[18:34] Where is the best place to find help with keeping pulse audio working on Studio? Everytime it gets messed up it takes me forever to get sound back again. [20:10] ello my friends [22:01] I have a ubuntustudio newbie question, if anyone is active on this channel [22:27] I have a ubuntustudio newbie question, if anyone is active on this channel [22:32] JDA2: You know, just ask it.. :) [22:33] Sorry for the "noise" post. :-) I am trying to find a Linux distro that will support video capture from my Hauppauge WinTV card. But I don't know if naitve ubuntustudio will do that, or whether I have to customize it with drivers for my TV card. [22:36] Well, I'm using one myself, and I don't remember having done anything extra on my current install to make it work.. :D [22:38] Sounds encouraging. As a real newbie, I tried opening Kdenlive, and in the configuration window, it seems to acknowledge that there is a Hauppauge card there. That sounded good. But I don't see what to click to see if it can view the TV. [22:39] Should I be using some other program? [22:39] I'm just using plain MPlayer for it myself. >_> [22:48] OK thanks. As a real video+linux newbie, I was not familiar with mplayer. Looks like it has LOTS of options! Could you tell me what parameters you use to access your TV card? [22:55] Are we talking digital or analog here anyway? I got the latter. [22:56] Analog. I hope to hook VCR to the coax jack and import old home movies. [23:10] JDA2: Ok, so I got 1.) in my config: tv = driver=v4l2:chanlist=europe-west:norm=PAL:buffersize=150:device=/dev/video0:input=0:width=720:height=576:adevice=hw.1,0:amode=1:alsa=1:audiorate=32000:immediatemode=0 -- heartbeat-cmd = "nice xscreensaver-command -deactivate > /dev/null" -- plus the channels, and 2.) in a custom shell script I called "tv": mplayer -aspect 4:3 -vf-add pp -autoq 6 ... [23:10] ... -vf-add eq=0:0,pp=hb:c/vb:c/dr:c/lb:c/tn -af volume=6:0 -framedrop "${@:2}" tv://$1 [23:15] OK, thanks krytarik. I will give those a try. (I am not on that computer right now, unfortunately) I appreciate your help!