
DirtyCajunany hints other than the stupid obvious ones online for speeding up initialization on an mdadm array?02:33
rostamHi need help please. I installed a package (apt-get install go-server) then I remove it (apt-get purge go-server). Then after I reinstalled it some of the file from the installed pages are missing, how could I recover please?03:11
dpb1rostam: what files are missing.03:20
dpb1DirtyCajun: never looked into it03:21
DirtyCajundpb1, im probably just being impatient. Its chugging along pretty nicely i just want to increase it more haha03:21
dpb1on a lark I googled, and I was shocked to find...03:23
dpb1dev.raid.speed_limit_max = 20000003:23
dpb1dev.raid.speed_limit_min = 100003:23
dpb1never knew that one03:23
dpb1but those are probably the "stupid obvious" ones. :)03:23
rostamdpb1, files in /var/lib/go-server and /var/go directory.03:23
DirtyCajuni have them at 200000 and 500000 respectively03:24
dpb1rostam: so03:24
rostamdpb1, the files are missing in /var/lib/go-server and /var/go directory does not get created ...03:25
rostamplease help03:25
dpb1rostam: just testing03:25
dpb1rostam: what version of ubuntu?  I don't see a go-server03:26
rostamdph1 I did install and reinsall the package afew times, and all the sudden then this issue happened.03:26
rostamI am using 16.04 LTS update 303:26
dpb1rostam: can you do apt-cache policy go-server and pastebin the results?03:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:27
rostamdpb1, here it is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Md5MB3bJJV/03:30
dpb1rostam: so, here is my fear03:31
dpb1rostam: I take it that the data in /var/lib/go-server and /var/go was created by you and you want it back?03:31
rostamdpb1 yes I did copy some files in those directories and then remove them manually.03:32
dpb1rostam: ah, ok, so just a matter of the package not *creating* directories and files when it's installed?03:33
rostamyes I copied some files and directories inside those direcory and then remove them manually.03:35
rostamYes it does not created those files inside the directories.03:35
rostamplease help I need this working03:35
dpb1so, idk then, /var is a directory used for "variable" data.  data created by the application03:35
dpb1you'd be best to check with the application itself, support forums, irc channels, etc.03:36
rostamso you do not think this is ubuntu specifc issue?03:36
dpb1no.  the package you are installing is even from a 3rd-party repository from the project itself.03:37
dpb1rostam: see the 'https://download.gocd.org' lines in that pastebin you sent me?03:38
dpb1I'd go to gocd.org, they are likely who made the packaging.03:38
rostamokay thanks so much.03:38
lordievaderGood morning07:04
rbasakpowersj, nacc: some help with git-ubuntu CI please? I don't understand the failures or the current status in Jenkins09:04
demahumAnyone willing to help me understand ubuntu kernel release schedule?09:18
rbasakAre you looking for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/StableReleaseCadence ?09:21
rbasakAlso try the kernel team in #ubuntu-kernel09:21
demahumrbasak: ubuntu-kernel sounds very good09:24
demahumrbasak: and for the cadence, I will take a look at it now09:24
jamespagecoreycb: ok telemetry bits all uploaded (ceilometer, aodh, panko) + cinder10:17
jamespagecoreycb: nova done - moving onto glance11:10
jamespagecoreycb: glance done11:39
jamespagecoreycb: doing keystone but...11:43
jamespagemsgpack-python -> msgpack is confusing things11:43
boxrickHey, I have a service I have replaced the sysvinit script into a Systemd script. However this is going to cause me problems in the future if that package updates for example12:17
boxrickIs there any clean way of dealing with this?12:18
rbasakboxrick: we generally avoid doing that in the lifetime of a stable release.12:24
rbasakWe might do it in a new release, but it'd go in /lib/systemd/system/12:25
rbasakIf you put the same name in /etc/systemd/system/, your file will always override one provided by packaging.12:25
boxrickOh ok, previously I simply removed the old service12:25
boxrickIE actually deleted the file12:25
boxrickSo perhaps just leave it in replace then add the systemd file instead.12:26
rbasakI'm not sure, but I believe systemd will ignore the init.d script if there is a systemd service unit defined of the same name.12:28
coreycbjamespage: that's too bad, i was hoping the msgpack transition would just work for debs13:07
coreycbjamespage: i didn't get as far as I wanted on rc1 yesterday. going to get started shortly and will be poking at qemu for ocata in the background.13:09
coreycbjamespage: i'm going to focus on the rest of the clients and any other dependencies13:39
jamespagecoreycb: well if I just bump to the newer version it will just work13:43
jamespagecoreycb: I need to test with all rbd's to de-risk - doing that now14:39
jamespagecoreycb: not sure which way to jump on this one15:32
coreycbjamespage: what's that?15:32
jamespagecoreycb: msgpack-python vs msgpack15:33
coreycbjamespage: new version not working out?15:34
jamespagecoreycb: kinda - have a plan - testing it now15:38
coreycbjamespage: ok. i'll be done with the clients once I figure test failures with neutronclient and cinderclient.15:39
jamespagecoreycb: \o/15:40
dpb1office hours starts.... now15:58
nacc_rbasak: i belileve i saw earlier that jenkins was out of disk16:15
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
powersjshould be operational now16:18
powersjrbasak: re-kicked CI on your merges16:52
blackflowI need to use zfsutils-linux 0.7.5 on 17.10. What would be the recommended procedure, can I use the one in bionic-proposed? Or maybe I should use zfsutils-linux srcdeb, repatch for 0.7.5 and build that on Artful?17:21
naccblackflow: why do you "need" to do this?17:31
blackflownacc: because 0.6.x has a bug with zfs send | receive from a pool of different version (even though features are not enabled). I cannot send from a pool craeted in FreeBSD, to a pool created in Artful, due to that.17:34
naccblackflow: did you file a bug in Ubuntu?17:34
blackflowthe bug is filed somewhere in ZoL github, I've hit it before.17:34
naccblackflow: if it's an actual bug, we can SRU the fix in17:34
blackflowlemme find it17:34
naccblackflow: but someone has to file it for that to happen (generally)17:35
blackflowI believe this was it: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/569917:35
blackflowI know last time I temporarily installed gentoo, compiled newer ZoL and it worked just fine. Now I need that kind of solution on Artful.17:36
naccblackflow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/1733230 ?17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1733230 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu) "'zfs recv' hangs when receiving from a FreeBSD zfs" [Undecided,New]17:37
blackflownacc: oh yes, that's it. subscribed. thanks.17:39
blackflowmeanwhile... I guess I can't use bionic (built against newer kernel I suppose), so I'll try rebuilding on artful from source debs17:40
naccblackflow: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/pull/6602 and others, are a bit hard for me to parse right now17:41
naccblackflow: it would help if in the ubuntu bug you can do an executive summary, and perhaps some testing?17:41
blackflowexecutive summary?17:42
naccblackflow: what the actual fix is?17:42
naccblackflow: it's not 100% clear and I don't have time to figure it out right now :)17:42
blackflowwell the fix I did was on gentoo, I just upgraded from 0.6.x to 0.7.x can't remembre which x it was at the time17:43
blackflowI have no idea if it's something that could be backported. but anyway, I'm willing to help out, right now I have to migrate some large swaths of data and I'd like to avoid temporary installing gentoo somewhere :)17:44
blackflownacc: if I'm not mistaken, this is the pull request fix?  https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/pull/661617:49
naccblackflow: right, but the other is the backport, upstrteam17:52
sarnoldblackflow: please forgive me if you already know this, but you can't mix-and-match the zfs utilities with the kernel module -- there's no versioning in the interface, so your utils need to match your module18:36
blackflowsarnold: I'm rebuilding entire zfsutils-linux package and will install it and all the deps produced18:54
blackflowinfact, I already did. rebooted, pools imported, but zfs send is segfaulting. gotta figure out why now...18:54
nshireI can successfully ping my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS VM but all I see is a black screen.19:02
nshirePrior to the black screen I got the normal ubuntu load screen but then it said "fsckd-calced-msg: press ctrl-c to cancel filesystem checks in progress"19:03
nshireanyone have diagnostic ideas?19:04
masonblackflow: Just skimming, but is your send/recv issue feature-related?19:06
nshirealso I have ssh access to the vm still, not sure how19:07
blackflowmason: nah. sarnold hinted at it. the kernel module is not installed with zfsutils-linux packages. this is not dkms... it's part of linux-image package. so yes, I was building and installing new userland, but the kernel module is still 0.6.x19:07
blackflowI have to pull in zfs-dkms and spl-dkms from bionic and build those too19:07
masonah, ah19:07
masonShunning the shiny FTW19:07
blackflowmason: ordinarily I wouldn't do it, but I have a problem with a bug in zfs 0.6.x where you can't zfs send from a pool of different version, even if newer features are NOT enabled19:08
blackflowmason: 'zis: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/173323019:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1733230 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu) "'zfs recv' hangs when receiving from a FreeBSD zfs" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:08
masonHrm. I'll have to reproduce it later. I'm mostly rsyncing between FreeBSD and Ubuntu based on the nature of what I move.19:09
masonblackflow: ty19:09
blackflowmason: yah but I've got snapshots I want to preserve :)19:09
blackflowotherwise i'd rsync it and call it a day.19:09
blackflowmason: and btw this is exactly a problem with moving from FreeBSD-created pool to Ubuntu-created pool.19:09
masonblackflow: I don't see you explicitly not creating features with your pool creation, and FreeBSD makes features that don't exist in Ubuntu.19:10
masonIf you create the pool with -d do you see the same thing?19:10
masonIn a meeting so I haven't dug in enough - sorry if your bug answers that.19:10
blackflowmason: I've hit this exact problem few months ago. it's reported on ZoL github. upgrading to 0.7.x fixes it.19:10
masonRight. Just curious.19:11
blackflowbut last time I used gentoo to build the newer version and move snapshots.19:11
blackflowhuh. Two more yaks appeared waiting to be shaved, lol. Arg, I might just as well upgrade to bionic. :)19:18
* mason makes ch-ch-ch-ch-ch noise.19:18
coreycbjamespage: that took some digging. finally found out why cinderclient tests were failing. exception=The 'msgpack>=0.4.0' distribution was not found and is required by oslo.serialization.19:23
jamespagecoreycb: I'm working a fix for that one19:40
coreycbjamespage: ok. wasn't sure if that was dh-python or just need to add to pydist-overrides. but maybe something else.19:40
coreycbjamespage: i'll hold off19:40
jamespagecoreycb: no I'm trying to get msgpack-python to provide msgpack-python and msgpack19:40
jamespagecoreycb: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3142/+packages19:41
coreycbjamespage: got it, sound good19:41
nshirefor anyone who may be interested in what I did to fix my blackscreen: I SSHed in and ran the vboxguest additions uninstall script at /opt/vboxguestaddition-[...]/uninstall.sh19:45
sarnoldnshire: wow. I *NEVER* would have come up with that. :)19:45
nshireI'm so glad you appreciate my attempt to help people who may have run into the same issue19:45
nshireI wasn't able to bring up a terminal on the vm itself, it wasn't clear if it had booted at all19:46
sarnoldnshire: yeah, who knows, this little tidbit might save someone else the same grief in the future. thanks for reporting back :)19:55
jamespagecoreycb: hmm yeah but its not working20:28
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