=== led2 is now known as led1 [11:09] doko: hi - so I need todo something that's going to look a bit odd [11:10] doko: I transitioned gnocchi to use py3 only, but that's creating a headache for deployers atm as there appears to be some use case to run multiple WSGI openstack apps in the same apache context [11:10] and afaict its not possible to run py2 and py3 in the same instance [11:11] doko: so I'm proposing to re-introduce the python-gnocchi package for these deployers - the default experience would still be py3, but its possible to get a py2 version if you really need it until we complete transtion of all packages to py3 [11:11] thoughts? [11:15] jamespage: sure, sounds fine [11:16] jamespage: still some MIRs needed ... [11:16] doko: yeah on my list for today - slangasek raised them end of last week - we'll complete the details [11:45] Hi, on 2018/01/26 I asked for a bigger autopkgtest-VM for the package ganeti. Laney was so kind and told me, that he will add ganeti on a small list of 'big' packages. See https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/01/26/%23ubuntu-devel.html. [11:46] However, it seems that the test-VM still has only 1536M. See log from 2018-02-11 10:00:07 UTC on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/g/ganeti/bionic/amd64 with error message: error type: insufficient_resources, error details: Not enough memory on node node1 for creating instance instance1: needed 1024 MiB, available 792 MiB. [11:46] ganeti is in proposed and we as the ganeti community don't like to miss the 18.04 release! So I kindly ask for someone who can set a bigger test-VM for ganeti. [12:18] doko: ok completed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pysmi/+bug/1748572 but I think that's going to need security team input [12:18] Launchpad bug 1748572 in pysmi (Ubuntu) "[MIR] pysmi, pycryptodome" [High,New] [13:08] Hello, i'm using ubuntu bionic beaver daily build freshly installed yesterday and i'm running into trouble with ipv6 :/ [13:08] i tried to disable it but it don't [13:08] here what i've tryed https://notehub.org/bs63x [13:09] four diferent things and it is still up oO!? [13:16] notsgnik: hey, the help channel for development versions is #ubuntu+1 [13:38] juliank, sorry :p [15:04] !dmb-ping [15:04] bdmurray, BenC, cyphermox, jbicha, micahg, rbasak, sil2100: DMB ping. === ChrisTownsend1 is now known as ChrisTownsend [15:29] ginggs: hi, if you feel adventurous enough to test my packages (which should build soon), here they are (I haven't tested the upgrade path from the 384 series yet): https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/ubuntu/testing [15:30] tseliot: thanks - will test upgrading from 384 [15:31] ginggs: ok. I haven't provided transitional packages yet, but let me know how that goes [15:44] slangasek: good morning, please ping me when you're online [15:51] tseliot: doing 'sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390 nvidia-compute-390 nvidia-utils-390 xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-390 [15:51] ' now... [15:51] ginggs: nvidia-driver-390 should pull in everything [15:53] tseliot: i tried that first, but then got 'nvidia-driver-390 : Depends: nvidia-compute-390 (= 390.25-0ubuntu1~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed' and the same for -utils- and -xorg-video- [16:00] ginggs: yes, well, I haven't tested that with the old packages installed [17:05] these days is the backporters team still reviewing backports? Or are we supposed to upload them and AA will review them at upload time? [18:01] jbicha: hello [18:02] slangasek: I emailed you this morning about Debian #887087, that fix is being requested by the GNOME Release Team [18:02] Debian bug 887087 in libfreetype6-dev "ftconfig.h:113:26: warning: "__SIZEOF_LONG__4" is not defined, evaluates to 0 [-Wundef]" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/887087 [18:03] jbicha: hmm ok :) [18:03] jbicha: I did tell people I was going to try to get that done last week... and didn't. I'll see what I can do today [18:03] thanks :) [18:04] I was surprised that GNOME was affected by it too [18:13] nacc: What's the status of the PHP 7.2 transition? I just made a new system image with Bionic and PHP. I asked it to install php-cli and it installed php7.1-cli. If I try to install XDebug, it's attempting to pull in PHP 7.2 packages. [18:13] xevious: yeah, we're about midway? :) [18:13] 7.2 is now in [18:13] xevious: bug php-defaults has not migrated yet [18:13] since i have to fix all the 7.2 regressions first :) [18:14] I saw the "excuses..." page. There are quite a few of them. [18:14] xevious: i think i have a fix for symfony [18:14] Particularly Horde... Does anyone actually still use Horde? [18:14] (basically removingn packages that debian is going to remove) [18:15] nacc: Is there anything I can do to help? [18:15] xevious: probably? i'm just getting myself back up to speed right now, as i find stuff [18:15] i'm hoping to unwedge phpunit today [18:18] Yeah, I spoke to rbasak last week and he said you were out. When you're done sifting through all your emails and whatnot, let me know if you've got any work that can be split up. I've got a lot of experience with Debian packaging, although not for any official repos. [18:20] xevious: great, thanks! [18:20] yeah, phpunit going through will unlock 15-20 packages on its own [18:20] symfony will unlock a few more, too [18:20] then i was planning on php-defaults, which would allow us to remove 7.1 [18:21] php-defaults and libvirt-php are what are blocking me right now. [18:23] xevious: ok libvirt-php shouldl have worked, but seems to have ftbfs on ppc64el, retriggering it now [18:23] Thanks [18:26] xevious: sorry about that, i had retriggered the others, but must have missed that one [18:26] No worries. Glad that one was such an easy fix. :) [18:34] nacc: did you get my email a couple weeks back about libvirt-php? [18:34] and if there's anything I can do to help, let me know [18:34] it'll be like last time around ;) [18:35] except hopefully I won't be porting a PHP extension at the last second again :P [18:36] Pharaoh_Atem: i did, but had forgotten about it! We are at 0.5.4-1 in b-p [18:36] do we know when that will flush out to bionic? [18:36] thanks to xevious' ping, it's built now on all arches, should migrate ok on its own [18:37] awesome [18:37] it'd be fantastic if that could be migrated out asap [18:37] it's blocking some stuff on my end [18:56] Are there any particular tags to use in bug reports or teams to tag regarding packages with circular dependencies, like bug 1748755? :) [18:56] bug 1748755 in node-gulp-babel (Ubuntu) "Circular dependency between node-babel and node-gulp-babel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1748755 [18:57] nacc: Should composer be listed on this page? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html [18:58] Hi, I'm trying to do a bit of backporting into my PPA to test and running into an issue. gcc-mingw-w64 says it's missing binutils-mingw-w64 as a dependency, and then when I went to backport that, it says it's missing binutils-source [18:58] I see binutils-source comes from binutils, but when I try to backport _that_ it seems to fail [19:00] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/dFgEDKXz/ [19:00] Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? [19:06] michagogo: wild guess, copy aside the most recent dozen entries in the debian/changelog, and when running dpkg-source -b ... pass in -l path/to/shorter/changelog [19:08] How do I do that? I'm using backportpackage [19:09] oh. [19:09] I don't see an option that looks like the equivalent there. [19:17] Hmm, it also said it wants g++-7 [19:17] Tried pushing *that* up there, and now it wants even more stuff [19:18] I suspect this is going down a bit of a rabbit hole... am I doing the wrong thing? [19:18] (this is the PPA: https://launchpad.net/~michagogo/+archive/ubuntu/backport-mingw/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all ) [19:30] hjd: no tag i know of, it needs bootstrapping? [19:31] hjd: i think you'll want to talk to the AAs for that [19:31] xevious: no, composer 1.6.2-1 is in bionic already [19:31] xevious: or do you mean it needs a rebuild? [19:37] nacc: I see. It's not on that page since it didn't change (only its dependencies did). [19:37] xevious: right [19:41] nacc: Yes, looks like it needs bootstrapping. Both packages are currently waiting for the other. [19:41] AAs would be the archive admins, right? I can try to subscribe them to the bug report, perhaps? [19:42] hjd: yeah ~ubuntu-archive [19:44] Hm, looks like if I try to just do it from artful it only gets stuck on gcc-6-source [19:44] Maybe that would work better? [19:45] nacc: Got it, thanks :) [19:45] hjd: btw, it's possible to bootstrap node packages without being an AA [19:47] (Could someone perhaps tell me if what I'm trying to do makes any sense, or if I've taken myself on a wild goose chase?) [22:16] mitya57: python3-docutils autopkgtest needs 2to3 dependency as well