[00:11] Oh, okay. [00:11] Is that one of the dual book Android ones? [00:11] Or is this a Linux only model? [00:11] Didn't know they made linux ones. [00:23] Any idea why I'm getting a black screen with just a mouse cursor? [00:23] Not enough ram? [00:24] Screen rotation seems to sorta work. [00:24] Nevermind it just showed the desktop. [00:25] any idea how to right click with a touch screen? [00:26] Wow! Wifi even works! [00:58] Any idea why everything slows down after about 10 minutes of uptime? [14:26] I don't get terminals when I hit Ctrl-Alt-F[3-6] any more, which makes debugging issues which lock up GNOME essentially impossible; what can I do to restore those? [15:00] Odd_Bloke: looks like terminals are started by systemd now [15:00] what does systemctl status getty.target say [15:05] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/db6hpRY5Fj/ [15:08] if that black dot is green for you, i have the same [15:15] Odd_Bloke: journalctl -e | grep tty shows the tty starting for me [15:16] `journalctl -e | grep tty` is empty for me. [15:17] does ls /lib/systemd/system/getty* show any files? [15:17] I get: getty-pre.target getty@.service getty-static.service getty.target getty.target.wants/ [15:29] Odd_Bloke: systemctl status getty-static.service may have the answer [15:30] terminals will only be started if /lib/systemd/system/dbus.service doesn't exist [15:30] Ah, getty-static has "Condition: start condition failed" [15:31] Right, that makes sense in this case, I guess. [15:42] Odd_Bloke: actually, I have that file too so it's not relevant. My tty is started from getty@.service. [15:42] maybe you need systemctl enable getty@.service [15:43] Switching to tty3 has started a corresponding service, but I do just get a blank screen there. [15:47] does systemctl status getty@tty3.service say agetty is running ( like 667 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u --noclear tty1 linux)? [15:47] agetty should give the login prompt === nacc_ is now known as nacc [16:22] Yep: /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u --noclear tty3 linux [17:41] Hello! Could anybody help me compile grub2 from source? I compiled(with deb packages) on 16.04 without problems, but 18.04 there are few errors for grub-pc tests. commands i used are: apt build-dep grub2, apt source grub2, cd to the directory and dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b. For some reason squashfs_test fails. squashfs-tools are installed [17:42] Rihards91: is there a reason you are compiling it yourself? [17:45] Yes i need to do some minor modifications and mostly just learning. Anyway even without modifications for some reason i cant build. [17:45] Makefile:11123: recipe for target 'test-suite.log' failed [17:45] make[6]: *** [test-suite.log] Error 1 [17:45] make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/aleksa/grub2-2.02/obj/grub-pc' [17:45] Makefile:11229: recipe for target 'check-TESTS' failed [17:45] make[5]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 2 [17:45] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/aleksa/grub2-2.02/obj/grub-pc' [17:45] Rihards91: please use a pastebin [17:51] Rihards91: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/356427736/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.grub2_2.02-2ubuntu7_BUILDING.txt.gz per that, there are no tests to run [17:52] err, sorry, they all pass, i mean [17:55] Hmm. [18:00] so basicaly with those commands which i mentioned everything should work? [18:04] Odd_Bloke: sounds like your system just doesn't show the getty prompts. I have actually seen that before when I built a kernel myself without enabling fbdev support (DRM_FBDEV_EMULATION for my system with intel graphics) [18:08] Rihards91: i'm not sure [18:24] Rihards91: You could try uploading your changes to a PPA (to check if your local environment is the problem)? [18:25] albert23: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SYphw4Q9jZ/ is all I have in dmesg regarding framebuffer. [18:25] (Actually there are a few more which have "buffer" rather than "fb" in them, but they don't look interesting.) [18:27] Odd_Bloke: in my case it says vesafb instead of efifb [18:28] ok thanks. I'ļl see what can i do tomorrow [18:31] Odd_Bloke: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1261696 says video=efifb:off on the kernel command line gives a working console [18:31] Error: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.redhat.com: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1261696&ctype=xml) [18:33] albert23: Ooh, I'll have to give that a try when I'm next not in a meeting. :) [18:37] i'm confused. https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/xen-hypervisor-4.6-amd64 is this xen hypervisor v4.6 or v4.9? [18:38] ngf42: that is a binary package [18:38] ngf42: it would seem the xen sourc epackage produces multiple versioned xen-hypervisor binaries [18:39] xen-hypervisor-4.9-amd64, e.g. [18:39] ok. i was worried because https://www.xenproject.org/ says that 4.6 is already past full support EOL. [18:40] * ngf42 is evaluating if ubuntu LTS package versions will keep up with xen well enough to be viable as a vm host. [18:41] just my own opinion, but i don't know why, if you're building your own host, you'd use xen anymore [18:41] as opposed to docker or other containers? === caravena_ is now known as caravena [18:42] show some kvm/qemu love! [18:42] ngf42: i mean, kvm [18:43] i suppose that's always an option. i'm in research phase now, so thank you; i've got even reading to do :-) [18:44] can you recommend any specific resources for me to compare these options? [18:45] ngf42: i don't have any handy, it's possible there's some in the serverguide [18:45] ngf42: i'm sure there are blog posts [18:46] indeed, several. i appreciate your help. does this channel use karma (nacc++ Sean_McG++) or should i just give you a cat gif as gratitude? https://i.imgur.com/C4vdI8l.gifv [18:46] ngf42: neither :) [18:47] ah well, thanks anyway :-) [18:47] ngf42: you're welcome! === caravena_ is now known as caravena [19:22] albert23: No joy with that kernel command-line parameter. :(