upgrade without make the system dirty and slower? That's my concern, that's why my previous kubuntu was the 14.04 [17:43] Yes, you should be fine doing a dist-upgrade when 18.04 drops. [17:43] but that's not til April. === chmurifree is now known as chmuri === Zren_ is now known as Zren [23:19] hi [23:19] Heya. [23:22] i cannot install ubuntu-tweak 0.8.7-1 on xubuntu 16.04 [23:24] no support for ubuntu-tweak in xubuntu 16.04 [23:24] gnome-tweak-tool is there [23:30] I'd question if that's useful on a non-GNOME desktop though.