
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
SuneKAre any of you familiar with the postgresql charm?03:07
rick_hSuneK: that's stub's baby03:12
rick_hSuneK: I'd suggest asking and hanging around to get a reply03:12
SuneKI was just wondering wether including postgis is as simple as just listing it in the extensions list of a relation-joined hook.03:18
SuneKOr if it's even supported03:18
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
=== skay is now known as Guest45889
SuneKHas anyone tried using the K8s vsphere cloud provider with the canonical kubernetes distribution12:39
SuneKApparently it's required to move worker nodes to a specific folder in vsphere/vcenter. But I wonder how that will affect juju12:41
SuneKAnd of course new units should also be put into that folder12:41
kjackalhi SuneK kwmonroe might have more info on this. He should be online in a couple of hours13:11
SuneKThanks, lets see what he has to say :)13:12
=== Guest45889 is now known as skay
SuneKTaking a closer look, the folder is only required for k8s versions <= 1.813:39
SuneKkwmonroe: It look's like all I need to do to use the vsphere cloud provider for storage provisioning is to set disk.enableuuid=1 on the node VMs (and add the configuration to the master). I can easily set disk.enableuuid manually, but how can I ensure that it will be set on new nodes that I add?14:14
kwmonroeSuneK: my vsphere/cdk expertise is currently limited to a simple deployment (which seemed to "just work" with conjure-up).  i'm working this week on persistent storage support for cdk on vsphere, but don't have anything for you to try at the moment.  that will include VM options like enableuuid, but for now, you'd have to set that manually on new nodes via the vsphere client.15:52
SuneKkwmonroe: That's great news, is there somewhere I can follow along? the cdk repository on github or?18:02
SuneKjuju config18:17
SuneKoups :)18:17
jhobbsI'm using an overlay with juju deploy; where the bundle has a config value specified, I want to override that to just use the charm's default value.  what do i put in my overlay for that?19:17
maxibertahi; is this the right place to ask about https://api.staging.jujucharms.com/payment/v1 being down? (I'm trying "snap buy" on staging)19:23
rick_hmaxiberta: I'd hit up the internal channels as that's a staging issue19:32
maxibertawrong channel, thanks rick_h19:34

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