
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:33
SuperMattmorning all09:14
SuperMatthow are we all today?09:14
SuperMattJust tried installing corebird from a snap, and it tells me I also need to install a snap called gnome-3-26-1604 and connect it to the corebird snap. This I don't mind doing right now, and I understand why it technically needs to be done, but I don't know why it's not just automatic09:28
brobostigonmorning, could be better, and you?09:29
SuperMattI'm slightly ill, so I could be better too09:29
brobostigonhope better soon.09:29
foobarrydid someone tell me that lets encypt can manage certs for sites with internal IP too?09:56
SuperMattapparently so09:56
SuperMattthough I don't know how to get that working09:56
SuperMattI'm certainly looking forward to wildcard certs landing09:56
diploMorning all10:35
diploHow's the new job going SuperMatt ?10:39
SuperMattgoing well thank you. I've been there a month right now and I haven't wanted to murder anyone10:39
SuperMattThe tech stack is brilliant10:40
SuperMattthere's lots of free food10:40
SuperMattand fridays are a write off, which is mavellous10:40
diploI do sometimes think I should look at something like that10:42
diploBut not sure I want to much pressure atm10:42
diploAnd I guess that can be there10:42
SuperMattWell at the moment there's no pressure because I am too new10:42
SuperMattBut from what I've seen of the veterans is that there's no too much pressure either, at least not until the site goes down10:43
SuperMattbut the stack is such that the customer is rarely affected when a node or two go down10:43
diploI'd like to run stuff like that, we probably couldn't ( very old software )10:44
SuperMattyou gotta convice the bosses that stacks with service discovery and self healing are awesome10:46
diploI could say it's awesome, just not enough staff to do anything about it10:47
diploMost have been here 20ish years10:47
SuperMattAn aging staff in tech is not a good idea. It increases the chance of knowledge residing solely in brains, rather than in documents10:58
diploThere were literally 3 documents when I joined, I've written 1000's of pages now in sphinx (rst ) and also in a seperate git repo too11:03
diploAnd you're right, some things are only known by 1 or 2 people, I'm trying to change that11:03
SuperMattYou need to do a bus test11:03
SuperMattPretend that someone has been hit by a bus and send them home for a week, fully paid11:04
SuperMattThen see if you can get through the whole week and a DR recovery test without contacting them11:04
diploYeah, we can with the knowledge but it would be slow, they don't listen tbh but happy for me to start fixing the problems myself with not a lot of help11:08
diploGone from taking 1 1/2 days to deploy / set up our software to 20 mins with Ansible :)11:08
diplo4-5 hours to install / setup new hardware to 5-6 mins11:08
SuperMattgood man11:09
diploThey love it now, deploy ssh keys out to clients and remove them all when someone leaves, it's just a god damn slow process and hard work11:11
SuperMattpuppet is good for ssh keys11:11
diploI use ansible for that too11:11
diploJust hard to keep on top of this plus doing everything else :)11:12
diploCan't get my new Cent7 image to PXE boot either :/11:12
Nafallowhy would you need ssh keys, and accounts, on the servers when you have ansible though? ;-)11:12
diploFor out staff to logon to fix application specific issues at our clients11:13
diploOh noticed the smiley at the end :P11:13
* diplo is tired11:13
Nafalloansible -m command -a ? :-D11:13
diploThat would take users understanding anything apart from what they've learnt over 20 years11:13
Nafalloaye :-)11:14
diploThey still use some ps commands that don't really return what they really need, but it's what they've always used11:14
Nafallonot as easy to implement as it sounds always :-)11:14
diploWe only moved to SVN about 5-6 years ago, that was HELL!11:14
Nafallothank god my home lab is different from $WORK ;-)11:14
diploTrying to move to git now :)11:14
NafalloI'm considering allowing ansible to ssh to the hosts and use the lxd connection plugin to actually manage the containers... and then stop having ssh :-P11:15
Nafallocould be a fun exercise ;-)11:15
Nafallos/stop having ssh/& in the containers/11:16
SuperMattyeah, removing ssh is a double plus good idea11:20
Nafallohmm. ansible automates in netherlands 14/3 :-)11:29
SuperMattgoing abroad on the company dime ftw11:29
Nafallohola czajkowski11:37
czajkowskiNafallo: howdy11:42
diploSo disabling sshd on the lxd's Nafallo ? sounds good.. may have to think about that, I use lxc currently and haven't had chance to setup/check out lxd and the slight changes12:17
diploBut I guess I ought to at some point12:18
Nafallonow I just need time to play with it ;-)12:21
diploThat's my problem too :)12:25
Nafalloansible -m command -a "netstat -ltn" lxd <- working fine :-)12:29
Nafallousing the dynamic inventory on my laptop ;-)12:29
Nafallodid ansible -m service -a "name=ssh state=stopped" lxd before12:29
diploI never use the single liners, how do you know what host that is being deployed against?12:32
diploI take it that it reads /etc/ansible/hosts by default12:32
NafalloI've specified inventory in ansible.cfg, and created a folder that contains lxd.ini lxd.py and localhost.12:33
diploAh right, I've never thought of playing in there, will take a look later, I've pretty much solely used playbooks so far as they suit my needs, but want to tinker some more at some point soon12:34
Nafallolocalhost being a static inventory config with ansible_connection=local set, and the other files being slightly modified versions of the dynamic inventory scripts at ansible github contrib/inventory files.12:34
Nafallothe script is just set to put all the local lxd hosts in an lxd group, and tell it to use ansible_connection: lxd ;-)12:35
diploah OK, that sounds easy enough12:35
diploGoing to install it on my solus box as it is in the repos12:36
Nafalloobviously, running ansible binary instead of ansible-playbook above as well. just need to do one task on the lxd group quickly ;-)12:36
diployeah, I keep meaning to play12:37
diploSo going to try it right now12:37
diploAlso haven't tinkered with sudo yet, I have a playbook ready to do it and tinker12:39
Nafallowhat are you planning for sudo? :-)12:39
Nafallolxd connection always uses root, since that was lxc exec <machine> <command> does ;-)12:39
diploRunning commands on all our customer sites as our one user so our staff don't need root - can run same commands on all sites out of hours12:40
Nafalloother than that, I tend to work around requiring to remember setting -B for playbooks by setting them to use become: false global and use a pre-task that runs sudo -v :-)12:40
diploAs I said earlier, we had lots of issues with the way our staff did things, like can't get something working, lets 777 the home directory12:41
Nafalloobviously for that sort of deployment your best options is probably public key + sudoers.d/ file with nopasswd locally for the deploy user :-)12:41
diploYeah, that's my intention, just got to get all the tasks they require root for :)12:43
Nafalloah right. I see where you're going now... you want to modularise root a bit rather than allow all for these people that prefer logging in? :-P12:43
diddledanSuperMatt: the installation of gnome-3-26-1604 is not automoatic because currently there's no way of defining that dependency, but if it is already installed then the "connect" part is done automatically - so other snaps depending on it will pick it up now you've got it installed13:18
Nafallohrmpf. writing a module. I've spent half the day documenting it :-P15:30
Nafallodiplo, SuperMatt: if you Ansible guys use Ubuntu, I'm currently attempting to re-write https://code.launchpad.net/~tribaal/ubuntu-repository-cache/trunk in Ansible ;-)15:31
Nafallomight be helpful.15:31
Nafallostarted writing and realised I need roles for apache2, squid and squid-deb-proxy as dependencies ;-)15:32
diploUse it against CentOS boxes mainly for work, but will take a look on one of my ubuntu machines tomorrow16:31
diploAfternoon has been manic :(16:31
diddledangog.com freebie: https://www.gog.com/#giveaway17:28
daftykinshrmm got forward a few of the Google G Suite GDPR emails, so have to find out what the deal with that is...23:36
daftykinsmy instinct is that being outside of the EU, there isn't much for us rock dwellers to do23:36
zmoylan-piyou're not outside of the eu yet... and the final deal might mean it applies to you rock dwellers too?23:45
daftykinsyes we are :) never been in the EU23:46
zmoylan-pi...please send me a crate of happy sleepy sleep snoozy snooze... :-)23:46

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