
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:04
lordievaderGood morning07:02
ducassegood morning, all07:38
lordievaderHey ducasse08:29
lordievaderHow are you doing?08:30
ducassemorning, lordievader - all good, thanks. how about you?08:37
lordievaderDoing good here :)08:37
ducasseso, what are you up to?08:41
lordievaderDoing background work for a paper.08:43
lordievaderWhat are you up to?08:43
ducassemore or less snowed in here, got several more inches overnight08:45
lordievaderIt snowed here too. Not much, but still.08:47
ducasseoutside my living room window - https://photos.app.goo.gl/NBHpfMOGjdw8DYPC308:49
lordievaderStill that much 😱08:51
ducasseyep :(08:53
BluesKajHiyas all11:48
ducasse\o BluesKaj11:51
lordievaderHey BluesKaj11:52
BluesKajHi ducasse, lordievader11:57
lordievaderHow are you doing BluesKaj ?11:58
BluesKajfine here, lordievader, and you?11:58
lordievaderDoing allright 😉11:59
BluesKajand ducasse ?11:59
ducassegood here, thanks :)12:00
BluesKajgood :-)12:01
ducasseserious amount of snow overnight, with more to come...12:02
BluesKajwe had a few cms yesterday, not too bad12:08
BluesKajthe skiers, boarders and snowmobilers wtll be happy there, ducasse12:09
ducassei'm sure they will, no need to go to the mountains during the winter holidays if this keeps up :)12:12
BluesKajwe have sheild hills here, ancient mountains rounded down by numerous ice ages12:15
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all16:12
oerhekshi lotus16:14
lotuspsychjehey oerheks16:15
lotuspsychjegot a weird issue with a seagate 1TB external, works on my bionic but not on the customers laptop, unless i plug my other external hd to it,they get both popped up then16:16
lotuspsychjesingle it kinda freezes16:16
oerheksLVM perhaps?16:18
lotuspsychjetryed ntfs ext416:18
lotuspsychjehostbyte=DID ERROR16:19
oerheksno idea :-(16:21
lotuspsychjevery weird16:23
lotuspsychjenite nite19:07
daftykinsnicomachus: do you still have your Nexus 5x around? surprised i haven't seen the Feb security update yet22:08
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon

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