
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
cbergvalorie: I don't know. is that considered a bug? the installer doesn't offer luks/lvm options under manual partitioning, which I guess implies that the functioniality isn't there. if anything it would be a feature request? and I can't believe I would be the first to request this01:04
cbergthe askubuntu guide I used is also almost a year old01:05
valorieyes, a feature request01:06
valoriefiling a bug report is the best way to do that01:06
valorie`ubuntu-bug ubiquity`01:06
valorieis the easist way to file a bug01:06
=== w0dencafe is now known as wodencafe
cbergvalorie: looks like someone beat me to it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/151073101:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1510731 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Bug in ubiquity-frontend-kde: Can't create LUKS encrypted volumes during manual disk setup in Kubuntu 17.10 (does not affect Ubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, or Ubuntu Budgie)" [High,Confirmed]01:10
valoriecool, then just confirm01:11
=== shoe is now known as ATOMICJOHO
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
=== coder is now known as Guest17350
=== Guest17350 is now known as coder123
coder123hello i had question about the multiple desktops feature. How come when you switch to a new desktop it doesn't clear the opened windows off your taskbar?03:53
coder123no offense but to me not having it do that ruins its entire purpose03:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> coder123, that is on option on the taskbar, right click on taskbar configure as needed.03:57
coder123in the task manager settings?04:00
DragnslcrYes, under Filters04:00
coder123found it thanks04:01
nightfallswiftWho Rules the world? https://youtu.be/5kKisRBl5tU  - a  powerful six-minute symposium for all Mint community members04:44
Xavi92Hello everyone06:31
Xavi92Is there a reason why desktop effects are always disabled on startup? I'm using Kubuntu 17.1006:31
Xavi92I always have to press the Alt+Shift+F12 combination to make them work again, each time I restart my PC06:32
hateballXavi92: is it set to activate at start?06:35
hateballXavi92: alt+space -> compositing06:35
hateballmake sure the box is ticked06:35
=== pan is now known as Guest5622
Xavi92You were right! "Enable compositor on startup" was not checked06:38
Xavi92Thanks a lot ^^06:39
hateballXavi92: :)06:42
=== miguel is now known as Guest69350
lordievaderGood morning07:04
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BluesKajHowdy folks13:51
chomwittaloxa from greece.14:29
chomwittin 17.10 discover has  a search delay issue .14:29
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=== devan is now known as muffinator111
=== devan is now known as muffinator111
=== weex is now known as Guest6439
=== devan is now known as muffinator111
JonelethIrenicusEvery time I start a game and return to my desktop the text is blurry22:01
JonelethIrenicusI tried killall plasmashell22:01
JonelethIrenicusand then restarting22:01
JonelethIrenicusi even tried kwin --replacec22:01
JonelethIrenicusany ideas to fix the fonts?22:01
=== Arthur_D2 is now known as Arthur_D

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