
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:25
lordievaderGood morning07:12
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:13
lotuspsychjehow are you mate07:13
ducassegood morning, everyone07:14
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje07:14
lordievaderHey ducasse07:14
lordievaderDoing good here. How are you guys?07:14
ducassemorning, lordievader - all good here, thanks. got your morning coffee yet? :)07:15
lotuspsychjehey ducasse07:16
lordievaderNot yet. Colleague hasn't arrived yet.07:16
ducassemorning, lotuspsychje07:19
lotuspsychjeadding usbcore.autosuspend=-1 to grub didnt help grr08:56
lordievaderlotuspsychje: What are you trying to do?09:14
lotuspsychjelordievader: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174923709:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1749237 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "External usb 3.0 harddisk not detected by default on 16.04.3" [Undecided,New]09:15
lotuspsychjewhatever i try, i cant get that hd to popup on desktop09:16
lordievaderIs autosuspend disabled by default on 18.04?09:17
lotuspsychjenot sure didnt check that actually09:17
lotuspsychjeoh i did09:18
lotuspsychjei tryed 18.04 on the problem machine live09:18
lotuspsychjeno dice09:18
lordievaderSo it seems a problem with the machine, rather than the software.09:18
lotuspsychjeyeah tryed messing with bios, but no luck there either09:19
lordievaderYou should add that to the bug report.09:19
lotuspsychjeill do09:19
lotuspsychjethe wird thing lordievader is when i branch the hd in usb before boot it works like a charm09:20
lotuspsychjebut i cant deliver it that way to a customer right?09:20
lordievader"branch the hd" what do you mean with that?09:21
lotuspsychjei want it plug n play09:21
lotuspsychjelordievader: aka: connected usb cable to the 3.0 port before boot09:21
lotuspsychjethen its recognized09:21
lordievaderWhat does udev say about it when you plug it in?09:21
lotuspsychjewhats the command09:22
lordievader`sudo udevadm monitor --environment --udev`09:22
lotus-seagatelordievader: https://hastebin.com/rozebehasu.makefile09:26
lotuspsychjethis is after the usb connected boot09:27
lotuspsychjethen it keeps working09:27
lordievaderRight, I was more interested in the case where it doesn't work 😋09:28
lotuspsychjeok lemme reboot holdon09:29
jinkWhat is this, Windows? :P09:29
lotus-seagate_lordievader: https://hastebin.com/ififekurag.makefile09:31
lotuspsychjedoesnt get recognized now09:33
lotuspsychjejink: comodore 64 :p09:34
lordievaderUdev sees it just fine, also gives it a usb-storage driver.09:36
lotuspsychjeits a medion akoya...09:36
lotuspsychjeseagate works just fine on my netbook09:38
lordievaderDoes `dmesg` show anything if it fails to detect?09:40
lordievaderwhen it fails to detect*09:40
lotuspsychjeno new lines on plug09:41
lotuspsychjei could try this machine on w10 perhaps09:43
lotuspsychjesee what it does09:43
lordievaderNo usb things either?09:43
lordievaderPlugging a usb stick in gives some usb info here.09:43
lotuspsychjeyeah normal usb stick gets detected09:43
lotuspsychjewith dmesg or syslog09:43
lotuspsychjebut not that seagate09:44
lordievaderIs it already time to either blame Seagate or Medion? </sarcasm>09:45
jinklotuspsychje: Nice. :D09:45
lotuspsychjelordievader: seagate not, as it works on my netbook fine09:47
lotuspsychjemedion usb port, could be yes09:47
lordievaderNo, Seagate still make shitty drives.09:47
lotuspsychjetested other brand of usb 3.0 didnt work either10:22
BluesKajHowdy folks11:57
oerheksheya BluesKaj :-)11:59
BluesKajhey oerheks :-)11:59
oerheks0' C and sunny day, doggies love it12:08
lordievaderHey BluesKaj oerheks12:40
lordievaderHow are you guys doing?12:40
BluesKajhi lordievader, fine here, and you?12:42
lordievaderI'm doing good :)12:42
nacchey look at that Xen is gone16:15
nacc(not the package, the user on ubuntu-devel-discuss)16:15
BluesKajnot in that chat , what about him/her16:21
nacclet me find the archive16:21
naccIMO, (and only my own), a troll who seeks to annoy developers16:22
naccI have no idea if they have contributed anything to ubuntu ever, tbh16:22
oerheks"with the treatment you generally get on IRC." ..16:25
naccyeah i was starting to wonder if they were someone in here, periodically, but honestly, their attitude as always been terrible, and the folks here are good :)16:25
oerhekswell, 1st line of support, you need an elephant-skin16:26
naccespecially if you are volunteering :)16:27
naccfeels weird to complain about it, imo16:27
oerheksmaybe he/she is a little burned-up, too much, too long on irc?16:28
oerheksseen that before, i try to answer 3 Q a day...16:28
naccoerheks: if you can earch the archive, just read their old e-mails16:37
naccessays, not emails16:37
naccthat just ramble and annoy :)16:37
leftyfbnow I'm curious who that was16:49
naccleftyfb: me too16:49
leftyfb"I was recently spending a lot of time helping out in Ubuntu support"16:49
leftyfbthere was someone a while back complaining about not helping out anymore for some silly reason16:50
oerheksleftyfb, yeah, i am looking through logs, but no 'xen'17:10
leftyfbyeah, that wasn't the name .. I know that much. I looked through my logs briefly and couldn't find anything. I might spend more time later if I care enough :)17:10
nicomachusdaftykins: you asked about my 5x at some point recently. I don't have it, I traded it in to Project Fi when I got my Moto x417:11
nicomachusdaftykins: I haven't gotten a February update on my x4 yet either. Just got January at the end oft he month.17:12
TJ-nacc: leftyfb: Xen's IRC nick was xenar. From his web-site I'd suspect he's suffering some medical problems that influence the behaviour18:34
naccTJ-: i see18:36
daftykinsnicomachus: ah no worries, i got it yesterday here on 8.120:47
oerheksanyone seeing gopal lately??21:01
TJ-what's the factoid for pointing to the basic help resources?21:14
nicomachusTJ-: I think !patience has them21:14
Bashing-omMaybe !manual - TJ- ?21:14
nicomachusdaftykins: do you use tasker?21:15
oerheks!manual perhaps?21:16
TJ-!manual > TJ-21:17
ubot5TJ-, please see my private message21:17
TJ-!manual > TJ-21:17
TJ-weird, tries to talk to me then stops talking :D21:18
oerheks<ubottu> The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:18
nicomachus!manual > TJ-21:18
ubot5TJ-, please see my private message21:18
hggdhyou can also /msg ubot5 !manual21:19
TJ-Weird, that worked nicomachus :D21:19
TJ-hggdh: yes, I did, and was ignored :D21:19
nicomachusTJ-: I wonder if using your own name confuses it? not sure how21:19
hggdhtoo many requests clustered, perhaps21:19
nicomachusmeh, that would probably be hard.21:19
TJ-nicomachus: yes, I wondered that but it tried to send me a message first time I issued the command but as I have +g I had to /query ubot5 first to open a privmsg channel, then it wouldn't talk to me21:20
TJ-hahaha, that's hardly a 'minimal install' and is now going to confuse users with package 'ubuntu-minimal' or the mini ISO installers21:42
oerheksyeah, i think it gives more than with --no-install-recommends21:56
oerheks!does-updates-harm-my-install-and-can-i-get-my-money-back ?22:16
ubot5oerheks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:16
oerheksoh sorry22:16

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