
rangemongerideally youve got vt-d too00:00
kostkonBudgii, it's actually more or less hardware acceleration for vms you definitely need it00:00
rangemongervt-d is the money :P00:00
BudgiiSo basically i need to get into bios settings and look for a vt-** setting?00:00
Budgiiset it to X?00:00
rangemongervt-x enabled00:01
kostkonBudgii, enable it00:01
rangemongervt-d sucks on vb00:01
rangemongerits only good on xen/kvm00:01
BudgiiWill do. Be back soon. :)00:01
rangemongeri want to vt-d a geforce 5200 pci into a win98 vm00:01
rangemongerand an sblive00:02
kostkonrangemonger, sb live gold00:02
rangemongerbest spu ever00:03
rangemongerwell, audigy 2 zs is everything and more, i suppose00:03
Budgiithanks.. :D00:03
rangemongerxfi is still great but you cant play 1 effect into another00:03
rangemongereverything after that is pretty generic due to the lack of an emu chip00:04
rangemongercept for audigy rx00:04
kostkonrangemonger, pci sound cards are dead. noone is buying them anymore00:04
rangemongerthat has one, its basically an audigy 2 zs for pcie00:04
BudgiiOkay, it's asking if I want VDI, VHD or VMDK00:04
BudgiiWhich is recommend?00:04
rangemongeri know but for sb cards, it really was worth it at the time00:04
kostkonrangemonger, definitely00:05
rangemongerthey do things that software doesnt do as well, to this day00:05
rangemongerms killing directsound 3d was a terrible, terrible move00:05
rangemongerit basically destroyed 3d audio00:05
baba_when was the sblive card released00:06
rangemonger95ish i think00:06
rangemongereax2 was revolutionary00:07
rangemongereverything since has been incremental00:07
Budgii8-9 minutes left on the 4 gig win10 iso. love fast internet. just started it.00:07
rangemongerwin10 :(00:07
BudgiiI don't love it either but it's free00:07
bazhangBudgii, rangemonger lets get back to topical ubuntu support please00:08
rangemongerright, sorry00:08
Budgiiyeah no problem bazhang, thanks for patience00:08
nejni-marjiI'm trying to install Kubuntu to a physical disk in VirtualBox, but I can't figure out how to get it to not want to install grub (which I can't do)00:12
rangemongeryou can with the text based install00:13
rangemongeratleast on the minimal iso00:13
nejni-marjihow do I access that?00:13
bazhangwhat version of kubuntu is this nejni-marji00:14
sajattackI'm having trouble verifying my email for ubuntu one00:25
sajattackgetting a 404 on the verification link00:25
rangemongeri think ubuntu 1 is dead00:26
rangemongerthey gave up on it00:26
sajattackthen how am I supposed to login to launchpad00:26
rangemongeri dunno much about that, im just fairly sure they stopped the u1 service00:27
nowayyis there a shortcut to resize window so that it takes up bottom right of screen?00:27
rangemongernowayy: what desktop? kde?00:28
rangemongercrap i cant remember00:28
takumiI am takumi00:30
rangemongeroh nice, a recent update might have finally fixed the ubuntu store for installing debs00:30
rangemonger*gnome store00:30
rangemongerwhatever its called00:30
nowayyis there a way to partition my screen to better utilize realestate. So for example, I can partition terminal with tmux. Is there a similiar utility but for entire screen. That way I can move windows around and snap them to their partition.00:37
rangemongerdoes anyone else have it where trying to run gedbi with a deb file never prompts for a password on 17.10?00:37
nowayyUbuntu gnome00:37
rangemongerthe newest gnome did something cool like that but i havent tried yet00:37
rangemongerkde has auto tiling00:37
rangemongerwith a script00:37
nowayyooh I need to find it00:38
rangemongerkde used to have it built in00:38
rangemongerbut now it needs a script00:38
rangemongernot a big deal00:38
nowayyI've only used gnome00:39
rangemongerkde is by far the most customizable desktop00:39
rangemongereven vs windows00:39
nowayyis it easy to change desktop while keeping file structure intact?00:40
rangemongeryeah but it can get a bit messy if you install the whole kde meta package00:41
rangemongeryoull have so many apps00:41
rangemongerie, a text editor from gnome and one from kde00:41
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rangemongerlegit isos00:45
rangemongerif the torrents work00:45
rangemongeroops, wrong window, thats gonna be trouble for me00:45
baba_i saw nothing00:46
ecormieryeah, and a whois on that domain clearly shows it is not legit00:48
mustmodifyWe're moving ... I had to move my home-office temporarily to a place with no ethernet. I have a windows machine and an ubuntu machine. I was able to get a wifi dongle to get interwebz to the winblows machine. But no luck so far on the ubuntu device. I plugged in two different USB WIFI dongles and neither of them showed up on `lspci` -- so I'm currently trying to just use a switch to get the two machines talking, and maybe I can figure out how to share in00:54
mustmodifyIs that a workable plan?00:54
baba_he is cookin on the range :-)01:01
Budgiihow do I get vbox out of full screen mode?01:01
mustmodifykill it.01:01
ecormierthere's a hotkey, one sec01:02
mustmodifywell, that would work. :P01:02
BudgiiI cant even get out of it01:02
ecormierBudgii: host+F01:02
Budgiiecormier is that the winkey?01:03
ecormierprobably right ctrl01:03
ecormiernot sure if I changed that or if it's default01:03
Budgiidoesnt do anything01:03
Budgiiidea.. what's the kill command for vbox01:03
BudgiiIm stuck in it01:04
Budgiiooo there is a hidden panel at the bottom, got it!01:05
Budgiidoes the free version only do a small square?01:05
ecormieralt+ctrl+f1 will take you to tty, then login and killall VBox01:05
ecormierthat's easier01:05
BillD73quick google revealed host as right ctrl  so rt ctrl + f lol01:05
ecormierthat's what I said01:05
BillD73ecormier: yeah lol01:06
ecormierand then I gave the brute force version of getting rid of it lol01:07
Budgiiare settings not available in this sucker01:07
Budgiiwin10 on vbox is junk01:07
ecormiersettings should be there....01:08
fradmy computer crashed and now I dont have sound on my speakers. Headphones are all right though01:09
BudgiiI should clarify the computer display settings01:09
BudgiiI'm in win10 without a key ha01:09
Budgiisays i have to install that setting. xD01:09
Budgiiclicks aren't reliable either01:10
ecormierBudgii: always worked fine for me01:12
ecormierjust need to install the additions01:13
Budgiiill try win update. the thing is so slow01:13
Budgiinot going to even mess with it01:13
Budgiifun adventure.01:13
fradfunction keys to mute dont work01:13
fradhelp appreciated01:13
ecormierfrad, open a terminal and run alsamixer01:14
fradecormier, already did, and if I unplug the headphones, the bar showing the speakers' volume appears as 100% volume, but thereis no volume01:14
fradalsamixer recognizes automatically when I plug in the headphones, or off, but no sound01:15
ecormierwhen you press F5, and then F6 and select the first non 'default' option ...01:15
ecormierfrad: and the speaker is not muted?01:16
fradno ecormier , not muted01:16
ecormierI'd go for a shutdown to completely off, count to ten, and then boot up... could be just a glitch with the hardware not shutting down correctly on a soft reboot01:18
ecormierbut that's a guess01:18
ecormiers/soft reboot/crash/01:18
fradecormier, so, no rebooting after a crash, or installation of a new kernel, but directly shutting down?01:19
ecormiercompletely powering off the hardware01:19
fradwill do asaic01:19
ecormierdon't thank me yet01:19
ecormierif it works, then thank me01:20
fradok, you want me to do it now, to see if it works01:20
fradbut im gonna have to save some files01:20
fradsee you in about 5 to 10 minutes01:21
ecormierI've seen some soundcard quirks from time to time :)01:21
fradbb in 5 /1001:21
guzzlefryhowdy, how do I know if my kernel is patched for Meltdown?01:29
fradecormier, I thank thee...01:31
ecormier:) usually easier than fighting with it for 20 more minutes, yw01:31
ecormierguzzlefry: dmesg | grep iso01:32
guzzlefryecormier: Assuming this is a yes? Kernel/User page tables isolation: enabled01:34
ecormieryep, you're good01:34
hggdhas good as possible right now01:34
ecormierwell... exactly01:34
ecormierbut better than not01:35
guzzlefrythank you01:35
=== precise is now known as precise|tinfoil
Jordan_Unejni-marji: https://askubuntu.com/questions/838450/how-can-ubiquity-be-forced-not-to-install-grub , though I'm curious why you can't have Ubuntu install grub.02:00
ecormiermaybe you already have grub from another distro and don't want ubuntu maintaining grub...02:02
DyrconaI'm still having trouble with encrypted disks and lvm.02:02
ecormierJordan_U: oh, I may have misunderstood your post... sorry02:03
nejni-marjiI'm installing to a VM, but the VM is using my physical /dev/sda, and when it tried to install grub it failed and crashed02:03
nejni-marjithat's why02:03
Jordan_Uecormier: No problem :)02:03
Dyrconatomreyn: I reinstalled with full disk encryption on the main drive, and then tried adding an encrypted /home with lvm following these instructions: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#LVM_on_LUKS402:04
nejni-marjiso if i get it to skip grub, it should install fine and I should be able to rerun grub-mkconfig to detect the new OS, thereby installing a dualbooted distro without having extended downtime while everything sets up02:04
Jordan_Uecormier: Is the VM being given access to the whole drive or only one partition?02:04
ecormierwrong :)02:04
nejni-marjithe entire drive02:04
nejni-marjiI couldn't figure out how to give it just /dev/mapper/SSD-Kubuntu02:04
Jordan_Uecormier: :)02:04
Wanderer-I think sometime a while ago i tried something where i started a process to upgrade from 16.04 to 17 , how can i stop this process, because everytime i try to do an update it tries to do the system upgrade02:05
DyrconaIt all worked until I rebooted, and /home disappeared. It drops into single user mode and it looks like the lvm for sda1 is not there.02:06
Jordan_Unejni-marji: Then stop now and consider fixing that. Having two kernels try to mount the same filesystem could lead to corruption and data loss, and it sounds like you may sometimes be booted from a partition on the disk while also booting another partition on the same disk in the VM.02:06
nejni-marjiThat's true02:06
nejni-marjiI figured as long as I don't deliberately mount an already mounted partition nothing should break, but it could happen by accident, and that would be ungood02:07
Jordan_Unejni-marji: Indeed. It's possible that what failed wasn't actually the grub-install, but the grub-mkconfig which searches for other OSs by mounting all filesystems it can find... (though read only, which greatly reduces but doesn't eliminate the risk).02:08
DyrconaOh! I think I fixed it.02:09
nejni-marjiI got virtualbox to accept just the one partition02:09
nejni-marjiso that's safer02:10
Jordan_Unejni-marji: (If os-prober uses grub-mount then there really is no risk, but having the fileystem change while mounted could have caused grub-mount / os-prober / grub-mkconfig to crash / error.02:10
nejni-marjioh, that's true02:11
nejni-marjiunfortunately, I'm not sure how to stop every process on my computer from interacting with the filesystem02:11
DyrconaFor the logs, I had the wrong UUID in /etc/crypttab. I needed the UUID of the /dev/sda1 partition and not the sda1_crypt pv.02:11
ecormiernejni-marji: then common sense is don't even toy with that option.... that is a dangerous game02:12
nejni-marjiwhich is giving VirtualBox only the one LVM volume is better02:12
Jordan_Unejni-marji: I'm pretty sure that Virtualbox has an option for only presenting a single partition (while giving fake access to the rest of the disk / mbr).02:12
nejni-marjihmm, that would probably be a good idea for the future, if I ever needed it02:13
nejni-marjigrub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda02:19
nejni-marjiI don't even remember how I installed grub02:19
nejni-marjiGot it02:20
fx250I am trying to boot an instance of ubuntu 16.04 copied* onto a hard from a previous bootable installation of ubuntu 14.04.  The ubuntu 16.04 files are exact on the drive using rsync to mirror from an image, however, when booting up the updated filesystem environment (/boot/efi/* also are updated), I am put into a grub shell right away.  Do I need to rewrite grub to the boot partition or update the boot code and partition tables on the02:21
fx250disk?  They should be the exact same across all disks that I am working with, I think.02:21
newdimensionI have a question about the scope of env variables. I want to set a variable for a Django project running in a python virtualenv. I just noticed that by putting EXPORT VAR1=VALUE1 in postactivate that this variable is set to all future shell instances. This wasn't my goal02:22
Belial`anyone with an intel gpu know if it's possible to switch back to the intel x.org driver instead of modesetting?02:29
nejni-marjiso I booted into the Kubuntu installation and got these errors and the builtin shell https://i.imgur.com/cTRogy7.jpg02:32
nejni-marjiThere's no good reason I have to be doing this but I've gotten this far02:33
Jordan_UBelial`: No, it's not. User modesetting has been deprecated for years, and for good reason. You could switch to VESA with no accelleration if you're desparate. What problem are you having wih the intel driver?02:34
nejni-marjisomeone told me they think it's because the distro is looking for VM hardware but I gave it real hardware02:35
Belial`Jordan_U, isn't the modesetting driver the new one? i want to use the intel driver with sna accel.02:36
Belial`which performs a lot better in 2d according to benchmarks.02:36
ecormiernejni-marji: you installed it via vbox and now you're booting in natively?02:36
nejni-marjiecormier: yes.02:36
ecormierthat sounds prone to failure02:37
nejni-marjibut I'm trying to make it work because why not02:37
ecormierso hardware details from the vm differ to the bare metal and it's tripping up the boot02:37
ecormierjust install from a usb and be done with the pain and tears02:38
Jordan_Unejni-marji: Do you now have a partition which is being treated as a whole drive, i.e. you have a partition table within a partition?02:38
nejni-marjiJordan_U: I think so?02:38
nejni-marjiWhen I set it up, it only knew about /dev/mapper/SSD-Kubuntu, and it called it /dev/sda inside the VM02:38
Jordan_Unejni-marji: Well, clearly grub can figure out such oddities but the rest of Ubuntu gets a little confused by that. Note that if you run "cat /proc/partitions" the partitions within your partition won't be listed.02:40
nejni-marji20:12 <Jordan_U> nejni-marji: I'm pretty sure that Virtualbox has an option for only presenting a single partition (while giving fake access to the rest of the disk / mbr).02:41
nejni-marjiDo you think that would help any?02:41
Jordan_Unejni-marji: Yes.02:41
nejni-marjiDo you know what the option is called or where to look for it?02:42
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nejni-marjiwell, it's not doable, because the vbox command involved doesn't work with LVM volumes02:52
nejni-marjiif I had a physical partition, it would probably be just fine02:52
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
ox1dein need of tech support - when i boot my PC & laptop they both have the same problem - i get screen lit for 1 second and then screen is dark - although it seems the soft and hardware work ... how do i make my screen stay illuminated?03:13
eraserpencilhey guys, is there a way to troubleshoot settings>softwares & updates ?03:28
eraserpenciltheres no window appearing after clicking it03:28
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ox1dein need of tech support - when i boot my PC & laptop they both have the same problem - i get screen lit for 1 second and then screen is dark - although it seems the soft and hardware work ... how do i make my screen stay illuminated?03:36
ox1deif anyone can provide an answer to my problem - e-mail solution to oxide1984@gmail.com03:36
ecormiereraserpencil: you still there03:44
ecormiertry running software-properties-gtk in a terminal and see what it spits out03:44
GudduCan i create a additional partition from a existing one that has 30 GB free for installing Ubuntu (Dual Boot with Windows 10) ?03:48
ecormierGuddu: yep, read here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot03:49
GudduThanks ecormier03:49
ecormierpay attention to 'manual partitioning'03:49
ecormiereraserpencil: google gave me this, might help: https://askubuntu.com/questions/789966/software-updates-crashes-and-will-not-open03:51
Gudduecormier, So it will not delete the existing data right?03:51
eraserpencili was reinstallgin software-properties and stuff and wondered why it didnt work03:51
ecormierdbus reinstall seems to do the trick03:51
ecormierGuddu: right, but things can still go wrong, like power outage, so be sure to back everytihng up first03:52
eraserpencilyea awesome03:54
eraserpencilthanks alot03:54
starshine87whats up everyone04:07
Neo4do thou know vi is good editor and shell I learn it?04:25
Neo4I'm  going to read book about it, have one for 2008 years 400 pages04:25
Neo4worth it to learn in 2017 years?04:25
Neo4what thou you think? :)04:26
hggdhNeo4: yes. vi (or vim, or neovim) are still good editors for UNIX in general04:26
Neo4I need thy opinion04:26
Neo4hggdh: and book for 2008 years is not out to date? I want read a few books about ubuntu04:27
hggdhNeo4: also you can use 'you' for thou (or thee).04:27
Neo4or linux04:27
hggdhNeo4: vi has not changed a lot in the last, say, 30 years04:27
Neo4hggdh: why? I see in book 'Caltic tales there use' thou, thee, thy, tis, I want to use it as well :)04:28
hggdhNeo4: this is mostly archaic for English04:28
Neo4hggdh: ok, and I've got as well two books 'postfix 2008 years' 'and Dovecot' also old, Do you think it also worse read?04:29
hggdhNeo4: for postfix and dovecot I cannot say anything, haven't used either for quite a long time04:29
Neo4hggdh: ok, Will learn vi and that will see, I think it won't redundant if I read those old book04:31
hggdhNeo4: it probably will help, even being 10+ years old. I doubt there have been extremely heavy changes04:31
Neo4hggdh: ok :)04:32
Guest48477hello every body04:32
Neo4Guest48477: hi04:32
Guest48477im from indonesia04:33
Guest48477nice to meet you all04:33
Neo4Guest48477: here thou are04:33
Neo4Guest48477: we too04:33
=== Guest48477 is now known as koboi137
=== Euph0ria is now known as EuphOria
fx250I am trying to boot an instance of ubuntu 16.04 copied* onto a hard from a previous bootable installation of ubuntu 14.04.  The ubuntu 16.04 files are exact on the drive using rsync to mirror from an image, however, when booting up the updated filesystem environment (/boot/efi/* also are updated), I am put into a grub shell right away.  Do I need to rewrite grub to the boot partition or update the boot code and partition tables on the04:44
fx250disk?  They should be the exact same across all disks that I am working with, I think.04:44
=== EuphOria is now known as Euph0ria
bangfooshout out... everybody ok?04:51
Svetahi bangfoo, yes i'm ok thanks04:53
bangfooexcellent! once in a while you gotta see what is going on, right?04:53
GrorcoI'm good considering I've been banging my head against a wall for a few days thanks to a botched upgrade in mate lol04:54
bangfooso @Grorco, what happened?04:54
Grorco@bangfoo, started with trying the new 1.2 mate DE, quasi successfully. Something about it fixed 17.10 for me though while I was fixing my broken packages, or so I thought. After the actual upgrade I can't even set a background picture.05:00
bangfoo@Grorco ew, that does not sound like fun. Sorry for your troubles. Any thoughts on backup and reinstall as a last ditch solution?05:01
=== Euph0ria is now known as EuphOrua
Grorcobangfoo, I made a new partition for my home folder(didn't have an external big enough) I'm 1 hour and 10 minutes out according to it, if it doesn't run out of space lol05:02
=== EuphOrua is now known as EuphOria
Grorcobangfoo, on my system it shows the two users at 22 gigs after I deleted some old stuff from my downloads. When copying it came up saying it was over 100gb :/ we'll see what happens05:05
akyHello turds05:13
LevierMRQHi.  I got banished from Ubuntu-fr because of my connection problems.  I understand that.  So then excuse my english.  How i promise i will micro...  i mean to manage that so then it will05:27
LevierMRQIm not (...) good in english.  Y'a-tu un francophone plz?05:28
daxLevierMRQ: try #ubuntu-fr-ops05:29
LevierMRQdax: thx.  On it.05:30
MosheHi all. Question: I run 16.4 with Unity. Shortcut <Alt-Left Click> is used to move the window. I need this shortcut for a game. How can I "free" this shortcut? Thx05:35
LevierMRQThanks alot, dax.  That i was tring to explain...  i mean thanks, this is very helpfull, i mean nice.05:37
fx250When booting up a machine with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS I am presented with the GNU GRUB prompt right away. How can I check to see why the ubuntu linux menuentry isn't working?05:42
MosheRepeating my uestion: I run 16.04 with Unity. Shortcut <Alt-Left Click> is used to move the window. I need this shortcut for a game. How can I "free" this shortcut? Thx05:44
rangemongerMoshe: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/keyboard-shortcuts-set.html05:46
rangemongeroh wait, unity... sorry05:46
fx250Moshe, not sure, just guessing from search results, try "Edit/Preferences in Keys tab of the preferences window"05:46
fx250from https://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/08/24/unity-hotkeys-keyboard-shortcuts-in-unity/05:46
fx250or https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2015/08/08/how-to-disable-unity-hud-shortcut/05:47
Moshefx250: Thank you. These are keyboard shortcuts. I don't see how to edit keyboard-mouse combination shortcuts05:51
rangemongerthats why unity is  a bit lacking imo05:51
rangemongerkde and xfce have gui items to change that stuff05:52
rangemongergnome might too05:52
rangemongergnome does, yeah05:52
rangemongeroh well, unity is about dead anyway05:52
rangemongergetting the gnome one on unity might do the trick05:52
rangemongeris anyone around that is adept and file association problems?05:57
rangemongerif i double click a deb to run gdebi, it comes up but it never prompts for password when hitting install, it just dies05:58
rangemongerif i use the commandline, it works fine05:58
rangemonger"gdebi-gtk debfile.deb"05:58
Lican anyone tell what's wrong with sound on ubuntu 16.04? skype and mplayer aren't functioning properly anymore! youtube(s) you can not play a second video while pausing a previous one!06:03
LiI've googled it and someone suggested removing and reinstalling pulseaudio which made things even worse.06:04
lotuspsychje!sound | Li06:05
ubottuLi: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:05
lotuspsychjeLi: check also sudo lshw -C sound to see if your card is recognized and driver= loaded?06:06
phelixSo I am not sure what happened. My machine has been working just fine. All the sudden I reboot and I only get a black screen06:07
phelixI even tried to reinstall and once its done installing and goes to boot up. Only black screen06:07
ATDT911can anyone assit me with libinput-gestures on 16.04? Everything seems to be working correctly, except nothing happens when i pinch, etc.06:08
rangemongerphelix: id be running a hardware test at that point06:08
phelixWell, the ubuntu setup works just fine.06:08
ATDT911libinput-gestures -d shows the gestures being detected06:08
phelixyou have any recommended hardware setup that I can  try and run?06:09
phelixif i add nomodeset in grub then I can get it to boot and see..06:09
rangemongerthis isnt the cool open source answer but... https://www.passmark.com/support/burnintest/bit_create_selfboot.htm06:10
rangemongeroh yeah, that reminds me, how many vid ports are on your videocard?06:11
phelixThis is a mining rig. I have 6 gpu's on it06:11
rangemongeri once was stumped for a long time until i found out linux didnt auto detect which port had a mon on it06:11
fx250Ah bummer!  I ran `update-grub` as root from a chrooted environment for Ubuntu 16.04 to try to fix GRUB boot loader to boot ubuntu, but it is still showing the GRUB prompt when I boot from disk06:11
rangemongerit didnt do clone mode by default06:12
phelixEverything is brand new. Just got it the other day. Been running fine for about 24 hours .. then all the sudden black screen06:12
rangemongereventually i just switched to the other port and it was fine06:12
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | fx25006:12
ubottufx250: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub06:12
rangemongeroh, it was working before?06:12
rangemongeron linux?06:13
phelixwas working just fine.. then randomly all the sudden black screen06:13
rangemongeryeah, im back to thinking its possibly a hardware prob06:13
phelixhmm.. Could it be the mother board you think?06:13
rangemongersuppose its possible06:14
rangemongertry to create a passmark burn in test win pe06:14
Lilotuspsychje: Being said it plays youtube and have skype calls (with bad quality) then it's recognized and driver loaded06:14
LiI've went through your link of DmixPlugin but it's not fixing it06:15
rangemongerman this makes no sense, if i set gdebi to run with terminal, it works fine06:15
Listill not playing video and sounds on mplayer06:15
lotuspsychjeLi: did it play before?06:15
Lilotuspsychje: before and now BUT bad quality on skype and mplayer stopped playing files06:18
Liyoutube I can not open two videos at the same time06:18
fx250lotuspsychje, Thanks, got it to boot ubuntu, but now it's stuck at ubuntu splash screen :(06:20
fx250I stepped away for few minutes, came back, still splash screen06:21
fx250booting from pcie ssd, so it should be quick06:21
fx250esc, alt+F7 shows [FAILED] Failed to start Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.  x_X06:22
rangemongerfx250: theres a way to see the verbose output from there, f12 maybe?06:22
Neo4why :ZZ doesn't work? instead I use :normal ZZ?06:24
Neo4who does thou know?06:24
blue1rangemonger: can you get terminal?  ctrl+lt+f1 ?  alt+f7 to return to gui.06:26
rangemongerblue1: any way to feed that key combo to virtualbox?06:27
rangemongerblue1: would appear to be hostkey+f106:28
rangemongerbut thats not the same tty06:28
blue1rangemonger: ahh I don't know -- I have not used vbox in years.06:28
rangemongerf1 is another one awaiting login06:28
lotuspsychjefx250: does press F1 show anything usefull as textboot?06:29
blue1rangemonger: is the system Linux based (vbox)?06:29
rangemongerblue1: well i got it but f1 is tty1, not the verbose output of tty706:29
rangemongerblue1: vbox/xubuntu is hosted on win706:30
rangemongerbtw, this problems only on 17.1006:30
rangemongerit was fine for many ubuntus before this one06:30
blue1rangemonger: Ahh darn.  I was going to suggest a linux container - but you need native linux for that.  How about a dual boot option?06:31
rangemongeralso, this is a fresh install, with nothing but updates packages06:31
rangemongerwell i am planning to install get things going natively once i get this fixed06:31
blue1rangemonger: I have 1 computer that runs win 10.06:31
blue1rangemonger: sorry I can't help06:31
rangemongerits all good, thanks for trying06:32
blue1rangemonger: welcome06:32
rangemongerim guessing 18.04 will fix it06:32
rangemongerive noticed a bunch of little things off on 17.1006:32
rangemongermostly centered around how it handles elevation06:33
rangemongerfor now i guess ill just stick to dpkg or launch gdebi with the terminal enabled06:33
blue1rangemonger: I am running 16.04 here.06:33
rangemongerthats what i get for wanting the latest/greatest06:34
blue1i am a little bit scared of the shift to wayland.  It's a step forward - but for canonical, it may be buggy.06:34
rangemongeri noticed that synaptic didnt launch in wayland06:34
rangemonger18.04 is defaulting back to xorg06:35
blue1and I use xubuntu not gnome 3.  It is too keyboard centric -- and I have a repetitive stress injury06:35
rangemongeri mostly use xubuntu too06:35
blue1uh oh06:35
rangemongeri wonder if 17.04 works fine on cherry trail socs06:36
blue1dunno it is worth a try I suppose06:36
rangemongerim using a compute stick as server06:36
lotuspsychjerangemonger, blue1 keep it ubuntu related plz06:36
lotuspsychjefeel free to use #ubuntu-discuss06:36
blue1lotuspsychje: thanks for the reminder -06:36
rangemongerlotuspsychje: not even xubuntu?06:36
blue1rangemonger: private message ok?06:36
Lithanks lotuspsychje06:36
lotuspsychjeLi: got it solved?06:37
phelixif i log in via ssh. How can I kill lightdm for the desktop06:44
linociscohi all06:56
linociscoUbuntu command line prompt is longer when we navigate deeper down the nested folders or directories.06:56
linociscoBut CentOS or Redhat based does not have such kind of annoying longer path before $06:58
linociscohow can we fix it or keep it simple06:58
hateballlinocisco: Edit your bashrc the way you see fit06:58
linociscohateball, any how to or visual guide?06:58
vltlinocisco: What happens on other systems instead? Can you show an example?06:58
linociscovlt, on RedHat based system with longer path, these are shortened and only the last directory is shown before $07:00
linociscovlt, But I have no Redhat or CentoS currently to show.07:00
linociscohateball, it is complicated file content inside.How do I find ?07:00
hateballlinocisco: it's the PS1 variable, if you dont want the pwd displayed, remove \w from it07:07
hateballbe careful so you don't mess up .bashrc, that can give you headache...07:08
fx250https://pastebin.com/raw/LcmkEzUf Why does this rsync command miss updating files that clearly have different times on source and destination?  e.g. source /bin/bash is -rwxr-xr-x+ 1 root root 1037528 May 16  2017 /bin/bash        and dest /bin/bash is -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 858384 Oct 29 19:19 /bin/bash07:09
hateballlinocisco: I guess you can use \W instead of \w to not show full path07:09
linociscohateball, thanks . I just found https://askubuntu.com/questions/145618/how-can-i-shorten-my-command-line-bash-prompt07:12
hateballlinocisco: :)07:15
anurodhcan i increase swap value07:20
anurodh can i increase swap value ?07:23
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Neo4anurodh: I used this instruction https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/create-a-linux-swap-file/07:45
Neo4anurodh: it's for server, there swap is file07:46
anurodhthanks rangemonger07:47
rangemongernp, did it work?07:47
anurodhrangemonger : yes07:48
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linurandyhello to everyone i need help with a encrypted swap partition.08:12
linurandyhello to everyone i need help with a encrypted swap partition.08:17
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pinPointI'm getting this error when I try to install libglib2.0-dev in 16.04 its. libglib2.0-dev : Depends: libpcre3-dev (>= 1:8.31) but it is not going to be installed08:31
pinPointWhat could be the problem?08:31
Borw3pinPoint: You have an older libpcre3-dev probably.08:34
pinPointBorw3: and to fix that problem?08:35
Borw3pinPoint: Remove the old version, install that new one, and probably it will work, but watch out, maybe some packages depending on old version will stop working or get removed in the process08:35
pinPointBorw3: :(08:37
pinPointThis is because of an upgrade fro 14.04 to 16.04...08:37
Borw3pinPoint: Did you try updating your system lately?08:37
pinPointBorw3: right now it says computer is up to date.08:38
Borw3pinPoint: LOL.... probably do some research on what depends on libpcre3-dev and see if it's anything of meaning, if not, remove old version and install the new one..08:39
Borw3NOTE: you might currently be having libpcre2-dev08:39
linurandyhello to everyone i need help with a encrypted swap partition.08:58
linurandyhello to everyone i need help with a encrypted swap partition.09:11
gelswipwhats wrong with it?09:11
bazhanghttps://askubuntu.com/questions/934822/encrypting-swap-on-16-04-lts-with-ecryptfs-setup-swap linurandy09:12
linurandyService Unavailable said me09:13
linurandyi'm gonna read it, thanks09:13
linurandybazhang: i've the same answer But I don't have a swap file, I use a swap partition09:16
ducasselinurandy: you can treat them just the same, there's no real difference09:17
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razromanagercan i pls get some help reguarding desktop enviroments?09:43
bazhangwhat's the issue razromanager09:44
razromanager bazhang: i have ubuntu gnome installed, then i decided i didn't like gnome, i installed unity then select unity as my desktop enviroment in the menu but it's still gnome, any help?09:52
CodexRaptru try it root user ?09:53
XXCoderrazromanager: gnome is default if something didnt go right?09:53
bazhangrazromanager, you installed gnome-shell, then selected it after logout09:53
bazhangCodexRaptr, we dont enable the root here09:54
razromanagerbazhang, xxcoder: nah, i have gnome-shell and i want to use unity instead, i select it in the menu but it still logs into gnome09:54
CodexRaptrwhat u install for unity ?09:55
razromanagercodexraptr: in ubuntu gnome, yea09:56
CodexRaptru try with superuser might work !!!!!09:57
bazhangCodexRaptr, please dont suggest that here09:57
razromanagercodexraptr: yea09:57
razromanagercodexraptr: any solutions that don't involve sudoing?09:58
razromanagerany solutions that don't involve sudoing?10:00
CodexRaptri never tried !!!10:01
razromanagercodexraptr: tried what?10:01
CodexRaptrunity !10:01
razromanagercodexraptr: pretty sure every linux user did ;)10:01
CodexRaptrokk !10:04
razromanagercodexraptr: any solutions?10:06
CodexRaptru add ppa repo10:14
razromanagercodexraptr: with that bad grammar i don't know what you saying mate10:14
XXCoderits not bad grammar its text talk10:16
razromanageranyways can i report a problem?10:17
XXCoderif it dont switch it means youre missing something that unity requires10:17
XXCodergnome is default when it fails10:17
bazhang!bugs | razromanager10:18
ubotturazromanager: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:18
XXCoderI recall something about unity needing gl or something in order to work?10:18
razromanagerxxcoder: then what am i missing10:18
razromanagerubottu: just realized it's not a bug10:18
ubotturazromanager: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:18
XXCoderI never used unity so dunno10:18
razromanagerxxcoder: k then10:18
Triffid_Hunterrazromanager: I've never tried unity :P prefer xfce or kde myself10:18
razromanagertriffid_hunder: well unity is like mac and i migrated from mac to ubuntu so10:19
Triffid_Hunterrazromanager: sure, there's lots because everyone likes different ones.. don't have that on mac :P10:19
razromanagertriffid_hunter: indeed mac's desktop enviroment is the dock so10:20
Triffid_Hunterkde is great for windows converts.. I don't use it for that reason though, I use it because it lets me change all the things I want to change10:20
razromanagerkde is also great, also how do i install kde in ubuntu?10:21
Triffid_Hunterrazromanager: on my gf's rig I just grabbed the mint/kde iso and went from there.. easier than trying to change it over post-install10:22
gpkThere seems to be stuff missing for zesty on archive.ubuntu.com10:22
bazhangrazromanager, kubuntu-desktop package10:22
razromanagerbazhang: thank you10:22
gpkI'm getting 404 erros10:23
razromanagerbazhang: so its sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop i guess10:23
bazhanggpk, it's end of life10:23
bazhanggpk, let me give you a link for end of life upgrades10:24
razromanagermy computer is burning at the moment10:24
bazhangrazromanager, can we not use this channel as the chatter channel please10:24
gpkOh, I see, didn't expect 17.04 to go so soon10:24
razromanager bazhang: umm i don't really understand what you just said os10:24
bazhang!eolupgrades | gpk10:25
ubottugpk: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:25
bazhangrazromanager, install the package kubuntu-desktop10:25
razromanagerk then10:25
razromanageri'm waiting for unity to install so i can install kde10:25
gpkbazhang: thanks10:25
bazhanggpk,  the non-lts are 9 months support10:26
razromanagerit's done10:26
razromanagerso rip 17.04 then10:26
killehey guys. best video player for ubuntun iyo?10:26
razromanagerbazhang: terminal says kubuntu-desktop doesn't exist10:27
Triffid_Hunterkille: I like mpv10:27
killeTriffd_Hunter tx dude10:27
razromanagerstill on gnome, humm...10:28
bazhangrazromanager, what version of ubuntu are you now on10:28
killeTriffid_Hunter does it support pip?10:28
razromanagerbazhang: i'm not in ubuntu, i'm in zorin os which is based on 16.04 so it technically has same specs10:29
IndustrialWhenever I start CHrome browser I get a popup about some keyring10:29
Triffid_Hunterkille: you want to play two videos at the same time? no idea, never tried10:29
bazhangrazromanager, this is not zorin support10:29
Industriali do NOT EVER want to save any passowrds in any password database10:29
IndustrialHow do I get rid of this shit10:29
Industrialplus an nnoying popup every time I boot up10:29
bazhangrazromanager, find their channel for support as we dont support it here10:29
razromanagerbazhang: i know but it's technically the same os10:29
IndustrialHow do I completely kill and remove the ubuntu password managing things?10:29
killeTriffid: Tx man, will give it a go. Looks nice n lean.10:30
bazhangrazromanager, it's not supported here10:30
Triffid_Hunterkille: yeah that's why I like it.. lean, mostly hotkey-based interface, and plays almost everything10:30
razromanagerindustrial: you have to delete the keyring at /home/(your username here)/.local/shared/gnome/keyrings/10:30
razromanagersee if i got the path right10:30
razromanagerbazhang: i just dual boot zorin and ubuntu10:30
killeIndustrial: Do you mean that report issue popup? I also get that. And I'm on LTS 16.04 It sucks.10:30
razromanagerbazhang: i am indeed in ubuntu at the moment10:31
Industrialkille: no the enter your password to unlock10:31
IndustrialI didnt lock anything!10:31
IndustrialI never wanted this shit10:31
killeOh. Keyring. :)10:31
IndustrialI even have it on auto login to my desktop10:31
razromanagerindustrial: delete the keyring10:31
razromanagerindustrial: keyring is in /home/(username here)/.local/shared/gnome/keyrings10:31
razromanagerif you use gnome10:32
razromanagerra21vi: sup ravi10:34
ra21viis there any way to control fan in laptop :)10:34
razromanagerra21vi: which laptop do you have?10:34
razromanagerra21vi: does your laptop utilizes the uefi-bios thing¿10:35
Triffid_Hunterra21vi: depends on fan controller chip, see what sensors-detect digs up10:35
razromanagerra21vi: or if you have an asus computer you have to control it through the uefi-bios10:36
salluanyone from ubuntu group10:43
salluscreen flicker when i use windows but is it the same in ubuntu10:44
bazhangsallu, do you have ubuntu installed10:45
Svetaits hardware related. could ask ##hardware.10:45
sallubazhang, but in high dpi laptop i see these screen flickering issues10:45
sallulike i use dell xps10:45
bazhangsallu, so you are asking 'if you install it'10:46
bazhangsallu, would you mind telling us about your system ram, and video card10:46
salluok i tell you10:47
sallubazhang, its 8 gb , core i7 , 6th generation laptop ,10:47
salluwith up to 3200 resolution supported10:48
bazhangsallu, is that an amd gpu intel or nvidia10:48
bazhangsallu, you might try a usb 'live' not install and test it10:51
sallubazhang, big issue is i cannot try10:51
bazhangsallu, why not10:51
sallubazhang, may be due to ssd raid issue10:52
sallubazhang, i am using ssd of 256Gb , and its drivers issue10:52
bazhangsallu,  a live usb does nothing to your system10:52
sallubazhang, may be my system will not detect it ,10:54
sallui forgot i choose raid issue of firmware10:54
salluok i see you later10:54
sallubazhang, i will chat later , got to go10:54
vpeterHi, I have one problem with samba share mounted on Windows 10. When file is changed on a share on Ubuntu side changes are not visible on Windows for some time. What can be a reason? SMB protocol changes or what? More important how to fix this issue.11:31
john_ramboI am going to install WIN 10 with Ubuntu already installed ... How will I recover Ubuntu ? By running boot repair?11:34
ducasse!fixgrub | john_rambo11:35
ubottujohn_rambo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:35
nikolamI am on Xubuntu 17.10 , updated, and when running 'gufw' and after creatin Firewall rule from preconfigured one, I can't edit it further, e.g. I can not press 'Apply' after editing rule. Can anyone else reproduce this?11:40
BluesKajHiyas all11:48
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BillD73vpeter: "F5" on Windows end?11:59
vpeterBillD73: Doesn't help.12:08
TadassssssHey #ubuntu, I installed LAMP from digitalocean and I cannot connect to my mysql remotely from my pc, I get 2003 error Connection Timed Out, any ideas what could cause that? I tried everything what google offered, from setting bind ip, to allowing remote connections via mysql.conf file, but nothing helps12:16
NET||abusehey guys, i've an old tenvis ipcamera at home and i want to view it on my ubuntu 17.10 install, but it wants me to use vlc-plugin, which ... no..12:26
NET||abuseat least i dont want to install muck browser plugins unless i have to.12:26
kostkonNET||abuse, use vlc itself then?12:28
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joshterhello old fellas12:47
killowncan I install ubuntu in a 15gb partition?12:49
Borw3killown: Yes12:51
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BillD73vpeter: not really sure its an ubuntu issue  I no longer have the means to test windows to linux interactions13:09
vpeterBillD73: I know it could be also Windows issue. I'm just looking for a solution :) Also not really sure when this happen. I think few months back it was ok.13:14
BillD73vpeter: do any updates on ubuntu/samba? Sadly i still use it as well. had a NTFS setup at one point then upgraded ubuntu and never set it back up  definitely was much smoother on the network side13:16
`ajvenhello when I want to build my own .iso with ubuntu I am using command " /build.sh --distribution light --variant lxde --arch amd64 --verbose" but I am taking error "chroot: failed to run command ‘/usr/bin/env’: No such file or directory" any idea what is wrong ??13:18
killehey guys. bit of an irc noob here. listed channels for *linux*unity*gamedevelopment and got a crap ton of stuff. any good channels anyone can recommend?13:22
ikoniakille: try asking in #freenode for how to get better channels13:22
ikoniakille: this channel is for ubuntu support only13:23
killeok thanks13:23
ssarahi just join the ones i use. but i don't pay attention to all of them13:23
`ajvenso you can support me ;-)13:23
ikoniasupport you with what ?13:23
`ajvennobody know :( ?13:25
ikoniaknow what13:26
ssarah`ajven, i never built ubuntu, but by your description... can't you just use lubuntu?13:27
ssarahit's ubuntu + lxde13:27
`ajvenssarah, i need bootable iso with some packge is not to install it just to use as livecd ;)13:28
ssarah`ajven, if you can install lubuntu in a pen, you can allocate some space to then permanently install packages on it. but if you really need a cd, then i guess you need to build it13:30
`ajvenyes b ut i need iso to boot it on server from ESX :p13:33
`ajvenhello when I want to build my own .iso with I am using command " /build.sh --distribution light --variant lxde --arch amd64 --verbose" but I am taking error "chroot: failed to run command ‘/usr/bin/env’: No such file or directory" any idea what is wrong ??13:36
Toba`ajven: what OS is the computer running, that you running that ./build.sh on13:37
`ajvenToba: is ubuntu13:37
`ajvenoh not sorry is kali linux damn13:38
TobaI've never run build.sh to create an ubuntu iso, but I imagine it runs best on ubuntu13:38
`ajvenso what did you run ?13:39
akik`ajven: from which package is build.sh from?13:40
TobaI haven't done what you're doing. I only heard of build.sh from you.13:40
ducasse!kali | akik13:40
ubottuakik: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)13:40
akikbuild.sh from kali linux builds a ubuntu iso?13:41
cart_manHi all.. how can I open up a port in Ubuntu Mate ?13:48
pedrocris there a way to increase mouse speed beyond what the settings allow?13:49
pedrocrmy trackpoint is way too slow and I've tried udev rules but they seem to cause the trackpoint to be disabled after suspend sometimes13:49
tcornelihi, i'm on 16.04 and i'm trying to add a generic tld to dnsmasq. ubuntu is stubbornly refusing to pick up my tld. i followed this guide: https://gist.github.com/magnetikonline/6236150 and this guide: https://gist.github.com/marek-saji/680811413:50
metastableYour configuration would also help.13:51
Guest0Hi Guys, after I played a little bit with gpg I can't update my system, because it can't find a public key. I tried to "solve" this problem by uninstalling gpg, wich left me with a non updatable system. Does anyone of you have an idea how to solve this?13:57
oerheksGuest0, time to reinstall :-)13:58
metastableGuest0: I would probably try to find the dpkg for the version of gpg that you removed on one of the package mirrors, and try to manually install it.13:58
ikoniathats not going to work is it13:59
ikoniathe repos are gpg signed, so removing gpg means you can't use the repos13:59
metastableBlah. Find the .deb, and manually install it with dpkg. I need more coffee.14:00
Guest0Alright I'll try that. Thanks for your time :)14:01
oerheksmetastable, and what does dpkg need to install ..?14:01
oerheksgood lesson what happens when you messed up gpg14:01
metastableI'm assuming that you can tell dpkg not to perform crypto verification.14:02
metastableThis being a horrible idea, I've never tried.14:02
metastable--no-debsig I think.14:02
metastableWhile it's not important in this instance, why would you mask a MAC address?14:10
tcornelibecause i(m not savvy enough to know if it's sensitive information14:12
james_brownHi guys! I suspect my pc was infected by a malware: at first the computer would open up the directory I wanted to open multiple times (like 10 or so) and the mouse was being quite unresponsive, so I rebooted.  Now a hard drive icon has appeared on the launcher, I clicked it and I see it is called "disk"  and it contains many directories: bin,  etc, lib, meta, sbin,  snap, usr,  var and the text files command-chromium.wrapper and14:14
oerhekstcorneli, that is fine, set it to XXX.XXX.XXX etc  so we don't assume you used 00:00:00:00:00:0014:14
james_brownNow chromium does not open unless ran on the console and only after sending the error messages: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" [3740:3740:0212/160742.638687:ERROR:desktop_window_tree_host_x11.cc(1878)] Not implemented reached in void views::DesktopWindowTreeHostX11::MapWindow(ui::WindowShowState) ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enabl14:14
metastableIt's a MAC address. It's not sensitive. The most we can tell from that is who made the NIC.14:14
leftyfbjames_brown: did you purposely install malware on your pc?14:15
james_brownI don't have a disk or usbs connected to the pc14:15
james_brownleftyfb: why would I?14:15
leftyfbjames_brown: because otherwise it's highly unlikely you have malware14:16
james_brownleftyfb: then what could it be?14:16
james_brownleftyfb: I would like to understand what causes this behavior and how i can fix it14:16
leftyfbjames_brown: the first thing I would check is a dying hard drive14:17
pavlostcorneli: FYI: a MAC address uniquely identifies the device (net card, phone, router) ...14:17
james_brownleftyfb: It's a laptop so I only have one hard drive.  If it were dying then all the files should be messed up, am I correct?14:17
leftyfbjames_brown: you would not be correct14:17
james_brownleftyfb: ok14:18
leftyfbjames_brown: dying hard drives manifest in an almost infinite number of symptoms14:18
james_brownleftyfb: I just noticed the drive's path is /media/james/disk14:18
leftyfbjames_brown: this "disk" is more than likely your own hard drive remounted for some reason14:19
leftyfbby remounted, I mean bind mounted14:19
james_brownleftyfb: then why does it contain solely chromium-related files?14:19
leftyfbnot sure, I don't use chromium o I don't know what it does as far as storing temporary files14:20
leftyfbjames_brown: the rest of the files you listed sound like a typical linux file structure14:20
akikjames_brown: what's the content of command-chromium.wrapper ?14:21
james_brownleftyfb: I just clicked by mistake on the little arrow next to the "disk" folder in the file explorer (eject icon I suppose) and it sent a message "safe to remove the hardrive" and it disappeared14:22
james_brownleftyfb: I cannot find the folder in its path anymore14:22
james_brownleftyfb: it behaved like a flashdrive14:22
leftyfbor any mounted media including a drive/partition14:23
james_brownleftyfb: do you still think a dying hard drive is what might be causing this?14:23
leftyfbjames_brown: I don't know. You've done zero troubleshooting to rule anything out14:23
james_brownleftyfb: how do I troubleshoot a case like this?14:24
leftyfbjames_brown: look in /var/log/syslog or dmesg for disk/drive/ATA/IO errors. Use the disk util to run a SMART test (with a live cd).14:25
james_brownleftyfb: this seems related ---> Feb 12 16:20:12 James-Linux udisksd[2049]: Cleaning up mount point /media/james/disk (device 7:3 is not mounted) Feb 12 16:20:12 James-Linux udisksd[2049]: Unmounted /dev/loop3 on behalf of uid 100014:28
james_brownleftyfb: and there's other stuff related to Gtk14:28
leftyfbjames_brown: that sort of touches on the fact that your drive was bind mounted, but says nothing about the health of your drive14:28
james_brownleftyfb: which is something that has to do with the error message on the console14:28
leftyfbjames_brown: Until we determine if your drive is healthy or not, ignore gtk anything. You are only looking for possible drive errors.14:29
metastablegtk spits out errors -constantly-.14:29
leftyfbjames_brown: also, please use pastebin for anything more than single line outputs14:29
ChiLLabiSUbuntu all day everyday14:30
james_brownleftyfb: ok, will do14:30
SoggyDingusIs anyone else experiencing screen tearing on 17.1014:30
ChiLLabiSAm i the only one that likes Unity?14:30
james_brownleftyfb: I'm gonna quickly look for what bind mounting means, then I will proceed with looking for drive erros in the logs14:31
ChiLLabiSSo the latest Ubuntu that comes out will not have Unity?14:35
james_brownleftyfb: I understood that bind mount replicates a directory and all containing files and subdirectories, so whats the difference between a bind mount and a link?14:36
leftyfbjames_brown: in this case, I'm referring to bind mounting as just your drive being mounted again in a different location14:37
leftyfbthere's no "replication" or linking going on14:37
akikjames_brown: what's the content of command-chromium.wrapper ?14:39
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james_brownakik: sorry but I cannot access that file anymore14:40
bijan_Hi. I'm about to setup a linux desktop pc. I am currently considering ubuntu and debian. Will I be able to update ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04lts as soon as it is released?14:40
leftyfbbijan_: give or take some hours, yes14:40
james_brownleftyfb: nonetheless, I would like to understand the difference between them14:40
bijan_also I read that google moves from ubuntu to debain for their desktops... why is that?14:40
iAmSlowhow do i change defoult torrent app14:41
bijan_leftyfb some hours?14:41
leftyfbjames_brown: Are you here to troubleshoot possible issues with your pc or to learn the difference between bind mounting and sym/hard linking files?14:41
iAmSlowi installed web-torrent and now it opens it all time insted transsmision14:41
bijan_leftyfb isn't the install process some kind of automatic?14:41
leftyfbbijan_: we aren't google. Nobody here can/will answer that14:41
bijan_I do not want to edit manually a thousand lines and update packages piece by piece :D14:42
kostkonbijan_, "some hours" after the official release of 18.0414:42
bijan_ahhh ;D14:42
leftyfbbijan_: yes, but there's a lot of activity that goes on the day it's released and not everyone gets prompted to update the minute it's released. Same with any other OS.14:42
ilfpotthow do I fix broken dependency?14:42
bijan_Ah okay... :D14:42
ilfpottokay ?14:43
james_brownleftyfb: both.  I tried to look for an answer on google but it's too cryptic for me (english is not my main language) so I thought maybe someone could ELI514:43
ilfpottMy deps broke like hell14:43
leftyfbilfpott: start by pastebin'ing the output of the error(s) you're running into14:43
ilfpottand I don't even know how14:43
kostkon!paste | ilfpott14:43
ubottuilfpott: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:43
ilfpottjust need the regular solution to the problem14:43
leftyfbjames_brown: did you at some point install chromium using snap?14:43
leftyfbilfpott: my previous post wasn't for you14:43
leftyfbilfpott: start by pastebin'ing the output of the error(s) you're running into14:43
ilfpottWhat's the general way to fix broken deps?14:44
ilfpottno paste, what's the solution14:44
leftyfbilfpott: in general, we look at error messages and determine what's wrong to come up with the correct solution14:44
james_brownleftyfb: It was installed using snap14:44
leftyfbjames_brown: try removing it, rebooting and see if you run into the same issues14:45
james_brownleftyfb: before I do that is there anything I can do to try and understand why this happened in the first place?14:46
leftyfbjames_brown: not until we determine what is wrong14:48
leftyfbjames_brown: right now, we know absolutely nothing14:48
james_brownleftyfb: i think i found something interesting (for me at least :D) in the logs ----> https://pastebin.com/9Lf16UBt14:49
james_brownleftyfb: Feb 12 16:02:29 James-Linux udisksd[2049]: Mounted /dev/loop3 at /media/james/disk on behalf of uid 100014:49
james_brownleftyfb: so /dev/loop3 was mounted by uid 100014:50
leftyfbjames_brown: Did you try removing the chromium snap yet?14:50
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james_brownleftyfb: not yet, I thought the log could add useful info14:51
james_brownleftyfb: is any of it useful?14:52
joshterhi, could someone able to help regarding browser concerns via touchscreen14:52
leftyfbjames_brown: only mildly. It'll be more helpful to follow through with removing the chromium snap as requested14:52
james_brownleftyfb: ok14:53
vltHello. How can I let `[ -e /some/node ]` return true also if /some/node is a symlink?14:53
joshterdoes anyone experienced firefox or chrome is unable to drag or resize via touchscreen14:54
metastablevlt: -e does return true if the file is a symlink.14:55
james_brown_leftyfb: done14:55
leftyfbjames_brown_: reboot. See if you have the same issues14:56
vltmetastable: Hmmm, it doesn’t for me.14:56
vltmetastable: Seems like I do have to use `[ -e /some/node -o -L /some/node ]`. Or is there a shorter version?14:57
joshterdoes anyone experienced firefox or chrome is unable to drag or resize via touchscreen? the upper portion of the browsers aint responding via touchscreen however, via touchpad / mouse, its pretty well14:58
metastablevlt: https://paste.ubuntu.com/=sdRXRrb8sY/14:58
vltmetastable: `[ -e /some/existing/symlink ]` works, though.14:58
metastableAre you talking about a symlink that doesn't yet point to a file?14:59
vlt“existing” means here that the symlnk’s target exists.14:59
vltmetastable: Yes.14:59
metastablevlt: OH. -h14:59
metastablevlt: https://paste.ubuntu.com/=5nmrwsCB6D/15:01
vltmetastable: Yes, “-h” and “-L” are synonymous according to `man [` but don’t work for file files. I’ll or both expressions.15:01
metastableOh, so you want it to return true if it's a symlink (even a hanging one), OR a regular file.15:01
Pinkamena_DHas anyone been able to find a way to get the screenshot program from ubuntu unity into 17.10?15:01
metastableYeah, there's no single conditional for that.15:01
vltmetastable: Ok, thank you very much :-)15:02
vltIs “hanging symlink” the common name?15:03
brainwashPinkamena_D: you have to start the Xorg session instead of the wayland one15:03
brainwashPinkamena_D: if you want to use this type of program15:03
metastablevlt: I think?15:03
Pinkamena_Dbrainwash: it seems that all that is really missing is the 'screenshot current window' function15:04
Pinkamena_Dthe region and full desktop captures are still tehre15:04
vltmetastable: Thanks.15:05
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quantzbeatzEriC^^: you up?15:08
dedondestahow do i fix that:15:09
dedondestasudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-6 20 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-615:09
dedondestaupdate-alternatives: error: alternative g++ can't be slave of gcc: it is a master alternative15:09
dedondestacouldn't find that error on google15:09
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strkhow to solve "NO_PUBKEY 60EE47FBAD3DD469" ? ( I keep forgetting )15:11
strkit's about PPA apt repos install...15:12
lordcirth_workstrk, are you using add-apt-repository, or manually?15:12
strkgpg --search-key 60EE47FBAD3DD469 # seems to help ( manually )15:13
strkso gpg --search-key can find it, but if done as user it isn't found by root (or something along those lines)15:13
strklordcirth_work: so, what's the manual way ?15:14
nemomy last set of updates on my ubuntu 14.04 LTS dev/server here have triggered a bunch of apparmor errors about merged modifiers with conflicting rules15:14
nemosince I've never touched apparmor config, I was wondering if anyone could advice me just how best to purge it clean, it should just use whatever's in the package...15:14
nemoprofile has merged rule with conflicting x modifiers ERROR processing regexs for profile sanitized_helper, failed to load Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox15:15
lordcirth_workstrk, you download it with gpg and import to apt-key.  But I'd recommend using add-apt-repository instead15:15
nemo↑ (that bit of text there being some samples from the rather noisy init script error)15:15
* strk found: gpg --export --armor 60EE47FBAD3DD469 | sudo apt-key add -15:16
strkI guess --armor wasn't needed15:16
akikstrk: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 60EE47FBAD3DD469 (maybe)15:17
ra21vihi, my dell 7559 with Ubutnu 16.04 keeps restarting, i suspect cpu temp issue.. the fans are stopped and does run for like 5-6 secs  then again goes complete off... how can I make fan run at least with some minimal speed so cpu temp does not go off the limit15:20
ra21viif I disconnect anytime, maybe my system restarted again..15:20
oerheksstrk,  if that is the key from nextcloud client, https://launchpad.net/~nextcloud-devs/+archive/ubuntu/client , sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nextcloud-devs/client would do the job fine15:20
ra21viso plese suggest some fix quickly15:21
nemora21vi: sensors package would give you a bit more info as to what's going on exactly15:22
oerheksra21vi, did you install graphics drivers? maybe that solves a fan issue, else clean the fan by a professional, as it is a laptop?15:22
nemora21vi: but usually that sort of thing means the CPU fan is failing or is blocked15:22
nemomy mom used to do that to her laptop by using it in bed where blankets blocked the airflow ☺15:23
ra21vinemo: i installed sensors but dont know what to do net15:23
ulyssesHey guys, do you work with Ubuntu MATE as well?15:23
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.15:23
ra21vioerheks: i literally sucked off all dust using vaccum cleaner to clean any dust...15:24
kostkonulysses, yes, it is supported here15:24
nemora21vi: the fan bearings could be failing15:24
nemora21vi: sensors should be telling you the fan speed - and if you see CPU temp climbing even w/ fan running that's a bad sign15:24
oerheksra21vi, did you install graphics drivers? i read you have a gforce 96015:24
nemocould also be the GPU fan15:24
ra21vioerheks: this laptop has Nvidia 950 , and I have not installed nvidia binary driver15:24
ra21vinemo: sensors are able to run fan at full speed while testing..so fan bearing does not seems to be issue15:25
nemora21vi: well. climbing past normal range. some heating is fine ofc, esp w/ air cooling ☺15:25
oerheksra21vi, oke, 950, use the driver tool or sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall15:25
nemora21vi: ah? what speed is that?15:25
ra21vito me looks like for power saving ubuntu does not run fan everytime..15:25
nemora21vi: is the CPU temperature actually high? it could just be the GPU.15:26
ra21vinemo: that I am not sure..15:26
nemora21vi: you could install fancontrol just to eliminate your hypothesis...15:26
ra21vioerheks: ok, I am installing that driver15:27
nemora21vi: but it seems pretty unlikely to me15:27
ra21vinemo: i installed fancontrol... but it didn't do anything15:27
nemora21vi: personally at home I was getting over heating due to minecraft and my stock fan just not being up to running so many cores non-stop15:27
nemora21vi: fancontrol is for you 😝15:27
nemora21vi: kinda have to configure it15:28
ra21vinemo: should i run fancontrol in terminal ?15:28
nemora21vi: would still be good to watch the output of sensors tho - just to see if CPU temp in fact is climbing high.  it might not be a problem15:30
ulyssesAlright, I'm running Ubuntu MATE on my Pi3 and the audio had previously worked, but now it doesn't see a sound system and is muted, basically no audio15:31
Grorcohey does anyone know off the top of their head what the games package is called? Some reason I lost it on my fresh install15:34
nemoulysses: installed pavucontrol yet?15:34
ulyssesNot yet15:34
ra21vinemo: i did run fancontrol configuration and at last it showed blank in config for all parameters15:35
nemoulysses: personally I find that awfully informative in what the heck pulseaudio thinks the sound source is, and what should be muted or volume low15:35
kostkonGrorco, i can only think of gnome-games15:36
nemoulysses: either for audio out or individual apps which are sometimes on wrong source.15:36
nemoulysses: I've also found the pulseaudio channel here on freenode pretty useful for custom stuff like auto-switching between hdmi/internal audio based on cable plugin, or creating a merged profile15:36
ulyssesIt's the general system, can' t even open sound output because it says that it's waiting for the sound system itself15:36
nemoulysses: anyway. pavucontrol helps explain what's going on, but if something is hanging, meh, just pulseaudio -k15:37
nemokill the sucker, restart it15:37
nemoulysses: it's still an unstable annoying thing, although not nearly as bad as in the past15:37
ulyssesThanks man, I'll check that out15:38
Grorcokostkon, I think that was part of it, some of them I recognize some I don't, thanks though :)15:41
kostkonGrorco, np15:41
Grorcokostkon, ace of penguins, I don't know why I didn't just search freecell that I was looking for first lol15:42
kostkonGrorco, it looks ancient :P but it's good i guess15:47
Grorcokostkon, it is, but I like to play it sometimes when I can't sleep15:51
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blue_cheese Hullo15:57
blue_cheese For the record, I am running a recent version of Ubuntu, I forget the exact version.15:58
blue_cheese I had installed the graphics studio version, then I did an update to a newer version, that managed to lose the studio features, so I don't even get a decent photo editor. Plus when it goes to update, it always comes up with the message "unable to download"16:01
oerheksblue_cheese, find the version: cat /etc/issue16:02
blue_cheese I have a newer version of the studio version, but would like to install it without losing all the stuff that is on this drive, which is a lot.16:02
leftyfbblue_cheese: restore from backup?16:03
oerheksnormally you can update with the live ubuntu-studio iso too.. but if you don't have a backup, your data is not important16:03
leftyfboerheks: +116:04
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blue_cheeseokay, 16.10 is the version. I get behind on things due to having severe COPD, so lost track of stuff. Some days I don't even get outside16:06
oerheksblue_cheese, oke, that version is EOL, dead, upgrade with  a fresh 17.10 iso ?16:06
leftyfbblue_cheese: not only is that not a recent version, it's not supported16:06
ubottuUbuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety16:06
blue_cheese well, it has been over a year since I installed tis version16:07
blue_cheesebut, I want to be able to install new version without losing all my asorted files, pictures,, downloads of other things, etc.16:08
leftyfbblue_cheese: I would suggest installing the latest version you want from scratch and restoring from backu16:08
leftyfbblue_cheese: restoring media files from backup. It's just a drag and drop to get them back16:08
blue_cheese don't have a backup, really, unless I clear of another drive that I have only some other backup stuff, some from linux mint.16:09
leftyfbblue_cheese: then the data is not important16:09
blue_cheese  the majority of pix I still have on the SD cards, and the cell phones mcro SD card.16:10
oerheksupgrading should preserve your data, or a fresh install with manual selected partitioning ( just uncomment your /home/ ) should work too, but no guarantees16:11
blue_cheese when I download pix I have taken, I always leave the originals  on the SD cards, as a just in case. I had some photos that I lost, were on a floppy from photo processer, and managed to lose em. Not hyper important, as they are from around 200016:13
leftyfbblue_cheese: buy an external hard drive and backup your sd cards and files from your pc. I would also recommend uploading your pictures to an online service like dropbox or box.com or google photos or something16:14
blue_cheese I tend to copy all the files I want to keep onto another drive, I have sebveral, and one has few files on it, so I could copy those and use that drive.16:14
blue_cheese I dislike using external drives. I have 4 HDs in this computer, and a Blu Ray.DVD drive that messes up what it writes, like when I restore an ISO to DVD. They work, but only on this computer, and NOT on another computer, such as my laptop16:16
lordcirth_workblue_cheese, if your external HDD doesn't work on other machines, you either put the wrong filesystem on it, or you're using one of those annoying Mybook things16:17
blue_cheese I wound up using it to write an ISO to DVD, and since, the DVD drive in this does not want to work Ubuntu does not see it. Bugger. Now I write ISO's to  a flash drive16:18
BBANNERyes Brays only work on Brays drives16:18
blue_cheeseI am NOT using an external drive16:19
leftyfbblue_cheese: then your data is not important to you16:19
BBANNERbut it important to me16:19
leftyfbblue_cheese: feel free to upgrade your OS with no guarantee you will or will not lose your data. Good luck16:20
leftyfbblue_cheese: backing up your data to an external hard drive is THE safest local backup solution you can do16:21
blue_cheese But do use memory sticks. Right now I tend to get annoyed, because my neck is aching, which also gives me headaches. Is from osteo arthritis in y bloody neck. That on top of severe COPD16:21
leftyfbblue_cheese: memory sticks are NOT safe16:21
blue_cheese I back up the files to one of the other internal drives16:21
blue_cheese the memory sticks I use mainly as install drives, NOT as backups.16:22
lordcirth_workOther internal drives will not help if your PSU fails violently, or lightning strikes, or fire, or flood16:22
blue_cheese at my age, I tend to get annoye, at almost 8016:22
blue_cheese i'm ging to go see if I can get some food down16:23
blue_cheese Dyslexic kee bored16:24
str8upfresh install ubuntu game pack distro get this when i try to update https://paste.ubuntu.com/=7Y7qYzCNFj/ plz help16:24
lordcirth_workstr8up, Ubuntu Game Pack is not a supported distro here.  Also,  the error message tells you the problem.16:25
str8upi cant figure out where to go to fix it16:26
fx250rsync question: https://pastebin.com/raw/hp0hEYhN With those options I have destination synced with source, unfortunately, many files are not correct.  example: /bin/bash file size and time (that appears in `ls -al /bin/bash`) are different.  Why is this?16:26
str8upim use to mint16:26
oerheksstr8up, then ask mint suport, and tell them if you run xenial or trusty, you mixed up sources16:27
str8upi never touched anything all i did was ran updates and then that came up but not sure how to find the sources list under this distro ubuntu gamepack16:28
leftyfbstr8up: why do you think you need ubuntu game pack?16:28
dragosdrgm12hekp me16:28
leftyfb!ask | dragosdrgm1216:28
str8upits distro for gaming16:28
ubottudragosdrgm12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:28
dragosdrgm12how to connect phone at raspberry pi with vnc?16:29
dragosdrgm12how to connect phone at raspberry pi with vnc?16:29
leftyfbstr8up: ok, install regular ubuntu or mine and install the games you want16:29
leftyfbdragosdrgm12: please go to #raspberrypi16:29
noobaaaanyone on steam?16:32
lordcirth_workThis Ubuntu Game Pack seems pointless and possibly sketchy16:32
lordcirth_work!anyone | noobaaa16:32
wrwhat is kernel version that comes with latest version ubuntu?16:33
lordcirth_workHmm, wrong keyword.  Anyway, just ask your question, don't ask to ask16:33
lordcirth_workwr, 17.10 has 4.13 iirc16:33
wrlordcirth_work, ok thanks16:34
fuchstronautI tried various instruction from google, but I don't think I updated my kernel. Typing "uname -r" I get this: "3.13.0-042stab127.2"16:36
fuchstronautBut I just updated 14.04 to 16.04.316:36
kostkonfuchstronaut, uname -a16:36
fuchstronautWhat do I have to do, to secure my server from meltdown/spectre16:36
kostkonfuchstronaut, why is there a "stab" in the version number16:37
fuchstronautkostkon: "Linux host.xyz 3.13.0-042stab127.2 #1 SMP Thu Jan 4 16:41:44 MSK 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"16:37
fuchstronautI have no clue16:37
noobaaayou need to install bios patch16:37
lordcirth_workstab is probably short for 'stable'16:37
noobaaaand install microcode for cpu16:37
fuchstronautA bios patch? It is a VM, not my local cpu16:37
kostkonfuchstronaut, vm on a cloud service?16:38
grauzikas42stab127.2 this means openvz :)16:38
fuchstronautI don't really know what I am doing, I am happy nothing went wrong updating to 16.0416:38
fuchstronautI have some kind of parallels managing web interface where I can start the container, if that helps16:39
grauzikasif you are on virtual machine you can upgrade only packages, but not system kernel16:39
lordcirth_workThe meltdown patch needs to be installed on the host OS.  If you're using pro hosting is should already be16:39
fuchstronautAh ok16:39
noobaaasend email to goggle to thank them for releasing exploit16:39
fuchstronautThey send me an e-mail telling me to take care of security on my VM, because it is not managed by them16:39
noobaaanow i know why google doesent need anti-virus16:39
oerheksfuchstronaut, upgrading openvz should be done with a fresh vm, as it uses a heavily patched kernel16:40
fuchstronautso there is nothing more I can do, then to keep my OS updated and hope for my hoster to handle kernel updates?16:40
oerheksopenvz does not upgrade the kernel to 4.xx16:41
oerheksthis is not really an ubuntu support issue, contact your vm vendor16:41
webbbis it possible to install an older version of postgresql-client, 9.1 instead the recent 9.5?16:41
webbbI need it for very specific purposes16:42
fuchstronautalright, thanks anyways!16:42
noobaaayou need to disable j script in browser16:42
noobaaato prevent M/S16:42
oerhekswebbb, this old 12.04 version ?? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+package/postgresql-client-9.1 >> https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=postgresql-client16:50
lotuspsychjeim having a weird issue on 16.04.3 when i plugin an external seagate 1TB it doesnt popup, unless i plug another external usb HD, then they both popup. the problem drive works fine on a 18.04. any clues?17:03
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kazeheheIm having a black screen after updating... Any ideas?17:06
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geirhawebbb: you could run it through docker. Avoids having to install an outdated version on the host system17:07
iorialotuspsychje, sounds like a module not loading with the 1TB drive;  unplug both, replug the 1T hd and  dmesg | tail -3017:09
lotuspsychjeioria: the weird thing is i dont get any errors, led of hd is blinking/freeze17:11
tphamhi, does linux (the package) has a linux.mk file that I can control the build process of the package?17:12
lotuspsychjeioria: tryed formatting to ntfs, ext4 with gparted17:12
xgpthey ebveryone, just curious, I need to find a cheapest-option for a domain name+host for a single page redirect or maybe to host a smallllll website for a couple that's getting married, any suggesitons? (i.e. bobandalivegettingmarried)17:12
xgpthey ebveryone, just curious, I need to find a cheapest-option for a domain name+host for a single page redirect or maybe to host a smallllll website for a couple that's getting married, any suggesitons? (i.e. bobandalivegettingmarried.com)17:12
iorialotuspsychje, ok, usually  (if the drive is ok) the issue is with uas or usb_storage module17:12
oerhekstpham, linux, the package? do you have an URL?17:13
tphamoerheks, sorry, i thought this was the buildroot channel17:13
tphamwrong channel17:13
iorialotuspsychje, you can check lsmod  for them17:13
wffwkwqubuntu is so cool17:13
lotuspsychjeioria: gonna try a bionic daily on that machine, see what it does17:15
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mustmodifyWhich of these error messages is more significant? https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/c05403c322fc97a85520bd2e16cec5fa17:15
lotuspsychjeioria: its like the drive is waiting for something, until the other external is connected, then works fine suddenly17:18
iorialotuspsychje, uas is loaded ?17:20
lotuspsychjeioria: dont see that in list no17:22
iorialotuspsychje, usb_storage ?17:22
lotuspsychjeioria: no17:23
iorialotuspsychje, sudo modprobe uas17:23
lotuspsychjeioria: seems like mouting, bbl17:25
lotuspsychjedinner first17:25
CrashbitI need help to remove one program. I install ceph and ceph-mds with apt, but now I can't remove ceph-mds packet17:26
CrashbitI'll try to reinstall ceph-mds and remove again, but same problem appears17:27
oerheksCrashbit, does this work? sudo service ceph stop mds ## sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove ceph-mds # it removes all dependencies too17:35
fx250Ah, I see. It seems rsync only sends files with different timestamps if the source timestamp is newer than the destination.17:35
fx250I need to also include source files that are older than destination17:35
Crashbitoerheks: finally I solve the isssue removing ceph-mds* files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/17:37
oerheksCrashbit, oke, good find, not sure why that solved it17:37
Crashbitoerheks: I don't know, but it works. every time to install this packages have same problem. It's strange17:39
fx250I need to also include source files that are older than destination, however, if I modify a file on the source, and then rsync, for some reason the file does not get reverted from the source to remove the modifications.17:43
fx250oops, mistyped msg17:44
fx250Bah, I was wrong.  It does update files that are older and newer. However, if I modify a file on the source, and then rsync, for some reason the file does not get reverted from the source to remove the modifications.17:44
naccfx250: you want mirroring, not the normal operation17:44
naccfx250: which is for backups17:44
nacc(if i had to guess)17:44
fx250nacc, https://pastebin.com/raw/7YUd26xG I am using -a option17:46
fx250I think it has to do with different timestamps than the times that appear in `ls -al /path/to/file` output.17:47
lotuspsychjeioria: loaded both uas & usb_storage but doesnt work17:48
naccfx250: so you want to change a file on the source and have rsync undo your changes?17:48
fx250nacc, yes17:49
iorialotuspsychje,  if you paste   dmesg | tail -30  we can have a look17:50
lotus-seagateioria: https://hastebin.com/aputudipuw.scala17:55
naccfx250: does the dest see the modification on the source?17:55
iorialotuspsychje,  after re-plugging, i mean ...17:56
fx250nacc, What do you mean?17:56
fx250The source is left untouched17:56
fx250if I edit the source, then rsync syncs perfectly fine17:56
naccfx250: what? you just said "if i modify a file on the source"17:57
fx250but if I edit the destination (e.g. edit text file with vi and save) and then rsync again, the change is not detected.17:57
lotuspsychjeioria: it doesnt record new logs mate17:57
naccfx250: that's not at all what you said.17:57
iorialotuspsychje,  nothing at all ???17:57
fx250nacc, Sorry, I made a mistake17:57
lotuspsychjeioria: drive blinking, like in a wait state17:57
fx250I meant if I manually modify on the destination17:57
lotuspsychjeioria: gparted or fdisk dont even see the hd17:57
naccfx250: so you want a change in the destination to show up in the source?17:58
lotuspsychjeioria: unless i plugin the other external hd too17:58
fx250I want a change in the destination to cause the destination files to be restored from source17:58
iorialotuspsychje,  ok, plug the other one and paste again17:59
lotuspsychjeioria: ok17:59
oerhekslotuspsychje, usb3 hdd on a usb2 port ?17:59
naccfx250: and by destination, in your example, you mean local files?18:00
oerhekssudo modprobe -r uas # and plug the disk in again ... https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2012/10/msg00996.html18:00
fx250If I edit file contents on source, or `touch` on source, rsync updates the file.  But if I edit file contents on destination or `touch` on destination, nothing happens18:00
lotus-seagateioria: https://hastebin.com/vojetekuko.sql18:01
lotuspsychjeoerheks: tested all usb ports on that machine18:01
lotuspsychjeoerheks: on 18.04 that same drive works on all ports18:01
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.18:02
lotuspsychjeoerheks: sudo modprobe -r uas # no dice18:04
iorialotuspsychje, file system corruption18:07
lotuspsychjeioria: https://hastebin.com/eboluxexuq.sql this is on bionic, drive gets mounted there18:10
=== Zamerick_ is now known as Zamerick
iorialotuspsychje, Buffer I/O error on dev sdb118:11
iorialotuspsychje, why don't you run fsck on it ? just to be sure18:12
lotuspsychjeioria: disktool says smart is ok18:13
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iorialotuspsychje, it's not18:14
lotuspsychjeioria: SEAGATE: clean, 11/61054976 bestanden, 3883091/244190008 blokken18:19
metastableSMART is good at indicating a failed drive, and terrible at indicating a healthy drive.18:20
metastableIf SMART says a disk is failed, trust it. If it says it's healthy, don't trust it.18:20
iorialotuspsychje,  with -f flag ?18:22
lotuspsychjeioria: SEAGATE: 11/61054976 bestanden (0.0% niet-aaneengesloten), 3883091/244190008 blokken18:23
iorialotuspsychje, and if you replug, you still get 'print_req_error: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 973340672'18:25
lotuspsychjeioria: lets c18:25
lotuspsychjeioria: https://hastebin.com/secetifayi.sql18:27
iorialotuspsychje, much better18:29
lotuspsychjeioria: yeah, im gonna try bionic on problem machine, see what it does18:29
lotuspsychjefirst in a live18:29
lotuspsychjeioria: no dice, must be conflict on that machine18:38
iorialotuspsychje, not mounting or not detected at all ?18:39
lotuspsychjeioria: same flickering as before18:41
lotuspsychjeioria: unless i plug back that other hd into it18:41
iorialotuspsychje, what is ? seagate ?18:42
lotuspsychjeioria: they both mount, after i plugin that external iomega18:42
iorialotuspsychje, what is ? seagate ?18:42
lotuspsychjeioria: yeah18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1584557 in linux (Ubuntu) "Seagate external drive causes SCSI bus resets when UAS enabled" [Medium,Confirmed]18:43
lotuspsychjelets c18:43
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iorialotuspsychje, like sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklistuas.conf and insert  options usb-storage quirks=0bc2:02322:u18:45
lotuspsychjeioria: lemme try that18:49
iorialotuspsychje, and  i'd do a reboot18:49
iorialotuspsychje, just for test, idt it's a fix18:50
lotuspsychjeioria: no dice18:58
iorialotuspsychje, replace the Id if different18:59
lotuspsychjeioria: i did from lsusb18:59
lotuspsychjeioria: this is so weird, when plugging that other hd everything works like a charm18:59
lotuspsychjeno flickering anymore19:00
lotuspsychjeioria: the differences are, the iomega got 2 usb outs, the seagate only 119:01
lotuspsychjeioria: gonna play with it tomorrow, tnx for support mate19:03
iorialotuspsychje, ok, np19:03
cbergI'm trying to install kubuntu with encrypted luks lvm using the manual partitioning option. can anyone tell me why this wouldn't work? https://i.imgur.com/mk3PyFY.png19:05
cbergit won't boot (gets grub rescue prompt)19:05
cbergI created the encrypted luks LVs outside of the installer because it wouldn't let me19:06
cbergmaybe that's the problem?19:06
lordcirth_workcberg, what do you mean by 'wouldn't let me'? No button, or an error?19:09
lordcirth_workYou could try using the text-mode installer (debian installer), I think it's still there.  It's still a friendly UI but more advanced19:10
Jordan_Ucberg: Are you sure that your BIOS is booting from sda rather than from sdb?19:10
cberglordcirth_work: there is only an option to create a "physical volume for encryption" in the installer, but no option to put LVs inside it19:10
cbergJordan_U: hmmm, will check19:10
cberghow could I start the text mode installer?19:11
lordcirth_workcberg, you have to first create a PV, a physical volume for LVM, inside the LUKS19:11
lordcirth_workThen create LV's inside *that*19:11
Jordan_Ucberg: IIRC the installer uses LVM on top of the LUKS volume by default.19:11
cberglordcirth_work: yes, but the installer won't offer an option to create a LV inside it19:11
lordcirth_workYes, I think it does19:11
lordcirth_workBut that's if you choose auto with LUKS, not if you do manual partitioning19:12
cbergyeah I can't choose auto becuause I need to keep the other two paritions19:12
cbergI will try text mode. do you know how to boot into that by chance?19:12
cbergI don't see a boot option menu19:13
Jordan_U!minimal | cberg19:13
ubottucberg: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:13
cbergokay, thanks19:13
Jordan_Ucberg: But before you try that, you should really make sure that your BIOS isn't just booting from sdb rather than sda.19:14
lordcirth_workI thought there was an option at the boot prompt for the normal installer. Maybe not anymore19:14
cbergnope no option19:14
cbergyeah Jordan_U doing that now19:14
Jordan_Ulordcirth_work: Debian installer is not included in the LiveUSB and never has been (unless you count the long ago LiveDVD images that contained both Server and Desktop installers along with most of the Main archive in the image).19:15
cbergokay I'm trying this same setup again, maybe something went wrong last time because I did a lot of going back and forth in the installer19:21
cbergI mean it should work, right?19:21
SomeTcan someone help setup ssh keys on my server pls?19:22
gordonjcpSomeT: in what sense?19:23
oerheksSomeT, you already know https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys19:23
oerheksyour culprit is enabling and disabling root-account, keys don't work no more when generated in root-account19:24
akikoerheks: ssh keys for the root user work just the same as for a normal user19:27
oerheksakik, when he enabled root account, makes keys, and then switches back, i think not19:28
akikSomeT's problem is that he's probably forgot _what_ he changed?19:28
cbergoh now I get a busybox initramfs prompt after a minut of the blinking kubuntu logo19:34
cbergI'm clearly doing something wrong19:34
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pikapikaIs anyone available?19:56
oerhekspikapika, ask, wait and see19:57
pikapikaThanks, I am writing my question now19:58
boo1my system randomly freezes and kicks me into the login/logout screen20:02
boo1when I log back in all my applications are closed20:02
boo1are there log files ubuntu takes for me to identify the reason for the freezing?20:03
pikapikaThats my question20:15
metastableI don't see a question. Just a pastebin link.20:16
ioriapikapika, and obviously there is a reason why you have not installed lamp from the official repo20:18
pikapikaI am stupid lol thats why20:18
pikapikaSome updated information: https://pastebin.com/uJtwBYjh20:18
pikapikaJust added that the apachectl lists so_module as enabled20:19
metastableSo, pastebin is an ad-delivered-malware cesspool, and I'm not going to wade through wordwalls in pastes to figure out what your issue is. I assume you tried to compile Apache httpd from source?20:19
pikapikaSo is there any easy way to just erase it all and begin again20:20
pikapikaThe apache is compiled manually and the php is from repo20:20
pikapikaSo yeah if nothing else, how do I uninstall this apache?20:21
metastableBest option I have for you short of a full reinstall is to install the 'checkinstall' package, then go through the configure-make-install process again using checkinstall so that it can see where files get placed.20:22
metastablePlease read that FIRST.20:22
ioriametastable, didn't know that about pastebin20:22
pikapikaOk thanks20:23
metastableOh yeah. Pastebin is a total garbage fire in that department. Ubuntu's pastebin service is far nicer to deal with. There are several other alternatives as well.20:23
ioriagood to know thanx20:23
gordonjcpwow, people still use apache?20:24
akikmetastable: the raw link gives you the paste without ads20:24
metastablehttps://ptpb.pw https://gist.github.com https://bpaste.net https://ix.io - Debian and Ubuntu also run pastebin services.20:24
metastableakik: I shouldn't have to modify a URL to not get ad-borne malware. :P20:24
gordonjcpmetastable: and of course you can always just upload a text file to your webserver... oh wait ;-)20:24
BillD73oh yes  sudo apt install pastebinit    $<command> -<args> | pastebinit   and a nice sweet url pops up lol20:24
metastableThere's also pastebinit, yes.20:24
akikmetastable: we can only hope for an ad-free network20:25
metastablegordonjcp: Of course people still use Apache. Why not?20:25
gordonjcpmetastable: it's okay for what it does, I guess20:25
BillD73metastable: he was jabbin at your broken apache lol20:26
metastablehttpd has its pros and cons, like any other implementation.20:26
gordonjcpmetastable: everything I've run for the past five or six years has been on nginx20:26
metastableMY httpd isn't broken. :P20:26
yosefrow_gordonjcp, what would you use instead of apache?20:26
gordonjcpmetastable: what I took exception to with apache was them calling the IRC channel "#httpd20:26
metastablenginx is also great.20:26
gordonjcpyosefrow_: nginx, these days20:26
yosefrow_nginx is great for web router20:26
metastableBut nginx isn't suitable for ALL situations.20:26
metastableTry running Wordpress on nginx. You'll be doing a lot of manual futzing.20:27
gordonjcpyosefrow_: on very very small systems I use a cut-down version of micro-httpd20:27
yosefrow_i use nginx for reverse proxy / web routing. And I use apache internally for websites20:27
BillD73its like anything else you get used to, comfort, avoiding change20:27
gordonjcpmetastable: Wordpress is horrible20:27
metastableyosefrow_: A very common, and very solid, set up.20:27
yosefrow_does nginx support .htaccess?20:27
metastableyosefrow_: Nope.20:27
metastablegordonjcp: Wordpress IS horrible, yes. But it's also very popular.20:27
yosefrow_yosefrow, nginx out the window for site hosting then20:27
yosefrow_.htaccess is a must20:27
yosefrow_and for web routing / proxy apache is a nightmare20:28
gordonjcpyosefrow_: .htaccess is never a bust20:28
metastableSometimes it can be.20:28
gordonjcpyosefrow_: it's a horrible horrible hack20:28
metastableSee also "the Linux kernel."20:28
yosefrow_gordonjcp, maybe in some nirvana20:28
metastableJust because it's a horrible, horrible hack doesn't mean it isn't in wide use.20:28
gordonjcpmetastable: Linux is pretty horrible, too20:29
gordonjcpmetastable: so are petrol engines, but we still need cars I guess20:29
metastableDing ding ding.20:29
gordonjcpmetastable: they're horrible but everything else is worse, in some important way20:29
yosefrow_gordonjcp, in all the real world situations i've found, .htaccess is depended upon as a way to convey the ideal internal routing and permissions for a site20:29
yosefrow_gordonjcp, many apps depend on .htaccess to handle routing and if you remove it, you will spend alot of your time manually configuring and exporting apache or nginx conf or whatever else you use. instead of simply git pull and running apache20:30
gordonjcpyosefrow_: so put it in a proper config file, instead of scattering it around the webroot20:30
yosefrow_gordonjcp, as i said, that is extra work. And you need to do that for every new project.20:31
yosefrow_it can easily get out of hand20:31
yosefrow_and if you have to migrate to new infrastructure all those beautiful files you wrote could get lost or misplaced because they are not tied together with the code if they are in git at all20:31
gordonjcphave you ever heard of deployment management?20:32
gordonjcpwhat is this, the 1990s?20:32
metastableThere are also plenty of situations where the person developing the app doesn't control the service's configuration.20:32
yosefrow_gordonjcp, its an unneccssary layer of complication. Why should I have to engineer deployment management for nginx/apache or whatever when i can just git pull a repo together with its .htaccess file?20:32
yosefrow_thats my point20:32
yosefrow_what if as metastable the developer decides the next version of my cms/webapp needs a new routing rule to function?20:33
yosefrow_i need to keep track of every 3rd party tool and update my configs accordingly or stuff breaks20:33
yosefrow_whereas with .htaccess I can just git pull and it just works20:33
yosefrow_gordonjcp, the core issue here though is that many devs depend on .htaccess for application routing. I much prefer if the world would move to platforms like node.js and then use proper routing via express. But I dont think that will happen any time soon20:35
gordonjcpyosefrow_: for my own web dev stuff I've been using Django for about ten years, and Flask more-or-less since it came out20:38
gordonjcpyosefrow_: so actually putting the routing *where it should be in the controllers* is kind of how I've done it for as long as I can remember20:38
gordonjcpyosefrow_: mostly because I've repressed the memories of the horror of PHP20:39
yosefrow_gordonjcp, hahaha xD20:39
gordonjcpyosefrow_: one very large company in the UK had a PHP website that I used to work on, about ten years ago or so20:39
metastableAnd that's fine for stuff you control. But if your employer has standard platforms (my previous one did) you may not have that luxury.20:39
yosefrow_gordonjcp, we use lots of drupal *and* wordpress, so we cant run away from .htaccess20:39
gordonjcpyosefrow_: the very first line of index.php was "header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");20:40
pikapikaIt appears to have removed the faulty apache and the apache from apt works fine20:40
gordonjcpyosefrow_: why? you ask...20:40
metastableOkay now, WTF? SERIOUSLY?20:40
metastablepikapika: Cheers.20:41
yosefrow_pikapika, nice :D20:41
pikapikaThanks everyone! ^_^20:41
gordonjcpyosefrow_: because they used .htaccess to set index.php as the default 404 handler, so it would be called on a not-found URL, return 200 OK, and then go off on its merry way working out what the URL should do to its dispatcher20:41
yosefrow_gordonjcp, that sounds like a highly specific case of an unintended use of a platform20:42
gordonjcpyosefrow_: yes, this meant that valid page hits were logged in error.log along with genuine errors20:42
gordonjcpyosefrow_: that wasn't even the worst20:42
yosefrow_gordonjcp, i think you will find, no matter what tool you create or find there will be at least one section of people who will completely, utterly, and totally misuse it20:42
TJ-Did I get overflow-redirected into #httpd ?20:42
gordonjcpyosefrow_: have you ever gotten through maybe the second or third day of a new job, and realised you now have to explain to your manager and *his* manager that the only way out of this mess is to torch the building and start a new life in Azerbaijan?20:42
pikapikaAnd the PHP is working fine too20:43
pikapikaThanks again for the help20:43
yosefrow_gordonjcp, I tried to tell that to my current client. But they wouldnt buy it. so i built on top of a faulty foundation, put in some supports here and there and started gutting and replacing parts of the building one piece at  atime20:43
yosefrow_today i entirely restructured their nginx20:43
yosefrow_mostly finished20:43
gordonjcpyosefrow_: yup20:44
yosefrow_it was a 3 month process of tedious and slow work20:44
gordonjcpyosefrow_: tbh I wish I still had a copy of the source for that site20:44
gordonjcpyosefrow_: I could sit and post to The Daily WTF every week for years20:44
yosefrow_the nginx files looked like scrambled eggs. comments everywhere, no indentation. Its like some someone just scribbled everywhere and somehow got it to work20:45
gordonjcpyosefrow_: one part had a site menu built by calling out to a bash script from the PHP file, to read a text file, template up a PHP file with the html for the menu, and then include() that file further down20:45
gordonjcp... assuming the bash script finished first20:45
gordonjcpwhich it mostly did20:45
yosefrow_files with multiple sites, error/access logs with seemingly random names, sites-available was basically empty because ppl just gave up symlinking from there20:45
yosefrow_gordonjcp, i spit upon their implementation20:46
gordonjcpyosefrow_: "not even wrong"20:46
gordonjcpyosefrow_: have you ever gotten through maybe the second or third day of a new job and had to sit down with your manager and *his* manager... and say "right, race conditions, have you heard of them?"20:47
yosefrow_gordonjcp, the sad truth is that sometimes companies dont have enough time or money to actually build things the right way.20:47
yosefrow_and surviving is better than dying even if its ugly20:47
gordonjcpyosefrow_: yeah, that's it20:47
yosefrow_i rather live even if my face is ugly, than get killed off because im not pretty enough20:48
SomeTon my server, in ubuntu, I am not using SSH, what checks can I do to make sure my server is not compromised?20:48
RtMFyosefrow_: we need to make 'just surviving' cost more than 'doing things right' - I propose charging $1000/hr for 'do things stupid way x'20:48
* RtMF shrugs20:48
SomeTso far I have disabled root login20:48
RtMFmeh not like it'll work20:48
SomeTis there a site which tells me20:48
SomeTlike a walkthroguh20:48
gordonjcpSomeT: root login ought not to be enabled anyway20:48
gordonjcpSomeT: what else are you running on the server, and what kind of situation is it in?20:48
yosefrow_RtMF, amen to that. I think this is what is begginging to happen with the introduction of microservices and orchestrators like kubernetes. These tools are making beautiful infrastructure stupidly simple.20:49
yosefrow_Soon it will get to the point where if you dont have 100% uptime via one of the above mentioned tools, people simply wont care about your services.20:49
yosefrow_Thats the point that businesses will care enough to use these tools, thus improving the quality of life for everyone (hopefully)20:50
SomeToh I am hosting a laravel install via laravel forge20:51
SomeTI mean its for a student project and SSH key setup gives me a headache on windows20:51
yosefrow_SomeT, do you own the server?20:51
SomeTyes its on digital ocean though20:51
SomeThosted there rather20:51
yosefrow_SomeT, dont need a key. You can login without ssh20:51
yosefrow_without ssh key i mean20:51
yosefrow_you just need to get in one once, and from then on you can use a user/pass if it isnt configured already20:52
yosefrow_SomeT, according to digital ocean help site, The default username is: root20:52
yosefrow_And the password is the one that is emailed to you.20:52
yosefrow_try using a tool like putty to login and supply the username and pass20:53
yosefrow_SomeT, did you get some mail with a password?20:53
SomeTyeah I done that20:55
SomeTthats all good20:56
SomeTnow my next steps is to make sure for example nothing is open20:56
SomeTlike I notice I have ssh and sshd config files20:56
SomeTI was initially looking at this you see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20294381/google-server-putty-connect-disconnected-no-supported-authentication-methods-a20:56
yosefrow_SomeT, did you manage to login to the server?20:58
yosefrow_via putty20:59
SomeTboth of them20:59
SomeTthere is two btw20:59
yosefrow_SomeT, ok so the issue here is that you would like to harden your ubuntu servers against attacks?21:00
yosefrow_or do you want to install an auditing service to track machine activity? both?21:00
SomeTI mean both would be good21:01
SomeTjust point me to the right tutorial21:01
gordonjcpSomeT: so in the first case, it's probably pretty resistant to attacks anyway, but you'll need to be careful of what you install21:02
gordonjcpSomeT: it's possible to write horrible insecure services in any platform ;-)21:03
SomeTok one thing that concerns me21:05
SomeTas stupid as this sounds21:05
SomeTI generated SSH keys actually on the server itself21:05
SomeTbut I don't need them lol21:05
SomeTbecause I am not logging into SSH21:05
SomeTand the error I posted above via the stackoverflow thing this was prevelant to this happening constantly in PuTTy21:05
SomeTI dunno how I even fixed that error, lol21:08
SomeTI didnt really amend anything21:08
yosefrow_SomeT, apt install ufw for hardening. apt install auditd for auditing21:10
yosefrow_be careful with the firewall though21:10
yosefrow_you can easily lock yourself out of ssh if you're not careful and block port 2221:11
yosefrow_assuming you connect with the default port21:11
yosefrow_other than that, if you're running a webserver, make sure you block access to files you dont want ppl to see via your webserver rules21:12
ox1deon boot my laptop and PC will illuminate for 1 second and then go dark... the hardare and soft seem operational but the screen is very dim - help?21:12
yosefrow_also setup an ssh account for another user, give him sudoers rights and then disable ssh password for root21:13
yosefrow_https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-harden-ubuntu-server-16-04-security-in-five-steps/ more stuff if you're curious21:13
yosefrow_SomeT, so your real issue is that you want to solve the error you are getting with putty?21:16
SomeTno I solved that21:17
SomeTbut I don't know how21:17
SomeTso thats what has me worried now21:17
SomeTI just rebooted the machine twice21:17
metastableThat TechRepublic article is total crap.21:17
SomeTand it started to work lol21:17
yosefrow_SomeT, i wouldnt worry then21:17
yosefrow_SomeT, ubuntu out of the box is pretty secure21:17
SomeTI mean I find DO goes a bit dodgy like that sometimes21:18
SomeTthis is why I use Ubuntu, lol21:18
metastableUbuntu is, but I'm not sure about DO's changes from the stock configuration.21:18
SomeTI dunno what I am doing for the most part yet I know its secure21:18
yosefrow_SomeT, it all depends on what changes you make to ubuntulog21:18
yosefrow_to Ubuntu*21:18
SomeTI know its the LTS one I am using21:18
metastableSomeT: What are your issues and concerns? Can you summarize them for me?21:18
SomeTwhat is ubuntulog?21:18
SomeTI am worried about the security of my server21:18
yosefrow_ubuntulog, is somebodies name I tab completed by accident. Meant to say ubuntu. its a terminal habit21:19
gordonjcpSomeT: it's pretty reasonably secure21:19
gordonjcpSomeT: have you any reason to suspect it has been compromised?21:19
gordonjcpSomeT: then it's probably fine21:19
SomeTall I have done is generate SSH keys on my server21:19
SomeTwhich I decided not to use21:19
gordonjcpthat's no biggie21:20
yosefrow_gordonjcp, unless the CIA is after you or something like that. probably nobody is interested in hacking your newly spawned digital ocean node21:20
yosefrow_no offense ;)21:20
gordonjcpyosefrow_: totally21:20
gordonjcpyosefrow_: I see a lot of traffic to my server from Langley, Virginia21:20
gordonjcpyosefrow_: I guess someone there just likes old Range Rovers21:20
SomeTI have some issues with that21:21
metastableSomeT: Connecting via SSH keys means that you generate the keys on the client system, not the server.21:21
SomeTmy email is 4000 bit encrypted21:21
metastableNo it isn't.21:21
yosefrow_metastable, it doesnt matter where you generate the keys21:21
SomeTtakes a long time to decrypt each time I recieve an email21:21
metastableyosefrow_: You saaay that, but why would you generate them remotely and then transfer the private key over the network?21:21
yosefrow_metastable, sure via ssh why not21:22
metastableyosefrow_: Eh, I just think it's bad form.21:22
SomeTI use protonmail21:22
yosefrow_but if you have no choice its notthe worst you can do21:22
SomeTI kept sending financial documents21:22
SomeTand then the government21:22
SomeTand it became a mess21:22
yosefrow_the key point here im saying is that where you generate the keys is not the point21:22
SomeTI didnt transfer any keys21:23
metastableSomeT: Your email is not "4000 bit encrypted." If the government was that interested in you, you wouldn't be rambling about it on IRC.21:23
SomeTI created them on the server rather than the client21:23
lordcirth_workIt's more that generating the keys in the wrong place sets off red flags in my mind about knowledge of ssh21:23
`ajvenhello, i made my own iso with ubuntu where i put clamav packge inside, but i would like to have update data base on that iso so "freshclam" command, any idea how to do that with iISO ?21:23
* SomeT as derealisation issues21:23
metastableSomeT: Which doesn't make much sense. The client needs the private key, not the server.21:23
yosefrow_SomeT, if you dont have an ssh key generator on windows, you can copy them to your windows computer, and then place your public key in your remote server ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file21:23
metastableIf you have PuTTY, you have an SSH key generator.21:24
gordonjcpyosefrow_: I do know for certain that a seniour member of a UK police force's cybercrime division has an account on my forum and reads it every day21:24
yosefrow_but I bet putty has a built in key generator21:24
metastableputtygen, yes.21:24
gordonjcpyosefrow_: he's got an absolutely *lovely* 2001 4.6 Vogue SE, looks like it just left the showroom21:24
SomeTyeah it does21:24
SomeTI think from all my mistakes I know how tocorrect this all now21:24
yosefrow_gordonjcp, I'm supposed to file for security clearance within a week for work...yeah not sure how that will pan out xD21:24
SomeTit still bugs me why my server suddenly starts letting me connect in putty though lol21:25
gordonjcpSomeT: anyway yeah, no-one's *that* interested in your server, don't use stupid passwords and you'll be fine21:25
SomeTthe uk government employ anyone now21:25
gordonjcpyosefrow_: I had to apply for security clearance to go and deliver some radios and training for the radios to a navy base on the Clyde, nuclear submarines and all that stuff21:25
SomeTas long as you have the right experience/hobbies/qualifications and never been arrested you will be fine21:25
SomeTthey deny my application each time21:25
yosefrow_gordonjcp, soundsd fun21:25
gordonjcpyosefrow_: was told to expect to wait two weeks to get my clearance approved21:26
gordonjcpyosefrow_: got the reply back in two *hours*21:26
metastableSomeT: You just described any government job ever for nearly any country.21:26
SomeTits not fair21:26
gordonjcpyosefrow_: can't help but think that *someone* knows *exactly* who I am ;-)21:26
yosefrow_gordonjcp, my CEO told me, I will probably never be cleared because im a dual citizen + other reasons21:26
SomeTI got in trouble with the law when I was younger21:26
metastablegordonjcp: I'm envious. My last clearance request took 18 months.21:26
SomeTand now its affected my entire life21:26
metastableyosefrow_: I've seen dual citizens get approved for clearances. Used to work with a couple.21:26
yosefrow_we'll see i guess21:26
yosefrow_I was told the most important thing is not to lie21:27
gordonjcpmetastable: I suspect it's because I've had a fairly "interesting" involvement with various leftie political organisations and protest groups, and I hold a couple of very serious radio licences21:27
metastableI was applying for a US DOD TS/SCI with polygraph.21:27
yosefrow_metastable, yeah part of the form here includes consent to submit to polygraph testing21:27
metastableThat entire process suuucked.21:27
gordonjcpin all seriousness I reckon it's down to the radio licences, I reckon the government has a list of "hey this guy might be able to help with..." stuff21:28
metastableThe polygraph was no big deal. They occasionally threw curveball questions at me, I just shrugged and answered.21:28
yosefrow_metastable, what kind of curveball questions?21:28
gordonjcpmetastable: polygraph, wtf, did they also throw chicken bones in a bag?21:28
yosefrow_SomeT, that sucks man21:28
gordonjcpmaybe read your tea leaves21:28
metastableHey, I'm not saying that polygraphs are scientific. For some reason, the US still trusts them.21:28
gordonjcpmetastable: it's insane ;-)21:29
yosefrow_they are scientific enough21:29
metastableI agree.21:29
metastableUh, no, they're not.21:29
SomeTnw yosefrow I got into AI21:29
yosefrow_they seem sciency21:29
metastablePolygraphs are FAMOUS for being pseudoscience.21:29
SomeTI can make a good comeback21:29
metastableThey're total crap.21:29
SomeT Polygraphs are not pseudoscience21:29
lordcirth_workThis is getting way offtopic21:29
SomeTthey have like a margin of error sure21:29
yosefrow_lordcirth_work, thats an understatement21:29
SomeTthey are used in courts of law ffs21:29
yosefrow_lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic21:29
SomeTI gotta go anyway21:30
yosefrow_everyone /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:30
SomeTtime for dinner21:30
yosefrow_SomeT, join when u get back :p21:30
phelixhow can I run a command so that when you log in a terminal pops up after running a command.. like /usr/bin/xterm /home/me/script.sh --option1=1 --option2=221:32
phelixxterm doesn't seem to like me adding arguments21:32
lordcirth_workphelix, have you tried quotes?  /usr/bin/xterm "/home/me/script.sh --option1=1 --option2=2"21:34
phelixusing quotes gives me this: /usr/bin/xterm: No absolute path found for shell:21:35
lordcirth_workphelix, xterm -hold -e echo hi21:41
phelixya, just found the -e21:42
phelixI tihnk this will work thanks21:42
lordcirth_workhold keeps the window from closing when done21:42
andrejI just tried to encrypt my home after the fact.  Running ecryptfs-migrate-home --user andrej produced a long list of rsync output, then an error stating that some files couldn't be synced.21:44
andrejI rebooted, and tried again. Now it claims it's already encrypted?21:45
andrejI have my doubts, though, because when I log in as the "other" user I can su to root and read files in my home just fine21:46
andrejHow do I get the encryption going?21:47
oerheks" In order to encrypt your /home directory you can't be logged on as yourself." https://askubuntu.com/questions/820642/how-to-add-encryption-after-installation21:48
lordcirth_workandrej, rsync probably didn't delete the old, unencrypted files.  you could try moving the old elsewhere.  Check output of df -h first21:48
andrejlordcirth_work - I did check, and got rid of the andrej.randomGarble directory21:49
andrejoerheks - that's where  the *other* user came in21:49
oerheksandrej, oh oke, that is not how i read your post ..21:51
andrejno worries21:52
oerheksand i missed the -u  >> sudo ecryptfs-migrate-home -u user21:52
ox1deon boot my laptop and PC will illuminate for 1 second and then go dark... the hardare and soft seem operational but the screen is very dim - help?21:55
matuis there an easy way to tell ubuntu to use more memory and keep more applications in ram ?22:00
metastablematu: What issue are you encountering?22:01
admin0hi all . if I installed ubuntu using MaaS, is there a default user/pass that can be used to login to the console  /22:03
matui got 48GB of memory for cheap, but it seems it is useless, i would like to be sure all the applications i load one time, remain in ram and will be very fast to load22:03
admin0if not, is it possible to specify default user/pass on MaaS ?22:03
admin0that gets created on the ubuntu systems deployed22:03
metastablematu: I'm not really understanding your issue. An application is loaded when it is launched.22:03
lordcirth_workmatu, the Linux kernel will cache every file you load until you fill your RAM.22:03
metastable^ that too.22:04
metastableIt will use the memory when it has a reason to do so.22:04
matuah very nice22:05
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oerheksadmin0, i think you should havbe the public key already, ssh ubuntu@${address-of-node} >>  https://askubuntu.com/questions/159436/what-is-the-default-password-for-the-maas-image ==== https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/manage-account22:07
admin0oerheks, thing is the IP assigned and showed in the dhcp does not ping and i cannot ssh.. so asking how to create a default user/pass for times like this, or when somethign breaks and it asks for root / to do fsck22:08
oerheksnot sure about the maas installer, it should provide ssh pub key, .. maybe you can reask in #maas22:09
oerheksafter install & login, you can add users, i read22:10
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ra21vihi, i am having some trouble with FAN on ubuntu 16.04, dell 7559 laptop.. Fan is not spinning in ubuntu, but works fine with Windows.. and within few mins my system turns off, wiping out BIOS settings :(22:24
ra21viwhat should I do22:24
Sean_McGhi, I recently found out that if I connect a speaker to the header of my motherboard it is left buzzing after boot. Is there a good way to find out what process or kernel piece is causing it? I'm currently using Ubuntu 16.04 on a Ryzen 5 1600.22:25
serard_Someone remembers the dpgk command to get list of asked questions when installing a software ? So one can automates the installation ?22:26
tomreynra21vi: searching for this issue online all i can find is reports on the fan running all the time on linux, not that it doesn't run. have you tried a bios upgrade?22:28
pavlosserard_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/993420/is-using-dpkg-a-must-for-using-unattended-upgrades22:34
serard_pavlos, I found dpgk-get-selections22:34
pavlosserard_: k22:35
serard_for example installing slapd asks me password, I want to automate that process22:35
tomreynserard_: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man7/debconf.7.html22:36
oerheksserard_, an example .. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32325597/script-install-for-slapd22:37
serard_thank you pavlos , tomreyn , oerheks22:38
texlaUbuntu 16.04 grub 2.02..How do I enlarge the fonts on grub menu?22:50
Sean_McGtexla: I would think that would depend on what graphics mode GRUB2 is starting with22:51
metastableI'm not sure that GRUB has "font sizes" to speak of at all.22:51
Sean_McGso a lower resolution would give larger fonts22:51
oerheksgrub-customizergives that option, https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/ubuntu/grub-customizer22:53
texlaoerheks, I have stayed away from ppa's is this one safe22:56
metastableThere's a non-PPA way to do it.22:56
Sean_McGoh, that's cool.22:57
Sean_McGnot that I reboot often ^^;22:57
Bashing-omtexla: /etc/default/grub >> # The resolution used on graphical terminal >> #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 . heed the warning when setting .22:59
oerhekstexla, that url from metastable should work, except step 4: Update GRUB configuration with: sudo update-grub23:04
metastableYeah, convert those instructions to ubuntu-sane ones.23:04
matuand thank you23:04
tfgbd_Which Ubuntu should I try on my Baytrail and Cherrytrail Tablet PCs?23:17
tfgbd_Is a nightly more likely to work?23:18
kostkontfgbd_, you could try 18.04 but support is in #ubuntu+1 not here23:19
kostkontfgbd_, support for 18.04 that is23:19
tfgbd_I see.23:20
tfgbd_I just tried Mint 18 and it booted but there is no touch screen support.23:29
tfgbd_Also, is there an Unbuntu distro that has an on screen keyboard built into the live DVD?23:30
bazhangtfgbd_, try the mintsupport channel for that23:30
tfgbd_I understand.23:30
tfgbd_I'm trying the latest nightly now.23:30
tfgbd_Well, I'm downloading it.23:30
bazhangtfgbd_, thats in #ubuntu+123:30
bazhangtfgbd_, this channel wont support that here until the release23:31
rangemongertfgbd_: xubuntu has onboard, an onscreen kb23:31
tfgbd_I've used that on my HD223:32
tfgbd_It kind of sucked.23:32
rangemongeri thought it was pretty decent23:32
tfgbd_This was 10.0423:32
rangemongeroh, im talking 17.1023:32
tfgbd_Isn't 04 LTS?23:32
rangemonger16.04 and 14.04 are23:33
bazhangtfgbd_, every two years23:33
tfgbd_Isn't there an 18.10?23:33
rangemongerbasically the even year april releases23:33
bazhangtfgbd_, 18.o4 is the next23:33
rangemonger18.10 will be in oct, hence the 1023:33
tfgbd_I see.23:33
tfgbd_So 18.04 is the most bleeding edge?23:33
tfgbd_I just want the touch screen to work.23:33
bazhangtfgbd_, please23:33
bazhangtfgbd_, that discussion is not here23:34
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that tfgbd_23:34
zamanfis it possible to add items on the menu bar of ubuntu? I need to run a script and add the result numbers on the ubuntu menu bar23:47
notsgnikhi, i'm asking myself if it's safe for the data if i install ubuntu on the emmc of a tablet ? sould i tweak ubuntu ? install it on a SD card?23:52
streetwitchgrep '/TO' pos.txt | grep '/VB' | grep '/DT' > 2.txt    This finds all lines in a file with the search terms.  But I want them to remain in the order 1, 2, 3, from left to right23:53
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