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IrcsomeBot<kusuma_loka> @kusuma_loka, Try this, and now all my input device cant detect02:28
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Guest39240well kubuntu seems good06:01
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I agree 100%.06:01
kkremitzkiHas anyone ever seen a bug where locking with ctrl+alt+L results in a buggy lock screen with rectangles replacing the characters and a white rectangle blocking the top right part of the screen, and not being able to log back in?06:01
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I rarely lock my screenl but I just tried it and everything worked as expected.06:03
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BluesKajHiyas all11:48
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TomTomany idea why networkmanager changes the nameserver to is the working an correct one (from systemd)15:09
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TomTomi restored the symlink to systemd resolv.conf, now all seems to be ok15:36
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IrcsomeBotangelKde was added by: angelKde16:53
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cbergI'm trying to install kubuntu with an encrypted luks lvm, using the manual partitioning option in the installer, but I can't figure out how. am I missing something or is that not so easy?18:52
cbergI even tried creating the encrypted luks lvm outside of the installer, then assigning mountpoint to the pre-created LVs in the installer for swap and /18:53
cbergbut it won't boot (grub rescue)18:53
cbergshouldn't this work? https://i.imgur.com/mk3PyFY.png19:03
scj643How does one do manual LVM partitioning install19:46
scj643I'm coming from Fedora KDE19:46
cbergscj643: is that in replay to my question? or a separate question?19:49
scj643I just joined19:49
cberglooks like we're trying to do the same thing then19:49
scj643Using LVM19:50
cbergyeah I can't figure out how to do it19:50
scj643LVM Makes distro hopping easy19:50
cbergeven tried manually creating the LVM setup outside of the installer and assigning mount points19:50
scj643cberg: Fedora works well with LVM19:50
cbergI know19:51
cbergthe ubuntu installer doesn't seem to make this easy at all19:51
scj643Wish other distros would use bluefish for partitioning19:51
scj643cberg: that's what you get for trying to make it idiot proof19:51
cbergmy next option is trying the text mode installer from the minimal cd19:52
cbergbut I have no idea why I can't get it to work doing it manually19:52
scj643I'm trying Kubuntu because Fedora KDE spin was kinda unstable19:52
scj643I like Linux since it has better scaling19:52
scj643Since I'm visually impaired19:53
scj643Fun fact the fedora install will crash if you have multiple EFI partitions19:53
cberglet me know if you figure out how to get this kubuntu installer to work with manual LVM setuo :P19:54
scj643I'm amazed that someone else was trying to figure that out when I was too19:54
cbergI mean, it's probably quite common19:55
cbergthat's why I don't understand why it's not possible19:55
scj643I might just go back to gnome 3 on Fedora19:56
scj643I found the KDE apps kinda lacking19:56
scj643No google intigration for the system apps19:57
cbergI can live with that19:57
cbergbtw that's the setup I tried in the installer: https://i.imgur.com/mk3PyFY.png19:57
cbergwouldn't boot past the plymouth screen19:57
scj643LVM is a God send19:58
cbergalso why is there no auto option to only use unallocated space20:01
cbergI just want to keep my old partition20:01
scj643I got an SSD and a HDD on my laptop20:01
scj643Screw it going with Fedora Workstation20:02
cbergfedora has a kde spin too20:03
cbergoh wait you said that20:03
scj643I know but it's unstable20:03
scj643Doesn't seem polished20:03
scj643At least with my setup20:03
cbergok don't click the 'Format' box in the installer, it crashes every time ;)20:04
scj643Also I tend to work with centos and Fedora servers20:08
cbergI used fedora too on my main PC. wanted to try something different on my laptop20:10
cbergbut I've spent hours trying to install this now so not the best start20:10
scj643If you can't get it to install in 15 minutes or less it's not worth it20:12
scj643Also with my laptop having an Nvidia GPU it works well20:13
scj643Have to blacklist the open source driver20:14
cbergusually I hope to learn something from figuring this stuff out20:16
cbergbut I don't see what I'm doing wrong20:17
cbergI think the installer just can't handle it20:17
cbergokay, trying the minimal installer now. if that doesn't work then that is the end of my ubuntu adventure20:23
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cbergscj643: I've found this guide https://askubuntu.com/questions/293028/how-can-i-install-ubuntu-encrypted-with-luks-with-dual-boot#29302920:39
cbergbasically I've done everything until step 8 on my own before20:40
cbergapparently there is some after-install config necessary20:40
cbergtrying this now20:40
scj643Decided I'm doing Fedora workstation20:40
cbergprobably a good choice20:40
cbergyay it worked21:07
cbergso the installer just can't handle it and you need to fix it after it finishes21:07
cbergwell I gotta say kde plasma seems really nice now21:36
cbergand that's not even the 5.12 yet21:40
cbergtime to update21:40
valoriecberg: are you willing to file a bug about the above installer problems?22:00
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