
PCLine__Hello everyone.01:51
=== PCLine__ is now known as PCLine_
PCLine_Hello Unit193 - How things with you today?01:54
Unit193Pizza for supper, so that'd be good.01:54
PCLine_I dont know the correct term for what we had but we call it Goulash.   and it was great.01:55
Unit193Rebuilding my own archive to officially add bionic, since libssl1.1 is in and boost libs too.  Generally speaking one can just kind of have it overlay, buuuut.03:07
Unit193(And it'd still work, mind you, but figure may as well do it now.)03:07
Unit193PCLine__: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu-us-oh.html just in case you wanted to read the rambling you missed. ;P04:42
jenni[ Index of /latest ] - https://bit.ly/2H9o2Ud04:42
dzhogood morning ubuntu buckeyes12:51
=== PCLine__ is now known as PCLine_
PCLine_Good evening23:48
niLCP__yesterday a Blue Screen today 3 Disconnects before I even sit down!23:51
=== niLCP__ is now known as PCLine_

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