
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:08
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
didrocksgood morning07:43
seb128good morning desktopers08:41
didrocksre seb12808:42
seb128re didrocks08:45
willcookemorning all09:01
didrockshey willcooke09:02
seb128hey willcooke, how are you?09:02
willcookeGot a bit of a headache this morning.  Not drink related either :(09:03
didrocksargh :/09:04
willcookecrap.  late for a meeting already09:04
willcookehey Trevinho09:23
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?09:23
willcookeseb128, I'm doing that MIR for xrdp at last. Do we need to be a bug subscriber to it?09:24
seb128willcooke, yes, desktop-packages, I can do it09:24
willcookeseb128, thanks, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xrdp09:24
* didrocks is MIRed bombed :p09:24
seb128though the process is a bit backward, need to discuss with the MIR team at some point09:24
TrevinhoHi willcooke09:24
seb128they make us subscribe the team before the MIR is accepted09:25
Trevinhoseb128: hey, all good thanks... You?09:25
seb128which means we might end up being subscribed to things that get refused09:25
seb128Trevinho, I'm good thanks!09:25
willcookeyeah thats what I was thinking as well, subscribe before I file the MIR09:25
willcookebut then....09:25
willcookeI guess we remove ourselves again?09:25
willcookeseems odd09:25
seb128yeah, if we don't forget :p09:25
didrockssame with demotions TBH09:26
didrocksthe team isn't removed09:26
seb128k, need to step out for a bit, I've my phone if needed09:26
seb128we need to clean out that(those) list(s) at some point09:26
seb128k, bbl09:26
didrocksttyl seb12809:26
willcookedoes someone have a handy script to check if the build-deps of a package are all in main?09:31
didrockswillcooke: check-mir09:36
didrockswillcooke: however, you don't need build-deps to be in main, only deps should be09:36
willcookebah - I did a "apt-rdepends --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS xrdp" to get a list of the build depends, and xrdp depends on "nasm" which is in universe09:36
willcookedidrocks, ahh09:37
willcookeoh, so similar problem then I think09:37
willcooke$ apt-cache rdepends xrdp09:37
willcookeReverse Depends:09:37
willcooke  xrdp-dbgsym09:37
willcooke  guacamole09:37
willcooke  guacamole09:37
willcookeand guacamole is in universe09:38
willcookeam I reading that right, didrocks? ^09:38
didrockswell, the list could be wrong09:38
didrocksit suggests it, at least on artful09:38
didrocksnot a dep09:38
didrockscheck-mir should be more correct09:39
didrockshave you tried it?09:39
willcookewhere can I get check-mir09:39
willcookegot iut09:39
willcookek, so I did apt-get source xrdp, then I ran check-mir on it09:44
willcookeand it says09:44
willcookeChecking support status of build dependencies...09:44
willcookeChecking support status of binary dependencies...09:44
willcooke * xorgxrdp binary and source package is in universe09:44
willcookePlease check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess if this source package needs to get into in main/restricted, or reconsider if the package really needs above dependencies.09:44
willcookeBut that's not really clear to me.  Is that good?09:44
didrocksxorgxrdp is coming from the same source package?09:45
didrocksif so, you are good09:45
didrocks$ apt-cache show xorgxrdp09:45
didrocksSource: xrdp09:45
willcookeyeah, so that's good09:45
willcookeI think?09:46
didrocksyep ;)09:46
willcookethanks didrocks09:46
didrocksyw! /me goes back to ubiquity…09:46
dokooSoMoN: lo migrated now09:53
oSoMoNdoko, ack, thanks09:57
oSoMoNI finish preparing 5.4.5 for artful and I switch back to 6.0.109:57
willcookedidrocks, am I expected to fill out the [security] section as well?09:57
didrockswillcooke: yes, checking for CVE and such09:58
didrocksand important bugs reported in the upstream project and launchpad09:58
willcookedidrocks, ack, thansk09:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1749148 in xrdp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] xrdp" [Undecided,New]10:21
willcookeHalf way there now, still need to do some more checking on things though10:21
willcookelike, does it open a port by default10:21
willcookeShould be fixable with config though10:21
didrockswillcooke: yeah, and imagine I'm redoing the exact same work with the MIR hat. That's why I want to limit the number of MIRs to review each week10:22
willcookeyeah, its loads of work.  You have to become an expert on each package10:29
didrocksjibel: do you know if the latest images are working? I've nothing after plymouth. Note that it could be gnome-boxes as well11:20
jibeldidrocks, yes, i just verified this morning11:21
jibeldidrocks, it's vry slow to boot the the live session11:21
didrocksslow like, more than a minute ? :)11:23
jibeldidrocks, yes11:23
didrocksjibel: ah, ok, trying then! Thanks :)11:23
jibelone my machine which is not very powerful11:24
didrockswe'll see. I'm booting ubiquity mode this time11:24
popeyWhat triggers update manager to popup and tell me there are updates? Do I need to logout/login? i see an entry in /etc/xdg/autostart for update-notifier which implies I do11:25
popey(I have a machine which has not pinged me about updates, but its been up for a week (not logout/login))11:25
jibelpopey, update-notifier11:25
jibelpopey, by default it launches update-manager if it has been launched more than 7 days ago11:26
didrocksjibel: confirmed! Just really slow, thanks11:26
popeyBut only on logout/login, right jibel ?11:26
jibelpopey, no, it should run in the background11:27
jibeland periodically do the check11:27
jibelpopey, check the value of the key /apps/update-manager/launch-time and set it to now - 7days if you want to test the notification11:28
popeyI don't want to change anything on the system - I want to see what a user sees11:29
jibelyou'll have to logout/login to reload the latest update-notifier that landed yesterday then otherwise you won't run the fixed version of update-notifier11:30
popeyaha! ok.11:30
jibelor reboot11:30
popeyOk, will do.11:31
jibelpopey, you can still check if latest update-notifier has been installed by unattended-upgrades11:31
popeyAnother machine hasn't receiived the update yet, are they staged? Do only a subset of users get it?11:31
popeyyes, two machines have the update, two don't.11:31
jibelpopey, they all use the same mirror?11:33
popeyhow often does unattended-upgrades wake up?11:33
jibelpopey, daily11:35
jibelpopey, logs are in /var/log/unattended-upgrades/11:36
popeyhm, one of them didn't wake today11:36
popeyoh, it happens at different times of the day, not the same time each day11:36
jibelpopey, systemctl list-timers will tell you when it ran and will run11:37
popeyoh, thanks :)11:37
jibelit's called apt-daily something11:37
popey16.04.0, 16.04.1 and 16.04.2 have apt-daily. 16.04.3 has apt-daily *and* apt-daily-upgrade11:39
willcookejibel, do you know the difference between those two? ^ Could the missing one be dependent on the new update that went out for update manager?12:15
popeyBear in mind I haven't logged out or restarted any of these systems since they were installed some days ago. I could certainly do that now, and see what happens.12:20
popeywillcooke: on another note, could a non-free video player be added to the "Give me non-free goodness" tickbox in ubiquity? If it was the deb that was installed, that seems like an "easy fix"?12:22
popey(not sure how you'd do the snap with that tickbox without significant work)12:22
jibelwillcooke, I don't know the difference12:29
popeyjibel: ok, rebooted 16.04.0, it has latest update-notifier and update-manager and on login I got a notify-osd that there were updates, and a crash in appstram-cli12:30
willcookepopey, I expect it could, but I dont think that's the right approach.  I'll continue with my queries12:32
popeywillcooke: ok12:32
popeyjibel: wheee, update manager has popped up in my launcher12:33
willcookepopey, so that appstream crash is /probably/ the one which will be fixed if you can upgrade everything12:34
jibelpopey, without changing naything?12:34
willcookepopey, but you're saying it doesnt stop the update notifier popping up?12:34
jibelwillcooke, the double free is fixed in recent version of appstream-cli12:34
popeyno changes, just rebooted12:35
popeyI have done _nothing_ to this machine other than boot it, and reboot it just now12:35
popey(well, i installed libllvm3.8 because 16.04.1-16.04.2 can't be installed in virtualbox without it, but no other changes, honest) :)12:35
jibelhmm, session doesn't start after an upgrade from xenial, super12:35
willcookejibel, for Bionic?12:36
willcookepopey, so is your machine updated sucessfully now?12:39
popeywillcooke: I will press the button on it and see what I get12:44
* willcooke sits on the edge of his seat12:45
Nafallowhat could possibly go wrong ;-)12:45
didrocksjibel: have you tried a full install? ubiquity is segfaulting for me on the current image12:54
jibeldidrocks, yes, I did12:54
jibeldidrocks, running xorg?12:54
didrockshum, could be gnome-boxes this time :p12:54
didrocksit doesn't segfault right away12:55
didrocksI can select the options, and such12:55
didrocksit's after fscking that it seems to segfault12:55
didrocksat first, I was blaming my changes, but just tried on a bare machine12:55
didrockslet me try on virtualbox…12:55
jibeldidrocks, when does it crash exactly?12:55
didrocksjibel: I'm finishing up user data, then, I see ubiquity creating the partitions12:56
didrocksI think it's just after that that it segfaults (and no python stacktrace)12:56
didrockseven with --debug12:56
jibeldidrocks, you mean python segfaults?12:57
didrockslooks like it12:58
didrocksjibel: seems to work on virtualbox, can be a virsh driver issue, maybe?13:04
jibeldidrocks, i'm using libvirt and it works fine13:08
jibeldidrocks, you're on bionic?13:09
didrocksjibel: artful13:12
jibeli'm on bionic, it might be the difference13:14
didrocksyeah, I'll do this, but I have some features to finish before holidays and FF is close :)13:14
jibelthen what? bionic works fine13:15
didrocksstill something that I can't do right *now* (maybe tomorrow morning), and I can workaround testing in virtualbox13:16
didrockswe got quite some last minutes requirements on component we don't really own, so I need to be effective13:16
oSoMoNkenvandine, good morning! I have LO 6.0.1 ready for bionic at https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/libreoffice-6.0.1/bionic/, could you please upload it for me?13:39
kenvandine[m][m]oSoMoN: sure13:40
* kenvandine wonders why my matrix bridge has a double [m]13:48
kenvandineoSoMoN, in the future, would you mind creating a single tar of that entire directory?13:49
kenvandinemuch easier to download :)13:49
kenvandinei guess i can wget recursively13:50
kenvandineoSoMoN, nevermind... wget -R is my friend :)13:51
popeyjibel / willcooke 16.04.0, .1 and .2 all updating now. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/i7SJlwAS/update%20all%20the%20things14:22
seb128popey, was update-manager autoopened for you on all those installs?14:23
popeyseb128: after a reboot today, yes.14:23
seb128seems the fix works!14:23
popeyhappy days14:23
popeyYes, well done.14:23
seb128thanks for setting up that testing grid14:23
willcookenice one, thanks all14:23
jibelpopey, great, that closes this case :)14:24
jibelis anything still using upstart on bionic?14:25
jbichajibel: I'm pretty sure upstart doesn't exist in bionic14:26
seb128it was removed from Ubuntu post xenial14:26
jibelyes and should be removed on upgrade14:26
jbichaand it was removed from Debian before Stretch14:26
jibelcf bug 174919914:27
ubot5bug 1749199 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Session fails to start after an upgrade from Xenial to Bionic (leftover from upstart, uninstall it on upgrade)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174919914:27
seb128that's the one xnox was mentioning yesterday14:27
seb128upstart needs to clear out its conffiles on removal14:28
seb128seems like a packaging fix to do in upstart/xenial14:28
seb128and maybe the dist-upgrade to cover users upgrading without having the fixed version installed first14:29
kenvandinemeeting time!14:30
kenvandine#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-1314:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Feb 13 14:31:03 2018 UTC.  The chair is kenvandine. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.14:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick14:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic:
kenvandineRoll call:  andyrock, dgadomski, didrocks, duflu (out), jbicha, jamesh (out), jibel/heber, kenvandine, laney, oSoMoN, seb128, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)14:31
kenvandineHappy Tuesday everyone!14:32
kenvandine#topic andyrock14:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrock1. Gnome-disks and snaps:14:32
andyrock   1.1 Proposed a workaround to hide snaps already installed14:32
andyrock   1.2 Proposed a debdiff for xenial too14:32
andyrock2. Gnome-online-accounts:14:32
andyrock   2.1 Discussing with upstream regarding the UbuntuSSO provider14:32
andyrock   2.2 Built a ppa to test goa + ubuntusso14:32
andyrock3. Reviews:14:32
andyrock   3.1 https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/snap-exec-matching-fix/+merge/33724914:33
andyrock   3.2 https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/libunity/desktop-use-snap-namespace/+merge/33725214:33
andyrock4. Ubiquity:14:33
andyrock   4.1 Writing the Online Account step page (using goa!)14:33
andyrock5. eow14:33
kenvandine#topic dgadomski14:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomski* fix for bug #1644662 merged upstream, ready to be sponsored for Bionic14:33
dgadomski* found cause for bug #1746482, it wasn't a bug, but change of mount.cifs requirements14:33
dgadomski* fixed bug #1748122 and upstreamed fix14:33
ubot5bug 1644662 in gnome-themes-standard (Ubuntu Bionic) "Icons missing when appearance setting is "high contrast"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164466214:33
ubot5bug 1746482 in linux (Ubuntu) "mount.cifs stopped working with protocol version>1 and sec=ntlm" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174648214:33
ubot5bug 1748122 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu) "incorrect tools.conf template is shipped with Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174812214:33
kenvandine#topic didrocks14:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocks* Session: transition our main ubuntu session to Xorg (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/3.26.1-0ubuntu9)14:34
didrocks* GNOME Shell: the date alignement (centering on remaining space) when having any dock is finally merged upstream! https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/314:34
didrocks* Crafted and tested a jhbuild config for aday to test. Found an issue with upstream overamplified icon fixed. Then, got the +1 from GNOME design after testing the overamplified patch set.14:34
didrocks* Added a new "reset to 100% at max when overamplificatoin key is set to false" behavior on Allan's request. Rebased the submitted g-s-d patch for this.14:34
didrocks* Following this, got a first global GNOME Shell review on overamplification icon: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/2. Rework the patch set as requested (commit order and logical merge/split). Waiting since then for another review.14:34
didrocks* MIRS reviews: libfprint (bug #1745454), fprintd (bug #1745455), woff2 (bug #1742743), brotli (bug #1737053)14:34
didrocks* Had another look at splitting the minimal install as separate seeds. After giving it some testing and seeing the number of components implied, the work for this don't match our remaining timeline for 18.04. We'll use some shortcuts for this release.14:34
ubot5bug 1745454 in libfprint (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libfprint" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174545414:34
ubot5bug 1745455 in fprintd (Ubuntu) "[MIR] fprintd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174545514:34
didrocks* Continue discussion and feedbacks on the hub & bug reports with the communitytheme team.14:34
ubot5bug 1742743 in woff2 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] woff2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174274314:34
ubot5bug 1737053 in brotli (Ubuntu) "[MIR] brotli" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173705314:34
kenvandinedidrocks, thx14:35
kenvandine#topic duflu14:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: duflu
kenvandine* Totem+Xorg+VAAPI corruption regression (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1747744)14:36
kenvandine  - Debugged, bisected (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105013)14:36
kenvandine  - Now just waiting for a simple patch that reverts the commit that caused it. The offending commit was a needless cleanup that was just trying to remove unused code (which it turns out is not unused).14:36
kenvandine* Gnome Shell performance work (https://trello.com/c/Q6JYXPPs)14:36
kenvandine  - Multi-monitor frame scheduling: Getting closer to ready-for-review this week. Interestingly the same fix will benefit single monitor setups too, slightly. (https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/issues/3)14:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1747744 in Mesa "[regression] Video playback in totem is corrupted in X11" [Medium,In progress]14:36
ubot5Freedesktop bug 105013 in GLX "[regression] GLX+VA-API+clutter-gst video playback is corrupt with Mesa 17.3 (but is fine with 17.2)" [Normal,Assigned]14:36
kenvandine  - Clutter master clock smoothness (https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/issues/25)14:36
kenvandine    . Turns out this old experimental fix I already had is now required to make multi-monitor perform properly. The old blocking calls being removed for multi-monitor were accidentally providing a workaround for mutter/clutter's dodgy clock.14:36
kenvandine    . Fix awaiting upstream review (https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/21)14:36
kenvandine* Daily bug management across gnome-shell, mutter, gdm3, ubuntu-themes, bluez, pulseaudio, dkms, mir, wayland, totem, mpv, libinput.14:36
kenvandine* Fun with charts: Something I've been meaning to do for a long time (using the best information I can find):14:36
kenvandine  - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRDHPxGBHqM6XkT_S8ggtYfD0xchKSUD_z9PopNVE3G1rU05fVSnxDGcDsEstl7gu7N-tzCU6mLUp2V/pubchart?oid=254968654&format=interactive14:36
kenvandine  - Obviously it would be better if we could just automate charting of historical data from Launchpad somehow.14:36
kenvandine* HELP: Fixes still awaiting sponsorship:14:36
kenvandine  - https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/gtk/fix-1698270/+merge/331846 (actually the same fix as proposed for mutter this week)14:36
kenvandine#topic jbicha14:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: jbicha
jbicha• NetworkManager 1.10 in proposed. The autopkgtests needs to be updated for new version, thanks gQuigs for initial look there LP: #173458614:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1734586 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Merge NetworkManager with Debian 1.10.0-1" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173458614:36
jbicha• Completed vala 0.38 transition14:36
jbicha• Lots of work preparing GNOME 3.27.9014:36
jbicha• Prepared 4 transitions in PPAs (evolution-data-server, gnome-desktop3, libgweather, vala 0.40)14:36
jbicha• Sponsored fontmake into Debian. This is important because it is needed to build many newer open fonts14:36
jbicha• Filed LP: #1748905 (needed by gnome-calendar 3.28)14:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1748905 in libdazzle (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libdazzle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174890514:37
jbicha• Also packaged psautohint, needed to build the redesigned Cantarell font.14:37
jbichaBy the way, the GNOME Release Team currently uses Debian as its base to prepare releases with BuildStream so they needed psautohint too.14:37
jbicha• upstreaming GNOME bug 737362 is blocked on a "clear rationale" and use cases 😒14:37
ubot5Gnome bug 737362 in Privacy "Privacy panel is missing switch to disable captive portal detection" [Normal,Reopened] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73736214:37
jbicha (and a Freeze Exception now)14:37
kenvandinejbicha, thx14:37
kenvandine#topic jamesh14:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: jamesh
kenvandine* snapcraft:14:37
kenvandine  - finishing work started at the Snapcraft Summit, I landed a PR to use14:37
kenvandine    pyelftools to process libraries/executables instead of readelf:14:37
kenvandine    https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1913.  This first step is14:37
kenvandine    simply a performance improvement, but opens the way for other14:37
kenvandine    improvements: making sure executables match the stated architecture of14:37
kenvandine    a snap, better detection of required libraries (and warning when14:37
kenvandine    they're missing), reducing the use of patchelf for classic snaps, etc.14:37
kenvandine* snapd:14:37
kenvandine  - at the Snapcraft Summit, jdstrand reviewed the user-mounts branch,14:37
kenvandine    and he requested some sanity checks due to the fact it involves14:37
kenvandine    working with mount points and sources owned by the user.  These turned14:38
kenvandine    out to be more difficult than anticipated (reconstructing the mount14:38
kenvandine    source from /proc/self/mountinfo has a lot of corner cases).  I've14:38
kenvandine    been working with Zygmunt to try and solve these.14:38
kenvandine* xdg-desktop-portal:14:38
kenvandine  - Alexander Larsson took my initial snap support PR and improved it to14:38
kenvandine    make the portal service a bit more agnostic to confinement systems.14:38
kenvandine    He's also going to move the document portal from the flatpak14:38
kenvandine    repository to xdg-desktop-portal, which should also simplify things a14:38
kenvandine    bit (previously both services had independent implementations of the14:38
kenvandine    confinement detection code).  I've been chatting with him on IRC and14:38
kenvandine    promised to provide some testing feedback for the snap side.  The big14:38
kenvandine    takeaway here is that we've got upstream buy-in for all this, so this14:38
kenvandine    support will eventually be in all distros that provide14:38
kenvandine    xdg-desktop-portal.14:38
kenvandine#topic jibel/heber14:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: jibel/heber
jibel- Review of installation and upgrades to bionic. Upgrade from 16.04 fails: session fails to start (bug 1749199), some upgrades are failing with dpkg triggers looping (bug 1747717 for example)14:38
jibel- Continued searching the cause of the excessive memory consumption of gnome-software but cannot reproduce the issue after instrumenting the code and upgrading to 3.26.6-0ubuntu114:38
jibel- It’s been reported that update-notifier was not installed by unattended-upgraded on 16.04.0 to 2. Triaged the case and followed its resolution. Update-manager has been published yesterday to xenial-security and next run of unattended-upgrade should pull update-notifier and -manager, finally notifying users that upgrades are available.14:38
jibel- In progress: trigger gnome-software end user tests when a new version is in proposed.14:38
jibel- General bug triaging.14:38
ubot5bug 1749199 in upstart (Ubuntu) "purge conf files on removal of upstart (was session fails to start after an upgrade from xenial to bionic)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174919914:38
ubot5bug 1747717 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "package gnome-menus 3.13.3-11ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned - gnome-menus -> ufw" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174771714:38
kenvandinejibel, oh i hit that last night in my bionic vm, the gnome-menus bug14:39
kenvandinejibel, thx14:40
seb128those trigger bugs suck14:40
jibelit's pretty common, easily recoverable bug annoying14:40
oSoMoNbeen hit by it too14:40
seb128Laney usually understand them :)14:40
seb128he's back tomorrow14:40
kenvandine#topic kenvandine14:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: kenvandine
kenvandine* snapcraft still doesn't have support for building for multiple bases, so I've refocused on building gnome-software snap based on core 16.14:41
kenvandine#topic oSoMoN14:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: oSoMoN
oSoMoN• chromium14:42
oSoMoN  ∘ 64.0.3282.140 published to {artful,xenial,trusty}-security14:42
oSoMoN  ∘ promoted 64.0.3282.140 snap to stable channel14:42
oSoMoN  ∘ updated beta to 65.0.3325.5114:42
oSoMoN  ∘ updated hw-accelerated video decoding PPA (https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/cr-vaapi-test/+packages) with latest patch from intel, successfully tested and provided feedback on CL (https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/532294)14:42
oSoMoN  ∘ prepared test PPA for my WIP a11y/osk patch (https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/chromium-osk/+packages)14:42
oSoMoN• libreoffice14:42
oSoMoN  ∘ fixed bug #169625014:42
ubot5bug 1696250 in libreoffice (Debian) "Please hide Start Center and Math" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169625014:42
oSoMoN  ∘ managed to build 6.0 snap on 16.04, built it on launchpad and pushed to candidate channel, then updated to 6.0.114:42
oSoMoN  ∘ issued call for testing (https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-libreoffice-6-0-1/3917)14:42
oSoMoN  ∘ filed bug #1748151 uncovered while testing14:42
ubot5bug 1748151 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[snap] cannot load hsqldb driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174815114:42
oSoMoN  ∘ started thread to identify missing features in LO snap (https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/libreoffice-snap-missing-features-and-known-bugs/3920)14:42
oSoMoN  ∘ prepared 5.4.5 SRU for artful (bug #1748999) and handed over to security team, this will be pushed directly to artful-security because of CVE-2018-687114:42
ubot5bug 1748999 in libreoffice-l10n (Ubuntu) "[SRU] libreoffice 5.4.5 for artful" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174899914:42
oSoMoN  ∘ prepared 6.0.1 packages for bionic and asked Ken to sponsor14:42
oSoMoNThat's all folks 🐰14:42
kenvandineoSoMoN, i'm still downloading that package... people.canonical.com must be connected to the internet with a string14:42
kenvandineusually faster than this14:43
kenvandineoSoMoN, thx!14:43
oSoMoNuploading was fast on my end14:43
kenvandine#topic seb12814:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: seb128
seb128I usually just download the dsc/changes and sign those and then push to people.ubuntu.com14:43
seb128then wget the other files and dput from there14:43
kenvandinelast time it only took a few minutes to download all of it14:43
seb128more efficient14:43
kenvandineon my gigabit connection :)14:43
seb128sorry, sidetracking14:43
kenvandinebut it's slow today14:43
seb128k, so this week14:44
seb128• helped Gunnar fixing some translations issues (remmina, util-linux, pkgbinarymangler, systemd)14:44
seb128• discussed xorg-synaptic/GNOME/upgrades, posted on the community hub about it14:44
seb128• debugged pkgbinarymangler failing to build on bionic (due to dpkg changes)14:44
seb128• joined some HR presentations for new managers14:44
seb128• usual load of meetings, trello updates, chassing status update for some of the work, ...14:44
seb128• some bugs triaging14:44
kenvandineseb128, thx14:44
kenvandine#topic tkamppeter14:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- Common Print Dialog Backands: Informed oSoMoN about the availability for LibreOffice.14:44
tkamppeter- New laptop: Another 3 years have passed and I have set up my new Lenovo X1 Yoga 2 now. So far everything is working. Need to use X instead of Wayland, need to turn on virtualization and F1-F12 standard function in BIOS.14:44
tkamppeter- ippsample: started to package it. These IPP utilities got spun out of the CUPS package.14:44
tkamppeter- Google Summer of Code 2018: The Linux Foundation is accepted as mentoring organization. Invited the first mentors. Continued mentoring Sahil Arora.14:44
tkamppeter- Bugs.14:44
kenvandinetkamppeter, thx14:46
kenvandine#topic trevinho14:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: trevinho
Trevinho· unity xenial SRU verification (couple of bugs to check, please help)14:46
Trevinho· BAMF improvements for matching SNAP and Flatpak applications14:46
Trevinho  - https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/snap-exec-matching-fix14:46
Trevinho  - SRU'ed at14:46
Trevinho    - https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/snap-exec-matching-fix-x14:46
TrevinhoMh, what did arrive?14:46
seb128you flooded14:47
seb128paste in chuncks?14:47
seb128   - SRU'ed at14:47
seb128     - https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/snap-exec-matching-fix-x14:47
seb128<-- Trevinho a quitté (Excess Flood)14:47
seb128that stopped here14:47
Trevinho· Libunity .desktop file matching (for gnome dock and unity launcher emblems)14:47
Trevinho  improvements:14:47
Trevinho  - https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/libunity/desktop-use-snap-namespace14:47
Trevinho  - SRU'ed at:14:47
Trevinho    - https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/libunity/desktop-use-snap-namespace-x14:47
Trevinho· Telegram snap published to stable and announced:14:47
Trevinho  - https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-telegram-desktop/395414:47
Trevinho  - https://github.com/3v1n0/telegram-snap/14:47
Trevinho  - Ubuntu desktop environment support14:47
Trevinho    - https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/pull/439814:47
Trevinho  - Fixes for building it on ARM:14:47
Trevinho    - https://github.com/grishka/libtgvoip/pull/4014:47
Trevinho    - https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/pull/439914:47
Trevinho · nautilus search provider for searching in recent files in progress14:47
Trevinho · nautilus search provider for locate and studying how to get better matchings14:47
Trevinho · Some proposal in how to better implement xdg-open for file:// protocol14:47
Trevinho   in a secure way:14:47
Trevinho   https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/allowing-xdg-open-to-open-files/3789/5?u=trevinho14:47
Trevinho · Some more fingerprint tests14:47
kenvandineTrevinho, thx for the telegram snap, it's great!14:48
kenvandineTrevinho, thx14:48
kenvandine#topic robert_ancell14:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: robert_ancell
kenvandine- Worked on GNOME Software channels patch and uploaded to Bionic14:48
kenvandine- Backported GNOME Software channels patch to Xenial (not yet SRUd)14:48
kenvandine- Investigated GNOME Software memory usage14:48
kenvandine- LightDM 1.25.2 release14:48
kenvandine#topic aob14:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-02-13 | Current topic: aob
jbichalast week, willcooke suggested we talk about plans for GNOME 3.28 for bionic today14:49
willcookeyes! Let's.  Although, Laney is out14:49
willcookeSo let's talk about it a little bit, and then carry on next week if needed14:50
* kenvandine wants 3.28 because 3.28 > 3.26 :)14:50
willcookejbicha, how are you feeling about it?14:50
willcookekenvandine, ditto14:50
jbichaok, I've built quite a bit of GNOME 3.28 but I haven't got the important core pieces done yet (g-s-d, g-c-c, mutter, gnome-shell)14:50
kenvandinepersonally i haven't seen anything scary in 3.2714:50
seb128I think we should have different steps there14:51
jbichathere are 4 transitions so far (mentioned earlier) but they seem to be smooth enough14:51
seb128like I think everybody is going to agree on updating now to 3.27 the components that got no major changes14:51
seb128like no UI redesign/big new features/old features that might be useful dropped14:51
seb128ok, then it gives us the "what do we do with components where the update is less trivial"14:52
jbichafor instance, I'm hesitant on uploading Cantarell to bionic since it regresses some languages14:52
seb128jbicha, do you have a list of components in that category?14:52
seb128I saw a list of things that need a transition14:52
seb128I think we should discuss the more-problematic ones on a case by case14:53
jbichaand obviously, we decided earlier that we're sticking with Nautilus 3.2614:53
seb128on cost/benefit/work involved14:53
seb128cantarell ... can you open a bug with the status and maybe we can get familiar with it and rediscuss during the week or at the next meeting?14:53
jbichaso far things look pretty smooth now except for those core pieces I haven't gotten to yet14:54
jbichathere is a proposed Backgrounds Settings panel redesign, I haven't looked at that yet either but that might be too late for 3.28 (just mentioning for completeness)14:54
seb128is that the one removing the lock screen background selection?14:55
kenvandinei thought that was for sure going in for 3.2814:55
didrockskenvandine: still not in14:55
kenvandineat least tobias thought so :)14:55
didrocksthey started to rediscuss it a week ago14:55
seb128some people looked like they were trying to get it landed14:55
didrocksto get finallly things moving14:55
jbichait might do that, removing lock screen background selection is controversial even in GNOME so that's one of the issues with the redesign14:55
seb128I would suggest that we do the easy components for now, seems we have consensus on that14:56
seb128and that should keep us (= jbicha? ;-) busy for most of the week14:56
seb128and log bugs with the summary of the big changes/transitions for the ones that need discussion14:56
kenvandinewould that include all the libs?14:56
seb128and review those next week14:57
jbichayeah, the transitions take some time :)14:57
seb128kenvandine, no gtk4 by default!14:57
seb128if that's what you have in mind :p14:57
kenvandineno... definately not :)14:57
seb128unsure what libs14:57
kenvandinei think we already have latest gtk14:57
seb128but any which doesn't involve a complexe transition we better avoid14:57
seb128if somebody change lots of APIs we should discuss it14:57
kenvandinei was thinking libgweather, gnome-desktop, etc14:58
seb128that sounds fine, unless they reworked their API14:58
kenvandinethings i might have in the gnome platform snap :)14:58
seb128I didn't look at the specific of the changes from the cycle14:58
jbicha(still nothing uses gtk4, honestly I was going to propose we remove gtk4 from bionic before release and re-introduce it in "Chaotic 18.10" to not confuse people a year or two from now who try to build gtk4 apps)14:58
seb128that makes sense imho14:58
jbichakenvandine: I have rebuilt all the rdeps for those libraries so those seem fine14:59
seb128no point shipping a static snapshot on a thing being under active work14:59
kenvandinejbicha, great14:59
jbichag-s-d is a more complex transition that we can discuss later14:59
kenvandinei have a gnome-3-28-1804 snap registered14:59
seb128so that's what I suggest, re-stating14:59
seb128"I would suggest that we do the easy components for now, seems we have consensus on that14:59
seb128 and log bugs with the summary of the big changes/transitions for the ones that need discussion14:59
seb128 and review those next week14:59
jbichaseb128: +1 from me :)15:00
seb128sounds like a plan then15:00
willcookethanks seb12815:00
kenvandineany more aob? :-D15:00
seb128thx jbicha for driving that topic forward as usual15:00
seb128jbicha, I'm going to try to make some time to help with transitions and reviews15:00
jbichaone more thing15:01
seb128let me know if you want me to write some of the bugs/summaries or something else15:01
jbichaGNOME docs team would appreciate if someone could rebuild the getting-started videos for GNOME bug 79141915:01
ubot5Gnome bug 791419 in general "Produce VP9 videos instead of VP8" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79141915:01
jbicha(that's all from me)15:01
willcookejbicha, I looked at running that last night but fell short15:01
willcookeit said "you need the build environment set up" or something like that in the bug15:02
willcookeand thats where I gave up15:02
willcookeif someone can talk me through getting stuff installed, I will happily leave it running here15:02
willcookeAlthough, the real work is getting the env set up I expect15:02
willcookeso perhaps not much help15:02
jbichalet's discuss after the meeting then?15:02
willcookeone thing from me15:03
willcooketop tip: crtl-shift-prtscr copies a screen region to the clipboard.15:03
seb128the #gnome-fr people were discussing blender, I dropped the bug reference in there to see if any of them maybe want to do that :)15:03
kenvandinethx all15:03
seb128thanks kenvandine!15:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Feb 13 15:03:43 2018 UTC.15:03
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2018/ubuntu-desktop.2018-02-13-14.31.moin.txt15:03
jbichawillcooke: did you figure out how to connect to GNOME IRC?15:04
willcookeurgh, I'll have to edit a flie15:05
jbichaI'm thinking we might want to ask jimmac for help with that task since it looks like he did the work before15:07
seb128jbicha, that doesn't hurt to at least try asking him how he did it15:08
willcookejbicha, oki, I've got some stuff to finish up here, I'll try and get to it today15:08
jbichagreat, thanks :)15:09
jbichawillcooke: my guess is that the maintainer just didn't want to take the several hours it takes to render the videos15:21
jhodappwillcooke, do we have a set schedule for doing stable point releases of an LTS, e.g. 16.04.1, 16.04.2, etc?15:24
seb128jhodapp, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule15:26
jhodappseb128, thanks!15:26
jhodappseb128, is that a set cadence that's consistent from version to version, e.g. from 16.04 to 18.04?15:27
seb128well, there might be some small shifts15:28
seb128like don't count exact same days15:29
seb128it depends of other factors, upstream, holidays, etc15:29
jhodappseb128, ok yeah, but roughly15:29
jbichadidrocks: the GNOME gsettings key for volume-above-100% is different than Ubuntu's right? how do you plan to handle that?15:31
didrocksjbicha: depends, if we get our patches upstream this cycle, I'll handle the transition15:33
ogra_probably by dropping that sillyness altogether ?15:33
didrockswhich sillyness?15:33
seb128ogra_, what15:33
ogra_"volume more than 100%"15:33
seb128what didrocks said15:34
didrocksyou should have followed the discussion15:34
seb128ogra_, stop trolling please15:34
ogra_thats one of the greatest nonsense things ... if your amp is at 100% it is at 100% ... fix the drivers if that isnt the case but dont add an option to make the slider go to 200%15:34
didrocksthanks, now, try on affected hardwares and fix all the drivers for them15:35
didrocksthen, we can drop it15:35
* jbicha recommends that ogra_ watch "This is Spinal Tap" ;)15:35
seb128didrocks, step out and focus on useful things  :)15:35
didrocksyeah, will do15:35
didrocksI have enough work than someone dowplaying on hard work we have done pushing it15:35
didrocksfocusing on*15:35
ogra_well, thats not my job and yours neither ... :) i'm just ranting about that silly workaround :)15:36
seb128stop ranting it doesn't help15:36
ogra_(that iirc was invemnted initially by vlc even ... others just copied in a sheepish way)15:36
seb128value the work done here to build a system that users can rely on15:36
* ogra_ shuts up now 15:36
jbichadidrocks: I have gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.27.90 packaging, do you want me to push it somewhere for you to work on? (the Ubuntu packaging isn't VCS maintained)15:37
didrocksjbicha: I won't work on the transition tright now15:37
didrocksjbicha: I have a lot of other stuff to deal with feature-wise. Maybe I'll get to that, but until upstream takes it, there is little value to transition to that key15:37
jbichadidrocks: so do you want me to hold off on uploading the new g-d-schemas package? (it's not actually needed in bionic yet)15:38
didrocksjbicha: nothing prevents to upload the new g-d-schemas, it's orthogonal15:39
didrocksjbicha: so, I would say, just upload it, and we'll see how/when gnome shell upstream review the patches to get that + g-s-d in15:40
didrocksuntil then, we'll keep our patches15:40
jbichaGunnarHj: hi, so yelp-xsl is a bit fun15:51
jbichayelp-xsl 3.27 has made incompatible changes that shouldn't be a problem for yelp but will probably be a problem for generating the html for help.ubuntu.com15:52
jbichauntil someone updates the stylesheet for the new version15:53
GunnarHjjbicha: I see that we still have yelp-xsl 3.20. We (usually dsmythies) can build the HTML on e.g. a 16.04 machine, if we don't figure out what needs to be changed. Any hint about the nature of the changes?16:02
jbichayes, that's what I would suggest: that we update yelp-xsl in bionic and just be sure to use 16.04 LTS for building the HTML for now16:06
jbichaupstream NEWS says "Massive backwards incompatible updates to stylesheets"16:06
jbichashaunm indicated that it's a problem for help.gnome.org too16:07
jbichabut I don't really know specifics more than that16:07
GunnarHjjbicha: So probably we'd better wait until they have sorted out help.gnome.org, and start updating our stylesheet after that.16:09
jbichayes, I'll ping you again after I've actually packaged the new version so you can try it out before pushing to bionic16:10
GunnarHjjbicha: But I saw that you uploaded 3.20 just recently. Are you about to jump to 3.27 in unstable/bionic now?16:10
seb128what's the rationnal to do the update if it creates issues? can we hold on it until next cycle?16:22
kenvandineoSoMoN, in case you didn't notice, i've sponsored those packages16:28
jbichaseb128: it doesn't cause issues in the Ubuntu archive itself. Only a few people build html from yelp-xsl stylesheets16:37
jbichabut yes, it's one of the more complex cases16:37
GunnarHjjbicha: There is one reason to wait with the upgrade of yelp-xsl: Nowadays we build the desktop guide HTML from the installed package files, not from the source packages. For that reason it's most natural and convenient to be on a 18.04 machine when building the HTML for 18.04 etc.16:46
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, you suggested olivier provide a single tar for https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/libreoffice-6.0.1/bionic/ to make it easier to download all of the bits, but haven't you used dget before?16:48
chrisccoulsoneg, dget https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/libreoffice-6.0.1/bionic/libreoffice_6.0.1-0ubuntu1_source.changes16:48
kenvandinechrisccoulson, oh... great idea16:48
kenvandinenever used dget :)16:48
kenvandinebut i have heard of it before16:49
chrisccoulsonit'll make your life easier :)16:49
kenvandinejust never think of it16:49
didrockswaow, I wouldn't have been able to live so long without dget, even for downloading older sources on launchpad, or other releases…16:49
oSoMoNkenvandine, thanks!16:55
oSoMoNkenvandine, have you seen https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snaps-officially-supported-by-canonical/1719/8 ?17:12
kenvandineoSoMoN, oh... i hadn't seen the request for bug tracking17:13
kenvandineoSoMoN, thx17:14
* kenvandine wonders what to put for gnome-3-26-160417:14
willcookeseb128, we did the MIR for xrdp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xrdp/+bug/174914817:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1749148 in xrdp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] xrdp" [Undecided,New]17:52
jbichawillcooke: what's the UI for this feature?18:03
willcookejbicha, UI?18:14
* oSoMoN EOD, have a good evening everyone18:15
willcookenight oSoMoN18:15
willcooketoo slow18:15
jbichawillcooke: do you plan to install xrdp by default in Ubuntu Desktop? if so how would someone turn the feature on?18:21
willcookejbicha, gotya, I thought that was what you meant, but I wasn't sure :)  So there won't be any UI at this point, because I dont think we have time to add anything, and it would be quite complex.  The idea is to make it "easier" for people to enable remote desktop sharing where Ubuntu is a guest as a VM on a host18:32
willcookeRDP seems to be the most widely available client on most platforms.18:32
willcookeObviously it's out of the box on Windows18:32
willcookewhich is the main target18:32
jbichamy opinion is that we don't need to add it in the default install if there's no UI for it18:32
willcookeso this is just one less step people have to do, i.e. drop the apt install18:33
jbichaYou could add it to the 'supported' seeds if you just want it to be in main though18:33
willcookeinteresting idea, hadnt thought of that18:34
jbichaI of course can't decide what Canonical wants to support, that's just my input though :)18:35
willcookegood to have it, thanks jbicha18:35
willcookeI'll read up some more18:35
willcookeand with that, good night!18:39
seb128jbicha, ideally we would have a switch in control-center for that, but that's not going to be this cycle19:42
jbichaseb128: do you think it should be installed by default this cycle?19:42
seb128jbicha, I don't really know, there was some talk about having to maintain a custom image if we don't19:43
seb128jbicha, I suggested that maybe having it enabled through a cmdline grub option would remove the need for the custom image19:43
seb128it's not really the most user friendly thing but would do the job19:43
jbichathe nice part about no UI is that "what I don't see doesn't affect me" ;)19:44
seb128right, it would be a bit of disk space used19:44
seb128but trivial to enable for people who need it through a boot option19:44
seb128or similar19:44
seb128it doesn't hurt to file the MIR in any case, it's probably going to be installed with an UI to turn on at some point19:45
seb128even if it's not this cycle19:45
jbichaso GNOME doesn't really support RDP very well (both Boxes and the experimental mutter remotedesktop thing do VNC but not RDP)19:46
jbichaI don't think they are intentionally choosing against RDP; I think they just started with what was easiest19:46
seb128which is one of the reasons we went back to default to xorg19:46
seb128kenvandine, it looks like the gnome-platform case deserves creating an upstream project in launchpad and using that, there is no ubuntu package fit19:47
kenvandineseb128, yeah19:55
kenvandineseb128, although users aren't likely to file bugs against it.  they would file bugs against the apps using it19:56
kenvandinebut app developers could file bugs19:56
seb128the other option is to put e.g the community hub as a link19:56
kenvandinei'd rather LP bugs :)19:57
seb128then new project :)19:58
kenvandineseb128, so what do you think, gnome-platform? gnome-snap? gnome-snap-platform?20:15
kenvandinewe'll have different names in the store, versioned20:15
kenvandinelike gnome-3-26-1604 and gnome-3-28-180420:15
seb128kenvandine, gnome-platform-snap?20:37
kenvandinerobert_ancell, i submitted a simple-scan PR20:38
* kenvandine loves gitlab :)20:39
seb128kenvandine, btw on that forum page, does the maintainer needs to be a person?20:39
kenvandineit can't be a team :(20:40
seb128kenvandine, it seems like it would be better to share the snaps maintainance that having you to handle them all20:40
seb128why not?20:40
kenvandinewell, i guess on the wiki page it could be20:40
kenvandinebut the store doesn't20:40
seb128the store takes an email?20:40
seb128or is that linked to the account used for uploads?20:41
kenvandineunder the store those are published by "canonical"20:41
kenvandineon the wiki we are using a forum user20:41
kenvandineit would be nice if it was @ubuntu-desktop20:41
kenvandinei guess they don't have to link to users :)20:41
seb128the idea is that one can "ping" the maintainer?20:41
seb128I see20:42
seb128they need to add aliases20:42
seb128or groups20:42
kenvandinebut it sucks being individuals20:42
seb128I guess we could create a "desktop-snaps" user and share the crendentials :p20:42
kenvandinethat's so 90s20:43
robert_ancellyay for one click merging20:49
kenvandinerobert_ancell, thx20:50
kenvandinerobert_ancell, it was also cool to see the checkbox to delete my source branch when merged20:51
kenvandineshould keep my tree tidy :)20:51
kenvandinethat's a real handy feature20:52
seb128hey robert_ancell, how are you?20:53
jbichait helps encourage me to use named branches for merge proposals20:53
kenvandinerobert_ancell, oh btw, something fighting with right now20:56
kenvandinesomething in the snapd-glib build seems racy, at least in snapcraft20:56
kenvandinei'm build snapd-glib as a part in gnome-software20:56
kenvandineafter a clean, it fails to build once20:56
kenvandine  ITMRG  io.snapcraft.SnapdLoginService.policy20:56
kenvandinesnapd-login-service.c:17:27: fatal error: login-service.h: No such file or directory20:56
kenvandinecompilation terminated.20:56
kenvandinebut then succeeds on the next try20:57
kenvandineif i don't clean20:57
kenvandineseems ridiculous to me20:57
robert_ancellseb128, hi!21:06
robert_ancellkenvandine, hmm, autotools... I should probably just kill snapd-login-service now since snapd doesn't need it.21:08
robert_ancellkenvandine, are you building from git?21:09
kenvandinerobert_ancell, yes21:09
kenvandinerobert_ancell, i suppose that isn't something i can easily disable?21:10
robert_ancellkenvandine, I'm killing it now21:11
kenvandinerobert_ancell, oh cool21:11
kenvandinei'm building it stripped down, no qt, api docs, etc21:13
kenvandinerobert_ancell, btw willcooke is also seeing empty results when selecting categories in gnome-software on bionic21:58
kenvandinerobert_ancell, just like i was seeing21:58
robert_ancellkenvandine, ack, will investigate22:10
robert_ancelljbicha, if you could spin out a new snapd-glib that would be handy! (branch is updated)22:42
kenvandinerobert_ancell, i kicked a new build after you pushed23:08
kenvandinerobert_ancell, new issue23:09
kenvandineconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: `po/Makefile.in.in'23:09
kenvandinerobert_ancell, you need to remove that from configure.ac23:11
kenvandinerobert_ancell, oh... ignore me23:11
kenvandinelooks like maybe you removed it after i started a build :)23:12
robert_ancellkenvandine, yeah, I did a git push -f. I should probably do proper MRs...23:17
kenvandinerobert_ancell, no worries :)23:18
kenvandinerobert_ancell, i had just did a cleanbuild when i saw you pushed23:18
kenvandinerobert_ancell, the good news is this fixed the problem i was having :)23:19
Sweetsharkguys, any ETA on a CVE-2018-6871 fix? due to irresponsible disclosure this nightmare has been public since a week, yet no updates for ubuntu whatsoever so far?23:24
sarnoldSweetshark: some builds are in progress https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages23:27
Sweetsharksarnold: thx, just saw it in the team meeting log in backlog too.23:30
Sweetshark(thx to oSoMoN and chrisccoulson too)23:33

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