
SuperLagHave an ancient Ubuntu install in a Digital Ocean droplet. It got rebooted, and now it says the kernel is missing. When I look in /boot, I see all the relevant files that are pointed to from the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. What else would cause the kernel to show up as missing?00:06
SuperLagI have access to the system via chroot. I'm just not sure what to do to get it fixed, as it doesn't look like anything is wrong. Unless I'm missing a step in troubleshooting.00:07
frostschutzSuperLag, is your /boot full? maybe an apt-get update that stopped halfway?00:10
SuperLagfrostschutz: Nope. 5.5GB free.00:11
hggdhSuperLag: your best option is to ask DO what happened -- they have a weird way to set kernels00:14
frostschutzoh, I don't know digital ocean at all... is it real virtualization (like KVM)? Otherwise sometimes, you don't even get to choose your own kernel00:19
streetwitchCould anyone help me write a bash script?00:21
SuperLagfrostschutz: I think it's Xen-based00:23
oerheksstreetwitch, there is #bash here on #freenode00:23
kostkonstreetwitch, you didn't even pastebined it00:24
metastableDO is... meh in terms of how they have things set up.00:31
DbuggerHi everyone.00:42
DbuggerI have a very weird issue. All my screencasts (SHIFT ALT CTRL R) are 0 bytes. Like nothing is actually being saved. What could be wrong here??00:42
CodsworthI'm trying to copy a website and download all pdfs on it, i'm trying to use wget to do this but it always copies the site but doesn't grab the pdfs.  the folders and pdfs are located about 4-5 folders deep00:43
Codsworththe site copies fine and the folders are all downloaded but they don't contain pdfs... the site is wordpress if that helps00:43
joecoc1916I am having with ubuntu on windows linux00:53
boblamontHow do I post a short video clip somewhere related to a problem I want to ask about?00:54
joecoc1916let me qualify, linux subsystem does initialize properly.  Ihad errors on the screen. Here's the messages give me a few minits. be rigt back00:58
joecoc1916Installing, this may take a few minutes... Installation Failed! Error: 0x8000000d Press any key to continue...     Unsupported console settings. In order to use this feature the legacy console must be disabled.01:00
boblamontjoecoc1916: did you try disabling the legacy console?01:00
joecoc1916there are 2 errors there01:01
joecoc1916can anyone make sense out of the errors?01:01
crondIs ubuntu subsystem for windows supported here?01:02
crondI actually have no idea about that. lol01:02
crondNow i'm curious01:02
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents01:02
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide01:03
nacccrond: --^ that's the faq you wanted, and the answer is no :)01:03
crondnacc, cool, I didn't know about that one :) ty01:03
hotbakedpotato[mhow can a dns leak still happen if you have all traffic blocked except thought a vpn?01:03
crondjoecoc1916, so you want to go to one of those channels01:04
metastablehotbakedpotato[m: One way is if the DNS server you were using prior to connecting to the VPN is on your interface's local network.01:05
crondmy pi hole did that.01:05
metastablehotbakedpotato[m: Changing your default route to go through the VPN doesn't remove the connected route that exists for the physical connection. It can't, in fact, because you lose all connectivity - including through the VPN - if that connected route is missing.01:06
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hotbakedpotato[mits fixed now so..but i was curious as to how that traffic was slipping through.. other applications seemed blocked..and i had it to only allow connections to the ip:port of the vpn.01:07
hotbakedpotato[mthen once connected other apps could use the vpn01:08
Sven_vBhotbakedpotato[m, oh here you are. :)01:11
hotbakedpotato[mim here :P01:12
Sven_vBmetastable, what's a "connected" route? is it the default gateway for the physical network interface that provides the uplink for the VPN tunnel?01:13
metastableSven_vB: Any interface in the up state automatically creates a route entry for the local subnet defined by that interface's address and prefix.01:13
Sven_vBoh, of course01:14
metastableSven_vB: That route simply states that the next-hop interface for all traffic destined for the local subnet should simply be sent out that connected interface.01:14
Sven_vByeah that makes sense.01:14
Sven_vBso if some machine like a "home router" acts as a DN server, it would be reachable.01:15
hotbakedpotato[mi think i may know how..i have it setup to where the local network can access out. for home networking..maybe that is how it got out01:15
hotbakedpotato[m192.168.1.0/24 out?01:15
hotbakedpotato[mlike for home networking01:16
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metastableThat's the connected route that I'm referring to.01:20
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metastableYour system has to know how to route the encapsulating VPN traffic, so the connected route - to your gateway - has to be preserved even when the VPN is running.01:20
hotbakedpotato[myes thats probably it metastable  i got the dns leak fixed you think i should block off that traffic too? would anything else go through it to the internet?01:22
hotbakedpotato[mi thought leaving it open for home networking would be a good idea but i dont want traffic slipping to the internet through it01:23
metastablehotbakedpotato[m: You can't, or you won't be able to send any traffic through the VPN.01:23
hotbakedpotato[mwell i have the firewall set to allow the ip:port of the vpn to get through to connect.01:23
hotbakedpotato[mthe vpn has exceptions01:24
hotbakedpotato[mbut its specefic ips to a specific ports01:24
hotbakedpotato[mfor the vpn01:24
hotbakedpotato[mthen when its established other apps can use tun001:24
hotbakedpotato[myour saying blocking home networking would still block it?01:25
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metastableIt's possible, yes. You can't wall off traffic to the local gateway, or you have no way of routing VPN traffic to the other end.01:27
hotbakedpotato[mi understand thanks.01:27
boblamontI have two drives, one was a backup of the other. On those, the files were grouped by backup date. I've since sorted the files on the first drive into logical groups (i.e. graphics, links, notes, etc). Is there a (relatively fast, relatively simple) way of verifying that there's a copy of every file on the second drive (still sorted by date) on the first drive (now sorted by groups)?01:49
boblamontIf I hadn't organized the files on the first drive, I could just compare the directories, but now that I have changed the order, that seems shot. Manually, I could just look for each file one at a time, but I'm hoping for something similar to how something like fslint can identify duplicates, even with different names, but basically instead of finding all duplicates, just finding any match, then moving on to the next file. I expect there'01:52
coraxxboblamont: have you also changed the filenames for some of the files ?01:57
boblamontcoraxx: yes, though only if there were multiple copies on the first drive, so that probably wouldn't be much of an issue (the originals should still have the matching name, too)02:00
coraxxboblamont: then I would must likely go for the "find" solution ... where you list all filenames ( maybe get size, modified date to) with find ." from both folders and stream it to a textfile... then use that to match up.02:04
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coraxxboblamont: depending on the filestructure size and the complexity of the filenames, I would maybe put the if in a temporary database like SQLite ... so I could use SQL to query the data for a more complex comparison.02:08
coraxx*put the if = put the file02:08
boblamontcoraxx: I should be able to use diff on the lists I get from the find, right? If the files are the way I think they are, only the first drive would have anything unique or different.02:15
coraxxboblamont: if you have the same number of files in both textfiles on the are sorted the same, then you can use diff ... otherwise its gotta go through a script or SQL.02:17
coraxx*on = and02:17
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hiigDoes anyone have some time to assist with an issue I've got setting up 17.10?02:19
metastableWhat issue would that be?02:19
hiigEvery time I install the nVidia drivers, the system would freeze a few seconds after the desktop comes up02:20
boblamontcoraxx: ok, well, I'll start by making the lists. Thanks.02:20
hiigTried installing 390, 387 and 384, using both the PPA and the .run file from nVidia02:20
coraxxboblamont: yw :-)02:20
hiigI've also had this issue on Lubuntu 17.10 and Mint 18.2 and 18.302:21
kostkonhiig, we can only offer you support for Ubuntu here02:22
kostkonhiig, and its official derivatives, including Lubuntu but not Mint02:22
hiigYeah, that's fine. I was just pointing out that this was a problem spanning multiple distros. I'm attempting this at the moment on Ubuntu 17.1002:23
adalberthigg: does ubuntu have the program software-properties-gtk ? There's a tab under there for additional drivers including drivers for proprietary hardware, try installing from there ?02:27
hiigI have tried that one as well, installing the recommended driver. Forgot which version it was, but there was only one option anyway.02:28
david_ola boa noite02:35
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Bashing-omhiig: There can be but one driver installed . Let's ,atch the card to a driver . pastenin - lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - .02:48
p0aHello, I'm using mini.iso02:52
p0aI'm trying to install it from USB. It's stuck in "Retrieving file 1 of 13". How big is that file? can I check progress?02:53
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nojjjjjjjjjjjguys  iv converted an external hd to an internal now i cant access  it what can i do will post disk re drve03:10
pinPointis there a clear path to upgrade properly from 14.04  to 16.04 without breaking libs or dependency?03:11
nojjjjjjjjjjjit was an external that i wud plug into usb now its connected via sata03:11
pinPointI've issues from perl breaking to libglib2.0-dev missing, or libpcre3 going wacky.03:11
nojjjjjjjjjjjit should have two ntfs partitions and one fat3203:12
nojjjjjjjjjjjtotal 3TB03:12
nojjjjjjjjjjjalso noticed it is allocated to sda which is probobly what my primary os is was allocated as03:14
nojjjjjjjjjjjneed to access it from ubuntu03:15
isnicehi all. anyone deal with insanely slow SD card read speeds w/ exfat partitions? works fine with fat or ext3/4. i had to install exfat-fuse and exfat-utils to get it to work at all and am wondering if the issue lies there somewhere03:26
isniceubuntu 17.10, latest kernel03:27
|flyte|fresh install of 17.10 desktop. When I try to log in via the login screen, it accepts my password and then the whole system seems to freeze.. no keyboard / mouse input are recognized. If I boot up to the log in screen, however leave it and ALT F2 to goto tty, I can log in. I can also log in via ssh from remote. Problem seems to only be when I attempt to goto desktop (gnome now?). How would I pinpoint the problem?03:29
blue1|flyte|: sounds like the gui is the culprit.  have you looked at the logs for any error messages?03:31
Bashing-om|flyte|: Graphic's driver ? what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' in that F2 console interface ?03:31
|flyte|blue1, which log should I be looking at? I'm not exactly sure..03:32
|flyte|Bashing-om, standby.. I need to restart the machine.. currently frozen.03:32
blue1try something like:  sudo tail -150 /var/log/syslog | less  that shows the last 150 lines03:32
Bashing-om!sysrq | |flyte|03:32
ubottu|flyte|: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:32
|flyte|Bashing-om, could I do that via ssh insted of being in the F3 console?03:34
Bashing-om|flyte|: Yes .. ssh will also suffice .03:35
rflemingmy 17.10 is misbehaving03:36
|flyte|Bashing-om, https://pastebin.com/AeHVLK6303:36
rflemingon apt autoremove I get `run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms 4.13.0-19-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-19-generic`03:37
rflemingand it's stuck03:37
rfleming(hasn't moved in 24 hours)03:37
|flyte|blue1, Bashing-om : output of sudo tail -150 /var/log/syslog | less: https://pastebin.com/L2G5zNfq03:42
|flyte|blue1, Bashing-om - anything jump out in those logs?03:45
Bashing-om|flyte|: Do not see an issue in the log -- what am Il ooking for ?03:45
|flyte|Bashing-om, a reason that would explain why trying to log in freezes the machine.. X/Gnome error suspect?03:46
|flyte|Bashing-om, https://pastebin.com/AeHVLK63 is the output of the command sudo lshw -C display as requested03:48
Bashing-om|flyte|: Likely reason is no driver for the GUI . ' sudo lshw -C display ' . // ^^ looking .03:48
|flyte|I do get the login screen (X, not tty).. so it would suggest the driver is working (?).. unless the desktop env (gnome?) is looking for another.03:49
Bashing-om|flyte|: well old card but nouveau is loaded . GUI shou;d work with it .03:53
|flyte|ok.. I tail -f the syslog while I tried to log into D..03:56
matydanyone listen to podcasts? looking for a good program to use for listening to podcasts on my laptop03:57
cfhowlettvlc matyd03:57
matydawesome thanks cfhowlett03:58
phelixCould anyone help me make a rc.local command that will launch a program in a detached screen as root on startup?03:58
|flyte|Feb 12 19:56:47 maximus gsd-keyboard[1544]: g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_PROXY (proxy)' failed03:59
|flyte|Feb 12 19:57:49 maximus gnome-session[1320]: gnome-session-binary[1320]: WARNING: Application 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop' failed to register before timeout03:59
|flyte|Feb 12 19:57:49 maximus gnome-session[1320]: gnome-session-binary[1320]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....03:59
|flyte|Feb 12 19:57:49 maximus gnome-session-binary[1320]: Unrecoverable failure in required component org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop03:59
|flyte|Feb 12 19:57:49 maximus gnome-session-binary[1320]: WARNING: Application 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop' failed to register before timeout03:59
|flyte|Feb 12 19:57:49 maximus gnome-session-binary[1320]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....03:59
cfhowlett|flyte|, use pastbinit03:59
phelixThis is what I have so far. Doesn't seem to be working though  /bin/su root -c "/usr/bin/screen -dmS miner -c '/home/phelix/EthControl --accessToken=xxxxxxx --rigName=phelixWorkin'"04:00
O_GopalI'm having a problem with ibus-m17n. All was working fine. But then I did something--killed a process in a previous session?--and now m17n doesn't work. None of the languages that use m17n are shown with "Manage languages." And the "chooser" in the top panel that let me choose between languages is missing. I still see the language I've installed that uses m17n, but the gear icon for configuring it is dead. Any suggestions?04:16
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DirtyCajunphelix, 2 questions... 1 why do you want it as an rc.local command, 2. what version of ubuntu are you on to even be making rc.locals04:26
doge-dogeis there an easy way to add a sound to "popup notifications" on ubuntu mate?04:27
doge-dogeI can't believe that's not requested a lot?04:28
doge-dogeit seems to be application-based04:29
doge-dogewhether or not to issue the default sound from your existing sound theme04:29
DirtyCajundoge-doge, a 1 second google yields https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/how-to-add-sound-for-popup-notifications/612004:29
doge-dogeI saw that, no help really there -- and again they were talking about an email client04:30
doge-dogeum, are notifications queued in an indicator applet by chance?04:31
Boyettewhat kind of pop up notification?04:31
doge-dogethe problem is that your away from your machine for 10 seconds and miss it completely04:31
cfhowlettpopup duration is editable.04:32
rangemongerkde saves them kind of like w1004:33
doge-dogeactually cfhowlett, I don't think even that is specified lol04:33
Boyettehow about this04:33
Thoomsen/me is now away: Ich bin zur Zeit nicht online. Hinterlasse mir eine Nachricht.04:35
hggdhThoomsen: you actually would want to use /away, not /me04:36
doge-dogeBoyette, an interesting app for sure but likely out of date and again no sound by the looks of it...oh well, I'll just have to petition Wimpy again...04:37
doge-dogeI was thinking have a continuously running python script that monitors the wm whenever "notify-send" is invoked and then use sox to play the alert sound...but that gets complicated04:40
doge-doge...not playing the sound, but knowing whenever "notify-send" is invoked04:45
doge-dogelol: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1241804:55
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12418 in general "Add support for sounds" [Normal,New]04:55
cfhowlettdoge-doge, errr, no.  you said you're on Mate?  Mate uses gnome, does it not?  Not xfce04:57
doge-dogeyeah I know I was just reading around04:57
doge-dogedoes gnome vanilla have them?04:57
cfhowlettpretty sure all the major DE's have notifications04:58
doge-dogeyeah I was talking about the option for sound alerts04:58
doge-dogeI'm really glad that the option is there for apps to specify, thunderbird in particular05:01
doge-dogethey still don't have an official tray icon support05:02
doge-dogeubuntu also has a specific indicator extension right in thunderbird itself as well05:02
silv3r_m00nhi there05:05
silv3r_m00nis there someway, that at end of day when i turn off my computer, it saves the state and next day, reboots the same way it was yesterday, like all apps, windows etc open05:06
O_Gopalsilv3r_m00n: https://websiteforstudents.com/enable-hibernation-ubuntu-17-10-desktop/05:09
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=== Jack- is now known as JackK
Gizmo_RomickIs there a guide for someone interested in contributing to Ubuntu doing bug reports and such and then later, possibly, contributing code to open source?06:41
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu06:42
hateballGizmo_Romick: ^06:42
Gizmo_Romickthank you06:43
=== LocaMocha is now known as Sauvin
GotesHello. Question: Currently the shortcut <Alt + Left Mouse Click> Are used to move the window. I need this shortcut for a game. How can I change/cancel the shortcut?07:28
whateverzcleverhow do i use my phone as a speaker for my computer and can it be done via USB?07:30
eraserpencilhow do i enable x11vnc on startup?07:30
Apachezin ubuntu 17.10, when you have locked your screen and the password dialog refuse to show up when you press enter - is there some other shortcut to force it to show up?07:30
whateverzclevereraserpencil, something like sudo update-rc.d /etc/init.d/x11vnc07:33
whateverzcleverman update-rc.d07:34
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MouzzThere's something that annoys me on a server I upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 regarding mariadb. Maybe anyone has a solution.07:44
MouzzThe logrotate cronjob keeps producing an error every day07:45
Mouzz /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed. error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'07:45
MouzzPeople suggest adding the password (in plaintext) to /etc/mysql/debian.cnf but there must be a better way.07:46
Mouzz"sudo mysql -u root" works without having to provide a password and so does "mysql -u root" after "sudo -i"07:47
zetherooWhich file in here is the actual driver? https://paste.ubuntu.com/26547012/08:01
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anurodhany one have BCM43142 802.11 bgn wi-fi adapter drive package for ubuntu 17.1008:18
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:19
ducasseanurodh: tried this? ^^08:19
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zetheroodoes anyone know how to install and setup the ODBC driver in 16.04 using the packages in the Ubuntu repo?08:56
mjaykHaya all, I have a usb device which showed up in dmesg and worked fine. I went home rebooted this morning and it doesnt show up, not even in dmesg.09:00
mjaykI am a bit confused09:00
demahumI am looking forward to understand Ubuntu Kernel updates. For the beginning, if I do apt update followed by apt upgrade, and if the kernel update is available, I will get it that way, correct?09:02
gnaaai want to add some software via git clone09:04
gnaaai guess i make a folder under my user and a folder git and get the clones there09:05
gnaaaif i add users i might want to use the software also , should i make a git folder under home then ?09:05
gnaaaor /opt09:05
demahumgnaaa: /opt seems more appropriate for me then09:06
gnaaai take /opt/git09:06
demahumgnaaa: well, when you clone whatever it is, it will create the dir with its name, so you can go directly with /opt09:07
demahume.g. if you are cloning rq, you'll have /opt/rq/09:07
demahumThat seems better to me than to have /opt/git/rq/09:08
gnaaai dont get too much in opt in my experience an extra folder is overkill09:08
instigator_Hello. I have recently installed Ubuntu Server 16.04. I have set a static ip has follows: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gX3vMrndWv/ .I then restarted the server and after typing ifconfig, can see that it the static ip is there. However, if I ping a host which I know is up on the same network it doesnt work (says Destination Host Unreachable). What could be the problem?09:09
demahuminstigator_: is that other host ubuntu as well?09:10
demahuminstigator_: you're sure your gateway is 253? It's not 1?09:11
instigator_demahum: no it is a d-link router. I have also tried pinging Windows machines but got no response. yes the gateway is 25309:21
instigator_demahum: ubuntu server is the only linux machine on the network09:21
demahuminstigator_: can you paste your ifconfig output as well09:23
ducasseinstigator_: it says 'aut eno1' - should be 'auto eno1'09:23
demahumducasse: very good catch09:24
zetheroois it possible that the unixODBC package in Ubuntu 16.04 lacks the actual mysql ODBC driver lib ?09:28
gnaaai want to install gnu icecat browser. i can get the files and compile it or use git. git is always up to date right?09:34
gnaaai think git is cleaner09:35
gnaaawell icecat can update itself i guess09:35
instigator_demahum: 'aut eno1' was a typo in the paste, but it is 'auto eno1' in the interfaces config file. I have fixed the typo in the paste and also included the ifconfig output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bdBCm4FvRJ/09:39
demahuminstigator_: ping failes?09:41
zetheroocan someone help me find out which package contains the ODBC mysql driver in 16.04?09:42
instigator_demahum: yes, pinging, since pinging the default gateway also fails09:43
instigator_demahum: *pinging fails09:43
demahuminstigator_:  no idea then, hope so you'll solve it soon09:44
instigator_demahum: hope so too. thanks for the assitance09:45
serardI installed openvpn via "apt-get install openvpn", it started the daemon, and broke my ssh connection. I had to reinstall the system. dedicated private server. How can it be ? :o09:47
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jerichowasahoaxserard: is this a client or server config of openvpn09:50
serardI just made "apt-get install openvpn" and it broke09:51
jerichowasahoaxwell i'm not sure then, because i thought maybe it was routing your traffic through the vpn and that's what busted it09:51
jerichowasahoaxyou might ask #openvpn09:52
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ZidaneRickHey Guys, just wondering if anyone knows how to get hexchat to show in the tray when minimising to the tray on 17.10? Most of the guides i've seen are for unity not gnome10:18
bluefox83i wish there was a job near me where i could just admin ubuntu servers and desktops/laptops >.>10:20
bluefox83closest thing to me was a job posting at the university of kentucky for a student to teach a professor how to use libreoffice lol10:21
matti1I'm trying to build a custom liveusb, can someone give me a few pointers?10:32
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/10:32
hateballmatti1: ^10:32
matti1hateball: thanks!10:32
matti1I only found links for burning existing isos10:33
matti1uck has been discontinued, someone might want to update that10:34
matti1It's me again10:52
matti1debootstrap gives error about being mounted with noexec or nodev10:53
matti1what's the best way to get around this?10:54
matti1mounting an empty iso without the flags?10:54
blackflowmatti1: mount the partition without noexec,nodev?10:55
matti1i am an idiot10:56
matti1probably shouldnt do this in my home dir10:56
matti1works on /work, since my root is on a dif partition10:57
matti1what's $RELEASE for ubuntu 16.04 LTS?10:58
matti1can be found from /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts10:59
matti1my problem with irc is that I tend to ask before thinking11:01
matti1yeah, ID10T error11:03
conyohello all can anyone help me with this my hard drive isnt showing the partitions it had on it seconds last reboot11:03
matti1choosing to use a cli client on a phone makes opening links hard11:04
tomeaton17Where should I install user systemd scripts? I am trying to convert some old upstart style scripts to systemd.11:05
matti1conyo: try restoring the table with testdisk11:06
conyois it a case of sudo apt-get install testdisk11:07
matti1i'll walk you through using it in a bit11:07
matti1ping me when you have it installed11:08
conyocool thanks just a quick one tho can gparted or disk do same (repair partitions table) or fdisk11:08
conyoim curious and im new to this stuff thats y im asking11:09
conyo<matti1> ready mate11:14
matti1conyo: I dont think gparted can do this11:15
yang2Does Ubuntu maintain a list/page of Ubuntu consultants?11:15
matti1okay, so which disk is this? /dev/sda?11:15
conyoby the way <matti1> the drive used to be an external but i took it out of the shell and hooked up power and sata now its inside my tower11:17
matti1conyo: run "sudo testdisk" and choose no log11:17
matti1then choose your disk from the list11:18
matti1conyo: are you following?11:19
conyojust a sec pls11:19
matti1yeah no prob11:19
conyojust before we start can you have a look at this keep in mind i used to have 2 ntfs partitions and one fat3211:23
matti1this should be nonidestructive11:24
conyocan we start over with commands please11:24
conyoim guessing sdc11:25
conyobased on the  screenshot of my disk11:25
matti1sdc has partitions11:26
matti1arent we looking for one with a corrupted table or something11:26
matti1lemme look at your first pic again11:27
matti1oh yeah, sdc11:28
matti1well, letd analyze it11:29
conyoit has partitions but i cant browse them from gui or the terminal11:29
matti1"sudo testdisk /dev/sdc"11:29
conyoand the size looks off to me i see no mention ot ntfs1  ntfs2 fat3211:29
conyoim there what shall i choose11:30
conyotable type11:30
matti1intel, probably11:30
matti1* :)11:30
matti1then analyze11:30
matti1quick search11:31
matti1or backup first11:31
matti1conyo: choose backup first11:32
matti1just in case11:32
conyook i need to go backwards lol how do i cancel at this point so can bup11:33
matti1ctrl c :)11:33
matti1too much jpeg, cant read :/11:35
matti1are those the partitions you're looking for?11:35
xeon_kyoi need a bit help about writing bash , does somebody know bash writing here?11:35
matti1xeon_kyo: I know some, hit me up11:35
conyostart fresh matti you mean11:37
matti1I am a bit of a meanie, sorry :)11:37
conyonah not at all11:37
matti1your screenshot is too blurry for me to read11:38
matti1are the partitions testdisk found the missing ones?11:38
xeon_kyoi want to make a script , which read a multilined variable until #PROGRAM11:39
matti1btw I love vim, removing n lines is so easy11:39
conyoi think its what im after but im not certain looking at there is also a fat 32 partition rather large11:39
conyoi think so11:39
xeon_kyotried to figure out with AWK but the problem is AWK read lines after #PROGRAM11:40
conyoif i go a head can we go backwards later on11:40
matti1conyo: well you did backup so lets try writing the table11:40
conyoim not sure i did bup i didnt see any output or indication i did11:41
conyognna bup now one more time just to be sure11:41
xeon_kyoor more simpler i need to tell my script to rewrite the file after line 2511:41
matti1xeon_kyo: are you sure you wanna do this in bash? :P11:41
xeon_kyoyes i need it :(11:41
xeon_kyoin php its easy but bash a lbit hardy for me :(11:42
matti1conyo: it should have created backup.log11:42
matti1xeon_kyo: is #PROGRAM on its own line?11:43
xeon_kyoyes the #PROGRAM is at the 25 line and always will be in at line 2511:44
matti1then take only 24 lines11:44
xeon_kyohow can i tell to bash?11:44
matti1head -n 2411:44
matti1pipe it through11:44
matti1conyo: how's it going?11:45
xeon_kyotrying out now11:45
matti1got your backup.log?11:45
conyoim so scared11:47
conyoi think so11:47
conyowhere would i find it11:47
conyojust want to be sure11:48
matti1conyo: should be in your working dirrctory11:48
conyolike home11:48
matti1the dir you ran testdisk in11:48
matti1probs home11:48
conyobut if i can access it currently from terminal how do i check11:49
conyocan u pls be patient and walk me through11:49
matti1close testdisk & ls11:49
xeon_kyothis head doesnt seems to working :(11:49
matti1well I'm trying, the language barrier might make it seem like I am not11:50
xeon_kyocan i share my code with u?11:50
matti1xeon_kyo: plz pastebin/gist relevant code11:50
conyohang ten getting there wont be a second11:51
conyofeel like a tard but yes i have my bup11:53
matti1dont feel bad11:53
matti1its only human to be worried11:53
conyokeep helping other guy while i get back to where we were11:54
matti1now run testdisk again, this time dont choose backup11:54
conyowill do brb11:54
matti1can't really help xeon_kyo atm as he's uploading his code11:55
catmandohey akk11:55
matti1gonna work on my liveusb in tje meantime11:55
matti1hey catmando11:55
catmandodoes anyone have any experience deploying the ubuntu ova into vmware?11:55
matti1whats up11:55
xeon_kyocheck it11:55
catmandoit seems...impossible11:55
matti1xeon_kyo: will do11:55
xeon_kyoi wroted what i want concretely11:55
tomeaton17Trying to convert an upstart script to systemd. This is the upstart part https://gist.github.com/tomeaton17/6955736c1bd40aaea96de73fb1e7a425 I put the bash into a seperate script and tried to run it, but the start command is not found, is this part of upstart?11:59
matti1xeon_kyo: I'm not sure what you mean by rewriting with echo11:59
matti1xeon_kyo: can you post example output file?12:00
xeon_kyoi want to continue file after #PROGRAM with pasting my multilined variable12:00
conyomatti i got to have a smoke im about to sh?+ my pants with anxiety12:00
matti1conyo: okay lol12:00
matti1xeon_kyo: how about "head $file -n 24 --quiet > $file && echo $MULTILINEVAR >> $file"12:02
matti1where $file is your file12:02
matti1if the amouny of lines changes, we could check the line number with grep12:02
conyomatty1 can you please look at this 1 img paste please when i did the scan it shows 3 lines one is a linux swap one is ntfs about the correct size of on of the two ntfs sizes and the third looks as big as the whole drive not leaving enough for the the other ntfs partition and fat size12:07
matti1xeon_kyo: you can replace 24 with $(expr $(grep -n "#PROGRAM" $file | cut -f1 -d:) - 1)12:08
conyocant see second ntfs partition12:10
matti1well rip other partition :/12:10
conyoeach one should be about a gig12:10
conyotwo total12:10
conyo3tb total12:10
matti1conyo: you can use side arrows to delete partitions12:11
conyowhat you mean champ? rip12:11
matti1conyo: if the one giant partition is overlapping the others, delete it by tapping left arrow until the "P" changed to "D"12:12
matti1deleting doesnt destroy any data, just removed it from the table12:13
matti1if everything somehow blows we can still salvage all files12:13
matti1xeon_kyo: did you try my bash one liner?12:14
conyoso i delete the big one and write the correct size one12:14
matti1conyo: yes12:14
conyohow can we find the other ntfs one12:14
xeon_kyothe last line doesnt clear cause i dont see where i can write my new variables which will be writen after the #PROGRAM line12:14
conyocorrect size one (second ntfs partition i need)12:15
conyodeeper scan12:15
matti1xeon_kyo: define the variable before this one: VARIABLE="type multiline here and close with "12:15
matti1conyo: yeah deeper search on the next screen12:16
matti1xeon_kyo: before "this one" I mean before the line with head12:17
xeon_kyoi meaned on this " $(expr $(grep -n "#PROGRAM" $file | cut -f1 -d:) - 1) "12:18
xeon_kyonow im trying this "head $file -n 24 --quiet > $file && echo $MULTILINEVAR >> $file"12:18
matti1oh, that one goes in the place of 2412:18
conyoso what letter do  i need next to partition i want to keep 'partition i want to delete12:19
xeon_kyothis line is clear for me "head $file -n 24 --quiet > $file && echo $MULTILINEVAR >> $file"12:19
matti1conyo: P for primary, L for logical, D for DELETE12:19
xeon_kyomy device doesnt like it12:19
matti1xeon_kyo: wait what?12:19
darkicehi, i was trying to install cuda on a machine and ended up doing dpkg -i on the debian files. I ran sudo apt-get -f install after dpkg and it couldn't fetch some local files12:20
conyonot sure if i should choose L or P they are just storage partitions not sure if i chose primary or logical can you help with that12:20
darkiceapt-get gives the message that some packagesneed fixing12:20
xeon_kyo"head text.txt -n 24 --quiet > text.txt && echo $myvar >> text.txt" i put this code to my bash line12:20
matti1darkice: please use a PPA, dont do local debs. uninstall the local ones first12:20
darkicehow do i mass uninstall all the debs?12:21
matti1conyo: should be primary unless you've made them logical while creating12:21
shaheenis there a way for the terminal to auto color syntax, like it is shown here https://github.com/Mayccoll/Gogh12:21
xeon_kyohead: invalid option -- '-'12:21
xeon_kyogot this back12:21
matti1xeon_kyo: echo might be trying to execute your var, try without echo first12:22
darkicei installed a lot of debs from a folder. How do i uninstall all of them at once?12:22
conyodoing a deeper search not12:23
xeon_kyoi found the " --quiet " is the problem12:23
matti1darkice: for DEB in $(ls /the/path/with/debs | grep .deb | xargs); do dpkg --uninstall; done12:24
matti1darkice: I mean dpkg --uninstall $DEB12:24
conyogot a warning number of bytes per sector mismatches 4096 (NTFS) 1=512 (HD) currently scanning12:24
conyocurrently deep scanning12:25
matti1uh ignore for now :)12:25
conyook let u know when fin12:25
xeon_kyomatti1 thanks12:26
xeon_kyoi fixed it12:26
xeon_kyohead helped me out!12:26
xeon_kyogod bless u ;) :)12:26
matti1xeon_kyo: works now? cool12:26
xeon_kyoyes yes must writed line by line cause my linux satellite receiver doesnt know these extra commands12:27
xeon_kyothanks mate!12:27
matti1other way would have been a readline loop, but if it's always 24 lines this should do fine12:27
matti1xeon_kyo: no prob :)12:27
darkicedpkg doesn't have an option uninstall12:27
matti1darkice: replace with correct option :D12:28
matti1it was just pseudocode12:28
Borw3darkice: sudo apt-get autoremove "name of package you installed with dpkg"12:28
matti1the names should be visible in dpkg log me thinks12:29
matti1dpkg -P should purge packages12:30
EriC^^darkice: give this a shot    for i in *.deb; do dpkg -P $(dpkg-deb -f "$i" Package); done12:31
conyomatti1 think i best check back with you in 30 currently at 7500 of 36480012:32
matti1how did I mess up the var in *.ext part? I've gotten rusty12:32
matti1conyo: I'll try to still be here in 30; if not, ask someone else :D12:33
darkicehey Eric, it removes some packages but some failed to purge because of dependency problems12:33
matti1gonna be building my liveusb12:33
EriC^^darkice: they might be packages that are already used by the system, or try to run the loop again12:34
conyookay mate thanks for your help can you give me a run down of what else to do12:35
conyoif i find my other ntfs make it a primary12:35
conyoand how do i search for fat12:35
conyonot intel12:36
EriC^^are you using testdisk conyo ?12:37
conyoalso how to restore the backup12:37
conyocurrently deep scanning but i will be ages12:37
EriC^^what are you trying to recover?12:37
conyotill deep scan is complete 3TB12:37
conyopartitiions that stopped showing up after i put the external usb drive inside the tower and hooked up sata and power12:38
conyodid this with two other externals and no drama12:39
EriC^^conyo: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo parted -ls' ?12:39
conyohad an issue with this external plug was faulty12:39
conyoso just hooked it up via sata12:39
conyowhen pluged in it could be seen in gparted but the partitions didnt show up correct sizes12:41
conyoshould of had one fat 32 and two ntfs partitions12:41
conyowhen initially scanned drive with teststick sizes of partitions appeared wrong except for one which looked correct12:42
conyotook a backup of table before we started12:42
conyonow performing a deeper scan to see if can find other correct sized ntfs partition12:43
conyoand i could never access the drives via gui or terminal since putting inside tower12:44
realieshow to disable pti in ubuntu?12:48
realiesadded nopti to the boot params but am not sure if there's a way to confirm it12:48
=== andreslara501_ is now known as andreslara501
ecormierrealies: dmesg | grep iso12:50
realiesecormier, wtf https://dpaste.de/jLo4/raw :)12:50
realiesoh that's previous boots12:50
=== O is now known as Guest85603
realiesnot sure why after the machine froze my gpu has 30-35% lower performance12:51
realiestried different slot, same result12:51
matti1the LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch is too outdated12:55
matti1where is isolinux.bin these days12:55
matti1nvm I didnt have it installed, how did I miss it12:56
matti1the path noe has ALL CAPS12:56
matti1conyo: I don't remember all the steps, but I can help when the scan is done12:57
guest-xxfbec_greetings coders12:58
matti1backups are recovered after the quick scan screen by pressing L and writing changes to disk12:59
guest-xxfbec_how is everyones day12:59
matti1guest-xxfbec_: did u just assume my hobby/profession??? /sarcasm12:59
matti1I identify as a sysadmin12:59
guest-xxfbec_maybe i did ;)13:00
oerheksguest-xxfbec_, do you have an ubuntu support question?13:00
guest-xxfbec_aa no is it a support channel13:00
oerheksthere is #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat13:01
carloshay alguien?13:02
realiesweird, https://dpaste.de/6PKD/raw13:04
matti1I might have borked my install13:12
matti1sudo complains of no tty/askpass defined13:13
ketzalbuenos  dias. por  favor  una  guia de  ubuntu 16.4 en  español13:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:14
realieshow do i see radeon clock info from terminal?13:16
BillD73realies: lscpu?13:18
realiesBillD73 no gpu info in the cpu info13:18
BillD73oh sorry  Idk otherwise   google lol13:20
zykotick9realies: try "sudo lshw -class display"13:22
zizuhello !13:22
realieszykotick9, no clock info13:23
BillD73realies: For ATI/AMD GPUs, aticonfig --odgc will fetch the clock rates, and aticonfig --odgtwill fetch the temperature data.13:24
realiesBillD73, ubuntu?13:24
zykotick9realies: ummm.  sorry.  well best of luck.13:24
BillD73realies: https://askubuntu.com/questions/5417/how-to-get-the-gpu-info13:24
=== dennisa is now known as DennisA
oerheksaticonfig is no more in the radeondriver ..13:26
oerhekssudo lshw -class display | grep "clock"13:26
realiesclock: 33MHz doesn't sound real13:26
BillD73realies: i ran it on my main with ati 7650 and it returned 33 on both gpu13:32
matti1does the LiveCD customization from scratch guide still work?13:32
hiigWhat exactly is the correct way to clone an entire drive? I can't seem get get my new drive bootable. Using gparted, I created ext4 and swap as sdb1 and sdb2, then used dd to copy the ext4 in sda1 over to sdb1.13:32
matti1I've come across a lot of non-functioning things13:32
matti1hiig: you need to set the bootable flag and run grub-install13:33
matti1in a chroot13:33
hiigGive me a few minutes, and I'll try that out. I need to redo the dd stage13:34
matti1why are you using gparted?13:34
matti1I'd try clonezilla13:34
matti1or gparted+rsync13:35
matti1not dd13:35
zykotick9hiig: ahhh, i think your dd'ing to a filesystem is a little "off" as well, just sayin'13:35
hiigmattti1: gparted is not good? i just wanted the gui for it13:37
matti1clonezilla had a gui13:37
hiigunfamiliar with it13:37
matti1I'm not blaming you for wanting a gui, but what exactly are you doing with gparted in this situation13:38
vitalkanevclonezilla is like... NCurses (or so) based13:38
matti1I remember using a gui with it, maybe it was 3rd party13:38
matti1anyway, you could also just dd the whole disk13:39
hiigahh, i neglected to mention that i needed to shrink the original ext4. old drive is 80 gig. new drive is 6013:40
hiigwhich is why i couldnt dd the whole disk13:40
matti1oh okay13:40
hiigso i used gparted to shrink the old ext4, then create the partitions on the new drive13:40
matti1well, shrink and then dd the whole thing :)13:40
matti1just set the right block size and count13:41
matti1easy as rocket science13:41
barnexHello, is there a way in pulse to record sound from just one application? I'm thinking virtual device with a monitor that then forwards the sound to real device for it to get mixed?13:41
hiigblock size only affects the write performance during the cloning, correct? doesnt affect usage afterwards?13:41
matti1hiig: amount of data read and written is blocksize * count13:43
matti1with bs=2M you need twice as big count as with bs=4M13:44
matti1oh man13:45
matti1after all this work it turns out the outdated guide doesn't create a bootable iso13:45
hiigright, so bs=4M count=10 would essentially mean that 40 KB of data is copied? So I would need to pick values that would be equal to or less than the capacity of the target drive/partition?13:46
SwedeMikehiig: 40 megabyte of data.13:46
matti140 MB me thinks13:46
hiigRight, typo. Sorry.13:47
matti1you need to check your existing disk's bs and count13:47
hiigHow would I do that?13:47
matti1it wont boot if the partition isn't fully copied13:48
matti1gparted should tell you13:48
hiigI'll go check...13:48
matti1can someone link an up to date working guide for creating custom liveusbs?13:49
HoloIRCUsercan I start gui app in non grafical login13:50
TheSilentDrifterHey everyone, I am currently playing around with the sudoers file in a sandboxed environment, and I know that if you run `sudo -l -U <user>` That it shows the current sudoers permission for the specified user. Is there a way to do this for groups? I have tried `sudo -l -g <group-name>`, and it is throwing an error13:50
BluesKajHowdy folks13:51
ducasseHoloIRCUser: not without starting x or wayland first13:52
hiigNope, can't find anything in gparted. Anyway, I just loaded clonezilla onto a USB. Will try it out now13:52
frechdachs69Q: anywhere an rpyc package for Xenial?13:53
matti1hiig: fdisk should also tell13:53
frechdachs69HoloIRCUser: you can use xvfb-run13:53
oerheksmatti1, cubic https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image ( as UCK is a dead project)13:56
ubottuuck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/13:56
HoloIRCUserducasse: can I port forward x server via ssh13:56
matti1thanks oerheks13:57
matti1why didnt anyone mention cubic before14:00
matti1oh well14:00
matti1at least I helped someone on here while strugling14:00
objstrangerGuys. I need your help.14:01
Nissaarguys i need some help14:01
Nissaarim packaging a nodejs snap ' POKEMON SHOWDOWN'. It has well been packaged. The .yaml and the problem is in: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9Bs8xhCWnx/14:03
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Nissaaranyone help please ?14:03
=== christian_crow is now known as natten
Nissaaranyone ?14:04
matti1I need to take a break, I hope you find help :)14:05
Nissaarim packaging a nodejs snap ' POKEMON SHOWDOWN'. It has well been packaged. The .yaml and the problem is in: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/86msQx28N2/14:08
realiesok, used the bios switch button on the rx580 and it started working as expected with the powerplay error gone from the logs14:08
realiesany ideas what the fck?14:09
Nissaarpopey:  im packaging a nodejs snap ' POKEMON SHOWDOWN'. It has well been packaged. The .yaml and the problem is in: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/86msQx28N2/14:10
cart_manI am having a extraordinarily hard time installing a simple sftp like vsftpd on Ubuntu MATE ... could someone please help me out? No matter how I set it up I can not log into it whatsoever14:17
TheSilentDriftercart_man: Have you checked firewall settings? UFW has many a time been a blocker for me14:17
cart_manTheSilentDrifter Well it says inactive14:17
TheSilentDriftercart_man: It was a shot in the dark14:18
TheSilentDriftercart_man: What version of ubuntu are  you on?14:18
cart_manUbuntu MATE arm7 16.0414:18
cart_man2 days 2 try and install a stupid ftp ...14:18
cart_manBut this specific ubuntu also will not allow me acccess to mysql from anywhere accept
cart_manI dont get it and im pretty much about to burn this place down14:19
TheSilentDriftercart_man: I totally get how frustrating it can be when things don't work easily.14:19
TheSilentDriftercart_man: mysql has access control settings. It is likely you need to adjust those. As far as the ftp server, what does systemctl show?14:20
TheSilentDriftercartman: were there any issues with it starting?14:20
metastablecart_man: mysql includes a field in its user table that specifies where a user can log in from. By default, it's localhost only for security reasons.14:22
cart_manTheSilentDrifter Let me check that out14:22
cart_manmetastable : Oh yea I am familiar with the table and its set as it should be 'user'@'%' etc14:23
cart_manTheSilentDrifter : Now that you mention it ... I have to restart the ssh via /etc/init.d/ssh restart everytime I restart the Device14:23
TheSilentDriftercart_man: you should be restarting sshd with systemctl `sudo systemctl restart sshd` you can then enable it with `sudo systemctl enable sshd`14:24
Richard_CavellHi everyone. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 MATE 64-bit. I have a problem with my System->Administration menu.14:25
TheSilentDriftercart_man: after it is enabled you shouldn't have to restart it everytime14:25
TheSilentDrifterRichard_Cavell: What seems to be the problem?14:25
Richard_Cavellhttps://ibin.co/3rZZMW0ofdRh.png An item has disappeared. I think it's Synaptic Package Manager. I might have accidentally deleted it. How do I get it back?14:25
TheSilentDrifterRichard_Cavell: `sudo apt install synaptic`14:26
Richard_CavellTheSilentDrifter, Yay! It's back!14:27
TheSilentDrifterRichard_Cavell: No problem :)14:27
TheSilentDriftercart_man: Any update?14:30
cart_manTheSilentDrifter Ok ... I have this friend in #linux channel who pointed out that my Ubuntu Mate needs pam_service_name=ftp to work ...and it did14:33
cart_manI have NO IDEA why14:33
TheSilentDriftercart_man: Crazy. That was my next suggestion :P14:33
TheSilentDriftercart_man: glad that you found a way to make it work for ya14:34
cart_manTheSilentDrifter What does that do though?14:34
cart_manGosh after 2 days hahahah14:34
cart_manthanks though14:34
TheSilentDriftercart_man: You have to explicitly specify that you are allowing authentication over ftp.14:34
TheSilentDriftercart_man: happy hunting :)14:35
cart_manTheSilentDrifter Thanks allot man!14:36
raanstAre anybody use X-Chat on Ubuntu 17.10?14:40
oerheksraanst, xchat is no longer under development, use the fork Hexcaht14:41
raanstThank You @oerheks14:41
nerdinjacart_man: i've been in a similar boat recently, might be able to help14:44
nerdinjayou still working on it?14:44
raanstWhere can I find discussions from Ubuntu developers?14:46
nerdinjaraanst: you might try ##linux ##webdev, #bash, #reddit-sysadmin, something along those lines14:47
nerdinjaif you type /list ubuntu you should get in response a list of irc channels on your selected network with similar names14:48
oerheksraanst, see mailinglists https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment14:48
oerheksnerdinja, i doubt ubuntu development hang out in those channels14:48
Piciraanst: #ubuntu-devel14:50
cart_mannerdinja : I have luckily found the problem. Thanks allot for the offer though I really appreciate it !14:50
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist and !alis - See also !Guidelines14:51
nerdinjacart_man: no problem, what was the issue if i may ask?14:53
raanstThank to us so much, I back to Ubuntu from Windows-side and I wanna know everything about it.14:53
cart_mannerdinja : So I have been building this system in Ubuntu right.. and it requires MySql and VSFTPD and a couple of other stuff. So then I try and move the entire system to an ARM version using Ubuntu Mate for arm7. AND MAAAAAAN cross compiling as well as just basic MySQL and VSFTPD utils where a nightmare ... BUT I think it was just my lacking experience though. So turns out a single line in hte vsftpd.conf file solved 2 days of struggling hahahaha14:55
nerdinjacart_man: yeah, that whole 'one line breaking the entire chain' happens quite a lot14:57
darkicei installed some debs with dpkg but while running apt-get -f install, it fails telling me some packages could not be fetched. these packages are all being looked for in a local directory14:57
nerdinjaoff topid but does anybody else loathe/despise the default 'exclamation' sound in Windows 10?14:57
nerdinjagod it gets on my nerves...14:58
nerdinjadarkice: hm, do you need to add repositories?14:58
nerdinjawhat pkgs?14:58
darkiceI was trying to install cuda on ubuntu 16.04 using the provided deb file on the nvidia website14:59
darkiceit extracted into /var/cudasomething with a lot of debs and release, release.gpg and a .pub file15:00
darkicei ran dpkg -i *.deb in that directory15:00
darkiceand then apt-get install -f to fix the dependencies15:00
darkicebut the apt-get part fails15:00
oerheksdarkice, please paste the errors, paste.ubuntu.com15:01
darkicehere is the paste : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4WY9nBxYHm/15:02
oerheksand is there a guide you followed? this one seems working https://askubuntu.com/questions/799184/how-can-i-install-cuda-on-ubuntu-16-0415:02
darkicei followed the instructions on the nvidia page15:03
oerheksdarkice, that requested package is on the nvidia site too.. https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1604/x86_64/#nvidia-modprobe_387.26-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb15:04
oerheksi guess you need to download it , also the other .deb packages15:04
darkiceso i have to manually fix all the dependencies?15:05
oerheksdarkice, yes15:05
oerheksapt-get only uses our repos, and added repos, you have to do this manually as nvidia gives no repository15:06
darkicebut is there any way to remove all the packages that have unmet dependencies15:06
nerdinjacan't you do sudo apt purge <pkg name>?15:07
darkicei found this : https://askubuntu.com/questions/595400/unmet-dependencies-cannot-remove-package-libgbm115:07
nerdinjaand start over?15:07
darkicepurge isn't working15:07
darkicebecause of the unmet dependencies15:07
oerheksapt remove --force-yes should do the trick15:09
oerheksstill, i would continue and download the 3 missing .deb's15:11
darkiceand install them separately?15:12
oerheksdarkice, yes, with dpkg -i(nstall)15:12
darkicebut another problem is i'm installing cuda 9.0 and these packages are being searched in a previous cuda 9.1 folder15:12
oerheksoh, use cuda 9.1 ..15:13
darkicetensorflow doesn't support 9.1 :(15:13
nerdinjaanybody know of a thread somewhere in which people from all over post their desktop(s)/workflows?15:15
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fishiewhy does my Xubuntu take over a minute to boot up every time on my brand new system?15:16
fishieit sits on that screen with the circle turning for over a minute.15:17
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fishieI thought maybe it was detecting new stuff but it does this every time.15:18
ducassefishie: run 'systemd-analyze blame' to see what takes time to start15:36
fishieducasse, thanks.15:37
oerheksnerdinja, this tread is rather old.. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=699172&page=1215:37
fishieducasse, strange. it only shows networkmanager-wait-online.service taking 5.7s. next two taking 3-4 seconds.15:39
fishiebut I counted well over 60 seconds. {didn't have a watch with seconds nearby, so wasn't accurate, but counted to 75}15:39
oerheks75 sec is not bad, with a hdd (not ssd)15:40
fishieoerheks, I have a SSD.15:41
fishieonly my home drive is on an HDD15:42
fishie... I linked in my home folder to a folder on the SSD, but that shouldn't make anything worse.15:44
oerheks2 storage devices, i think it sounds oke15:45
catmandoguys, what's going on with the cloud-init images?15:45
catmandothey hang at boot15:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573095 in Ubuntu "16.04 cloud image hangs at first boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:45
catmandothis was opened in 2016!15:46
catmandois nobody really using those? why are they even being produced?15:46
fishieI could have sworn it booted faster on my worse hardware.15:46
lordcirth_workOh that bug.  Yeah I remember running into that a year ago15:47
fishienow I upgrade, from a system I cut corners on 3 years ago, to a new $1K system where I splurged on RAM and CPU and a SSD, and yet it's slower.15:47
catmandolordcirth_work: mine?15:48
catmandohow did you deal with it?15:48
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lordcirth_workcatmando, the workaround at the bottom: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/1573095/comments/3615:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573095 in Ubuntu "16.04 cloud image hangs at first boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:48
lordcirth_workfishie, 'systemd-analyze blame' and 'systemd-analyze critical-chain'15:49
lordcirth_workOh, someone said that already, sorry15:49
catmandolordcirth_work: on vmware, tried, no dice15:49
lordcirth_workYou tried the equivalent, adding a pty?15:50
lordcirth_workWell I don't know VMware, sorry15:50
catmandolordcirth_work: yep15:51
catmandoin fact, pre-boot i see another error: device not found: /root15:51
jimmyMSG . 0.015:53
lordcirth_workcatmando, that seems bad :P15:58
catmandoyeah, i think the only solution is to roll our own15:58
lordcirth_work /root isn't normally it's own mount, though, so that's weird15:58
catmandoi guess they're just not enough interest in the cloud images being prebuilt15:58
lordcirth_workI use LXC containers bootstrapped by SaltStack's lxc.init, by the way15:58
catmandootherwise a bug that big would not stay open for two years15:59
lordcirth_workSalt also supports VMware, I think?15:59
lordcirth_workOr everyone just tacked on a pty and kept going15:59
catmandoi can certainly check15:59
catmandoyou may be right, but that's a workaround, not a fix.16:00
lordcirth_workA sufficiently easy and automated workaround is pretty close16:01
lordcirth_workBut yeah, "failed to boot" being open for 2 years is silly16:02
theCzarQQ on unattended-upgrades.  Is there a way to configure at what time those updates are applied, so as to restict them to a certain time?16:04
oerhekstheCzar, yes, https://askubuntu.com/questions/824718/ubuntu-16-04-unattended-upgrades-runs-at-random-times16:07
oerheksOnCalendar=<your time>16:07
theCzaroerheks: thanks! So it's just a matter of configuring the apt cron.  I'm on 14.04 still, so I'm guessing I'll just have to use Crontab instead of SystemD16:10
mikkelim have no ideas im program html and php16:10
oerhekstheCzar, oh, 14.04 .. not sure if that works..16:10
theCzaroerheks: ah, hmm…16:11
raptelanHow can I keep `apt-get install some_package` from starting the service associated with that package?16:11
theCzarraptelan: this works on Debian, I assume it does on Ubuntu https://major.io/2014/06/26/install-debian-packages-without-starting-daemons/16:13
lotus-seagateioria: i solved it with usb autosuspend...16:14
oerhekssudo RUNLEVEL=1 apt-get install <service>16:14
raptelantheCzar: it does not.16:14
raptelantheCzar: there is no policy-rc.d on Ubuntu.16:16
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raptelanI agree wholeheartedly with "I still have a very difficult time understanding why Debian-based distributions start daemons as soon as the package is installed. Having an option to enable this might be useful for some situations, but this shouldn’t be the default."16:16
oerheksraptelan, this is by design, for ubuntu that is16:18
oerheksthat url says create policy-rc.d, and remove after install, AFAIK16:18
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raptelanit's a crap design decision, sorry to say.  Inherited from Debian I know.16:20
raptelanoerheks: Ubuntu does not check for the policy-rc.d, only Debian does.16:21
oerheksraptelan, then i guess this should work, runlevel=1 prevents starting of the deamon: sudo RUNLEVEL=1 apt-get install <service>16:22
raptelanoerheks: hmm, that might work well, let me play with that :)16:22
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ecvhi, I have some problem upgrading. It's stuck configuring grub-common (2.02~beta3-4ubuntu7.1). I tried apt-get install -f  and dpkg --configure -a but it always gets stuck on that package and can't finish installing other packages. It prints "update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults" I believe t16:26
ecvhis "/bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-common.postinst configure 2.02~beta3-4ubuntu7" This is 17.10 64. Help please16:26
naccecv: the warning is just that a warning, not an error16:30
ecvnacc but I can't upgrade the next packages16:31
ecvwait im preparing an english full log, wait for the timeout16:31
ecvplease see here https://pastebin.com/vbKNLD7w16:35
naccecv: ugh, you've mixed a bunch of releases?16:40
naccecv: i think this is a known bug (without a fix yet), let me find it16:40
ecvI upgraded from 16.1016:40
naccecv: LP: #170534516:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1705345 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Installing new kernel hangs on plymouth --ping" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170534516:41
ecvdo you need output of systemctl and journalctl ?16:41
naccecv: you can kill the plymouth tasks and i think it will continue16:41
ecvthank you nacc !!!16:41
doug16klol, saw this in my syslog: NVIDIA: Using 24576.00 MB of virtual memory for indirect memory (I have 64GB)16:41
naccecv: yw, it's being hit relatively frequently, just subscribe to that bug16:41
doug16kgrep -P '(warning|error|failed|unexpected|denied)' /var/log/syslog | wc -l   -> 468, lol16:46
doug16kgrep -iP '(warning|error|failed|unexpected|denied)' /var/log/syslog | wc -l   -> 666, lol16:47
ecvnacc: it looks like killall plymouth during the upgrade helped indeed. Thanks a bunch16:50
ecvill reboot with cross fingers16:50
naccecv: yw16:51
oerheks!cookie | nacc16:52
ubottunacc: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:52
telboonanyone knows for snaps, where is the directory what the app stores its config files? (eg /etc/xxx.conf)17:09
telbooni'm trying to find the equivalent of /etc/mongod.conf in the snap set up17:09
oerheksextended post about snap config files https://askubuntu.com/questions/762354/where-can-ubuntu-snaps-write-data17:12
nacctelboon: #snappy, for support, and it fully depends on the snap17:13
nacctelboon: there are common locations, but they are per-snap17:13
oerheks /var/snap/<name>/common and /home/$USER/snap/<name>/common17:13
Sean_McGis there a way to boot and have systemd start it's services one by one so that I can find the source of whatever is causing my PC speaker to buzz?17:15
telboonthanks nacc & oerheks!17:16
Sean_McGor maybe a better question: can having a "tainted" kernel cause that?17:16
oerheksSean_McG, this page may be a help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers#systemd >>> "systemd.log_target=console"17:18
oerheksi find no interactive option17:18
JivanPalHey, all17:18
JivanPalAny chance someone can help me with an OpenLDAP issue?17:19
SwedeMikeJivanPal: the chance is zero if you don't actually ask the question you really want to ask.17:19
JivanPalHaha, fair.17:20
JivanPalTrying to set `olcTLSCipherSuite`, it seems it only understands some of the GNU-TLS names, not all. If one of these problematic names is present, trying to `ldapmodfiy` gives me `ldap_modify: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (80)`.17:21
JivanPale.g. "SECURE256:!NULL" is fine, but "ALL:!NULL" and "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:!NULL" are not17:22
Sean_McGJivanPal: I wonder if that might be dependant on what version of GNUTLS it was compiled against, or the other possibility is that OpenLDAP might specifically block some ciphers17:22
Kalinovsomeone know java17:23
JivanPalKalinov: sure, what's the issue?17:24
Kalinovhave problem with objects17:24
JivanPalKalinov: What, specifically?17:26
JivanPalSean_MCG: I see no reason for it to block ECDHE, so if anything, probably the former17:29
naccJivanPal: probably better supported in a different channel anyways17:29
naccSean_McG: a tainted kernel on its own is not a reason for speaker buzzing, but a third party driver could, sure. or it couldl be anything ellse17:30
naccSean_McG: you don't really want systemd to go one-by-one, because you won't boot then :)17:30
JivanPalI've asked in #openldap with no response so far17:30
JivanPalMight turn to ServerFault later17:31
JivanPalRe. which build, it's taken straight from the repos; apt says "slapd is already the newest version (2.4.42+dfsg-2ubuntu3.2)".17:32
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Sean_McGyeah I'm surprised I can't just user 'fuser' on the speaker device file in /dev17:33
Sean_McGwhich kind of suggests this is occurring on something in the kernel17:34
Sean_McGgoogling around isn't finding much useful17:34
oerheksspeaker buzzing before login??17:34
Sean_McGalways seems to end in someone cleaning a fan -- I know that isn't my issue as I can remove the PC speaker and it stops buzzing17:35
Sean_McGoerheks: yeah, it start midway through the boot sequence. It doesn't happen if I boot the 16.04.3 DVD though.17:35
oerheksi would blame the login-sound preparing17:36
oerheksor bad grounded power17:36
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DatamancerHi all, something weird is going on with our Ubuntu 16.04 servers. Unattended-upgrade does not seem to be completing. In the u-u log, we see that, several hours ago, "Starting unattended upgrades script", but we don't see a corresponding "No packages found..." or "All upgrades installed" message17:36
Sean_McGlm_sensors doesn't show anything wrong.17:37
Tuxisthi i have problem with ubuntu openvpn17:41
Tuxisti got this error :  tls-crypt unwrap error: packet too short17:43
Tuxistfrom my server17:43
Tuxistwith android no problem17:44
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arooniare snap packages better to use than debian packages?  talking about simplenote that has a .deb you can download and a snap package; snap looks like its easier to update17:44
naccarooni: they are *different*17:45
naccarooni: from an application perspective, snaps are easier17:45
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arooninacc: anyway to have snaps auto update?  if not, how do i manually update them and remember to do that17:49
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naccarooni: they already do auto update17:52
aroonisnaps auto update?17:52
naccarooni: yes17:53
ducassearooni: there's a systemd service that autoupdates snaps for you, no need to do anything17:54
aroonithats reason enough to use them17:54
oerheksdepends; in a prof environment, you would want to control snaps updates17:56
aroonitrue; i wont use them on my vps17:56
aroonibut on my dev laptop that seems nice17:56
aroonii'm thinking of using them only for apps like simplenote; where i'd want all the updates anyway17:57
WorkAllDayBloqueNegro, are you around? My Hetzner just went down again, about to grab a KVM17:58
WorkAllDayTo anybody else ... I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 Hetzner dedicated server and every few days, for some bizarre reason, the server loses all connection to the outside world. I know it doesn't shut down, because logs for stuff are still running and whatnot, it just becomes unpingable & my website goes down17:59
WorkAllDayI was in here last week and someone suggested I grab a KVM console to try to figure out what goes wrong in these timeframes, but I have no idea where to even look, so if anybody could help, I'd really appreciate it!18:00
JivanPalSo apparently my issue is just GNUTLS being dumb an not recognising its own prioity strings :/18:00
metastableGNUTLS is bizarre on priority strings, but I'm fairly adept at writing them.18:13
metastableIf you want a hand, let me know.18:13
adamitschWhy is every usb drive I plug in my computer read-only?18:19
oerheksadamitsch, if ti is ext3/4, you are not the owner, else there are bad blocks?18:20
adamitschoerheks, it is fat32. And I have tried also external hard drive which works in Windows normally...18:21
blkadderadamitsch, fsck it.18:24
oerheksfat32/ntfs should be writable standard. perform a filecheck? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting#dosfstools_-_FAT12.2C_FAT16_and_FAT32_.28vfat.29_filesystem18:24
akikadamitsch: try to mount it manually so you can see possible error messages "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdXN /mount/point"18:24
adamitschakik, no error mesages18:27
akikadamitsch: and it's still read-only?18:28
akikadamitsch: does "dmesg" show something?18:28
adamitschakik : print_req_error: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 472  ...18:29
akikadamitsch: sr0 is usually a cd/dvd rom drive18:29
adamitschakik... oh I see :  FAT-fs (sdb1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.18:30
akikadamitsch: there you go. oerheks fasted the urls that you can follow18:30
adamitschok thank you all :)18:31
iRocguys i have ubuntu vps how to go desktop mode and setup remote desktop also?18:31
akikiRoc: i'd suggest x2go18:31
iRocakik what is this?18:32
nacci wouldn't expect it to be very typical to run desktop on a vps18:32
naccdon't really see the point18:32
Sean_McGpart of the noise my pc was making was that the system fan wasn't properly tightened to the back of the case, some quick work with the screwdriver fixed that18:32
akikiRoc: it's a remote desktop solution that is fast and secure18:32
Sean_McGbut I'm still getting a pc speaker buzz18:33
iRocakik ok fine then how to go desktop mode ubuntu? i have terminal only login with putty18:33
Sean_McGand it only occurs on this install -- neither the 16.04.3 install DVD nor my bootable USB keys are causing the buzz18:33
akikiRoc: you install x2goserver on the server and x2goclient on the client and then connect18:34
iRocakik thanks for help18:35
iRocletme check18:35
akikiRoc: ALTHOUGH it doesn't support a desktop environment that required 3d acceleration, so you'll need to use xfce, lxde, mate or similar on the server18:36
ngf42i'm confused. https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/xen-hypervisor-4.6-amd64 is this xen hypervisor v4.6 or v4.9?18:36
nacciRoc: can i ask what you intend to do? as in, why do you want a xserver on your vps?18:36
naccngf42: that is for 18.04 which is covered in #ubuntu+118:37
ngf42nacc: thanks.18:37
renergyhow to stop apache from autostarting?18:38
naccrenergy: in which version of ubuntu?18:39
renergy16.04 - systemctl disable apache2 says18:39
naccrenergy: systemctl disable apache218:39
nacc(sudo maybe necessary)18:39
renergyinsserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (empty) of script `apache2'18:39
naccrenergy: that's a warning, not an error.18:39
nacc(as it says)18:39
renergynacc: that's what I tried18:39
naccrenergy: ... and?18:40
renergyand it starts over after reboot18:40
naccrenergy: ok, check `systemctl status apache`18:40
naccafter you've told it to be disabled18:40
renergynacc: now it works, perhaps I did something wrong before.. don't know - anyhow, thank you18:42
naccrenergy: yw18:42
aoamhello, does anybody know unix syntax for lxd?18:43
WorkAllDayIs anyone super familiar with networking on Ubuntu? I know exactly when the network disconnected (because my IRC bouncer stopped receiving messages @ 11:29)18:43
WorkAllDaybut the system didn't shut down or anything18:44
WorkAllDayso I'm trying to figure out what could've gone wrong18:44
naccaoam: your question doesn't make a lot of sense18:45
aoami just wanted someone to notice me18:45
naccaoam: ... please try to stay ontopic18:45
aoami’m trying to connect to lxd from nodejs18:46
naccaoam: there is also a #lxcontainers channel for lxd support18:46
aoamokay, i’m gonna ask them18:47
naccaoam: to be clear, you didn't actually ask a question18:47
WorkAllDayI see in the log:18:47
WorkAllDayavahi-daemon[939]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp4s0.IPv4 with address [my.ip.address]18:47
WorkAllDayFeb 13 11:29:00 Ubuntu-1404 avahi-daemon[939]: Interface enp4s0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.18:47
WorkAllDay(Ubuntu-1404 is the name of my server lol)18:48
WorkAllDayso at 11:29 something weird happens18:49
WorkAllDayWait, it says enp4s0, but in my /etc/network/interfaces it's all like eth018:53
WorkAllDayAny advice?18:53
lordcirth_workWorkAllDay, Ubuntu and others have changed to using 'deterministic naming' where interfaces are named like enp4s0.  Did you upgrade Ubuntu in place?18:57
gordonjcpis there a way to turn "deterministic naming" off?18:57
gordonjcpbecause I've never found it to be especially deterministic18:58
WorkAllDayLike a year and a half ago I think, but everything was working fine until about 6 months ago18:58
WorkAllDaySince then, my Hetz stops connecting to the outside world every few days18:58
WorkAllDayIt always works after a reboot though18:58
WorkAllDayFor a few days...18:58
Jordan_Ugordonjcp: You've noticed an interface's name change?18:58
WorkAllDayThe only relevant one I can find is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/158652818:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1586528 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Avahi-daemon withdraws address record" [High,Confirmed]18:58
lordcirth_workgordonjcp, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"18:59
gordonjcplordcirth_work: ah, handy18:59
gordonjcpJordan_U: yes, they're different on every boot18:59
lordcirth_workevery boot?  Your BIOS is bugged18:59
gordonjcpJordan_U: this is not especially handy for firewall scripts18:59
Jordan_Ugordonjcp: Wow. Please file a bug report.18:59
gordonjcpJordan_U: wouldn't know where to start with it18:59
gordonjcpJordan_U: it doesn't work on any machine I've tried it on18:59
charlie_sandoI hate the deterministic names19:00
pavlosWorkAllDay: I had this issue before, I modified /etc/nsswitch.conf and added wins in the hosts: line, hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] wins dns19:00
Jordan_Ugordonjcp: Do you remember examples of some of the different names that were given to the same NIC?19:00
adamitschakik: I've done fsck.vfat , but didn't help. Now i have started dosfsck and I think it is stuck :/19:00
WorkAllDaypavlos, mind explaining what that means?19:00
WorkAllDayAlso, did you disable ipv6 like a lot of the suggestions online are saying to do?19:01
gordonjcpJordan_U: they're all more-or-less variants of the same thing, at the moment on my desktop it says enp2s019:01
pavlosWorkAllDay: I dont have a definite answer, something happens and it drops connection. Never figured out why ...19:01
gordonjcpJordan_U: if I reboot it'll be enp<something else>s<something else>19:01
pavlosWorkAllDay: I re-imaged a system a week ago, it works so far19:02
WorkAllDayok so add:19:02
WorkAllDayhm, this site says something slightly different:19:02
WorkAllDayoh wait19:03
WorkAllDayhosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns wins19:03
WorkAllDayso that line?19:03
pavloswins before dns, see the line I pasted19:03
WorkAllDayyeah this site is just saying something different19:04
akikadamitsch: what does "didn't help" mean?19:04
WorkAllDaynot usually a huge fan of blind copy-pasting but as long as I don't break everything I'm ok19:05
baba_Hello, all....Is it possible to get a quirks match even if the device in question does not have a vendor id/product id listed in any driver code?19:05
WorkAllDaypavlos, did you replace the existing hosts line with that?19:06
WorkAllDayor paste it at the way end?19:06
pavlosyes, my line is hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] wins dns19:06
Chico_Does anyone happen to be an expert on fb too?19:07
pavlosfb as in framebuffer?19:07
Chico_is it possible to be added in a groupchat without any ties in messenger? Facebook?19:07
Chico_pavlovs nope19:08
Chico_Anyone? Feel like doing something different?19:09
Sean_McGpeople still use WINS in 2018?!19:12
sophisthunterI made it to step 12 on the DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.04 OpenVPN setup guide (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-16-04) but my Android phone's logs are showing this: https://goo.gl/3hQ7tF any suggestions?19:13
sophisthunterpong baba_19:14
Chico_Any suggetsions for an EHR program in debian/Ubuntu?19:14
baba_lol, sorry...wrong tab19:14
Chico_Or you? :P19:15
sophisthunterbaba_ was referring to baba_19:15
JivanPalmetastable: thanks :) I don't think it's the string itself, however19:16
JivanPalIt's not even recognising "ALL", for example19:17
Chico_Anyone know a EHR or EMR?19:17
JivanPale.g., `gnutls-cli --priority 'ALL' -p 389 --starttls-proto=ldap ldap.example.com`19:17
ketzalpor  favor  me  orientan para  buscar  ayuda  en  español.   gracias19:18
JivanPalOuputs "Syntax error at: ALL"19:18
pavlossophisthunter: the openvpn should connect to port 1194 but your log shows 44319:18
metastableOpenVPN can operate on any port the administrator desires.19:19
metastableAs long as the server and client configurations agree on which port and protocol (TCP vs UDP).19:19
sophisthunterChico_, i wish i could help you but i think it's mostly over-priced proprietary stuff19:19
linelhelp me19:20
sophisthunteri've never seen linux in a hospital setting, unfortunately19:20
linelEXT-fs ERROR19:20
sophisthunterseriously though with health care costs i shudder to think how much they pay... does HIPAA have provisions for I.T. security?19:20
Chico_Yeah thats true. Usually it's gates' stuff19:20
sophisthunter<3 Bill19:20
sophisthunterand Melinda19:20
Chico_You love who? :O19:21
Chico_Aren't you on the wrog channel then? sophisthunter?19:21
metastableTheir foundation does some amazing work. The people != the technology or the company.19:21
sophisthunteryea i guess I am on the wrong channel19:22
Chico_*Shoot myself through the head*19:22
Chico_lol he left19:22
blackflowFolks, there's #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic, please keep this chan clear for support.19:23
metastableChico_: And keep the flamewars about OSes out of here, too.19:23
Chico_Sure I will19:23
blackflowlinel: where do you see that? sounds like corrupt filesystem19:23
baba_Is my question regarding drivers and device quirks appropriate here?19:23
pavlosbaba_: your device should be shown with either lspci or lsusb19:24
baba_Yes, it is visible...I blacklisted the uas driver for the device, and the kernel reported a quirks match...does that mean that the kernel contains info on my specific product/vendor id?19:26
pikapikaCurrently I have a dual boot system, but due to fear of overgrowing partition capacity I have been thinking of something. Is it practical/possible to have two different harddisks (each completely filled by only single OS) and putting in appropriate harddisk in the laptop before booting?19:31
gordonjcppikapika: ye19:32
gordonjcppikapika: yes, I used to do that all the time19:32
pikapikaThanks I'll research this further then19:33
nshireshould I be concerned that there are invalid characters in my log files? gedit is showning red outlined zeroes in many of my log files at around the same time19:50
gordonjcpnshire: sounds strange, which log file?19:52
nshirefail2ban.log, syslog. nothing in kernel.log interestingly.19:53
nshirethey are red-highlighed zeros like this /00/00/00/00/00/19:53
nshiremaybe file corruption? I think that was around the time I had to remove power from the system19:56
gordonjcpnshire: could be19:58
pavlosnshire: you could clean it up with,        tr -d '\000' < file-with-nulls > file-without-nulls20:09
Sanguswell howdy20:13
tfittsAnyone here use Monit?  I'm trying to install and run it and I get a bunch of permissions issues saying I must be the owner of the files.  If I change ownership of the config and log file it says it started but in the log I still get an error that says [MST Feb 13 12:55:21] error    : Cannot open for write -- Permission denied20:14
tfittsdoesn't say what file so  I don't really know what to do at this point20:14
pavlostfitts: I assume you installed with ... sudo apt install monit20:16
SangusHow do i reboot my proton collision chamber without damaging my lepton alignment chamber20:16
metastableRealign the dilithium matrix.20:17
Sangushmmm good idea20:18
Sangusdidn't think about that...20:18
Sangushopefully my quantum harmonizer can handle it!20:18
tfittstheir install pages says I should run apt-get update and upgrade so I guess I can give that a shot20:20
tfittsside question.  Would someone go to this link and see if you get an error that says your browser security must be upgraded20:20
lordcirth_worktfitts, on that link, yes, but I think that link is after the check20:21
lordcirth_workIf I go to the home page, it's fine20:21
tfittshow about if you go http://walmartskip.force.com/PublicKB/articles/FAQ/What-is-the-status-of-my-invoice/?l=en_US&fs=Search&pn=1 and click the link at the bottom that says what if my invoice is not in retail link?20:22
lordcirth_worktfitts, oh, yeah I do get the page.  Odd since I'm running Firefox-next20:22
tfittsyeah, I'm getting it on latest version of chrome too.  Not really sure what to do.20:23
lordcirth_workOddly, they are running mixed-content while disabling TLS 1.0.20:23
p0aI've installed lubuntu and my username is my admin as well20:25
p0ahow can I change this so that the admin is root20:25
naccp0a: your user has sudo you mean?20:26
lordcirth_worktfitts, perhaps they are poorly matching on UserAgent and your Linux UserAgent is breaking it?20:26
tfittsI've tried it on my iphone too20:26
p0anacc: I think so.20:26
tfittssays to upgrade my os to a newer version than 11.2.520:27
tfittsso I guess I need to talk to apple20:27
metastableiOS 11.2.5 is the latest.20:27
naccp0a: that's fine, you don't need to change anything. It does not mean your user *is* root. It means your user can use sudo to do thing sas root20:27
tfittshaha, I know20:27
nacc!root | p0a20:27
ubottup0a: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:27
p0asounds like some weird abstraction20:28
p0aaway from the UNIXY way of doing things but ok20:28
ioriap0a, there is no admin , there is no root ; the spoon does not exist20:28
metastablep0a: Define the UNIX-y way, and explain how this is a departure.20:28
p0ametastable: users, groups, etc. Idk.20:29
p0apermissions, chmod20:29
lordcirth_workp0a, how does sudo change any of those?20:29
p0athis channel has changed20:30
naccp0a: you've been tolld the answer to your question at this point. It's not an 'abstraction'20:30
naccp0a: please stay ontopic20:30
metastablesudo access is nearly always granted by group membership.20:31
p0aso you're saying I need to remove my user from that group20:31
p0aand that'll do it20:31
metastableIf you don't want your user to have sudo access, then yes.20:31
naccp0a: if you do that, you will not be able to easily administer your system20:31
naccp0a: (by default)20:31
p0aI'll login as root?20:31
metastableBut if you do that and no other user HAS that access, you will lose the ability to make changes.20:31
metastableroot by default can't be logged into by any means.20:32
naccp0a: you can't login as root, by default.20:32
amin currently I need to put my public key in remote server authorized_keys file to be allowed to ssh to the server. I want to disable this and just connect using the root account user-pass. how I can do this?20:32
naccp0a: did you bother to read the faq?20:32
p0aI don't have a web browser20:32
metastableamin: It's recommended that you don't do that, and use either SSH key login for root, or log in to a normal user and escalate.20:32
naccp0a: you don't need one to read the faq.20:32
naccamin: you need to change settings to do that, if you insist on it (sshd settings)20:33
p0aIt's okay I think I understand now what to do, thanks20:34
aminnacc, what settings?20:35
metastableI don't mean to be a jerk, but if you need help to change that setting... should you be changing it?20:35
metastableYou're exposing yourself to potentially a lot of pain and suffering.20:35
metastableDenying root login via password is the default for a very good reason.20:36
p0asounds like the stpidification of linux users20:38
p0aIt's a brand new setup for loves sake, what could go wrong20:38
metastablep0a: Not sure what you're referencing, but none of that sounded helpful.20:39
ioriap0a, use your pc as a dos bot ?20:39
p0aa dos bot/20:39
naccamin: as metastable said, the default is chosen for a reason20:39
nokiomanzHi, I was using xubuntu 16.04 and just did a fresh install of xubuntu 17.10. For some reason that I try to understand all my color in a terminal are different. PLUS, if I ssh to 2 different machine color there are not the same. Where they used to be. Yes I am complaining about my color :( ahah20:39
Euph0riaHello all.  I upgraded from 6.04 to 7.x and my sound has quit working.  I've tried booting from LiveUSB from latest versions of Ubuntu, and even Mint, and my audio is still broken from 6.04 and up.  Is there a way to downgrade to 6.04, to overhaul the audio system so it works somehow?20:56
Richard_CavellDo you mean 16.04?20:57
Euph0riaYes, I'm sorry, 16.0420:57
Euph0riaI've booted this machine with 16.04.3, which is the environment I'm using right now, and audio works just fine.  I have no idea why it's broken in 17.*20:58
Euph0riaI just hate the idea of having to re-install from 16.04.x and start all over again after so long.21:02
Euph0riaIt reminds me of back when I was using windows, and something went wrong and I had to re-install everything.  I hate that ubuntu would be the same in that aspect.21:03
Euph0riaI'm still learning Linux after several years of using Ubuntu but I have no idea how to fix this or how to downgrade the audio (packages, dependencies, etc) to a version that works.  Anyone have any insight?21:06
Euph0riabrb, going to boot from the system instead of this LiveUSB.21:07
sneakyimpwhat does it mean when you have a ! char in /etc/shadow where the password should be?21:19
metastablesneakyimp: That means that the user cannot log in via a password. It's different than NO password, it's a "locked" password.21:20
sneakyimpmetastable: thank you. What is the difference between ! and * ?21:21
metastableSame thing, really, but ! is commonly used by the passwd command to lock an account's password.21:21
metastablesee 'man 5 shadow'.21:21
sneakyimpmetastable: thank you21:22
gordonjcpmetastable: yeah, isn't * meaning "never set" and ! meaning "was set now locked"?21:23
bumblebeehi. can you please tell me how to activate the flight mode in ubuntu 17.10 permanently?21:23
metastableIn general, ANY string that is not a valid crypt string means "can't log in via password."21:23
sneakyimpthe default user on my ubuntu machine appears to be the user "ubuntu" -- will it cause any problems if I delete this user? I'd like to enhance the security of my machine.21:24
metastablesneakyimp: I assume you've created another user and added it to the sudo group as a secondary group.21:25
conyohi working with teststick to try get HDisk working this my bup cat can anyone tell me if there is size data there21:25
metastableconyo: I'm not entirely sure what you just said.21:26
conyoi should have 1 fat32 2ntfs21:26
conyoteststick is a partition manager21:26
metastableWhat issue are you trying to solve? And please don't use your enter key as punctuation.21:27
conyoi am trying to get my hard drive working21:27
metastableAnd what's wrong with it?21:28
conyoit has 3 partitions on it when working one fat32 and two ntfs21:28
conyoi cant access any of the partitions21:28
conyothey are not showing up21:29
metastableWhat are you attempting, what errors are you getting?21:29
conyoi am attempting to have all partitions show up from either a gui or terminal21:29
conyonone currently show21:30
metastableHow are you attempting this? None currently show where?21:30
naccconyo: and how is this an ubuntu issue?21:31
conyoby trying to mount the disk or to browse for them from file manager gui21:31
metastableI'm not accustomed to having to play a game of 20 questions to get relevant information out of people, and I'm not going to start now. The next time you ask for help, be prepared to share what commands you're entering, what errors you're receiving, and any other data relevant to your issue.21:32
conyomate i told you i was in the middle of a partition scan from the beginning21:33
conyotrying to recover21:33
naccconyo: 'partition scan'?21:33
oerheksconyo, use your testdisk, it should find partitions right away, or never .. else: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting#dosfstools_-_FAT12.2C_FAT16_and_FAT32_.28vfat.29_filesystem21:34
naccconyo: are you using ubuntu right now?21:34
metastableconyo: That's nice. Read what I just said a little more closely, and heed my words. "Mate."21:34
naccconyo: does fdisk or cfdisk see any partitions?21:34
conyontfs ntfs fat3221:34
conyonow i know ntfs is windows but it has always shown up in the past21:35
naccconyo: what is that an answer to?21:35
conyothis is an external21:35
conyofollow me21:35
naccconyo: we are trying to have a conversation. You are sort of just saying random things. Can you please answer the questions?21:35
naccconyo: does fdisk or cfdisk see any partitions?21:35
sneakyimpmetastable: yes, I have added two users to the sudo group. would it be ok to remove the ubuntu user? I am hoping to harden the machine against exploits and removing the default ubuntu user seems wise. i don't want to break anything, however.21:36
metastablesneakyimp: There actually isn't a default 'ubuntu' user normally. That sounds like a Digital Ocean setup.21:36
naccmetastable: or a cloud image21:36
conyoi dont know how to use either and the disk is 98 percent of the way through a scan so i dont think i would be able to access it21:36
sneakyimpmetastable: rackspace, actually ;)]21:37
metastablesneakyimp: But yes, as long as you have at least one other user with sudo access, you can delete that user. I can't promise that Rackspace's cloud automation won't recreate it.21:37
conyowill try now21:37
metastableThat was my second guess. :P21:37
bumblebeehi. can you please tell me how to activate the flight mode in ubuntu 17.10 permanently?21:45
Boyettejust disable your networkadapters and bluetooth21:46
Boyettethen you have flight mode21:46
crondrmmod $modulename21:47
ecormierlspci -k and then rmmod the relevant modules21:47
crondif you need it to persist across reboot, you can blacklist them21:47
crondby adding the module name to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist21:48
bumblebeeyes, it has to persist across reboot21:48
naccto be clear that isn't necessarily the same as 'flight mode'21:49
naccby which i think they mean airplane mode21:49
naccwhich is often done at the hardware level21:49
crondyeah then lspci -k and get the module names, then add them to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist , then reboot.  That hardware then won't work.21:49
naccBoyette: why, if I might ask?21:49
crondI mean, you COULD just remove the minipci card for wifi/bluetooth if your laptop has one21:50
naccairplane mode is closer (aiui) to what rfkill does21:50
crondwell if he wants 'permanent airplane mode' I'm assuming he just wants the hardware disabled entirely for some reason21:50
crondbut yeah21:50
bumblebeei just want every wireless function to be deactivated permanently. that's all i want.21:51
crondbumblebee, either blacklist the modules, see if you can just disable them in bios, or remove the minipci card entirely if your system has one.21:51
naccbumblebee: so no, you won't say why? that's all you needed to say.21:51
crondi.e. if it's not built in to the motherboard on an ultrabook21:51
naccbumblebee: what crond said would work; or rfkill; or disable it in the BIOS.21:51
bumblebeei don't think, there is a minipci card. at least i don't know anything about it21:51
[n0mad]is settings > network > airplane mode not sufficient?21:52
ecormierdoesn't survive reboot21:52
bumblebeei can't disable it in the bios, there is no such option21:52
crondeasiest is BIOS disable if it exists, or blacklist module.21:52
jerichowasahoaxbuild a kernel without wireless support?21:52
[n0mad]interesting, thanks ecormier21:52
jerichowasahoaxwait, i'm in #ubuntu, that's not solid advice, nvm21:52
crondjerichowasahoax, well, just blacklisting it is easier, but that is an option. lol21:52
jerichowasahoaxcrond: i thought i was in #gentoo lol21:53
Euph0riajerichowasahoax: Ha!21:53
crondbumblebee, what model laptop is it, assuming it is a laptop?21:53
ecormierjerichowasahoax: if it was gentoo, that question wouldn't have been asked :)21:53
bumblebeeacer aspire 7750g21:53
ecormierthe question would be, my wireless card doesn't work... how can I get it working21:54
conyohere are the partitions testdisk can see from a scan can someone tell me which line is the size line so i can divide it by 1024 and restore the correct partitions (basedon size i know whats what )with test disk21:54
jerichowasahoaxecormier: it's totally plausible, but we're veering off topic now :V21:54
Euph0riaIs it a stolen laptop and you don't want it accidentally connecting to the internet via wireless?  :D21:54
TaZeRlaptops are the most amazing devices on the planet, nothing is more beautiful, more elegant, makes me obsess more about it then a sexy ass laptop touching my crotch21:54
crondbumblebee, that DOES have a minipci card.  you could just remove it if you NEVER want wifi/bluetooth21:54
naccTaZeR: please stay on topic21:54
bumblebeeno, i just don't like to be surrounded by the radiation21:55
crondbumblebee, https://www.notebookcheck.net/fileadmin/_migrated/pics/Acer_AS7750G_91.jpg <-- you can see the card next to the ram slots, the black and white wires are the antenna going to it.21:55
jerichowasahoaxbumblebee: that's not actually a thing21:55
bumblebeei have never opened the notebook, crond21:55
Euph0riaOh, wow.  wifi radiation.  You're out of luck with that, you're surrounded by it regardless.21:55
crondbumblebee, well, you now have all the info, you can decide what to do :)21:55
bumblebeeit's also a psychological thing. i don't want to get deeper into this now.21:56
jerichowasahoaxbumblebee: take it from a guy who voted green party last election, wireless radiation isn't actually a thing that effects humans in any capacity21:56
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: one of my friends mounted up the outdoor wifi routers for the free wifi coverage for the London Olympics21:57
bumblebeejerichowasahoax: okay, thanks.21:57
crondbumblebee, given your situation, open the laptop and unplug the antenna wires and remove the card entirely,.  I won't judge your reasons, but given what they are that's your best option21:57
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: almost immediately people on the street where he'd fitted them to the lamp posts started complaining of headaches, nausea and other illness21:57
bumblebeecrond: 03:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01) Subsystem: Lite-On Communications Inc AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) Kernel driver in use: ath9k Kernel modules: ath9k21:58
bumblebeecrond: is this the right module?21:58
conyohelp where is the size line at21:58
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: kind of a shame, really, that he'd fitted empty cases fresh from the paint shop so they could do promo photographs21:58
conyowhat figure represents it21:58
crondbumblebee, yes.21:58
crondath9k is the module21:58
bumblebeeok, how do i open /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?21:59
jerichowasahoaxbumblebee: with a text editor21:59
bumblebeedo i have to use sudo?21:59
bumblebeecan you please tell me the whole command?21:59
conyohelp please21:59
crondbumblebee, yes21:59
bumblebeethank you22:00
crondsudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:00
ecormierconyo: what are you trying to do?22:00
jerichowasahoaxbumblebee: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:00
crondor gedit, I guess yes.  whatever text editor.22:00
bumblebeeit says: No protocol specified Unable to init server: Verbindung ist gescheitert: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt  (gedit:19804): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :022:00
jerichowasahoaxok so use nano then22:01
jerichowasahoaxsudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:01
bumblebeeyes, nano works!22:01
bumblebeenow the file is opened22:01
crondctrl+o to save after you edit it22:01
bumblebeedo i just put "ath9k" in it?22:01
crondthen ctrl+x to exit.22:01
gordonjcpbumblebee: what exactly are you trying to do?22:02
conyoim trying to use my drive it isnt showing up in linux since i plugged it directly into the case is used to be a external. i am in the middle of a test disk scan the img show partions i have found i want to restore some partitions on the partition table so i can use and browse the drive22:02
ecormiershouldn't it be: blacklist ath9k22:02
bumblebeegordonjcp: disable wireless network permanently22:03
gordonjcpbumblebee: short of removing the wireless chip, there's not really a way to do that on modern machines22:03
gordonjcpbumblebee: if you've got an "airplane mode" switch, that'll stop it transmitting but not receiving22:04
ecormiergordonjcp: the blacklist will work just fine22:04
bumblebeethere i no hardware switch, no22:04
gordonjcpecormier: no, that'll just stop you being able to talk to the card22:04
jerichowasahoaxgordonjcp: that's the point22:04
gordonjcpI thought the point was to disable it?22:05
bumblebeei neither want it to transmitting nor to receiving22:05
jerichowasahoaxgordonjcp: the point was to permanently disable it. airplane mode doesn't persist across reboots - kernel blacklisting does22:05
crondgordonjcp, I told him to remove it, and sent a pic of where it is on his laptop, he doesn't want to open it or something22:05
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: but that won't stop it TXing22:05
crondso blacklist is the next best option22:05
Euph0riagordonjcp: Eliminating ubuntu from accessing the wifi/bt is the best option here...22:06
jerichowasahoaxgordonjcp: what is it going to transmit with no driver22:06
bumblebeecrond: i maybe will do that, but not now, it's too late22:06
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: depending on what crazy-ass firmware is in place on the card22:06
jerichowasahoaxgordonjcp: can you provide examples22:06
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: the ath9ks in the "thin client" machines we have at work sit and beacon away like crazy without their driver22:07
jerichowasahoaxbumblebee: "too late"? like, late in the evening?22:07
bumblebeeokay, so better i remove it completely?22:08
gordonjcpghods alone know what they're trying to do, but they're very chatty22:08
bumblebeejerichowasahoax: yes22:08
gordonjcpbumblebee: why bother, just leave it alone22:08
bumblebeesorry, my english22:08
crondbumblebee, if you dont want it doing ANYTHING yes.22:08
jerichowasahoaxoh, well, fair enough :V22:08
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: you've got me thinking, though, *why* do they do that?22:08
crondbumblebee, it takes like 3 minutes. Remove a few screws, open bottom, remove card, close laptop.22:08
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: and what else do they do, that I might want to know about22:08
ecormiergordonjcp: we're here to help people do what they want to do... why sometimes is a tricky question :{)22:09
bumblebeecrond: okay, i'll do it tomorrow if there's no other way.22:09
gordonjcpbumblebee: just leave the wifi card alone22:09
naccconyo: please don't pm, ask in the channe22:09
jerichowasahoaxcrond: i think bumblebee just wants to get some sleep first22:09
crondbumblebee, yep that works22:09
bumblebeegordonjcp: why?22:09
gordonjcpbumblebee: well, why remove it?22:10
bumblebeebut i told you why22:10
gordonjcpbumblebee: if you're worried about RF, bear in mind that your wifi card is probably the smallest source of RF you're ever exposed to in any given day22:10
gordonjcpbumblebee: if you go outside you're exposed to several orders of magnitude more non-ionising radiation that has been shown to have severe health effects22:11
bumblebeehow do you know that? you don't even know how and where i'm living22:11
Euph0riagordonjcp: That's probably true, but he's neurotic about it.22:11
gordonjcpbumblebee: I'm guessing you have a certain amount of daylight?22:11
nacclet's stay ontopic. they asked how to do something, and they were told how, afaict22:11
jerichowasahoaxgordonjcp: didn't listen to me the first time, doubt they'll listen to you the second time22:11
gordonjcpbumblebee: then you're being exposed to cancer-causing non-ionising radiation22:11
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: fairy nerf22:12
jerichowasahoaxgordonjcp: i'm interpreting that as an insult and putting you on /ignore22:12
conyo<marc>been waiting on a reply for more than 5minutes no one has chimed in22:12
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: okay then22:12
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: say it out loud22:12
bumblebeeyou are scaring me22:12
naccjerichowasahoax: it's a way of saying "fair enough"22:12
bumblebeewhat has sunlight to do with wlan radiation?22:13
naccbumblebee: jerichowasahoax: gordonjcp: please stay on topic :)22:13
jerichowasahoaxnacc: "fairy nerf" :V first cup of coffee22:13
gordonjcpbumblebee: RF cannot give you cancer.  Sunlight can, and does.22:13
naccjerichowasahoax: np :)22:13
gordonjcpjerichowasahoax: :-p22:13
conyohow do i run a command fdisk or cfdisk to see if my drive has partitions on it22:13
bumblebeei don't believe you22:13
gordonjcpconyo: "fdisk -l"22:14
gordonjcpconyo: or more usefully "sudo fdisk -l"22:14
gordonjcpbumblebee: okay ten22:14
Euph0riabumblebee: The sun exposes you to ALL types of radiation of varying degrees and is the most radioactive exposure you'll ever get.  Things like neutrinos that pass right through solid objects, the entire earth really, for example.22:14
conyothank you very much22:14
gordonjcpbumblebee: but you wear sunscren, right?22:14
ecormierconyo: lsblk -f might be better22:14
gordonjcpecormier: ooh, even better22:14
conyothank you v much22:14
bumblebeeyou are making me nervous and i do not like it. :(22:15
ecormierusing a partition editor is overkill for ls22:15
bumblebeei don't want to talk about this any longer22:15
gordonjcpbumblebee: FWIW at work we don't bother about microwave links with less than about 25W output, if we're going to be closer than a couple of metres22:15
bumblebeea had a simple technical question, why do you have to know why?22:15
gordonjcpbumblebee: the power output of your wifi card isn't going to do *anything* to you22:16
bumblebeei will go now22:16
bumblebeethanks and bye22:16
gordonjcpespecially since it's into an omnidirectional antenna22:16
charlie_sandoaww that looked fun22:16
charlie_sandosad he left22:16
gordonjcpoh well22:17
gordonjcpI mean it's not like RF safety is a significant part of my actual real-life day job, or anything22:18
crondno point trying to convince people of stuff, just help them do their thing.22:18
* gordonjcp has discovered that one station has scaffolding all up one of their towers, guys climbing all over it, right in front of the microwave link22:18
naccsaid differently, please stay on topic. Focus on ubuntu support issues, please.22:18
gordonjcpthe link's been disconnected, but they don't know that and didn't ask22:18
naccgordonjcp: please stop.22:19
nchambershey guys, I'm using weechat in a screen session (screened via `screen -U`), on ubuntu 17.10. most time my client encounters a non-ascii character it breaks: https://imgur.com/a/ucjtr. I don't know if the problem is with weechat, ncurses, w/e, but I can't find any solution that will work. Does anyone know how to fix this?22:24
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gordonjcpnchambers: unicode issue?22:25
kenrinWhat is your terminal set up for?22:25
nchambersgordonjcp: no idea22:25
nchamberskenrin: what do you mean?22:25
nchamberslocale wise?22:25
kenrinYeah,  like en_US.UTF-8 I'm using with xterm so I can display other languages22:29
nchamberskenrin: https://clbin.com/VcIvc22:30
kenrinHmm that is strange,  I used to have issues like that on xterm-color I think22:34
nchambersmy $TERM is currently xterm-256color. do you have a better suggestion?22:35
kenrintry just xterm22:35
kenrinIf it fixes make it permanent,  if not.  #weechat probably knows how to fix22:36
nchambershey I think that might have done it22:37
nchambersnope never mind22:37
ooosssososos_Hi, I was wondering if anyone was familiar with cross compiling from 64bit 16.04 to 32bit22:37
nchambersspoke too soon22:37
nchambersany other ideas?22:37
ooosssososos_I seem to need binutil for i686 but installing that overwrites my x86_64 install22:37
SuperJonotronlooking for a way to specify a version of openjdk 8 in ubuntu.  Can't seem to find syntax other than apt-get accessing the latest version and versions past a certain build are not compatible with my application22:39
kenrinIs your screen term screen-256color ? nchambers22:39
nchambershmm good question22:39
kenrinI checked and I had added a .screenrc file to fix that22:40
nchambersI don't think I have that defined22:41
jerichowasahoaxnchambers: echo $TERM22:41
nchambersjerichowasahoax: we already covered that22:41
nchamberskenrin: what does it look like to define an environment variable in .screenr22:41
akiknchambers: i have best compatibility when i set the local TERM=xterm22:41
jerichowasahoaxnchambers: just got back from brewing coffee, hadn't scrolled up, mb22:41
nchambersjerichowasahoax: ah np22:42
nchambersakik: thats what I have it at right now. no dice :/22:42
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akiknchambers: although i have irssi with no line chars22:42
nchamberskenrin: didn't work22:42
kenrinYou use the /set and the upgrade ?22:43
akiknchambers: but for example iptraf-ng and mc work with no problems22:43
jerichowasahoaxnchambers: are you allergic to changing terminal multiplexers? tmux might behave better22:45
kenrinWell if you are sure you got ncurses-term installed then no idea22:45
nchambersI guess I could give it a atry22:45
pleasehelpive got an external hard drive that ive take out of case and put inside atx box and connected how can i access the disk i cant see it in linux now but the drive is there as it shows up in gparted what can i do to make this formally external hd now internall hd useable *i want to access the partitions on it not format it22:45
ecormiertmux is great22:45
akiknchambers: oh yea i start screen with "screen -T screen -U"22:45
kenrintmux gives you that bar at the bottom I don't want to see when using the wee22:46
asdfghYo humans!!22:46
ecormierkenrin: it's all in the config file22:46
ecormiereasy to modify22:47
kenrinTrue but i'm lazy22:47
ecormier:) touche22:47
kenrinI kind of want that bar when doing other things =)22:47
ecormierI have a minimal one... I like it22:48
nchamberstmux appears to work better22:48
pleasehelpive got an external hard drive that ive take out of case and put inside atx box and connected how can i access the disk i cant see it in linux now but the drive is there as it shows up in gparted what can i do to make this formally external hd now internal hd usable *i want to access the partitions on it not format it22:49
naccpleasehelp: if you cant see it in linux, how do you see it in gparted?22:49
pleasehelpi cant browse to it from a gui or terminal22:50
gartralpleasehelp: do you mena you can't see it in the file manager, but you can see it in gparted?22:50
pleasehelpbut when i open gparted it is there minus the partitions22:50
gartralpleasehelp: are there known good partitions n the hdd?22:51
pleasehelpyes file manager cant see it22:51
pleasehelpi dont know22:51
pleasehelpi need help with that part pls22:52
ecormierpleasehelp: what does this return: lsblk -f22:52
gartralpleasehelp: or rather, were you expecting partitions to show up that showed up when the drive was in it's enclosure, that aren't now that it's inside your computer?22:52
ecormiergartral: opposite of that22:52
gartralwhoops, ok22:53
ecormiergartral: nope, I read wrong22:53
gartralright, thought so.. :P22:53
pleasehelppleasehelp: or rather, were you expecting partitions to show up that showed up when the drive was in it's enclosure, that aren't now that it's inside your computer?22:53
gartralpleasehelp: open a terminal type lsblk -f and hit enter22:54
pleasehelpthe partitons are not there22:54
ecormierif it's not there in the output... I'm stumped... some weird raid in hardware?22:54
pleasehelpnot the ones i need22:54
ecormier(on the external enclosure.... wouldn't make sense on a single drive thoughH)22:55
gartralpleasehelp: was there only ONE drive in the enclosure?22:55
pleasehelpyes one drive only22:55
gartralok, so not raid...22:55
pleasehelpjust gonna read any post i might of missed brb22:56
JonelethIrenicusany command to figure out if two repo sources conflict with each other?22:57
gartralpleasehelp: are you 100% sure, for a fact, that the power and data cables are connected *tightly* to your disk and motherboard?22:57
ecormieryep... I would even suggest double checking, by disconnecting, which device it is in lsblk22:58
naccJonelethIrenicus: how do you mean 'conflict'?22:58
ecormiergartral: that's why I asked the sata question... sata is much more reliable than the old seperate drive power cables22:59
gartralJonelethIrenicus: in the case of two repos having the same packages, the one with the NEWEST version of a given package is used when updating22:59
JonelethIrenicusnacc: well i am trying to install a package and it wont install i was thinking maybe it is a conflict between repos22:59
pleasehelpyes sata and i am going to switch off and unplug reconnect all connections now22:59
JonelethIrenicusgartral: ahh23:00
ecormierhit caps by accident23:00
naccJonelethIrenicus: `apt-cache policy <pkgname>`23:00
JonelethIrenicusnacc: trying to install ros-core23:00
ecormierpleasehelp: disconnect the drive, run lsblk, re-connect it, run lsblk again23:00
naccJonelethIrenicus: will show you what the local policy (which by default is what gartral said) would do23:00
ecormierdon't switich the computer off...23:01
gartralpleasehelp: sounds like a plan! and when you're reconnecting the drive, make sure to roll your thumb over the connectors a bit to make sure they're seated correctly23:01
ecormierI think that safe right guys23:01
JonelethIrenicusnacc: any way to show what the issue is when trying to install a meta package?23:01
ecormierI've done it, but I want to be careful with advising others23:02
gartralecormier: I wouldn't count on it, not all sata controllers have reliable hotswap23:02
naccJonelethIrenicus: policy should still work with meta23:02
ecormiermmmm true23:02
naccJonelethIrenicus: *if* the issue is conflicting versions23:02
ecormierbut then it shouldn't be mounted23:02
naccJonelethIrenicus: alternatively, if apt is refusing to work, show the exact command and output23:02
ecormierso the drive should be safe23:02
gartralpleasehelp: we'll be here when you return, I have a few more ideas if this doesn't work23:03
gartralecormier: I'll have him do a sudo fdisk -l when he comes back, that should show if the device is even being seen by the system23:04
JonelethIrenicusnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/N8RGtWKVKK/23:04
ecormieryeah, is fdisk in ubuntu able to work with gpt?23:04
gartralecormier: not for partition managment, but it will show the /dev/sdX23:04
akikecormier: no, but gdisk can23:05
ecormiernewer fdisk versions have gpt... wasn't sure if ubuntu was there yet or not... it's coming23:05
gartralecormier: also, this being an external drive, I HIGHLY doubt it was formatted for GPT23:05
ecormierakik: gdisk is what I always use23:05
ecormiergartral: I've done it... but then I do everything the hardway23:06
naccJonelethIrenicus: and the plicy output for ros-core?23:06
naccJonelethIrenicus: if it's clean, then the normal way to debug is to try to 'solve' the conflict/dependencies for apt. In this case, e.g., `sudo apt install ros-core python-rosbag python-roslaunch python-rostopic python-roswtf`23:07
naccJonelethIrenicus: (i.e., telling apt we actually do want to install those packages)23:07
naccJonelethIrenicus: typically, apt will then respond with *why* it wouldn't do that on its own, or more packages that it was unable to install due to unmet dependencies.23:08
naccJonelethIrenicus: if the latter, add them to the list and keep trying.23:08
pleasehelpguys before i do can you help me re test disk i have a backup of partition table i want to write  before the reconnection see23:08
JonelethIrenicusnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vPNs7S8tST/23:08
pleasehelpits in my home dir23:08
naccJonelethIrenicus: ok, that looks fine, so just go through the steps i outlined23:08
pleasehelphow do i do it23:08
pleasehelpok its just that i made some changes23:09
naccJonelethIrenicus: maybe you ahve some PPA that has the same package as the archive in one of the dependencies, and apt won't uninstall that to install ros-core23:09
naccJonelethIrenicus: does that make sense?23:09
ecormierpleasehelp: changes? that don't sound safe23:09
pleasehelpi cant follow conv on this client ill be back23:09
JonelethIrenicusnacc: yeah check this out i think i found the conflict23:10
naccJonelethIrenicus: yep, the ros archive appears to be the issue23:12
libbenhow stable is latest ubuntu server?23:13
libbenthinking of trying 17.10.1 for a local server running kodi on it, and then add a vm on it for opensense23:13
JonelethIrenicusnacc: is this a local deb? 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status23:14
naccJonelethIrenicus: yeah, one not in the archives currently installed anymore23:14
JonelethIrenicusnacc: oh23:14
JonelethIrenicusso not installed23:15
naccJonelethIrenicus: installed, but not present in the archive anymore23:15
nacce.g., let's sayou install from trusty23:15
naccthen upgrade to xenial23:15
naccand a package was removed from xenial23:15
naccapt doesn't see that package any more, but dpkg does23:15
JonelethIrenicusnacc: oh dang i should remove that right23:16
mrproperI’m trying to install eve-ng which is based on Ubuntu in a KVM environment. When I’m going through the install, I’m getting an error saying it cannot find the root device. Has anyone seen this before and how do I fix it?23:16
naccJonelethIrenicus: probably? i really don't know23:16
naccmrproper: eve-ng based on ubuntu != ubuntu23:16
naccmrproper: you should ask the eve-ng folks23:16
=== helpplease is now known as pleasehelp
JonelethIrenicusnacc: thanks a lot you are the best23:19
naccJonelethIrenicus: np :)23:20
gordonjcpI must have someone /ignored23:21
gordonjcpyeah, let's just unignore *.qwest.net23:21
gordonjcpnacc: hello ;-)23:21
naccgordonjcp: heh23:22
libbenis server 17.10.1 stable enough for virtualization and kodi?23:22
gordonjcplibben: yes23:22
gordonjcplibben: but it's not LTS, so it'll go out of date soon23:22
libbenyeah, but what can break =)23:23
gordonjcpvery little23:23
libbenI only going to run simple webserver, a vm, and kodi on host23:23
gordonjcpdo you mean stable as in "doesn't crash", or stable as in "doesn't change"23:23
gordonjcpbecause pretty much any Linux regardless of distro will be stable-as-in-doesn't-crash23:23
nacclibben: i don't know why you'd use 17.10.1 specifically for that23:23
nacclibben: (or at least it's not obvious to me)23:24
gordonjcpI mean if you're installing kodi chances are you're getting the latest and greatest from the Kodi PPAs23:24
gordonjcp17.10 will be EOL in May23:26
gordonjcpstandard releases have a nine-month lifecycle23:26
gordonjcpLTSes are supported for five years23:26
gordonjcplibben: so, it's up to you, you could do 17.10 now and install 18.04 in April and then sit on that for five years23:27
* gordonjcp discovered a 10.04 server running away quite the thing recently23:27
gordonjcpthere are plans afoot to move its stuff onto a newer machine, and decommission the old P3 it's running on23:28
gordonjcpthen we'll probably have to turn on the radiators in that room23:28
libbenwell, I just want to see whats new. I usually just try new releases everyt time I see em. But now Im gonna replace my old router with a mini pc. And let it act as htpc, www, router. Dont mind running latest23:28
gartralgordonjcp: 10.04?! what was it running?!23:29
gordonjcplibben: cool, go for it, even give 18.04 alpha 2 a blast23:29
gordonjcpgartral: some webby database stuff written in Django that I vaguely recall writing several jobs ago23:30
gartrallibben: I'll warn ya, using a regular old desktop as a router has many disadantages?23:30
libbenopensense in a vm23:30
libbenis the main idea23:30
gordonjcpgartral: must have done it right, back then23:30
libbenthe pc is a i5 5250u with 4 intel 1gb nics23:31
libbenone of those small mini pcs from china23:31
gartrallibben: right, but power consumption, processing lag (ESPECIALLY if you're using a VM to route), and general "oh crap" factor when something breaks23:31
libbenyou gotta live a little =)23:31
libbenoh crap is the fun part =)23:31
gartrallibben: also, with the spectre/meltdown patches coming down, anything that does a lot of network proseccing for figuring out firewall/routing is going to be painfully slow23:32
ecormiergartral: and a lot of advantages too23:34
gartralecormier: true, but I find that my energy bill thanks me when I use a properly flashed/configured router :P23:37
ecormiergartral: I've got a buddy doing it right now with a custom low-power arm board23:37
ecormieryou could do it with a raspberry pi23:37
ecormiergartral: router is all fine doing what it does, until you want it to do something and it can't23:38
gartralecormier: I mean, I have an actual server running as my primary firewall23:38
ecormierthat works too23:39
gartralor rather, a vm on my server as my firewall23:39
ecormierand that sits between the router and the internet23:39
gartralecormier: logically, yes, wire-wise no23:40
libbengartral: that is true, but I dont have that high demand and it will surely be better then my current router.23:40
ecormier.... that's a problem23:40
ecormierif the router is wired to the wan, it is susceptible to attack23:41
=== Euph0ria is now known as OICU812
gartralecormier: my actual router passes all traffic over a vlan to a specific port on my server, that port is connected to one VM, then the traffic gets passed back to the router out another port over a different VLAN and the router handles it's actual job of routing from there.23:42
ecormierthat's a little too far down the paranoia hole for me, so I'll leave it there... my router is connected23:42
ecormierahhh gotcha.... safer ... but still...23:42
gartralecormier: I had to do it this was because of the 3000+ firewall rules I have set up and the router having a dinky little 4mb of flash for userspace23:43
ecormieryup, makes good sense23:44
helppleasehi im back are you still here i have an issue23:44
gartralhelpplease: we're still here, as promised23:44
helppleaseok my problem is that i have written some changes to partition table with test disk (have a backup)23:46
helppleasei have drive inside the external case this time though23:46
gartralhelpplease: well you took a backup, so that's good, was it a block backup or a file backup?23:47
helppleasei wanted to test it like that to see if putting bak inside case would make a diff showing up23:47
gartralhelpplease: lemme guess, it didn't, did it?23:47
helppleaseit is showing up but i have made changes to table how can i restore to orig state with the backup23:47
gartralhelpplease: how did you take the backup?23:48
helppleaseand the changes where made while inside my pc box23:48
helppleasewith test disk23:48
helppleasejust gotta read catch up brb23:48
helppleasei have to go im sorry baby calls23:50
helppleasethank u very much23:51

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