
naccRAOF: if i'm reading it right, just one changelog stanza missing?00:00
RAOFThat's what it looks like to me, yes.00:00
naccRAOF: i'm ready to upload, if so, if that's good by you00:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected cloud-init [source] (xenial-proposed) [17.2-35-gf576b2a2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1]00:01
RAOFI've just rejected both. You might need to wait for LP to process the removals before it'll let you upload again, but as soon as it lets you upload you're good to go :)00:01
naccRAOF: i assume that one is the same rejection reason?00:02
RAOFnacc: Correct; both xenial and artful need the changelog entries.00:02
naccRAOF: ack, i'll wait a bit and upload them both00:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: tor (artful-proposed/universe) [ =>] (no packageset)00:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted tor [source] (xenial-proposed) []00:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted tor [source] (artful-proposed) []00:12
naccblackboxsw: RAOF: uploaded00:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: cloud-init (artful-proposed/main) [17.2-30-gf7deaf15-0ubuntu1~17.10.1 => 17.2-35-gf576b2a2-0ubuntu1~17.10.1] (edubuntu, ubuntu-cloud, ubuntu-server)00:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: cloud-init (xenial-proposed/main) [17.2-30-gf7deaf15-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 => 17.2-35-gf576b2a2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1] (edubuntu, ubuntu-cloud, ubuntu-server)00:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted cloud-init [source] (artful-proposed) [17.2-35-gf576b2a2-0ubuntu1~17.10.1]01:33
naccblackboxsw: dpb1 --^ should be ok now, fyi01:37
blackboxswnacc:  thanks for the lift there. just got back01:37
blackboxswit saves another day of waiting on -proposed publish. thanks again01:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted cloud-init [source] (xenial-proposed) [17.2-35-gf576b2a2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1]01:39
jbichaRAOF: you're not a full Archive Admin, right?03:16
RAOFjbicha (IRC) You are correct.03:17
jbichais there a list that shows which are full Archive Admins?03:17
tsimonq2jbicha: My first guess would be https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+members03:18
jbichawe should just promote you and then we won't have this confusion :)03:18
tsimonq2Yeah, that is confusing if RAOF isn't a "full" AA03:18
RAOFYeah, yeah.03:19
RAOFI've never *quite* got the training :)03:19
tsimonq2Why don't you? :)03:19
* jbicha adds AA Training to RAOF's calendar03:19
RAOFPartially because UTC+11 is not the most awesome timezone for AA overlap :)03:20
RAOFBut yeah, I just need to make scheduled time for it.03:20
dpb1nacc: ty03:20
jbichaRAOF: if you were, LP: #1747033 is interesting. it's not listed as a task at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration03:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1747033 in orca (Ubuntu) "Move gnome-tweak-tool and gnome-orca to oldlibs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174703303:23
jbichaI wonder how many mismatched packages like that we have. I had a test case in my original bug to demonstrate how it causes problems for transitional pkgs03:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgeo-shapelib-perl [amd64] (bionic-proposed/none) [0.22-1] (no packageset)05:14
cpaelzerstill waiting for an ack by a MIR Team member on bug 1744072 to then do the seed changes07:29
ubot5bug 1744072 in NTP Charm "[MIR] Chrony in 18.04" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174407207:29
cpaelzerif a MIR Team member would have some time that would be great07:29
rbasakThe git "moved" URL at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/britney2-ubuntu is broken08:23
rbasakIt should be https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu I think08:23
juliankping: https://code.launchpad.net/~juliank/britney/hints-ubuntu-artful/+merge/33766708:26
juliankjbicha: It seems there needs to be a tool that checks for packages with oldlibs in the package, but different override08:26
juliankat least08:26
juliankOr something that checks for transitional package not in oldlibs08:27
juliankthe list is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dRcv7pS5Rh/08:30
juliank^ 359 packages that have transitional in their description, but not in oldlibs, hence preventing apt from migrating the autobit08:31
juliank2 might be false positives08:32
juliankThis list only contains packages where transitional appears in the short description: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/phCsJgQ2D3/08:32
juliankbetter lists: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Qf5gCDCB8m/ (long), http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dCp6xWgqxz/ (names only)08:34
juliankFound by: grep-dctrl -FDescription transitional --and --not -FSection oldlibs -s Package,Section,Size,Description  /var/lib/apt/lists/mirrors.ubuntu.com_mirrors.txt_dists_bionic*Packages | sort-dctrl08:35
juliankum, I missed the ones with uppercase transitional08:38
juliank545 packages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PDbWG2Zfvg/ (long), http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gM8hFJ7TbX/ (names)08:38
juliank57 in main08:42
juliankNow somebody just needs to xargs that list into change-override --section=oldlibs and we're done :D08:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: pulseaudio (artful-proposed/main) [1:10.0-2ubuntu3 => 1:10.0-2ubuntu3.1] (core)10:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: pulseaudio (xenial-proposed/main) [1:8.0-0ubuntu3.7 => 1:8.0-0ubuntu3.8] (core)10:58
jbichajuliank: sounds like good AA training material to me11:36
tjaaltoncould an AA release mesa from bionic NEW?13:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mesa [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [18.0.0~rc4-1ubuntu1]13:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mesa [armhf] (bionic-proposed) [18.0.0~rc4-1ubuntu1]13:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mesa [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed) [18.0.0~rc4-1ubuntu1]13:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mesa [arm64] (bionic-proposed) [18.0.0~rc4-1ubuntu1]13:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mesa [s390x] (bionic-proposed) [18.0.0~rc4-1ubuntu1]13:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mesa [i386] (bionic-proposed) [18.0.0~rc4-1ubuntu1]13:23
tjaaltonhats off :)13:24
jbichalibgweather too please13:26
xnoxslangasek, currently i'm blaming src:lvm2 which i want to demote to bionic-proposed; and push the artful's src:lvm2 back into bionic-release13:48
argesrbasak: reviewing xenial upload queue atm. starting from the top14:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted lttng-modules [source] (artful-proposed) [2.9.0-1ubuntu3.1]14:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted lttng-modules [source] (xenial-proposed) [2.8.0-1ubuntu1~16.04.4]14:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ntp (artful-proposed/main) [1:4.2.8p10+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 => 1:4.2.8p10+dfsg-5ubuntu3.2] (ubuntu-server)14:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ntp (xenial-proposed/main) [1:4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.7 => 1:4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.8] (ubuntu-server)14:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ntp [source] (xenial-proposed) [1:4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.8]14:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ntp [source] (artful-proposed) [1:4.2.8p10+dfsg-5ubuntu3.2]14:51
argesrbasak: gotta run now, all yours14:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: linux-firmware (xenial-proposed/main) [1.157.16 => 1.157.17] (core, kernel)15:14
ahasenackhi, I need a component-mismatch fix for http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#sssd15:52
ahasenackpython-sss is in main, that's the py2 version15:52
ahasenackpython3-sss is in universe15:52
rbasaksil2100: are we duplicating effort on SRUs? I had been looking at util-linux. Looks like your released it earlier.15:54
rbasakI was looking into adding force-badtests for all the s390x failures that Joy identified.15:55
LocutusOfBorganybody knows why gtk-doc fails the testsuite?16:16
LocutusOfBorgit fails in sbuild but not pbuilder16:16
juliankrbasak: I did a MP with the hints, and have been annoying here three times since yesterday I think16:20
julianksil2100: rbasak: but we do need the new util-linux approved into xenial-proposed now :)16:21
julianknow that the old one is released, it's no longer blocked :)16:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openssl1.0 [s390x] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.0.2n-1ubuntu3] (no packageset)16:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openssl1.0 [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.0.2n-1ubuntu3] (no packageset)16:29
rbasaksil2100: also were you looking at the DPDK MRE?16:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openssl1.0 [amd64] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.0.2n-1ubuntu3] (no packageset)16:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openssl1.0 [arm64] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.0.2n-1ubuntu3] (no packageset)16:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openssl1.0 [i386] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.0.2n-1ubuntu3] (no packageset)16:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openssl1.0 [armhf] (bionic-proposed/main) [1.0.2n-1ubuntu3] (no packageset)16:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: iraf-rvsao [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.8.3-1] (no packageset)17:17
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: iraf-rvsao [arm64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.8.3-1] (no packageset)17:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: iraf-rvsao [armhf] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.8.3-1] (no packageset)17:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: iraf-rvsao [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.8.3-1] (no packageset)17:31
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: iraf-rvsao [i386] (bionic-proposed/universe) [2.8.3-1] (no packageset)17:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: python3-precis-i18n [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [1.0.0-1] (no packageset)17:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: ippsample (bionic-proposed/primary) [0.0+20180213-0ubuntu1]18:02
slangasekxnox: I have no context for why you're blaming lvm2.  Rolling back versions is anyway not a long-term solution to anything18:11
xnoxslangasek, true, currently bisecting lvm2, and/or will try to disable udev synchronisation in cryptsetup18:14
xnoxslangasek, i believe "cryptsetup luks swap not working in ubiquity" is related to the "autopkgtest systemd fails in cryptsetup"18:14
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-4.8 (trusty-proposed/main) [4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3 => 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.4] (core) (sync)18:45
tyhickssbeattie, apw: ^ I've just copied over the retpoline GCC update for Trusty18:45
tyhickssbeattie: thanks for preparing that update!18:46
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: gtk-doc tests pass in sbuild locally too :(18:50
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, I'm doing some tests18:51
LocutusOfBorgI think it is related to a) VERBOSE=1 being set in buildd or b) SBUILD_USER being different18:51
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, I tried some rules-requires-root but nothing changes18:51
LocutusOfBorglets see now18:52
LocutusOfBorgthis is probably the last blocker for libunistring18:52
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, should be fine now, uploading19:15
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: do you want to do a merge proposal? https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gtk-doc19:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed [amd64] (bionic-proposed/main) [4.15.0-10.11] (core, kernel)19:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [4.15.0-10.11]19:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupd (xenial-proposed/main) [0.8.3-0ubuntu1 => 0.8.3-0ubuntu2] (desktop-core)19:40
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, as soon as I make it build :/ I did export V=0 VERBOSE=0 and it worked, but I want to understand which one did the job19:51
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, please don't ask me to open a merge request for this20:00
LocutusOfBorgexport V=0 does the trick20:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libreoffice [i386] (bionic-proposed/main) [1:6.0.1-0ubuntu1] (kubuntu, ubuntu-desktop)20:21
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: big thanks for fixing gtk-doc :)20:53
sil2100rbasak: I just released util-linux as I got a request for it, wasn't doing any other SRU work21:09
sil2100rbasak: sorry if that caused issues for you21:09
sil2100rbasak: and for DPDK I already approved the MRE, it's on the wiki page21:10
sil2100rbasak: I though I gave cpaelzer a heads up on IRC, but maybe it was just my imagination21:10
rbasaksil2100: OK, thanks21:55
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, to you :)21:56
LocutusOfBorgjuliank, libunitstring is only missing guile-2.2 on arm64 and can go22:11
LocutusOfBorgI'm trying a build with gcc-6 to see if the ENOMEM works there22:11
LocutusOfBorgany ideas are appreciated for guile-2.2, the Debian RC bug has no hints22:12
LocutusOfBorgand we need that to build :/22:12
LocutusOfBorgthis is the gcc-6 attempt22:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libreoffice [armhf] (bionic-proposed/main) [1:6.0.1-0ubuntu1] (kubuntu, ubuntu-desktop)22:22
superm1backports team seems to not have had a lot of movement in a long  time.  if I have a backport that has passed the items in the checklist can I prepare it targeted for the right pocket and upload?22:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupdate (bionic-proposed/main) [10-2build1 => 10-3] (core)22:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupdate (bionic-proposed/main) [10-2build1 => 10-3] (core)22:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupdate (bionic-proposed/main) [10-2build1 => 10-3] (core)22:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupdate (bionic-proposed/main) [10-2build1 => 10-3] (core)22:52
tsimonq2infinity, cjwatson: Hi there. Could I please get eyes on bug 1746807? Lubuntu's Alternate ISOs aren't building correctly, likely because of network configuration failing and package pools being missing.23:07
ubot5bug 1746807 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "18.04 daily installer fails missing kernel" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174680723:07
tsimonq2I'm very unfamiliar with the d-i internals, and I've had no success thus far trying to poke around on my own.23:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgeo-shapelib-perl [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.22-2] (no packageset)23:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgeo-shapelib-perl [s390x] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.22-2] (no packageset)23:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgeo-shapelib-perl [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.22-2] (no packageset)23:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgeo-shapelib-perl [i386] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.22-2] (no packageset)23:12
acheronuktsimonq2: is this with calamares?23:13
tsimonq2If only I had that fancy archive snapshot thing juliank was talking about so I could use a mini ISO :)23:13
tsimonq2acheronuk: no, d-i23:13
tsimonq2(says that in the bug)23:14
acheronukoh. sorry. just scanned it23:14
tsimonq2cyphermox: ^^^^^^^23:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgeo-shapelib-perl [arm64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.22-2] (no packageset)23:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgeo-shapelib-perl [armhf] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.22-2] (no packageset)23:28

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