
tioxI have an interesting problem I've never encountered with Ubuntu MATE, which I am encountering in Xubuntu regarding automatically-mounted partitions (though this issue still happens if I mount it manually).02:11
tioxI installed gnome-disk-utility to make some changes in /etc/fstab without actually touching it, and after I made changes which I know work in Ubuntu MATE (being, disabling session defaults so i can mount on system startup) I am unable to manipulate the fulesystem.02:13
tioxLike, I cannot write files or make folders, and I cannot browse it in xfwm4-terminal because I don't have permissions to do that.02:14
tioxWhat's Xubuntu doing differently?02:14
tioxRight, I'll be back in a bit.02:17
tioxRight I'm licked.02:26
tioxAnyone saw my previous messages? I am trying to have this other partition mount so I can use it for some folders I can manuoulate between Windows, Linux and Android.02:26
tioxProblem is, the partition whcih I want to use is the partition I cannot write to because of no permissions, even after the system mounts it on boot and I would like to write on it.02:27
krytariktiox: What file system type?  If a Linux one, different user/group IDs?02:30
krytarikCompared the entries each one makes for it in '/etc/fstab'?02:34
tioxYou knwo what? I forgot what permissions I have in Ubuntu MATE. I knwo root has 777 there.02:35
tioxBut I never looked for myself.02:35
tioxThere is no difference.02:45
tioxI cat'd both fstabs and I see nothing different between them. This is an XFCE issue I believe; is there some security-related stuff I should look into?02:46
krytarikI'd hazard the theory that mounting through '/etc/fstab' and inability to access even through the CLI excludes the used desktop environment from being the issue.02:53
tioxThen what could it be?03:05
tioxI need to be able to mount this device so i can write to it outside of Linux. Otherwise if Microsoft and Android allowed for Ext* I wouldn't be having to screw with this.03:06
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
tioxI fingered it out. gnome-disks lacks options for what would be rw and umask in fstab.03:18
tioxSo I added rw,umask=000 and now I can read and write in it.03:18
tioxFilesystem basics; Ten years later and still learning them. Serves me right for using GUIs as crutches.03:19
krytariktiox: Well, I was just going to show you what mount options I got for mine there: "dmask=002,fmask=113,uid=1000,gid=46" - which makes it a little less permissive.03:23
tioxEh, TBH this isn't a loaner drive, its sole purpose is to be used as part of a private HTPC so permissions doesn't really matter for me.03:25
tioxSo long I get it to work in a single-user environment.03:25
krytarikWell, even if not multi-user, they matter on a security level.03:26
frustratednewbieHi everyone. My problem is with installation. I have installed Xubuntu more than 3 times without apparent error onto an Acer Aspire One notebook, though when I have clicked the button to restart, the computer has failed to shut down. When I attempt to decrypt the hard drive afterwards, I have failed every time – except once, when I was successfully able to decrypt the hard drive, but not the home folder. I am certain this07:05
frustratednewbieThank you in advance for any advice.07:05
__marci just started with a fresh install of xubuntu 17-10 and remarked that at start up first a kind of screen tester runs (cycles the whole screen red blue yellow and so on) and then shows only the login screens right most quarter. has any one out there experienced something similar? by the way i can see the whole screen with out a problem if i put the fresh booted OS into hibernate and wake it then up, so i dont believe that there is a15:12
__marc driver issue or some thing like that15:12
frustratednewbieHi, I successfully installed xubuntu, decrypted home drive, and logged into home folder for xubuntu using the mini.iso installer (because I was unable to decrypt the hard drive after 4 installs with normal 64-bit installer)16:31
frustratednewbieHowever, I am not sure where to go from here, there appears to be no GUI of any kind, which I need, I don't function well in command line generally speaking16:31
well_laid_lawnfrustratednewbie:  you can try    sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:56
frustratednewbieThank you!17:00
=== ashen__ is now known as frustratednewbie
frustratednewbieI have successfully installed xubuntu, now I'm trying to update programs. I'm wondering why Firefox (newest version) has a very different appearance in xubuntu than in Linux Mint? Should this be the case, does it have to do with the difference in desktop environment (Xfce vs Cinnamon)?20:47
nokiomanzHi, I was using xubuntu 16.04 and just did a fresh install of xubuntu 17.10. For some reason that I try to understand all my color in a terminal are different. PLUS, if I ssh to 2 different machine color there are not the same. Where they used to be. Yes I am complaining about my color :( ahah20:50
drleviathanfrustratednewbie, FF look changed very recently.  Verify your version: navigate to `about:`21:01
drleviathanfrustratednewbie, you installed xubuntu-16.04 or some other version?21:02
drleviathannokiomanz, you did a "fresh install"... did it wipe the files in your $HOME or were they left intact?21:03
drleviathanyou're using the default terminal? I forget what that one is called... I've been using konsole for a long time.21:04
nokiomanzdrleviathan, xfce4-terminal. my 17.10 is a fresh install on a new computer. Starting fresh nothing migrated over. Both 16.04 and 17.10 were using "default" if it can be called that21:05
drleviathannokiomanz, it appears that the settings for that are stored in $HOME/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc21:07
drleviathanbut you should be able to configure the colors via the menu: EditMenu --> Preference...Option --> ColorsTab21:08
nokiomanzdrleviathan, played with terminalrc yesterday and for some reason had no impact. I'll do a few more test.21:11
nokiomanzI am installing a vm of xubuntu 16.04 I'll get to the end of this! :D21:14
nokiomanzmaybe it start from bash color scheme. VM almost installed21:21
frustratednewbiedrleviathan, I honestly don't remember if I installed LTR release or latest, but I have moved on from project. It appears, tho, that there is a separate Firefox for Linux Mint, which I did not expect to be the case; I just assumed that was the norm, because it looks similar to Firefox on Android also. Thanks for your answer in any case!21:22
Unit193nokiomanz: There's themes, you can reset it to the correct one in Edit → Preferences → Color.21:49
Unit193Looking specifically to apply the differen presets until it looks right.  As for the bash prompt, you may want to look at what TERM is set to.21:50

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