
thumperwallyworld, babbageclunk: I have a question around upgrade-juju00:16
thumperI thought 'juju upgrade-juju --dry-run' would tell you what it would do00:17
thumperis that not right?00:17
babbageclunkthumper: otp (standup) - it should do, I think?00:17
thumperexcept in the situation where I'm using a build pre-release?00:17
thumperit says it would upgrade to 2.3.200:18
thumperbut I think it'll do
babbageclunkthumper: have you specified --build-agent?00:18
thumperhuh, this is different than it used to be00:18
thumperwallyworld, babbageclunk: I have a stop the line bug for the release...00:46
thumperthe upgrade failed from 2.2.900:46
thumperinterestingly it failed upgrading to 2.3.200:46
thumperI'd like some rubberducks00:46
thumperif you can jump in the release call, that'd be swell00:47
babbageclunkyup yup00:47
babbageclunkwallyworld: approved03:47
anastasiamacwallyworld: model cred in show-model and models output, PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/837204:04
anastasiamacwallyworld: also, i *think* that htis is resolved now?... https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/168052304:34
mupBug #1680523: add-credential azure fails <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680523>04:34
keremHi All,08:30
thumpero/ kerem08:37
keremHi Tim,08:43
keremcan you help me ?08:43
keremI have a problem with juju08:45
jamwhats up kerem?08:47
keremHey !08:48
keremIs there anybody there?08:49
jamWe're here, but you don't seem to be asking any questions yet08:49
keremHi Jam08:50
keremWe are trying to install Openstack using Juju (2.3.2) and MAAS (2.3). When we try to load the application via Juju, we get a random rope. for example when I want to work with it uses the overlay (tenant) which is  Q: How do I provide interface or ip assignments when distributing over the Juju? The same is true for LXD.08:50
mupBug #1616098: Juju 2.0 uses random IP for 'PUBLIC-ADDRESS' with MAAS 2.0 <4010> <cpec> <juju:Fix Released by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616098>08:51
keremsame problem08:52
jamkerem: so likely Juju knows about both addresses. And you can see those if you do "juju show-machine X". Its a bit arbitrary which address we pick to show in status, since we only have 1 value.08:52
jamkerem: is there an actual problem that you have for the application running, or is it just that 'status' is showing you an address you don't like?08:52
keremI created 5 space and subnet08:53
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
keremI want to use management-space in node setup, fkaat is using provider-space or ceph-cluster-space08:55
keremMy goal is that the physical server and the Lxd servers are in the same space.08:56
keremWhen I try to deploy, the physical server gives me an ip address I do not want.08:57
jamkerem: so are you specifying those as bindings in the bundle?08:57
jamkerem: if you deploy the charm directly, you can do "juju deploy fkaat --bind provider-space" for example08:58
jamor in the bundle definition it would be08:58
jam "": provider-space08:58
jam(you can bind endpoints separately, but for now, I'm assuming you want them all to use the same binding for a given application)08:58
keremI could not tell09:00
jamkerem: I'm assuming you're deploying from a bundle, can you share that bundle? say via pastebin.ubuntu.com ?09:01
keremNo, I have not yet.09:03
keremBecause I can not get it like I want.09:03
mupBug #1616098: Juju 2.0 uses random IP for 'PUBLIC-ADDRESS' with MAAS 2.0 <4010> <cpec> <juju:Fix Released by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616098>09:04
keremThis same problem09:04
keremmy management ip
keremmy storage ip
keremon a node109:06
keremdeployment start "juju deploy nova-comupte --bind management-space" is it true?09:07
jamkerem: something like that, but it depends what the actual spaces are and how you want the applications to be configured.09:26
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
thumperbabbageclunk: ping20:47
babbageclunkthumper: pong20:47
thumperbabbageclunk: can you be a rubber duck again?20:48
babbageclunkyup - give me 2 mins? Just making a OR20:48
thumpersure, just join the release HO when you are ready20:48
hmlPR review please?  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/837921:02
babbageclunkhml: looking21:59
hmlbabbageclunk: ty22:00
babbageclunkhml: approved22:04
hmlbabbageclunk: :-)22:05

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