tgBot1 | <giovanniiannotti> All good, guys. N5 working here. Compared to the old bq 4.5, it seems another o.s. Great job, UBports. Thank you. | 00:43 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Nice. 👍 | 00:58 |
tgBot1 | <wayneoutthere> @giovanniiannotti, Nice nice nice | 02:25 |
tgBot1 | <A K> I'll try to install it on LG G4 and get back to you with results | 07:42 |
tgBot1 | <geotechland> Would be nice to have ubuntu touch on a g4 or even a g5. I hope you succeed :D | 07:56 |
tgBot1 | <Flohack> @giovanniiannotti, If you are a bit into hacking then there is a way, yes. You need to got into recovery, and then transfer the contents of both folders system-data nad user-data to the new phone | 07:59 |
tgBot1 | <jonny> @A K, I want to do so on the G4c, just waiting for los to get finished. Do you know if G4 and G4c are kind of similar? | 08:05 |
tgBot1 | <garrogarri> On my new Fairphone the rotation does not work any more. How can I know if it is a hardware problem or a software one? | 09:12 |
tgBot1 | <garrogarri> SensorStatus does not show any value for the accelerometer | 09:13 |
tgBot1 | <A K> @jonny, No I'm not sure I'm afraid, I'll try it on this weekend and share the results 😉 | 09:15 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> hello, is it save to use ubport installer in another distro? | 09:16 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> and why install ubport installer its require opera browser as dependency? | 09:24 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> @Yance, The appimage and snap version have all their dependencies bundled. Those shouldn't be a problem on other distros. Which one are you trying to use ? | 09:35 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> i use deb package from ubports website. i already install ubport installer, now try to flash my device | 09:36 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> Ok... Carry on. | 09:37 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> @Yance, but why the installer need opera browser? | 09:38 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> It doesn't. What distro are you on? How did you install the deb? | 09:39 |
tgBot1 | <YougoChats> can some admin come to the FP2 group and kick some spammer/scammer? he's flooding the place and wants money | 09:39 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> @SwizzlaKalongie, arch. first, i convert it to tar package then install it using pacman command | 09:40 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> @Yance, @_@ why? | 09:43 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> if actually the installer doesn't need opera, then i will uninstall it | 09:43 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> @SwizzlaKalongie, why what? | 09:44 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> Converting packages is usually problematic. If you don't have a package built for your distro, compiling from source is much better. | 09:45 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> But, appimage, flatpak, snaps... They are meant to solve that problem by including everything they need and being able to run on any distro. | 09:46 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> because in arch can do that, and i don't know how to compile it from source | 09:46 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> @Yance, Ok, then perhaps follow the readme page on github for whatever you want to build. | 09:48 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> @SwizzlaKalongie, ok. next time i would try | 09:51 |
ZeroPointEnergy | Does anyone know if it already possible to use the new halium-boot to boot a ubports rootfs? Or do I have to build the ubports-boot from the ubports github? | 09:56 |
tgBot1 | thenanobel was added by: thenanobel | 10:05 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @SwizzlaKalongie, no | 10:07 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> installing a deb by repacking it to tar is OK on arcg | 10:08 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> I tell you that as an experienced arch packager | 10:09 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> @vanyasem, Hmmm... Ok. Thanks. I've always been on the deb distros... Converting my debs to other formats didn't work out well for me... Ended up having to unpack them and edit some parts before the installs worked correctly. | 10:12 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @SwizzlaKalongie, arch is universal, everything works on it like a charm | 10:13 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> @vanyasem, Hmmm... Sounds good. Arch must have been invented by a changeling... Glory to the founders!! ( trek DS9 reference) | 10:16 |
tgBot1 | <DanChapman> Best thing about arch is the wiki! Saved me on numerous occasions 😎 | 10:17 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @DanChapman, arch wiki is used by non-arch users :P the funnies part | 10:18 |
tgBot1 | <SwizzlaKalongie> @DanChapman, Yep. I got some of the fixes for my ALSA config problems on archwiki back in the day.... For an ubuntu machine 😎 | 10:18 |
tgBot1 | <DanChapman> @vanyasem, heh what do arch users use then? AskUbuntu? 😂 | 10:34 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @DanChapman, also archwiki :P | 10:37 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> my vpn's ip is banned on debian wiki for some reason lol | 10:37 |
tgBot1 | <DanChapman> 😆 | 10:37 |
tgBot1 | <milkor73> @thenanobel, Hello Nave Welcome! Check … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore! | 11:02 |
tgBot1 | <MdSoares> Hello, can Ubports be installed on nexus 5x? | 11:13 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @MdSoares, no | 11:14 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> have you read the description of this supergroup ? | 11:14 |
tgBot1 | <MdSoares> Only on nexus 5? | 11:15 |
tgBot1 | <MdSoares> No | 11:15 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @vanyasem, if has a list of supported devices | 11:15 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @MdSoares, then read it | 11:15 |
tgBot1 | <DiogoConstantino> @MdSoares these are the supported devices: … | 11:24 |
tgBot1 | <DiogoConstantino> With different stages of support | 11:25 |
tgBot1 | <MdSoares> Yhx | 11:28 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> ok success to flash my device with arch | 11:32 |
tgBot1 | Bharath S was added by: Bharath S | 11:36 |
tgBot1 | <libremax> Congrats | 11:51 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> How to take screenshot in UT? | 12:17 |
tgBot1 | <DiogoConstantino> depends on the device | 12:18 |
tgBot1 | <DiogoConstantino> most I believe is by pressing simultaneosly the buttons for increasing and decreasing the volume of sound | 12:19 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> n5 | 12:19 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> Not working with power+volume down | 12:22 |
tgBot1 | <alan_griffiths> n5 is vol-up & vol-down together | 12:24 |
tgBot1 | <Flohack> All of them are volo-up/down? I never saw smth different | 12:33 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> @alan_griffiths, Thnx | 12:39 |
tgBot1 | <Yance> Can we double tap to wake up the screen in UT? | 12:58 |
tgBot1 | <milkor73> @Bharath S, Hello Bharath. Welcome! Check … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore! | 13:00 |
tgBot1 | <Javacookies> @Yance, I wish that's possible but it's not as of the moment :) | 13:02 |
tgBot1 | <jonny> @Yance, You can open an issue with this feature request on github. | 13:03 |
tgBot1 | CityArtsSupport was added by: CityArtsSupport | 13:33 |
tgBot1 | Cédric was added by: Cédric | 13:42 |
tgBot1 | <TronFortyTwo> Hi @CityArtsSupport and Cédric! … Welcome here! To have some starting information, check, then feel free to ask and interact! | 13:49 |
tgBot1 | <CityArtsSupport> Hello :) | 14:01 |
tgBot1 | redv_tamsweg was added by: redv_tamsweg | 14:04 |
tgBot1 | <wayneoutthere> @redv_tamsweg, Welcome to you, @redv_tamsweg ! This link will help you get started in our awesome community. Let me know if you need anything :) | 14:05 |
tgBot1 | <redv_tamsweg> Thanks, will do. Atm I'm fine, working with Fairphone2, tried UT on it months ago, will try again soon(TM) | 14:07 |
tgBot1 | <Cédric> if i buy a Nexus 5 and install UT, for how long will i be usable (i need spotify and whatsapp, phonecalls and a bit of browsing) | 14:11 |
tgBot1 | <Cédric> before the hardware will be to old | 14:12 |
tgBot1 | <Tedster> my nexus 5 running today is still much more usable than my nexus 5x | 14:13 |
tgBot1 | <Tedster> even just on stock android, ignoring all the optimisations that have gone into nougat and oreo | 14:13 |
tgBot1 | <Tedster> it's perfectly capable, as long as the microphone isn't an issue | 14:13 |
tgBot1 | <Cédric> @Tedster, are there issues? | 14:14 |
tgBot1 | <Tedster> @Cédric, depends on who you ask | 14:14 |
tgBot1 | <Cédric> will i be able to call my mom? | 14:15 |
tgBot1 | <Cédric> (she does not hear so well) | 14:15 |
tgBot1 | Exaoss was added by: Exaoss | 14:24 |
tgBot1 | <Tedster> @Cédric, that'll -probably- be fine | 14:24 |
tgBot1 | <Cédric> @Tedster, nice, so i will give it a try | 14:26 |
tgBot1 | <milkor73> @Exaoss, Hello Abdou and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page ( and thanks again for joining us! :) | 14:27 |
tgBot1 | <wayneoutthere> Have you been getting the recent news in the community? If not, be sure to subscribe (with one click) to the Official UBports Telegram News Channel: | 14:36 |
tgBot1 | Simon Williams was added by: Simon Williams | 14:45 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Cédric, I used a Nexus 5 with Ubuntu as my only phone for like 2.5 years, and that was when bluetooth wasn't working and audio would have problems all the time. it's much better now i think | 14:48 |
bshah | do anyone other then @mariogrip have access to ubports_bot for telegram bridging/ | 14:50 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Javacookies, i don't know what battery life is like on n5 any more. it wasn't great when i used it for sure, but even battery on my pixel with official android is not great either. | 15:14 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @dohbee, yeah all modern phones' batteries suck | 15:14 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> they are not made to last more than one day | 15:15 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @vanyasem, they don't suck enough apparently | 15:16 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> (that's a nerd joke i'm sure nobody will get, about zero point energy) | 15:16 |
tgBot1 | <Javacookies> battery should be the focus now instead of making things faster.....including battery life | 15:18 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Javacookies, these are not necessarily separate and unique things | 15:26 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> but really, the focus should be making 16.04 work | 15:26 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> a blank screen you can't do anything with is not useful, even if you manage to get a whole week of battery with the blank screen | 15:26 |
tgBot1 | <ArubIslander> And it might just be easier to get a whole week of battery with a blank screen | 15:27 |
tgBot1 | <Javacookies> LOL, sorry, I was pertaining to technology in general … but yeah I agree, I'm really excited for 16.04 :) | 15:28 |
ubptgbot | <Yance> @SwizzlaKalongie [Ok, then perhaps follow the readme page on github for whatever you want to build …], Where i can find ubports installer source and UT ubports source? | 17:05 |
ubptgbot | <libremax> | 17:07 |
ubptgbot | <libremax> for ubports-installer source only | 17:11 |
ubptgbot | Silver killer was added by: Silver killer | 17:13 |
ubptgbot | Fuseteam was added by: Fuseteam | 17:18 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> Hi Silver killer and @Fuseteam and welcome to our UBports Community - Home of Ubuntu Touch (and more). To get started, check out this link and let me know if there is anything I can help with. Thanks! | 17:23 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> Thank you glad to be here | 17:24 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @libremax [for ubports-installer source only], ? Most all the code for the phone stack is located under that group on github | 17:27 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> Been following the Q & A for a while but didn't have a telegram account till now | 17:30 |
ubptgbot | <libremax> @dohbee [? Most all the code for the phone stack is located under that group on github], Strange, I've seen it many times but have managed to forget it today | 17:34 |
ubptgbot | <popescu_sorin> anyone playing fishy shooter? in the latest version you can tap on the top of the screen to exit to the menu | 17:54 |
ubptgbot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 768x1280) | 17:56 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @Fuseteam [Been following the Q & A for a while but didn't have a telegram account till now], Awesome. Well welcome to this. Ultimately we all would like to move to Matrix (I just used sheer arrogance and spoke for everyone) for the security and open-ness. But for now this is a great place to build UT and it's working | 17:59 |
ubptgbot | well. | 17:59 |
ubptgbot | <Jimmie Johnsson> The nexus 5 runs the modified cyanogenMod 14.1 right? Anyone know if they added support for the hexagon QDSP6? Just curious if anything could be done there to lower power consumption on the thing | 18:02 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Jimmie Johnsson [The nexus 5 runs the modified cyanogenMod 14.1 right? Anyone know if they added …], cm is dead. but yes, you can run lineage on nexus 5 if you want. even though that has nothing to do with ubuntu :) | 18:06 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> I tried it several times | 18:50 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> Obviously I also rebooted several times | 18:51 |
ubptgbot | <alan_griffiths> You're on stable? | 18:52 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> No, RC | 19:00 |
ubptgbot | <alan_griffiths> Try stable? If that fixes it... | 19:12 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @kristijantkalec, are you using a self signed certificate? | 19:44 |
ubptgbot | <kristijantkalec> Yes | 19:45 |
ubptgbot | <kristijantkalec> I guess that is the issue | 19:45 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> I need to fix that, it rejects those pages | 19:45 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> need a "are you sure" load anyway button ;) | 19:46 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> | 19:47 |
ubptgbot | <kristijantkalec> Ok. Thanks for the response 😃 | 19:47 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> I'll work on that next, as I was looking to encrypt my box as well :) | 19:47 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @mateosalta, letsencrypt | 19:48 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> could never get it to work, guess my router setup wasn't right, or maybe my isp is doing something. they do not tecknically allow running a "server" on our internet | 19:49 |
ubptgbot | <Cédric> is it possible to run UT in VirtualBox? | 19:56 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> @Cédric, no | 19:57 |
ubptgbot | <seshpenguin> @Cédric, You can install Unity 8 in VirtualBox though | 19:57 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @seshpenguin, and it works better in qemu/kvm afaik | 19:59 |
ubptgbot | <Jimmie Johnsson> Anyone tried messing around with the cpu governor settings? | 20:04 |
ubptgbot | <Cédric> @dohbee, first time i hear about qemu and kvm | 20:05 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Cédric, `sudo apt install virt-manager` | 20:06 |
ubptgbot | <Jimmie Johnsson> Tried changing the sched_mc_power_savings setting, but it just defaulted back to 0 when i rebooted the phone. | 20:06 |
ubptgbot | <Cédric> qemu > VirtualBox ? | 20:08 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Cédric, kvm is part of upstream kernel, and qemu is all open source, and it's not under the umbrella of Oracle | 20:08 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> i think "looking glass" only works with qemu/kvm too | 20:09 |
ubptgbot | <Vijaypraj> I try to run virtually | 20:10 |
ubptgbot | <Vijaypraj> But it pause at boot | 20:10 |
ubptgbot | <Cédric> i am just a Linux and Computer Fanboy with minimal skills in C++ and Bash, not a Developer or something like that | 20:10 |
ubptgbot | <Vijaypraj> Just show ubuntu touch | 20:10 |
ubptgbot | <Vijaypraj> And computer not working | 20:10 |
ubptgbot | <Vijaypraj> I have to reboot | 20:10 |
ubptgbot | <Vijaypraj> And pc Working | 20:11 |
ubptgbot | <Gorsh2> That reminded me of something: In my nexus 4, since I moved to UBports, I can't charge the phone while off; it always boots itself. | 20:12 |
ubptgbot | <Gorsh2> Anyone know where to change that behaviour? | 20:12 |
ubptgbot | <milkor73> Ii is feature? | 20:15 |
ubptgbot | <milkor73> I had it with some phones. | 20:16 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Gorsh2, in kernel maybe, assuming nexus 4 supports it | 20:16 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> or recovery perhaps | 20:16 |
ubptgbot | <Cédric> @dohbee, nice, thank you | 20:19 |
ubptgbot | <Gorsh2> @dohbee, It used to, when I had TWRP | 20:30 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Gorsh2, Ok, maybe open a report on GitHub then, to track the issue. Sounds like someone with kernel/recovery knowledge could fix it easily perhaps | 20:35 |
ubptgbot | <Gorsh2> I'll go do that, thanks | 20:36 |
ubptgbot | <andreasimonetti> @Jimmie Johnsson, | 20:40 |
ubptgbot | <Jimmie Johnsson> @andreasimonetti thanks! | 20:41 |
ubptgbot | <TrojusVerbulo> is there even the slightest chance ub can be forced onto an old apple iphone? | 20:56 |
ubptgbot | <andreasimonetti> @Jimmie Johnsson, NP.. could be beautiful if someone would be able to disabile | 20:58 |
ubptgbot | <YougoChats> Is there a lineage os port for it? | 20:59 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TrojusVerbulo, probably not | 21:00 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @YougoChats, no, the android on iphone hacks aren't exactly replacing iOS. it's an app you run, similar to android-on-windows-ce some years ago | 21:01 |
ubptgbot | <YougoChats> Yeah I know the answer would be a pretty solid no, but I’ve seen some weird things running android, so who knows. | 21:03 |
ubptgbot | <andreasimonetti> @Jimmie Johnsson, NP ..would be cool if someone is able to disable the feature that permits you to power on the screen with a swipe on android from the kernel. i think that feature is consuming a lot of battery when the phone is in stand-by.. | 21:04 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @YougoChats, If someone could get actual android working with fully replacing ios the bootloader and everything, and allow it working with locked bootloader and all that magic, i'd probably buy an iphone in a heartbeat, because they're like the perfect size. | 21:08 |
ubptgbot | <B .> Hello. Does someone in here know if it is possible to make the built-in browser on ubuntu touch not record a browsing history. So that one does not need to delete it manually all the time...? | 21:15 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @B ., Always open an incognito/private tab before browsing? | 21:17 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> but aside from that, no, there's no way to turn off history at the moment, afaik | 21:17 |
ubptgbot | <arudy> no gsm on nexus5 @ 16.04, anyone confirm ? (just flashed my new deivce !) | 21:18 |
ubptgbot | <B .> there must be a terminal command to make manipulate the browser setup. someone into that? | 21:20 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @arudy, d821 or d820? | 21:23 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @B ., why must there be? | 21:24 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> (i am pretty sure there is not) | 21:24 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> maybe the chrome://settings url will work, but i suspect it does not | 21:24 |
ubptgbot | <B .> yes doesn't. ok i'll have a look at the source. what a nice purpose to do so | 21:28 |
ubptgbot | <B .> good reason | 21:28 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> good luck, i guess | 21:28 |
ubptgbot | <B .> knowing it's a good deed! | 21:30 |
ubptgbot | <B .> Also I'm lookin for a manual to install and run anbox on ubuntu touch. Anyone? | 22:00 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> i've been thinking about forking the browser | 22:00 |
ubptgbot | <arudy> @dohbee, d821 | 22:01 |
ubptgbot | <arudy> @dohbee, [Edit] @dohbee d821 | 22:01 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @B ., it only works on a couple devices (pro5 and bq m10, iirc), but the instructions are on the ubports documentation site | 22:01 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @arudy, I think there are some radio issues on d821 (also you don't need to @ mention when replying directly :) | 22:02 |
ubptgbot | <lduboeuf> @dohbee, 👍 | 22:03 |
ubptgbot | <B .> someone ran firefox desktop on nexus 5? | 22:04 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> heh. definitely have to get my pc fixed before doing any real development on it though, it's definitely not feeling very happy right now | 22:04 |
ubptgbot | <B .> i mean convergence | 22:04 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @B ., should work in libertine, but 15.04 has a pretty old firefox at this point :-/ | 22:05 |
ubptgbot | <arudy> @dohbee, well, I guess ill flash to 15.04 then. I want to do testing, but on a daily phone (gsm needed!) | 22:05 |
ubptgbot | <B .> if firefox feels ok in unplugged window mode...? | 22:05 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @arudy, afaik the radio issues are not 16.04 specific. it's just d821 specific. there are some differences between it and the d820, but i am not sure exactly what those differences are. | 22:06 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @B ., it probably won't. the text and everything will be very small, and i think there are some issues with the osk integration | 22:07 |
ubptgbot | <B .> hm well strg++ and something. anyone tried? | 22:09 |
ubptgbot | <B .> maybe theres an osk add on for firefox and so on... | 22:10 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Can anyone help with this error? | 22:10 |
ubptgbot | <B .> getting adventurous i think | 22:10 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> fatal error: archive.h: No such file or directory … #include <archive.h> … ^~~~~~~~~~~ | 22:11 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @B ., i mean, i think there are some bugs where the keyboard doesn't pop up when it should, in firefox | 22:11 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, not without knowing where it came from | 22:11 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> I'm told if you install libarchive-dev that fuxes it, but not in this case. | 22:11 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> *fixes | 22:11 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Compiling a program from source. | 22:11 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> inside libertine? | 22:11 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Yes. | 22:12 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> it sounds like you're missing libarchive, yeah | 22:12 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> I installed it, but no change to the error. | 22:12 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> installed it inside libertine, correct? | 22:12 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Yessir. | 22:13 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> and then re-ran cmake/configure/whatever rather than just re-running make? (depending on what you're building) | 22:13 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Indeed. | 22:13 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> what are you trying to build from source? | 22:14 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> | 22:14 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> can you pastebin the full error? | 22:18 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Yes, but I think these threads will help: | 22:18 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> | 22:18 |
ZeroPointEnergy | Can halium-boot be used to boot both the reference rootfs and an ubports rootfs, or do I need to build ubports-boot still? | 22:19 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> @ZeroPointEnergy, It does both | 22:23 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> But it has some changes that will cause you grief and I haven't documented them yet | 22:23 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> | 22:29 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> looks like that project is not using libarchive correctly (assuming it is using libarchive) | 22:33 |
ubptgbot | <arudy> @dohbee, just flashed to 15.04-rc it seems that it works (call ok, but can't see 4G for now, only 3G) | 22:35 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> ok | 22:35 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> | 22:36 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> How would I go about implementing this patch? | 22:36 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan i'm not sure if that's ever been built on linux. i see no mentions of it anywhere, only msys on windows | 22:37 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, don't, because that is frighteningly awful | 22:37 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> commenting out code == wtf | 22:39 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> I guess it's commented out to provide a reminder of what to revert to if there's other problems? But there's more elegant ways of making that reminder, yes. | 22:40 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Any other suggestions to fix? | 22:43 |
ubptgbot | <Yance> my n5 won't shutdown in UT. it is a known bug? 15.04 version | 22:45 |
ZeroPointEnergy | @UniversalSuperBox ok, thanks for the info. Then I will probably wait a bit and try to make all the tests run on halium before I start with ubports | 22:46 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> @UniversalSuperBox any luck with your 5x? | 22:56 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, as i said, i don't think this was meant to be built on linux. and i'm not sure why you'd be building it on your phone on top of that. it's a thing that runs on the vita afaict. and a little weird, i read the README and still am not sure what exactly it is/does | 22:56 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> @kz6fittycent, It's been one day yo. :P | 22:56 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> @UniversalSuperBox, I'm jonesin' yo | 22:57 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> I need my fix | 22:57 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> only UBPorts can fulfill | 22:57 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> You're like my dealer or something | 22:57 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Well | 23:02 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> I started some notes last night | 23:02 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> word | 23:02 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 720x1280) | 23:03 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> my man... | 23:04 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox, does it work | 23:04 |
ubptgbot | <vanyasem> ?? | 23:04 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> It worked for Marius at one point after we discovered an issue in rsyslogd and then apparmor and then libhybris | 23:05 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> And now everything dies because a Linux syscall doesn't work righr | 23:05 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> [Edit] And now everything dies because a Linux syscall doesn't work right | 23:05 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Kernel 3.10 sucks | 23:05 |
ubptgbot | <seshpenguin> Might I ask, why does so much break between different devices? Are phones really that different? | 23:06 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @seshpenguin, yes they are | 23:06 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Android is a long series of hacks that eventually coalesced into a mobile operating system | 23:06 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> and manufacturers are constantly changing things with constant new phone releases | 23:07 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> @UniversalSuperBox, so true | 23:07 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @kz6fittycent, this ranks as one of my favourite chats in a while here. | 23:07 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> (Document) | 23:07 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> Dalton is a Port Daddy | 23:07 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> he's your port daddy | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> Port Daddy Dad | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> I don't know how I feel about that | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> hold him hostage | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Actually yes I do, I am very uncomfortable now | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> haha | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <seshpenguin> 😂 | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> release your inner durst | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Okay | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> there! | 23:08 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> there it is! | 23:09 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> freedom | 23:09 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> (Sticker, 512x512) | 23:09 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> @UniversalSuperBox, you should feel good. real good. | 23:17 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> Port Diddy | 23:17 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> P-diddy | 23:17 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> (Document) | 23:20 |
ubptgbot | <TrojusVerbulo> @dohbee, I thought not ;I'm just dying to repurpose or break my iPhone cause I didn't buy it anyway. I used android Til my galaxy s2 died then my Wife's friend came with this stupid iPhone, "you can have it for free" grrr | 23:21 |
ubptgbot | Luz was added by: Luz | 23:23 |
ubptgbot | <Luz> hey guys, maybe someone finds out what I am doing wrong: | 23:24 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> (Document) | 23:24 |
ubptgbot | <padraic7a> @dohbee, That's an interesting idea. I think I have read you commenting that working on updating Oxide would be awful. What would you aim to do with the fork? | 23:25 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Guess what time it is @kz6fittycent | 23:47 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 1280x720) | 23:48 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> boy... IRC is already a subpar experience in this room. No need to make it masochistic to be here with Hexchat. :P | 23:49 |
ubptgbot | <kz6fittycent> lol | 23:49 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @padraic7a, It is awful. I'm not sure, but all rendering engine options are awful | 23:55 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> "Everything is Terrible" | 23:58 |
ubptgbot | <padraic7a> I'd be interested to see what you might do. It's certainly an application that would get use | 23:59 |
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