
KamilionGood news; my ISO boots on an AMD Raven Ridge APU (2200G) to the desktop.05:29
KamilionNot bad for 16.04 with 4.13!05:30
sacardein alternate install Lubuntu, there is a singulare way to configure keyboard09:17
sacardeby pressing some keys to recognize keyboard09:17
sacardeis possible to start this in a installed system?09:18
sacardesomething like: dpkg-reconfigure .......09:19
Guest46Does anybody know how to fix VPN on lubuntu?19:11
wxlGuest46: works for me. what's wrong?19:12
Guest46wxl well, no idea really, just that the setup wont read my saved conf file19:13
Guest46but it works in ubuntu srv 16.0.419:13
wxlwhat version of lubuntu are you using, Guest46 ?19:13
wxlso assuming you use the same tools, it should work the same. i assume you're not using Network-Manager in ubuntu server, eh?19:14
Guest46When im trying to load a conf file in lubuntu it just gives me , configuration error: invalid 1th argument to 'reneg-sec' where number expected (line 18).19:15
wxlthat seems like a pretty clear error.....19:15
Guest46yeah, but when im trying to fix it, i cant connect to it19:15
wxlhow did you "fix it?"19:16
wxland what's line 18?19:16
Guest46if u clear it and it will accept my conf, my connection wont go through19:16
wxli'm sure that removing a configuration option isn't going to go well19:16
wxlmost likely your vpn requires it19:16
wxlbut you might need to set it correctly19:16
Guest46yeah, but to what19:17
wxlgive me the EXACT error and the EXACT content of line 1819:17
Guest46reneg-sec 43200019:18
wxli'm not sure if there's an upper end to it19:19
wxlthe fact that it says it's expecting a number is strange19:19
wxlcan you provide a copy of the file?19:19
wxlfeel free to pull out identifying info. i just want to see the structure of the whole thing19:20
wxlone thing you can do is just avoid NetworkManager and do openvpn and networking in general just like how you did on server. i'd be shocked if there were a difference there, but maybe19:21
wxlyou also might check for weird characters:19:23
wxlgrep -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" /path/to/your/file19:23
Guest4653hey wxl, well there did i go19:26
Guest4653i tried something that cleary didnt work19:26
Guest4653Well okay19:28
Guest4653I have no idea19:28
Guest4653Apparently im on the vpn now19:28
Guest4653No clear idea what fixed it tho19:29
Guest4653wxl how did u setup vpn?19:30
wxlin NetworkManager19:32
Guest4653well it works atleast19:34
wxlif it didn't work, some random things happened, and then it did work, there's not much that can be done, so yeah, be happy it works :)19:36
Guest4653@wxl well, yeah, but i dont really like it in the end19:37
wxlthat's why you got to keep track of that random stuff19:38
wxlbut mine worked right out of the box with no other changes19:38
Guest4653yeah, but i have been messing with it for a hour and just trying stupid shit19:38
wxldid you remove the line and rewrite it?19:38
Guest4653and then getting pinged-out from connection to the vpn and faling, then diconnected then connected and it started working19:39
Guest4653i just removed it entirely19:39
Guest4653gonna check if i put it back and set it to 019:39
wxlcould have been some change on the vpn end19:39
wxlbut it could have been there were some non-printing characters in there that were causing parsing issues, which a rewrite might have fixed19:40
Guest4653well putting it to 0 works19:43
Guest4653atleast the conf file19:43
wxlthat just turns it off19:43
wxlso there's never any renogiation19:43
wxlremoving it should set it to 3600s19:44
wxlwhich means renegotiation every 3600s19:44
wxlyou had it set to a monstrous value19:44
wxladmittedly the serve needs to match, too, so you should set it to whatever the server suggests19:44
Guest4653yeah, will try to chat with em tommorow19:46
wxlif you have further problems, i'd watch the openvpn logging19:46
wxlchances are the problem lies there19:46
Guest4653wxl yeah,wich networkmanager did u use?19:49
Guest4653did u just install gnome?19:49
wxlno. it's included with lubuntu19:49
Guest4653Yeah, but the included would allow me to add a VPN connection19:50
wxlthe included is NetworkManager and it certainly does allow it19:50
Guest4653If u rightclick -> VPN connections -> its grey isnt it?19:51
Guest4653and if i go to edit connections -> create, vpn wasnt there19:52
wxlone second19:52
wxlugh my virtualbox is being problematic. not in front of lubuntu currently, but i've set that up on two machines before with no problems. so i guess the short answer is: no.19:54
Guest4653hmm, and ur using the 16.0.4 lub?19:55
Guest4653well, what19:55
Guest4653Now i feel like a reinstallation would be in order, but it was a clean install before also19:56
linguiniI just installed and my M.2 SSD isn't detected.  What must I do to use the SSD?19:56
wxllinguini: not detected or not mounted?19:57
linguiniwxl: Not detected AFAICT.19:57
wxlit's always good to start from a fresh state19:57
wxllinguini: is it showing up in `sudo fdisk -l`?19:57
linguiniwxl: Nope19:57
linguiniwxl: FWIW, I've had many problems with virtualbox.  But I don't see your original complaint.19:58
wxllinguini: in general, vbox is pretty good, but i'm running some bleeding edge stuff right now.19:59
linguiniOh yes, I love vbox.  But I've also had many problems with it.20:00
redwolfGuest4653, what VPN are yu using? the provider, I mean20:01
Guest4653redwolf ovpn20:01
wxllinguini: can you confirm the BIOS sees that SSD?20:01
redwolfGuest4653, that's the interface. who is giving you that connection? RiseUp? Proton?20:01
Guest4653redwolf no, its ovpn20:02
Guest4653not openvpn20:02
redwolfah, sorries20:02
linguiniwxl: I'll reboot in a bit to check, I guess.20:02
Guest4653cant know every vpn-provider in the world20:02
redwolfand do you have the network manager module to manage those connections?20:03
redwolfit should be shipped though20:03
Guest4653redwolf yeah, now i got em20:05
Guest4653yeah everything is working great now20:05
wxlweird. i don't remember installing any of that.20:06
Guest4653yeah that i mean20:06
Guest4653if he didnt do it20:06
Guest4653something else must be wrong20:06
Guest4653or u did do it, and ur lying to me20:06
Guest4653same shit diffrent distro20:06
wxli'm lying to you20:06
wxlgo ride a bike20:06
Guest4653well, gonna try their installer now20:07
Guest4653see what errors i will get there20:07
Guest4653well, brb20:07
Guest4653well redwolf20:12
Guest4653yeah, i got errors20:12
Guest4653i jus think their shit is not updated20:12
Guest4653wxl yah sure u didnt install it?20:20
blue1Hi i am having problems with lubuntu on an acer aspire.  I installed lubuntu 16.04.3 and that worked fine.  the kernel version was 4.x.28.  It updated to a 4.x.32 kernel.  the .28 kernel works.  that .32 kernel displays a garbaged gui21:33
lubot<VikingRedwolf> I have an Acer Aspire E and it works nice. does it crash after booting or it never starts?21:34
lubot<VikingRedwolf> anyways, try pressing shift while booting and choose another kernel, just for trying21:34
blue1lubot: yes the .28 kernel works just fine - I just nuked all the .32 stuff22:14
lubot<VikingRedwolf> good, I guess newer releases have better support for your graphics card or motherboard22:15
krytarikblue1: Please see if it's LP bug 1724639.22:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724639 in openSUSE "Bug in Kernel 4.13 : Intel Mobile Graphics 945 shows 80 % black screen" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172463922:20
blue1krytarik: yup that's it22:22
krytarikCool, then see the workaround mentioned there.22:22
blue1except mine is an acer aspire22:22
blue1okay let me see if I can find the work around22:23
krytarikThe "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text" one, to be specific.22:24
blue1let me search for that b/c I have not found the work around yet22:26
blue1found it22:26
blue1okay the gfx_payload is NOT in the file, should I just add it then?22:30
blue1oh do not edit grub.cfg22:30
krytarikYou edit "/etc/default/grub"22:30
blue1it's not in that file either -- okay to just add it at the end?22:32
krytarikWell yes, if it's not there..22:33
krytarikAha, the comments to the bug report indicate that indeed.22:35
blue1sorry I don't futz with boottime stuff that often.22:35
blue1thank you for your patience22:35
krytarikNo problem.  And you are welcome. :)22:36
blue1okay regenerated the file - and re-installing the updates22:36
blue1It says it's up-to-date with the .28 stuff I will wait and try tomorrow -- thank you again.22:48
blue1not new to linux, just new to lubuntu22:48
krytarikblue1: Is the metapackage "linux-generic-hwe-16.04" still installed?  If not, reinstall it: "sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-16.04"22:54
blue1krytarik: i think so let me ssh in22:54
blue1good catch - no it is not installed22:55
blue1that got it.22:56
krytarikGood good. :)22:56
blue1it works -- just like downtown!23:04
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)23:04
blue1I had never heard of lubuntu till last week -- frankly xubuntu was pretty much taxing the limits of the machine -- this runs very well on this little netbook23:05
heheheyes lubuntu is nice23:10
hehehevery nice23:10
hehehewho here is into blockchain?23:10
blue1ah there is no 32 bit skype anymore -- maybe hangouts will work23:13

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