
lubotKhalid_madara was added by: Khalid_madara13:01
lubot<tsimonq2> Welcome!13:01
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @Khalid_madara, o/13:09
lubot<Khalid_madara> Tq14:10
lubot<Khalid_madara> I'm new in Ubuntu...14:10
lubot<Khalid_madara> I want learn about lubuntu14:10
lubot<tsimonq2> @Khalid_madara, Awesome, stick around then :D16:20
lubot<tsimonq2> Also, congratulations to @MikolajczakMarcin for becoming the new head of the Lubuntu Global Team :D16:20
lubot<tsimonq2> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2018-February/040139.html19:24
lubot<tsimonq2> Does anyone oppose to me +1ing this (with some conditions)?19:24
wxli'm not sure i see a problem with that19:25
lubot<tsimonq2> Me neither19:26
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Dunno what to say19:26
lubot<tsimonq2> Obviously I'll advocate strongly for people being able to turn it off19:26
lubot<tsimonq2> But yeah19:26
lubot<acheronuk> dunno if this will affect lubot, but KDE now have: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ghGVQTcDxH/21:08
lubot<tsimonq2> So just a little announcement... We've decided to create the ~lubuntu-members Launchpad team for an easier ACL for Lubuntu.me email aliases, but eventually it would be good to evolve it to be more.21:17
lubot<tsimonq2> Applying for membership there is detailed in the description.21:17
lubot<VikingRedwolf> and there's more democracy for Lubuntu21:19
lubot<VikingRedwolf> who said it's under the control of a few? :)21:19
lubot<VikingRedwolf> LET'S PARTY!!21:19
lubot<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf, Right :D21:20
* acheronuk looks21:22
lubot<VikingRedwolf> aaand new artwork icon: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-art21:23
lubot<acheronuk> do by proxy contributions count? seeing as you are going to be using more Qt/KDE?21:26
redwolfyou ALWAYS count, acheronuk :)21:26
lubot<acheronuk> lol21:27
lubot<VikingRedwolf> why the hell did I switched to HexChat? O.o21:27
lubot<VikingRedwolf> me nutz21:27
lubot<acheronuk> I use that21:27
lubot<VikingRedwolf> let's change more icons!!21:27
lubot<acheronuk> The Qt clients all have limitations I don't like21:28
lubot<acheronuk> Look nicer. Work ****ier21:28
lubot<VikingRedwolf> I'm happy with the latest performance for both Qt and GTK321:29
lubot<VikingRedwolf> and they can look really nice (and really ugly)21:29
lubot<acheronuk> true. no excuse to have any toolkit look ugly now21:30
lubot<VikingRedwolf> nope21:30
lubot<acheronuk> @tsimonq2 any ideas how KDE can fix their bot? otherwise, may be matrix time21:34
lubot<VikingRedwolf> is it broken?21:34
lubot<acheronuk> @VikingRedwolf, thier IRC to TG bot is21:35
lubot<acheronuk> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ghGVQTcDxH/21:35
lubot<acheronuk> IRC to TG is broekn on theirs21:37
lubot<acheronuk> but not the other way21:37
lubot<VikingRedwolf> odd21:41
lubot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk, Yes, direct contributions to seeded packages count :21:49
lubot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk, No clue21:49
lubot<acheronuk> @tsimonq2, Okies. may do that sometime. with lxqt, being lubuntu member seems a no brainer21:51
lubot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk, Right21:52
lubot<tsimonq2> ok21:52
lubot<VikingRedwolf> sorry @MikolajczakMarcin!22:06
lubot<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf Since the logo change is pretty much public now, can we please get a new Lubuntu Manual logo?22:54
lubot<VikingRedwolf> The Manual is being validated by Legal23:12
lubot<tsimonq2> You've changed it in Reddit .__.23:13
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Ooh sorry, I misunderstood you23:13
lubot<VikingRedwolf> I shall23:13

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