
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunarx-python 0.5.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunarx-python-0-5-1-released-tp50645.html (by Adam Plumb-2)01:54
Unit193bluesabre: menulibre/catfish/etc won't build in the 'backports' ppa unless fixes happen. :311:00
bluesabreUnit193: hm?11:07
bluesabreyou mean like dropping the debhelper version?11:07
Unit193Well that'd do it, sure.11:07
bluesabreWhere are the issues?11:07
Unit193That just works though, because lazy to fix. :D11:08
bluesabreI figured making the packages happy in unstable and bionic would make backports a bit more annoying :)11:09
Unit193Add my staging PPA as a B-D in the backports PPA and problem is gone.11:10
ochosibluesabre, Unit193: i presume we still have enough time to push both stable exo and screenshooter 1.9.1 into 18.04, right?21:41
ochosiwould be nice to get it into the staging PPA in any case...21:41
Unit193It's been in the PPA for quite some time.21:44
ochosioh right21:45
ochosimaybe i have it already /o\21:45
ochosi(i do)21:45
Unit193flocculant: BTW, jumped to Bionic on another one.21:47
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-volumed-pulse 0.2.3 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-volumed-pulse-0-2-3-released-tp50652.html (by Simon Steinbeiss)22:38

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