
=== user8394 is now known as user8393
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oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!07:54
dufluMorning oSoMoN08:16
didrocksgood morning08:20
oSoMoNhey duflu08:23
oSoMoNsalut didrocks08:23
oSoMoNhow was the week-end?08:23
didrockssalut oSoMoN, week-end was uneventful, visited a place where we could build a house though and it looks nice :)08:28
didrocksand you?08:28
seb128good morning desktopers08:28
seb128lut oSoMoN, re didrocks08:28
didrocksre seb12808:28
oSoMoNsalut seb12808:29
oSoMoNdidrocks, nice!08:29
flexiondotorgBonjour desktopers08:30
seb128hey flexiondotorg08:30
oSoMoNhey flexiondotorg08:30
didrockshey flexiondotorg08:30
dufluMorning didrocks, seb128, flexiondotorg08:31
oSoMoNI had a really good week-end, went to the theater on Saturday and cycling with my daughter and cooked tartiflette for friends yesterday08:31
didrockshey hey duflu ;)08:32
seb128you like cheese-based meals on sunday :)08:32
didrockssounds nice oSoMoN!08:32
seb128hey duflu08:32
flexiondotorgduflu: Morning08:32
oSoMoNseb128, I do :)08:32
oSoMoNgood morning ricotz08:39
willcookemorning all09:01
didrockshey willcooke09:01
seb128hey willcooke, had a good w.e? how is u.k today?09:06
willcookehi chaps.  Chilly but sunny09:07
willcookeSo pretty nice09:07
dufluMorning willcooke09:11
didrocks"I think it was a very good decision to lock some threads to designers only" -> Yes! especially from some people frowning upon it at first :p)09:16
ricotzhey desktopers09:27
ricotzoSoMoN, hi09:27
seb128hey ricotz09:28
GunnarHjGood morning seb128!09:35
willcookeogra_, thanks for replying to that dude who had desktop file issues.09:39
ogra_np :)09:39
GunnarHjseb128: Your eyes on bug #1707898 would be much appreciated.09:40
ubot5bug 1707898 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd translations are not synced with upstream" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170789809:40
seb128hey GunnarHj09:41
seb128GunnarHj, yeah, you said so on friday :)09:42
seb128I'm going to have a look, I've just been busy (and sick/a bit slow on friday)09:42
willcookeAnyone know which airport I want for easy transfers to downtown Berlin?09:45
willcookeTegel looks like the closest09:45
dokoboth work09:46
willcookecool, thanks doko09:46
Trevinhohey guys09:47
Trevinhoanyone with multi-monitor setup can verify this SRU bug (one of the latest remaining): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/167143209:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1671432 in unity (Ubuntu Xenial) "Global application menu does not follow mouse move for displaying submenus in multi-monitor setups" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:47
willcookeTrevinho, trying now via a VM...09:53
Trevinhooh thanks, let's hope it ueses multi-monitor correclty09:54
willcookebah, it doesnt09:55
willcookeno good, sorry Trevinho, I'd have to reinstall Xenial to test09:59
Trevinhowillcooke: no worries, let's see if someone else can do it09:59
willcookeTrevinho, maybe a post to the hub and we can share on socials09:59
seb128Trevinho, willcooke, I can give it a try10:04
seb128Trevinho, good morning btw :)10:04
dufluHi and bye10:33
dufluHi and bye, Trevinho10:33
Trevinhohi and bye duflu :)10:33
Trevinhohi seb12810:33
oSoMoNricotz, have you pushed all your changes to ubuntu-bionic-6.0 ?10:41
oSoMoNI'll run autopkgtests for 1:6.0.1~rc1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1~lo1 in a VM10:43
ricotzoSoMoN, yes10:49
oSoMoNexcellent, thanks!10:49
oSoMoNand thanks for figuring out that missing translations bug, that was nasty10:49
ricotzyeah buried deep in the buildsystem :(10:50
tkamppeteroSoMoN, hi13:41
tkamppeteroSoMoN, I talked with you in NYC about the print dialog of LibreOffice.13:42
oSoMoNtkamppeter, ack, I'm having lunch now, I'll ping you when I'm back at the desk to chat13:48
tkamppeteroSoMoN, OK.13:48
oSoMoNtkamppeter, I'm back14:31
oSoMoNcan you refresh my memories of the print dialog? I remember you talking to me about it, but quite vaguely tbh14:32
oSoMoNtkamppeter, is it https://trello.com/c/TxIN7fGQ/1-make-all-print-dialogs-use-current-printing-technologies-via-common-backends-cpdb ?14:33
tkamppeterYes, exactly this. the backend libraries and the backends are now packaged and in Universe and MIRs are posted.14:35
tkamppeterThis would mean that if you let LO build-depend on the backend libraries (cpdb-libs) the need of the MIR will get evident.14:37
tkamppeteroSoMoN, ^^14:39
oSoMoNtkamppeter, so what's needed exactly? a simple additional build-depend is enough, or also patches to LO ?14:41
ximionLaney: for when you're back, what is needed to update appstream-generator / libappstream to refresh the data for Bionic? Newer generators are able to be a bit more relaxed when finding icons, which might be very beneficial to find new apps14:41
ximionthey also support fonts a bit better and add support for webapps14:41
seb128ximion, he's back on wednesday14:45
tkamppeteroSoMoN, you need to check whether said change is already in the LO version which you are usinng. If not, yoiu need to backpoort the change as distro patch. In addition, you need to build-depend on cpdb-libs so that ./configure will setup for building with cpdb-libs support.14:45
seb128tkamppeter, do you have an upstream bug reference?14:45
tkamppeterseb128, upstream bug reference for what?14:46
seb128tkamppeter, well, were those print dialog changes proposed upstream? if so there must be a bug report/merge request?14:46
oSoMoNtkamppeter, when was it merged upstream? do you have the commit ids ?14:47
jbichatkamppeter: you shouldn't add the Build-Depends until the MIR is approved since it will just cause LO to get stuck in bionic-proposed14:50
seb128jbicha, he said was was needed to build with it, not that it needs to be done now14:51
seb128jbicha, hey btw14:51
tkamppeteroSoMoN, seb128: Here we go: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/4056514:55
seb128tkamppeter, do you know if any distribution is enabling that backend yet? can it be split into a new binary that is installed only why those who want to test it?14:56
tkamppeterseb128, do not know about adoption by other distros.15:00
jbichaseb128: yet another MIR needs a bug subscriber :| LP: #174890515:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1748905 in libdazzle (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libdazzle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174890515:01
tkamppeterseb128, the principle is that on the system backends for each print technology (currently CUPS and Google Clkoud Print) will get installed separately.15:01
tkamppeterseb128, by a D-Bus broadcast call the print dialog finds the backend and listed the printers supplied through each of them so that the user can use them.15:02
tkamppeterseb128, Immediate advantage for LO user is:15:02
tkamppeter1. Google Cloud Print support just out of the dialog.15:03
tkamppeter2. Support for the newest CUPS printing technology, especially CUPS' ability to auto-create queues for network printers.15:03
tkamppeterFuture advantages will be:15:04
tkamppeter1. All apps (GTK, Qt, LO, ...) will use these backends, so they will all have complete printing supports.15:04
tkamppeter2. Modifying one backend, for example for advances in its print technology, security fixes, ...  will make the changes available for all apps immediately.15:05
tkamppeterseb128, ^^15:05
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seb128jbicha, did you notice that n-m hit failing autopkgtest issues?15:15
jbichaseb128: yes but I'm hoping someone else can look into those autopkgtests :|15:17
tkamppeteroSoMoN, still any questions?15:20
seb128jbicha, lol, that's why I asked15:24
seb128tkamppeter, sorry I was in an hangout15:24
seb128tkamppeter, I know the advantages of the common backend, but it's new and not well tested and might have crashes and bugs that the current libreoffice backend doesn't have15:25
oSoMoNtkamppeter, so I checked and your code is in 6.0, which will make its way to bionic this week, but until that MIR for cpdb-libs is approved it is premature to add a build-depends in libreoffice15:25
seb128tkamppeter, which is why I'm asking if it can be optional/installed as an extra file15:26
oSoMoNif no new backends are installed by default, and LO falls back graciously to cups as it works today, that should be fine15:26
seb128so those are extra files?15:28
seb128which means you could build-depends on it even if it's universe as long as the result deb is in universe15:28
seb128if you create a new binary for it I mean15:28
jbichaseb128: I'm not exactly a network guy, I just have helped with updates since I guess I cared more about NM than others :(15:30
tkamppeterseb128, AFAIK the student has also put a fallback that if there are no backends installed on a system that LO will use the old method, but for the automatic change support LO needs to get built with cpdb-libs.15:30
seb128jbicha, yeah, thanks for that, no problem, it's just than now we need to find somebody who is wanting to figure those issues out15:32
seb128we are a bit all busy atm15:32
oSoMoNtkamppeter, and that fallback mechanism has been well tested I assume?15:33
gQuigsfor nm, where do I see autopkg test failures for dev?15:35
seb128gQuigs, people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#network-manager15:36
seb128gQuigs, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#network-manager15:36
jbichagQuigs: congratulations on becoming the new NM maintainer 😉15:39
seb128pitti, hey, do you still work on systemd packaging? Do you have any opinion on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/356559238/systemd-translations-2.debdiff ?15:48
seb128the polkit part seems hackish domain one probably makes sense and maybe xgettext as well15:49
seb128GunnarHj, ^15:49
seb128GunnarHj, I don't really understand the sed hack for the actions files but that should probably be fixed upstream and not in a rules hack15:50
seb128jbicha, oh, and for libdazzle / subcribed, ack15:52
seb128kenvandine, do you know what's up with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1746710 ?15:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1746710 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Snap creates redundant duplicate directories in home folder" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:52
seb128some snaps seems to create untranslated xdg dirs15:53
pittiseb128: I forgot whether the gettext support for polkit was something ubuntu specific or actually in debian/upstream15:54
seb128hum, good question15:54
pittiseb128: if it's upstream, then this should just be done upstream15:54
pittiI don't understand the --gettext-package=systemd bit15:54
seb128I think gettext upstream learnt to do that15:54
pittiit's not explained in the changelog15:54
seb128pitti, the bug claims the build is currently generating an untitled.pot15:55
jbichapitti: policykit-1 changelog says the gettext support is a backport from master15:55
seb128which intltool-update usually does if you don't give it the domain to use15:56
seb128pitti, systemd-237/po$ intltool-update --pot --verbose15:58
seb128Wrote untitled.pot15:58
pittistatic void get_localized_data_for_challenge()15:59
pitti  gettext_domain = polkit_details_lookup (details, "polkit.gettext_domain");15:59
pitti  message_to_use = polkit_details_lookup (details, "polkit.message");15:59
pittiright, so the .policy file needs to specify the gettext domain15:59
seb128pitti, it was working/generating the right filename in 229 from xenial though, unsure what changed15:59
pittiand it seems they don't, and that patch doesn't add it there either16:00
pittioh, it actually does16:01
pittiso I'd suggest to instead file a systemd upstream PR that does this (replace translations with the gettext-domain="systemd" attribute16:01
GunnarHjseb128, pitti: I built the patch successfully locally. Just bothered by the hackishness.16:01
pittithe first hunk seems fine for Debian as well at first sight16:02
seb128pitti, that makes sense to me16:02
pittiI'm happy to review/land it upstream16:02
seb128pitti, should it be send to the BTS for review?16:02
seb128the first hunk I mean16:02
pitti(the second part, I mean)16:02
seb128pitti, danke!16:03
pittifor the first hunk, I'm okay with committing it directly16:03
seb128GunnarHj, ^16:03
pittiit just seems a  little too borad16:03
seb128GunnarHj, does that sounds good to you?16:03
pittithe explicit xgettext is only meant to extract translatable bits from the .policy files, right?16:04
pittias the rest should be done by intltool-update?16:04
seb128I guess16:04
seb128GunnarHj, ^16:04
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: Is the "first hunk" equal to the first patch I submitted to the bug report? Yes, xgettext is there only to include the strings from .policy files.16:05
pittiGunnarHj: right; I wondered if that can be called on src/*/*.policy.in instead of everything?16:06
pittijust to avoid second-guessing the build system too much and extracting it twice16:06
pittiGunnarHj: no, a "hunk" in a patch is a part that is separated by @@16:06
pittii. e. the smallest "atom" of a patch16:06
pittiGunnarHj: i. e. in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/356559238/systemd-translations-2.debdiff16:07
pittiGunnarHj: the first hunk is the --gettext-package=systemd/xgettext part16:07
pittithe second the mangling of the .policy files16:07
pittiwhich should be fixed in the upstream build system rather -- there's little point in  having them work against each other16:07
pittiand this is useful for other distros too16:08
GunnarHjpitti: Right, I got that, just mentioning that the bug report includes a first debdiff  with only that.16:08
pittiGunnarHj: right; just wanted to clarify what "hunk" means, as you asked16:08
pitti. o O { takes a while to revive memory of all this ☺ }16:09
GunnarHjpitti: Would you suggest that I change the xgettext call to include "called on src/*/*.policy.in" instead of pointing to POTFILES.in?16:10
pittiGunnarHj: oh, nevermind me - POTFILES.in is already just the "extra" files16:10
pittiso that part is fine, I'll commit it now16:11
GunnarHjpitti: Actually it includes one .c file (two after the patches have been applied.) OTOH it ignores those.16:11
pittiGunnarHj: right, but that's acceptable noise :)16:12
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, that was the main reason for my concern.16:12
pittiso I figure meson figures out the bulk of *.c files to look at automatically16:12
GunnarHjpitti: Actually I don't think other .c files include translatable strings.16:13
GunnarHjpitti: At least no such strings appear in the .po files.16:14
pittiGunnarHj, seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1707898/comments/1816:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1707898 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd translations are not synced with upstream" [Medium,In progress]16:16
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: So, if I understand it correctly, you would suggest that I file an upstream bug, where "gettext-domain="systemd" is added to the .policy files instead of the translations?16:17
pittias support for that is in polkit, I see no reason to not fix that upstream16:17
GunnarHjpitti, seb128: Ok, got it. Thanks for helping out with this!16:18
pittiI'm happy to immediately backport that afterwards16:18
pittito avoid having to wait fort 23816:18
pittiGunnarHj: thanks to you for spotting and fixing!16:18
seb128pitti, thx! :-)16:19
GunnarHjpitti: Just one problem: I'm not able to provide a patch for that change. Don't know how to make meson do what we want.16:20
tjaaltonshould I have squashfs/nsfs mounts active per every snap installed?16:21
pittiGunnarHj: let's discuss that on the upstream issue; Zbigniew might actually know16:21
GunnarHjpitti: Ok. Just file a verbal issue for now.16:21
seb128tjaalton, likely yes but that's rather a question for #snappy16:22
kenvandineseb128, i actually thought all snaps created untranslated xdg dirs :)16:22
kenvandinei have a branch for the helpers to try to address it16:22
seb128kenvandine, if they do it's buggy see the launchpad bug reports and screenshots16:23
kenvandinebut it didn't work :/16:23
seb128less good :(16:23
seb128I can help you debug later if you want16:23
pittiGunnarHj: please mention me with @martinpitt somewhere, so that I get  mailed16:23
seb128but for now I need to step out for a bit16:23
GunnarHjpitti: Will do.16:24
kenvandineseb128, https://github.com/kenvandine/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/commit/9be256f76362a4f109890e033d9fc5467144f71516:24
kenvandineseb128, if you have ideas16:24
xnoxdidrocks, gnome-shell fails to start, if one has upstart removed, but in "rc" state with config files not purged =( i think maybe gnome-shell / ubuntu-session or some such should force remove things.16:30
didrocksxnox: is that due to gdm?16:33
didrockslike, does the gdm "gdm" session even starts?16:33
didrocks(maybe, let's try to find the root cause rather than forcing purging)16:34
xnoxdidrocks, gdm starts, but I am failing to login. There may have been a couple of issues 1) somehow my login got reset to "GNOME" instead of "Ubuntu" session -> changed that by hand16:34
xnox2) in .xsession-errors I saw that /sbin/upstart is being executed by /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ scripts, but is not there, noticed that upstart is removed, but not purged (hence the left over config file)16:35
xnoxso I purged upstart, and then logging in started to work.16:35
xnoxit should be reproducible by installing upstart, removing it, but not purging, and trying to login.16:35
* xnox think upstart Xsession.d scripts are not designed to work sensibly when upstart is uninstalled....16:35
didrocksxnox: the "GNOME" reset is due to wayland transition, but it's only cosmetic, the fallback default is ubuntu16:36
didrocksfor the session part, it sounds like more an upstart integration issue for user session16:39
tsimonq2tjaalton: Ping, did you see my ping from Friday?n17:33
tjaaltontsimonq2: and replied, but didn't have time to fix that yet18:10
oSoMoNricotz, FYI, I just pushed https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/commit/?id=cb98b45509c8fe810daba893e56df2003466e02a18:32
GunnarHjxnox: We have made some progress on systemd translations (bug #1707898). p_itti committed one part to Debian, and I have files an upstream issue about the rest.18:34
ricotzoSoMoN, I noticed :), make sure to request a cherry-pick to libreoffice-6-0 branch18:34
ubot5bug 1707898 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd translations are not synced with upstream" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170789818:34
oSoMoNricotz, where do I request a cherry-pick?18:36
ricotzoSoMoN, there is a button in gerrit for it18:36
oSoMoNah, right, I needed to log in to the gerrit webui to reveal it18:38
czajkowskiello, does anyone here use Zoom for video conferencing ?18:39
gQuigsczajkowski: occasionally.. why?18:40
mdeslauroSoMoN: I'm going to need a 5.4.5 LO package for artful to fix CVE-2018-6871...is that available somewhere?18:41
oSoMoNmdeslaur, not yet, 5.4.4 just made its way to artful-proposed today, I'll prepare 5.4.5 tomorrow18:42
mdeslauroSoMoN: ok, let me know when you have it, I'll release 5.4.5 directly as a security update over 5.4.418:42
mdeslaurI need to build it in the security pocket18:42
mdeslauroSoMoN: thanks! :)18:44
oSoMoNmdeslaur, what about xenial and trusty, should we cherry-pick the fix for the CVE and SRU just that?18:44
mdeslauroSoMoN: I grabbed the backported fixes from debian, and am preparing trusty and xenial updates now18:44
oSoMoNexcellent, thanks!18:44
czajkowskigQuigs: not working on 17.10 so filed a bug with them but wondered was anyone else running into the same issues. cannot screen share18:51
seb128czajkowski, do you use an xorg or wayland session? screen sharing isn't going to work under wayland (dunno if that's your issue)18:52
gQuigsI use it on 17.10 on Xorg18:52
gQuigsbut not for screen share18:52
czajkowskiseb128: yes it's wayland is the issue,  but when I flip over to xorg or unity on login, I still am only able to screen share on Chrome not on FF18:58
czajkowskiso debugging with the zoom folks18:58
seb128could be a firefox bug if it's only in that webbrowser18:59
czajkowskiseb128: they ack over wayland being the issue and know it's an issue.18:59
seb128czajkowski, right, reason for https://community.ubuntu.com/t/xorg-will-be-the-default-in-18-04-lts/3623 as well or at least one18:59
czajkowskiseb128: ah so maybe if I upgrade...19:00
czajkowskiseb128: thanks for the link19:00
czajkowskiwe only just switched from GoTo meeting where it just worked19:00
seb128czajkowski, no need to upgrade to change the session, you can pick "Ubuntu on xorg"19:00
seb128it's just the default that changed19:00
czajkowskiseb128: seems to really muck about with my display when I change things about, it could just be this laptop. plus nice to have things just working. Will point the zoom folks at the link you pasted, thank you though19:02
willcookehey robert_ancell!19:30
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kenvandinerobert_ancell, even after reboot gnome-software isn't showing anything :/19:58
tsimonq2tjaalton: ack, thanks20:15
willcookenight all20:33

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