
helpplease(07:48:12) gartral: helpplease: how did you take the backup? from test disk00:05
helpplease(07:48:20) helpplease: and the changes where made while hd was inside my pc box its now back inside the external case00:05
gartralhelpplease: yes I said those things.00:06
helppleasejust answering ur question soz got distracted been changing nappies00:07
gartralhelpplease: oooh... ok, well the testdisk backups I'm unsure of how to restore00:07
helppleaseany ideas tools you know how to use then00:08
helppleasejust putting a call out as well anyone know how to use test disk00:09
helppleaseneed help restoring a bup00:09
helppleaseanybody know how to use test disk00:14
helppleaseneed help with a backup00:15
ecormierI'm all rsync and dd, sorry00:15
helppleasedoes anyone know how to restore a former partition table i have a hd i need data from00:16
helppleasemy table is all messed up by urs truely00:16
KombuchaKipI have followed the SimpleSbuild wiki instructions. I am trying to build a source package. When I run sbuild -d artful my-package_0.0.0~artful.dsc, sbuild bails immediately with E: 10mount: mount: /run/schroot/mount/artful-amd64-ec56a701...: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on artful-amd64, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.00:42
naccKombuchaKip: just to be sure, you did already do a `mk-sbuild` etc?00:48
KombuchaKipnacc: Yes00:48
KombuchaKipnacc: mk-sbuild artful00:48
KombuchaKipnacc: I have an encrypted home directory and a RAID1 setup. I wonder if that has something to do with it?00:49
KombuchaKipnacc: Adding --verbose to sbuild doesn't reveal anything more.00:49
naccKombuchaKip: it shouldn't, sbuild's schroots don't reallly care about your existing fs00:49
naccKombuchaKip: it uses bind mounts for those, if anything00:49
KombuchaKipnacc: Any ideas?00:50
naccKombuchaKip: thinking00:50
naccKombuchaKip: schroot -i | grep 'Filesystem Union Type'?00:53
KombuchaKipnacc: Four matching lines of 'Filesystem Union Type                aufs'00:53
naccKombuchaKip: mand what version of ubuntu are you on?00:53
naccKombuchaKip: and what does `grep aufs /proc/filesystems` say?00:53
KombuchaKipnacc: Artful00:53
naccKombuchaKip: i think on artful it should be overlay not aufs00:54
KombuchaKipnacc: $ grep aufs /proc/filesystems00:54
KombuchaKipnacc: $ schroot -c artful-amd64 -u root00:54
KombuchaKipE: 10mount: mount: /run/schroot/mount/artful-amd64-1768...: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on artful-amd64, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.00:54
KombuchaKipE: 15binfmt: update-binfmts: unable to open /var/run/schroot/mount/artful-amd64-176.../bin/sh: No such file or directory00:54
KombuchaKipE: artful-amd64-176...: Chroot setup failed: stage=setup-start00:54
naccKombuchaKip: still looking00:56
KombuchaKipnacc: Sorry, I lost my voice. Accidentally pasted too many lines.00:57
KombuchaKipnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5XtzqKgmh5/00:57
naccKombuchaKip: np00:59
KombuchaKipnacc: I think I found the problem. From syslog, kernel: [1894449.212190] aufs au_xino_create:798:mount[24630]: xino doesn't support /tmp/.aufs.xino(btrfs)01:00
naccKombuchaKip: ah01:01
naccKombuchaKip: yeah that'd do it01:01
KombuchaKipnacc: So I can't run sbuild on a btrfs file system?01:01
naccKombuchaKip: https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/notes/debian/sbuild.html ?01:02
naccKombuchaKip: i don't know, I don't have the combination of configurations01:02
KombuchaKipnacc: Worst case could I create a chroot on an ext4 formatted usb stick?01:03
naccKombuchaKip: sure, or in a tmpfs01:03
nacci believe the tmpfs option is mentioned on the wiki01:03
KombuchaKipnacc: Yeah, I'll try that.01:03
KombuchaKipnacc: Step 11. Can I do that after my schroots are already generated? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild#Creating_the_schroots01:04
da7nielQuestion: if I'm deep inside a directory structure, and I need to temporarily go somewhere else, is there a way I can very rapidly get back to where I was, instead of a long "cd a/b/c/..." command?01:05
KombuchaKipda7niel: cd -01:05
da7nielahh thanks!01:05
KombuchaKipda7niel: np01:06
naccKombuchaKip: i think so?01:07
naccda7niel: pushd/popd might be more useful if you are doing a lot of directory traversals01:07
naccda7niel: cd - just goes 'back' to where you were (OLDCWD)01:07
da7nielnacc: I'll look into that01:07
KombuchaKipnacc: It appears to work. This tmpfs file system only uses memory during the build and then is automatically cleaned up? I've set it to 75% RAM which as I understand it is a maximum only for during build?01:09
=== dingir___ is now known as dingir_
xjkxCryptsetup question: I reboot without unmounting or doing cryptsetup luksClose. Now...my password wont work. Is there anything I can do ?01:31
naccKombuchaKip: right, that should be true01:35
=== jje_ is now known as jje
KombuchaKipnacc: Thank you.01:35
KombuchaKipnacc: Works like a charm now. Well, kind of. My package isn't building, but that's not sbuild's problem.01:35
naccKombuchaKip: nice01:36
naccKombuchaKip: interesting point on the btrfs thing, i really didn't know it was a problem01:36
KombuchaKipnacc: That makes two of us.01:36
KombuchaKipOh darn, I forgot to say hello to randall01:36
* KombuchaKip waves at randall01:36
* KombuchaKip scratches his head and wonders if randall is the same randall from Vancouver?01:37
randallnope, North Carolina01:38
* KombuchaKip waves anyways01:39
* randall waves back01:39
nshirebit of a stupid question but what terminal program do you use that shows the colored ubuntu logo in ASCII?01:48
nshirelike on the right desktop https://davidyat.es/content/images/2016/09/desktops.png01:49
randallnshire, install screenfetch, open .bashrc and go the the very bottom add the word screenfetch then save and open a terminal01:57
=== precise|tinfoil is now known as precise
macgeek312I have a weird question…I’m trying to get Time Machine support on SMB which would require Samba 4.8…is there a repository that might have 4.8 RC in it (I haven’t found it) or a nice way to compile it on Ubuntu 17.10 to act like the normal version?02:10
crondmacgeek312, you're probably going to need to google around, that's an oddly specific question for a very specific thing, I mean, nothing wrong with asking here, but it's unlikely anyone will just randomly have the answer.02:11
icedwaterHi, I can't seem to start my 16.04 system - I have 4.13-0-32 but it can't mount the rootfs at boot02:11
macgeek312crond: I suppose the more general question is how to compile your own Samba version the way the package maintainer would lol02:13
icedwaterTrying to apt-get remove the generic image says I should reinstall before attempting removal, and trying to install says I should reinstall before attempting configuration02:14
icedwaterFingers crossed that --force-remove-reinstreq works...02:20
KombuchaKipnacc: After I rebooted I noticed the /dev/shm/schroot/overlay/ directory is gone. How can I ensure that it's automatically created when the builds are performed in /dev/shm ?02:24
icedwaterSeems to be OK so far, let's see02:25
KombuchaKipnacc: I'm assuming I have to put something in /etc/rc.local02:26
icedwaterOK, looks good. dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq linux-image-extra-4.13.0-32-generic solved it for me02:32
icedwaterDitto for without the -extra-02:32
icedwaterBut doing that should require a safety harness and a hard hat.02:33
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
gotes_Hi. Ubuntu uses the shortcut < Alt + Left Mouse Click > to move the window. I need this shortcut for a game. How can I "clear" this shortcut, so I can use it in the game? Thanks02:48
kenrinYou go to settings and shortcuts and change it02:51
kenrinShould be under keyboard (at least on unity|gnome)02:52
gotes_kenrin: I can find keyboard shortcuts but not mouse shortcuts02:53
kenrinOh that one,  you got to modify it with gsettings02:55
kenringnome-tweak-tool under windows02:56
kenrinWindow action key is the one you want02:56
george_ 03:00
* icedwater bows and leaves.03:09
ctpccllhey all. so i just tried twice to install ubuntu using gnome boxes and both times it just reboots into the live environment. any ideas?03:12
randallremove your live medium first03:13
justsomeguyYou should try poking around the preferences for the virtual machine you just installed and edit the boot order. It might just be booting off of the .iso file first.03:13
kenrinDid it install?  Change the boot order or remove the iso03:13
randallyour bios/uefi is prioritising your install mefium over your hard drive03:14
ctpccllok i removed the iso, now it just fails to start03:14
ctpccllanyone know of any problems with installing 16.04 using boxes?03:22
ctpcclltrying another angle then - has anyone successfully installed ubuntu 16 using gnome boxes?03:28
blue1ctpccll: I am using xubuntu here -- sorry03:30
ctpccllblue1: in gnome boxes?03:31
blue1ctpccll: not recently -- It has been awile03:31
blue1and not gnome03:31
kenrinI don't know about gnome boxes,  virt-manager works great and uses the same backend03:32
kenrinboxes I think hides a lot of the options last I used it anyway03:32
ctpcclli literally just want a default ubuntu installation in a virtual machine03:32
blue1by boxes do yu mean container maybe?03:33
blue1sheesh my typing suxs tonight03:33
kenrinNo,  boxes is the front end for KVM|Qemu03:33
blue1kenrin: thanks03:33
kenrinYou can try virt-manager,  it is simple03:33
ctpccllkenrin: just installed it.. 'no active connection to install on'03:34
kenrinYou got libvirtd running?03:34
ctpccllnot so simple:)03:35
ctpcclli assume so if it uses the same backend as boxes03:35
kenrinWell check03:36
kenrinIf it is running you should just be able to right click and connect to QEMU03:37
thehebsanyone familiar with OMD? im trying to figure out the fastest/eastiest/most efficient way to add 35 hosts to monitor03:37
ctpccllwell that's remarkably frustrating :)03:39
ctpcclli have e.g. a windows install working in boxes, i'm really surprised ubuntu can't cope03:39
ctpcclllast desperate plea for help getting ubuntu installed in boxes?03:55
aidenHello I mean04:15
aidenHi Neuthrone04:16
aidenWelcome to fun land my child04:16
NeuthroneHello aiden04:17
aidenHow ya doing?04:17
NeuthroneI am doing well04:17
aidenGood, good.04:17
NeuthroneJust preparing for my Computer Organization exam. When you are forced to learn04:18
krytarikaiden: This is for Ubuntu support btw.04:18
aidenFun on the bun for sure04:18
NeuthroneCan anyone explain the exact use for pointers in C/C++?04:18
krytarikNeuthrone: Like I just said..04:19
NeuthroneI know they store a memory address, but is there any particular use for them, or any projects I can apply to them.04:19
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"04:19
Lidoes anyone knows why wifi card doesn't seem to work on brand newly install ubuntu 16.04 of dell latitude e6230 "which is already confirmed compatible with linux". This is the second laptop of hte same model I face the same problem with. so it's confirmed not faulty hardware.04:22
NeuthroneI actually have a question relating to System704:23
NeuthroneMy case on my 2015 Oryx Pro has been broken for a few months...does anyone know where I can buy a case for an Oryx Pro past from System76 themselves? I heard they were Sager cases...but I just want to be sure.04:24
dewwLi: do you know which card is in there?04:24
krytarikNeuthrone: This isn't ##hardware either.04:25
fx250Is there a way to send a signal or communicate with a running rsync process to get some data that may help to track progress for presenting a gui progress indicator?04:25
Lideww: not sure .. what command to list the network device? I've used lshw | grep network and returned.. network disabled!04:27
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:29
dewwLi: lshw works.04:29
dewwLi: lspci might too04:30
dewwLi: check that your laptop doesn't have a physical wifi switch to turn it off04:31
Lideww: it's a physical switch and it's turned on, lspci returned many stuff including broadcom bcm43228 .11a/b/g/n04:36
dewwbroadcom is notorious for having terrible support for linux04:37
Lithe wifi network in the house is .11g04:37
lotuspsychjeim trying to solve this bug guys: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/1749237 im now at the step i cant make this persistent at boot04:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749237 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "External usb 3.0 harddisk not detected by default on 16.04.3" [Undecided,New]04:37
dewwLi: maybe ths https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:37
lotuspsychjeLi: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ?04:38
Lideww: I'll try reinstalling that ...04:39
Lilotuspsychje: of course not since I was not able to access the wifi and has no cable connection .. I will try later with cable04:40
lotuspsychjeLi: the ubuntu live(usb/cd) also holds the broadcom driver you can grab it from there offline04:42
lotuspsychjeLi:somewhere in /pool or something04:42
RonWhoCaresI've just received this error after upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04 .  Any ideas? Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.04:46
Lilotuspsychje: that is good news .. anymore info on how to go about it?04:47
Liis it just copy and paste?04:47
Liaha I see bcmwl-kernel there04:48
lotuspsychjeLi: yeah install that package from there04:48
Liwith dpkg -i ... right?04:49
lotuspsychjeRonWhoCares: #ubuntu+1 for bionic ; )04:49
lotuspsychjeLi: you can just click the package to open with software center04:49
Liinstalled and restarted network-manager service but still able not able to see the wifi signal04:52
Lido I have to install the restricted/i packages too?04:53
lyntoowatch -n1 iwconfig04:55
lotuspsychjeLi: you can try with restricted too yeah04:55
=== HappyHotDog is now known as RocketHotDog
studio69ey people, does anybody of you know how to produce musik with linux??05:18
lotuspsychjestudio69: there are some cool music packages in ubuntu yes05:19
lotuspsychje!info hydrogen | studio6905:19
ubottustudio69: hydrogen (source: hydrogen): advanced drum machine/step sequencer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-3 (artful), package size 1201 kB, installed size 6312 kB05:19
lotuspsychjestudio69: there's also mixxx for turntables05:20
Liit didn't work, well actually the card seems to be off because when I ifconfig I don't see wireless one05:21
bloodyhellturned my extrnal hd into an internal also made some changes to the partition table when i couldnt get anything to show in ubuntu think i have a backup but it does say bup.log so guessing it aint a bup just a dam log any ideas how to get disk back to former state from ubunut 17.10 (used testdisk to make supposed bup and changes)05:21
Lioops ... sorry it works now I forgot it switched off05:21
Liperfect .. thanks guys05:21
Kon-studio69, if you're doing audio production on Ubuntu, you might want to look at the Ubuntu Studio distro, which is modified for lower latency05:22
Kon-Also check out JACK audio05:22
Kon-It is better than Pulse for managing all your hookups05:22
lotuspsychjeKon-: +105:23
lotuspsychjebloodyhell: you want data rescue on that hd?05:23
bloodyhellwud be nice to restore partitions if poss05:24
lotuspsychjebloodyhell: sudo photorec after installed testdisk, then scan the whole drive to backup your data after rescue format hd with gparted again05:24
bloodyhellthat easy i think i love you05:26
bloodyhelljust curious what is the naming structure of a partition table backup in test disk05:27
bloodyhellbup.log by any chance if not where would the bup be stored on the drive you have just scanned or on your root dir/home dir or elsewhere05:28
lotuspsychjebloodyhell: never backup data to the drive you rescue ok lol05:29
lotuspsychjebloodyhell: so choose your /home on the different drive?05:30
silv3r_m00ni have this option called suspend in kubuntu which sends machine to sleep and resumes from where it left. but if i turn off the power supply, the machine boots from the beginning. how can i make the machine save state across poweroffs ?05:31
bloodyhelltextbook noob mistake05:32
bloodyhellguilty lmao05:32
haniyeسلام دوستان کسی با اسنورت کار کرده05:42
bloodyhellur awesome man only issue i face is i will have to scan whole drive (3TB) and biggest i have to write to is 1TB have three of them but i will run out of space before complete no and i assume i cant resume at a given sector even if i knew where i was up to- your thoughts?05:43
bloodyhellI have 3x 1TB that i can write to by the way05:43
lotuspsychje!arabic | haniye05:45
ubottuhaniye: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية05:45
sophisthuntersilv3r_m00n, i don't know any linux but suspend = stanby = need electricity for RAM05:46
sophisthunterwait scratch that. i don't know that05:46
haniyehello guys, i've installed snort in ubuntu system. but it doesn't work correctly. it doen't log anything. how can i configure it to access logs? is there any references for me that explains this issue?05:48
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
lyntooread the official snort user manual...your awnser was there..look for log06:03
lotuspsychjehaniye: there is also a #snort channel06:07
=== absynth is now known as dan2wik
=== RocketHotDog is now known as HappyHotDog
lotuspsychjehey guys im fighting with this weird bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/1749237 trying to make it persistent after boot06:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749237 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "External usb 3.0 harddisk not detected by default on 16.04.3" [Undecided,New]06:16
lotuspsychjenew ideas welcome06:17
bloodyhellhi guys planing on using sudo photorec(test disk) to recover lost files from a 3TB external with a ruined modified partion table but i can only write to one 1TB drive any way to split output to write to another drive once the first 1TB gets full06:20
haniyei followed it and install snort step by step. but i don't know how can i detect attack vectors by snort. can you help me ?06:21
lotuspsychjebloodyhell: recover 3tb gonna take very long..perhaps filter photorec to only essential extensions like .jpg?06:22
bloodyhelli know but there are lots of file i need i had 3 partitions before i ruined it thinking i had a bup but dont anymore (wrote to drive i was working on lols)06:23
bloodyhellreally i just want the old partition table back but dont know how06:23
bloodyhelldid a deep scan with test disk but mismatch between disk size06:25
bloodyhellscan is bigger than the disk i thinks06:25
bloodyhellanyone got any ideas06:27
george_not i06:27
george_but i hope you fix it06:27
bloodyhellokay so i have a partition list  backup saved to backup.log how do i restore the partitions via teskdisk06:31
bloodyhelli actually do have what i need thought i deleted it just dont know how to restore things06:32
bloodyhell:)somebody pls help me restore partions with testdisk and my bup06:35
=== shubhanan is now known as SphericalXenox
SphericalXenoxHow do I log in? the command on freenode.net doesn't seem to work06:52
SphericalXenox"/connect chat.freenode.net 6667 mquin:uwhY8wgzWw22-zXs.M39p" <-this format command06:53
lotuspsychjeSphericalXenox: try irc.freenode.net06:55
SphericalXenoxlotuspsychje: How should I use the link? My browser can't connect to it. Apologies if it's a stupid question, this is my first time using IRC07:00
lotuspsychjeSphericalXenox: how about you download an irc client like hexchat07:00
SphericalXenoxlotuspsychje: I am using HexChat. I've registered using the "/msg NickServ xxx" command, and have verified it, but I assume I'm not logged in since it I wasn't asked for a password when I disconnected and reconnected.07:02
lotuspsychjeSphericalXenox: did you register your nick?07:03
jpaulinlotuspsychje: does the registering happen on Freenode's site?07:04
SphericalXenoxlotuspsychje: yes, using the "/msg NickServ xxx" command. I received a mail and have verified my registration using the command provided07:04
SphericalXenoxlotuspsychje: Is the registration local to the channel (#ubuntu) or is it for the whole freenode server and all channels in ti?07:05
jpaulinis it this?07:06
=== ianychoi_ is now known as ianychoi
SphericalXenoxjpaulin: Yes, I tried the command mentioned in the Loggin in para. Didn't see any change. Also, I'm able to change my nick without sending a message to the serverbot07:09
SphericalXenoxI guess I'll try the steps again07:10
krytarikSphericalXenox: See here on how to set up SASL in HexChat to log in automatically on connect.07:10
=== SphericalXenox is now known as shubhanan
krytarikCongrats! :P07:16
shubhanankrytarik: Thanks, it worked!07:16
krytarikAnd sure. :)07:16
tioxHi. Xubuntu issue here but I believe I have an issue which would apply to everyone; who's got experience using swapspace as provided from Ubuntu's repos?07:19
tiox(For reference: http://pqxx.org/development/swapspace/)07:20
krytariktiox: Just ask the actual question.07:20
tioxI did; I have not much experience with this and I am on a tiny, tiny install where fixed swap space wouldn't be the best thing for my configuration, so I saw swapspace as an option for a dynamic swap in case I happen to need swap space.07:21
tioxI guess the first thing I am confused with is if after installing swapspace, whether or not its daemon is handled by root.07:22
tioxSo after having installed it, would swapspace run on system startup or after login as a process controlled by root?07:23
jpaulinFound out I've used aptitude and 'apt' for my whole life without really getting down to the details of what they do (besides the obvious, installing a new software package) :-)07:26
jpaulinnever too late to learn more07:26
ducassetiox: looks like it runs at boot, take a look at /etc/init.d/swapspace07:26
tioxThat's all the reassurance I need with that.07:27
tioxNow, was it alright to swapoff and dlete my swapfile which came with the Ubuntu install, under assuption swapspace will handle everything?07:27
ducassetiox: i'm not familiar with it, but try looking at the man page?07:28
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
ducassetiox: the package description says 'Claims disk space for use as swap space when needed', so i'm guessing it will handle everything by itself07:33
ducassetiox: if you remove the swapfile, though, remember to also remove it from /etc/fstab (and /etc/crypttab if it is encrypted)07:33
pavlushkaI want to automate this command "sudo xinput --disable 12" at boot, 12 is my faulty fixed device, how to do it on 16.04? was trying to write a systemd unit for this but not working07:35
ducassepavlushka: do you need to enter a password for sudo?07:36
pavlushkaducasse: yes but if ran by root does it need that?07:37
ducassepavlushka: it needs to run as your userid to connect to your x session, so it also needs to run after x has started07:38
pavlushkaducasse: so what will be the "after=" in this case?07:43
pavlushkain systemd unit07:43
ducassepavlushka: it's not really easy to do this from a systemd unit, if you stop sudo from asking for a password for xinput you can just run it from ~/.xsessionrc07:44
pavlushkaducasse: ok, let me try that and FYI it is my shorted laptop keyboard.07:45
u0_a3252 /quit07:49
ducassepavlushka: be careful when editing sudoers, use visudo to avoid locking yourself out from root access07:49
krytarikpavlushka: I'd hazard that you don't really need 'sudo' for this.07:49
pavlushkaducasse: krytarik yep, no i dont need sudo to execute that command as I see it07:51
pavlushkaso kinda good news then07:51
krytarikYeah, makes it much easier indeed. :)07:52
ducassepavlushka: good, then just put it in ~/.xsessionrc07:52
pavlushkaducasse: yeah, that worked, thanks08:17
ducassepavlushka: np08:17
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
pavlushkaducasse: and one more thing, I tried to run that "xinput" command on an ssh session replied "unable to connect to x session", any workaround?08:22
ducassepavlushka: which x server do you want it to connect to?08:24
pavlushkaducasse: on a remote machine on my home network08:24
pavlushkaducasse: suppose an RPI3 with stretch08:26
pavlushkazizu: hello08:26
netochkahey. anyone here in the mood for helping someone?08:27
lotuspsychje!ask | netochka08:27
ubottunetochka: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:27
=== Richard is now known as Guest39570
ducassepavlushka: 'export DISPLAY=:0', then run xinput08:28
anurodhunity tweak tool not working in ubuntu 17.1008:30
netochkaGot it. So, the thing is i'm a newbie in linux. i'm using xubuntu and everything is so damn small in the browsers like firefox and chrome. i tried the unity tweak but it doesnt help the browser. i also tried the settings in firefox and increased the font size and also unchecked the box that lets pages to choose their own font. still the same08:30
netochkai actually had to use ctrl+scroll in here too, in order to see properly08:30
anurodhhow to run  unity tweak tool in ubuntu 17.1008:31
pundirsumitgnome tweak will work on 17.10 not unity tweak..08:32
pavlushkaducasse: ty again08:34
anurodhHow to Move Ubuntu 17.10 Launcher to Bottom of the Screen08:34
killegood morning guys. i installed mysql yesterday via terminal and did not set root password...but now i cant connect to it, it says access denied. tried purging and removing, did not do anything for me. anyont have an idea as to what i can do to either remove mysql and install it fresh with actuall passwords or even if i can connect as root to mysql and change the psws or something, that would help a stack?08:35
cart_manwhat is the command make apt-get print all the filepaths for the files installed with specified paths?08:38
cart_manwhat is the command make apt-get print all the filepaths for the files installed with specified package`?08:39
ducassecart_man: dpkg -L package08:39
lotuspsychjeanurodh: install gnome-tweak-tool and you can change there08:39
killegood morning guys. i installed mysql yesterday via terminal and did not set root password...but now i cant connect to it, it says access denied. tried purging and removing, did not do anything for me. anyont have an idea as to what i can do to either remove mysql and install it fresh with actuall passwords or even if i can connect as root to mysql and change the psws or something, that would help a stack?08:42
Jack3k3hi all, im trying to compile a c++ program as ' g++ -v -I. -std=c++11 main.cpp ' and I keep getting a bunch of errors saying "in function lmdb::enc_create():main.cpp: undefined reference to mdb_env_create "08:42
Jack3k3it seems this is referring to the liblmdb-dev library that i need to link against, but ive tried everything to link it and it just wont08:43
killeJack3k3 mdb_env_create is not defined as a method in main.cpp or one of its references...maybe you need to update your path to include the lib path for the method, make sure the headers and source exist in that path for that method08:44
killeso you tried that i take it.08:44
Jack3k3kille, well my program includes lmdb++.h which subsequently uses those functions like mdb_env_create and also includes the file lmdb.h which is where mdb_env_create should be defined08:46
lpmusickille: iirc, by default you should be able to connect without a password if you're root08:46
Jack3k3so on my system I can see I have /usr/include/lmdb.h and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblmdb.so  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblmdb.a08:47
lpmusickille: worst case you can restart mysqld like so:   mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables08:47
killelpmusic tried that, did not work.08:50
ducasseJack3k3: this is not really an ubuntu question, have you tried a c++ related channel? !alis can help you find one.08:50
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"08:50
killejack3k3 does your path include the libs folder? i know you can compile as well and add a link folder in the compilation g++ command.08:51
bazhangerandi_, ubuntu support question?08:53
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killemassimo you in durban08:55
lpmusickille: the only other thing I can think of if that didn't work is you could rm -fvr /var/lib/mysql/mysql (assuming there's nothing in the mysql database you need to keep) then re-run mysql_install_db08:57
netochkaGot it. So, the thing is i'm a newbie in linux. i'm using xubuntu and everything is so damn small in the browsers like firefox and chrome. i tried the unity tweak but it doesnt help the browser. i also tried the settings in firefox and increased the font size and also unchecked the box that lets pages to choose their own font. still the same08:57
killelpmusic thanks man, i will try that08:59
killebut purge should have done the same right?08:59
ducassenetochka: are you using a hidpi screen?08:59
netochkai actually dont know if my screen is hidpi or not.09:00
ducassenetochka: can you pastebin the output of 'xrandr'?09:01
netochkait's asus laptop ux410 and 1920*1080 res 14"09:01
ducasseok, so not hidpi09:01
lpmusickille: probably should have, but I'm not certain09:01
netochkait was the same for here. had to use ctrl+scroll to make the text readable09:03
killelpmusic :( mysqld_safe Directory '/var/run/mysqld' for UNIX socket file don't exists.09:05
killewhen i run sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables09:06
lpmusickille: odd, that's weird, I've used that before on other distros/OS's, but even the ubuntu guide says that's how you should do it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset09:07
lpmusicwell, I guess the guide suggests mysqld rather than mysqld_safe09:07
killelpmusic, let me try that guide from top to bottom09:08
killelpmusic it could be a socket issue...09:10
killeso i need to edit some cfg's09:11
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lotuspsychjeim having a weird issue on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/1749237 the hd only gets detected on 1 usb3.0 port (if) connected at boot09:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749237 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "External usb 3.0 harddisk not detected by default on 16.04.3" [Undecided,New]09:13
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amazoniantoadHey I can't seem to get my audio to go through my blutooth10:06
amazoniantoadI can see the device and connect to it, but not get audio to go through10:07
Travankorinstall blue ez and pulseaudio10:07
amazoniantoadTravankor, isn't pulseaudio installed by default? Also what would blue ez fix? Isn't that just a bluetooth manager?10:09
mjaykamazoniantoad, can you see the BT device in the audio settings?10:13
amazoniantoadNo. I see it in bluetooth listing though10:13
mjaykand can you pair / connect them10:13
mjaykhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/824404/bluetooth-speaker-connected-but-not-listed-in-sound-output tried that ?10:14
amazoniantoadmjayk, thanks I'll give it a try later10:15
stefan_Hi. I'm lacking the terminology to google this efficiently: I want to set up a Postfix container to act as a "gateway" to send emails from other servers (status emails) on the same network. What should i search for?10:16
hateballstefan_: This is probably what you want http://www.postfix.org/BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README.html#relay_from10:22
stefan_@hateball Thanks!10:23
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forgonWhat is the right URL for Ubuntu zesty? I tried putting 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty main restricted universe multiverse' in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list10:51
bazhang 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. forgon10:51
bazhangforgon,  you need an end of life upgrade for that10:52
forgonbazhang: So it's basically dead?10:52
bazhangforgon, let me get you the link10:52
forgonbazhang: Okay, I will try 'artful' then?10:52
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:52
bazhangforgon, thats soon to be eol as well, the non LTS are nine months support10:53
bazhangforgon, you should really read the link, then decide on the best course of action10:54
forgonbazhang: Perhaps a *manual* installation of that one package I need would be better.10:59
forgonbazhang: What do packagers do when something is required that is currently unavailable for the LTS version?10:59
bazhangforgon, thats your choice, but since it's end of life we wont support it here10:59
shravejoin / #webcompat11:16
sosnHi, suddenly I'm having problems with the grep tool. it's so strange... this started to fail 10 minutes ago:11:23
sosn$ echo "123456789" | grep [0-9]*11:24
sosn$ cd /etc/asterisk/11:24
sosn$ echo "123456789" | grep [0-9]*11:24
sosnWhen I'm in home,  echo "123456789" | grep [0-9]* doesn`t return anything11:24
forgonThanks anyway, bazhang. I have used artful, but I must also find something better for the future :|11:28
minthi i have poor sound quality in mint sylvia11:30
mintbut when i live boot it has fine quality11:30
mintwhat might be reason11:31
EriC^^sosn: try with grep "[0-9]*"11:33
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geirhasosn: That meanst you have at least one file starting with a digit in your current directory, so the shell replaces [0-9]* with all the matching filenames, before running grep11:45
Goldi22hello can someone help with this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1006120/pptp-split-tunneling11:47
sosnSolved, thanks, EriC^^ and geirha for the explanation11:52
BluesKajHowdy folks11:57
rgrundstromHello everyone12:02
Harison 14.04.3, has apache been updated to accept multiple spec in one location config block ?12:13
Harisfor e.g., I'v configured one location block to filter /config . but its still allowing direct URL access to /config/database.php12:14
Harismy understanding of apache/httpd config is that if one denies traffic to parent URL, access to subsequent tree is denied by default. This is not happening on 14.04.3. traffic to /config is denied, but allowed to /config/database.php12:15
anurodhhow to play wmv file on ubuntu 17.1012:15
sanroot i did pulseaudio -k ; and pulseaudio --start ;but now no sound  why ?12:16
BluesKajsanroot, open alsamixer in the console and make sure your vol ctls are over 80% and disable automute12:20
Harisguys, anyone ?12:20
BluesKajalso, use the M key to unmute any ctls with MM, sanroot12:21
Boyettehi any ubuntu experts here12:21
BluesKajBoyette, this is Ubuntu support12:22
Boyettelol i just recently discovered IRC is still active12:23
Boyetteused it in the 90's but thought it died12:23
Boyetteapparentely it didnt or it rised again12:23
Boyetteif i press mt prt sc button it doesnt make a screenshot but my keyboard gets unresponsive12:24
Boyetteand a few minutes later my system crashes completely12:24
Boyetteonly i can use the mouse in the period between pressing prt sc and system crash12:24
Boyettebut also panel doesnt work.. like clicking to open the terminal for example wont work12:25
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kraghothi guys, I have a question: cups seems to print an extra blank page at the end of every print job. I cannot figure out why and have already tried looking around for a solution but nothing worked. I had 16.04 and there it worked okay, but with 17.10 this problem appears12:46
Boyette<Boyette> if i press mt prt sc button it doesnt make a screenshot but my keyboard gets unresponsive12:48
Boyette<Boyette> and a few minutes later my system crashes completely12:48
Boyette<Boyette> only i can use the mouse in the period between pressing prt sc and system crash12:48
Boyette<Boyette> but also panel doesnt work.. like clicking to open the terminal for example wont work12:48
BluesKaj!patience | Boyette12:52
ubottuBoyette: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:52
Boyetteah ok12:54
Boyettesorry i thought it will disappear because many logging keeps coming12:54
BillD73Boyette: highly unlikely tha I can help ya lol but what is the problem?12:56
Boyettewell i just wrote it12:57
Boyette2 times :P12:57
Boyette<Boyette> <Boyette> if i press mt prt sc button it doesnt make a screenshot but my keyboard gets unresponsive12:58
Boyette<Boyette> <Boyette> and a few minutes later my system crashes completely12:58
Boyette<Boyette> <Boyette> only i can use the mouse in the period between pressing prt sc and system crash12:58
Boyette<Boyette> <Boyette> but also panel doesnt work.. like clicking to open the terminal for example wont work12:58
BillD73what are you on? what version Ubuntu?12:59
BoyetteNo LSB modules are available.12:59
BoyetteDistributor ID:Ubuntu12:59
BoyetteDescription:Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (development branch)12:59
BillD73wrong channel. Try #ubuntu+1 iirc13:00
BillD73This is a support channel for LTS versions listed in topic13:00
Boyetteits an lts version13:00
BillD73my bad  Im a lil behind the times lol I just left 14not to long ago for 16 lol13:02
ioriaBoyette, that key should be linked to gnome-screenshot . Try to run it from terminal and check the output13:03
Boyettejust run gnome-screenshot from terminal ?13:03
Boyetteshould be gnome-utils13:04
Boyettegnome-screenshot not found13:04
frechdachs69Q: which package do I have to install to get 'Xvnc' ?13:04
Boyettei installed it now13:04
ioriaBoyette, no13:05
Boyettenow it works :P13:05
Boyettehow can that be suddenly gone13:05
ioriaBoyette, find the sw linked to the key13:05
Boyettevery weird13:05
akikBoyette: you could grep for that package name in /var/log/apt/history*13:06
Boyetteits fixed nwo13:06
Boyettemissing packages causes complete systemcrash.. unbelievable13:08
Boyetteits supposed to tell me not crash me13:09
metastable1. Depends on what packages were missing. If you've removed critical packages, the facility that would tell you might be missing. 2. I believe you're using a development version anyway.13:10
BoyetteNo LSB modules are available.13:10
BoyetteDistributor ID:Ubuntu13:10
BoyetteDescription:Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (development branch)13:10
Boyettealmost release date13:10
metastableYup. You're using a development version. It's in development. It's still being developed. As in, it's not done yet, and therefore liable to exhibit odd behaviors.13:11
akikBoyette: if you didn't uninstall it, it could be a release problem. make a bug report about it13:11
Boyetteno i didnt uninstall it13:11
Boyettewhere do u report that13:11
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:11
akikBoyette: further discussion in #ubuntu+113:12
Boyettewill create launchpad account13:12
Boyettethx akik13:12
Boyettei was there already13:12
Sircle_Can anyone see why I can't create a symlink?13:23
Sircle_user1@u:/var/www/html/$ sudo ln -s error.log /var/log/apache2/error.log13:23
Sircle_ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/log/apache2/error.log': File exists13:23
Sircle_user1@u:/var/www/html/$ ls -la /var/log/apache2/error.log13:23
Sircle_-rw-r----- 1 root adm 2139118 Feb 14 05:15 /var/log/apache2/error.log13:23
forgonSircle_: Most likely, you got the syntax wrong13:24
forgonSircle_: You first specifiy the target and then the linkname, not the other way around.13:25
metastableI also question the wisdom of making your error log available in the web root. That's likely to expose data you don't want exposed.13:25
Sircle_forgon, user1@u:/var/www/html$ sudo ln -s /var/log/apache2/error.log => apacheErrors.log13:29
Sircle_-bash: apacheErrors.log: Permission denied13:29
metastableSircle_: First, why are you trying to do this?13:30
Sircle_so my devs can see error logs via a webpage.13:30
Sircle_I am curious why permission errors is observed13:31
forgonSircle_: `sudo ln -s /var/log/apache2/error.log => apacheErrors.log ` what does that => even mean?13:31
BillD73try removing "=>"13:32
metastableSircle_: So, that's a terrible idea, because more than your devs will be able to see that.13:32
Sircle_forgon,  means create a symlink named apacheErrors.log that actually points to the real file : in var/log/apache2/error.log13:32
metastableSircle_: You're exposing potentially sensitive data to anyone who can hit that server.13:32
metastableSircle_: That's not how the command works. Please read 'man ln'.13:33
metastableBe glad you didn't do that on Solaris. It would have accepted the command and overwritten the real file with a link to its now-empty self.13:33
Sircle_[Wed Feb 14 05:33:28.032493 2018] [core:error] [pid 22190] [client] AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/www/html/apacheErrors.log13:35
Sircle_metastable,  thats what I want. Only devs will know the file name to access. THeres no way to get directory tree unless filename is known13:36
metastableSircle_: That's not secure. At all.13:36
Sircle_its internal server and feasible13:37
Sircle_metastable,  can you tell me how to do it?13:37
Sircle_I am ok if all devs can access it13:37
metastableI'm just going to repeat what I just said. That's NOT secure, and it being an internal server isn't an excuse.13:37
Sircle_metastable,  security is NOT needed in staging/ dev environment...........13:37
metastableHold on, I'm going to go over here and laugh for a moment...13:38
Sircle_Iam here for a syntax permission error. I am interested, in ANY way, of the error EVEN if I do not do it.13:38
metastableOkay, I'm back. Yes, it absolutely is. I LOVE finding insecure dev environments, they're a great jumping point to production networks.13:38
Sircle_I wonder why it is happneing13:38
Sircle_metastable,  I am here for knowing why its not working. WHats wrong with my syntax. Please ignore if its secure or not.13:39
metastableSircle_: No. I'm not going to ignore if it's secure or not. I don't knowingly give people terrible advice, and what you're doing is terrible. If you're bound and determined to do stupid things, then you can read the man page for 'ln' yourself.13:39
TJ-Sircle_: the target of the sym-link is outside the vhost's document root13:39
Sircle_metastable,  you made your point. now please do not collaborate13:39
Sircle_TJ-,  hm. is there a way I can include it/ show it on web?13:40
Sircle_metastable,  why would anyone come here and not read man page. You do not know the solution and I cannot waste time on this argument. I thank you and request you to not comment any further13:40
metastableSircle_: Apache's documentation details how vhosts work. You should probably go read that to. And I'll comment if I want to.13:41
Sircle_Second question: How can I make a symlink in apache root of a file outside apache root. The permissions of that file are -rw-r----- 1 root adm  filenameHere13:42
Sircle_metastable, Your comment not needed. You can give "unwanted comments" for sure.13:42
=== Sircle_ is now known as Sircle
=== coXZist1 is now known as coXZist
tprhi, I have a quite specific question in my mind. for ubuntu 16.04 the default ntp server was changed from *.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org to ntp.ubuntu.com - was this change discussed in some mailinglist beforehand and/or where could I find more information about this change?13:58
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tpror maybe the change was that ntp.ubuntu.com started to point ubuntu.com hosted servers instead of being just cnamed to those pool domains. can anyone recall any details on this?14:01
Picitpr: interesting question.  It looks like there was some conversation about it here (and some links to bugs, mailing lists mentioned as well): https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/25/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt14:05
=== natten is now known as jnatten
tprPici: hmm, I see. that's a tad bit older than I thought. there were recent changes (wrt. moving away from ntpd to timesyncd for 16.04), maybe I mistakenly took that as this turning point14:08
tprhowever, looking at one 14.04 instance I still have up & running, its /etc/default/ntpdate points to ntp.ubuntu.com already. so the change wasn't not just for 16.04 I suppose.14:09
tprit could have been though that at that point of time that domain was just a cname for the pool. it's quite hard to search for relevant pieces though, or I'm looking from the wrong places :-)14:09
Picitpr: I also see it mentioned in a bunch of changelogs around the beginning of 2016 too though.14:09
MrObviousHello there14:15
tprPici: I see that there's been a patch for quite a long time, change from pool in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/1:4.2.0a-10ubuntu2 and change to ntp.ubuntu.com in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/1:4.2.0a+stable-8.1ubuntu114:15
tprPici: do you happen to know if the build files are version controlled somewhere? would make it easier to follow the changes :-)14:16
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TJ-Sircle: to do what you want securely this is how to do it: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/apache2-secure-log-access-site-example.conf14:17
MrObviousAny reason  why would VirtualBox freeze my system the moment I start a virtual machine? . not even CTRL ALT PrntScrn RESIUB can reboot the PC14:17
MrObviousMy Vbox version is 5.0.4014:18
=== coXZist1 is now known as coXZist
SircleHow to copy only last 100 lines of a file instead of copying full file?14:22
Picitpr: does ntp.conf just list ntp.ubuntu.com? I just installed a fresh copy on a 16.04 server I had laying around and it has both the pool servers and ntp.ubuntu.com listed14:28
TJ-Sircle: "tail -n 100 file"14:30
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
SircleTJ-,  those will be "last" 100 lines?14:33
tprPici: I'll have to install a 16.04 to see I suppose. on one server I was able to find the vps provider had changed the settings14:35
leftyfbSircle: did you try it?14:36
SircleTJ-,  leftyfb the following worked * * * * * (sleep 10; rm /var/www/html/apacheErrors.log; tail -n 100 /var/log/apache2/error.log >> /var/www/html/apacheErrors.log;)14:41
leftyfbSircle: why do you need to do that?14:41
Sircleleftyfb, only want some part of error.log (last 100 lines)14:44
leftyfbSircle: why do you need to write the last 100 lines of the apache error log to a new location?14:44
Sircleleftyfb,  because I only need 10014:44
leftyfbSircle: why do you need to write the apache error log to a new location?14:45
Sircleleftyfb,  because I only need 100 and serve them on apache14:45
leftyfbSircle: I'm just curious why.14:46
Sirclefor devs to see erorrs14:46
Sircleon  a webpage14:46
=== [1]Jack3k3 is now known as Jack3k3
untorehhow do I set a fixed mac address for a usb with vendorid xxxx14:48
leftyfbuntoreh: you mean spoof your mac address?14:49
untorehleftyfb: no I mean stopping frigging android device changing my dns servers because NetworkManager thinks its a new connection because the mac address is always different14:50
untorehleftyfb: i think it would be basically the opposite of spoofing :o14:51
oerheksuntoreh, set fixed mac on ubuntu? or does that android connect to ubuntu, ics?14:53
untorehoerheks: yes kk tethering to ubuntu14:54
oerheksduhh.. what makes you think the usb vendorID is send when connecting?14:55
untorehoerheks: mm vendorid just a good as any "fixed" config to use to pin the mac action14:56
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untorehoerheks: but if the action is in the net subsystem i guess it is not available ?14:58
oerheksis your android the gateway, or ubuntu?14:59
untorehoerheks: android15:02
TJ-Sircle: there's a much better, more secure way, to do the log viewing. See Option 2 in my example for you here http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/apache2-secure-log-access-site-example.conf15:03
tprPici: btw, was ntpd installed per default, or did you check the config of timesyncd too? iirc that may have been the change there15:05
oerheksuntoreh, https://appuals.com/ubuntu-16-04-to-17-10-wifi-and-ethernet-problem/ >>> sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf >> wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no15:06
oerheksthis is standard no, AFAIK15:07
untorehoerheks: that thing is already set to no15:11
oerheksuntoreh, i guess your android itself changes mac??15:11
BeforeClickhas anyone a clear tutorial on how to install node.js, that he/she has tried themselves?15:14
BeforeClickps not the old version in the distro15:14
TJ-untoreh: I wrote a udev rule to do something like that just a few days ago, let's see if I can find it15:14
untorehoerheks: I think networkmanager sees a usb device with tethering capability and creates a a new interface with a random mac address, android has no control over it15:14
untorehoerheks: if you disconnect the device the interface is garbage collected15:15
TJ-untoreh: Here we go. In this case the aim was to generate unique MACs for multiple identical devices which had identical MACs, but you'd just need to change the RUN command here to set a fixed address, either using 'macchanger' with other options or using "/sbin/ip link set %k address 11:22:33:44:55:66"15:16
TJ-untoreh: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/81-net-fix-mac-duplicates.conf15:17
jp_/ list15:17
TJ-untoreh: instead of matching with "ATTR{address}"== ... you'd want ATTRS{idVendor}=="VVVV", ATTRS{idProduct}=="PPPP",15:19
hitchhiker54hey all. anyone about that's familiar with the differences between a release kernel and one compiled from mainline? all i can find on the topic is a vague 'might miss some drivers'15:21
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TJ-hitchhiker54: The primary difference is the mainline builds don't contain any Ubuntu 'SAUCE' patches, don't include the ZFS module, and don't add some apparmor patches required by lxc/lxd15:22
hitchhiker54ah ok, thanks TJ, that's really useful especially the apparmor detail. maybe that will change in 4.16 if the ubuntu stuff get mainlined. I'm planning a learning project and was considering a ubuntu base with 4.14 but that might not work so well with snaps in the way i want15:24
TJ-hitchhiker54: right, that'd be a gotchya most likely15:25
hitchhiker54i saw an article on fully modular linux with a very sparse base install and only allowing apps from flatpak. this appeals to me as they can all be nailed down and was thinking to try it for myself on ubuntu + snaps. unfortunatley my test laptop loses wirless eevry update since 4.1 due to a regressions thats not fixed in 16.04 or 17.1015:27
untorehTJ-: I have to hook into the interface name i think, I would just use NAME="enp36s0f3u2u1"15:29
untorehTJ-: would that work?15:30
TJ-untoreh: KERNEL=="enp36..."15:30
forgonWith Ubuntu 16.04, where do I specify APT's default release?15:30
forgonIt used to be /etc/apt/apt.conf, but now it's somewhere else?15:30
tomeaton17I am trying to find my raspberry pi device on a very busy work network. Is there such an ip scan tool where you can perform an initial scan, connect the pi and peform a next scan to see new devices?15:31
TJ-tomeaton17: you might be able to do it looking the neighbour MAC address vendor prefixes15:32
SuperJonotronOpenJdk 8u162 indicates released on site but is not avaialble via apt-get.  anybody know how to specify a build for openjdk with apt-get or other methods for ubuntu?15:32
TJ-tomeaton17: as in "ip neigh show | grep 'b8:27:eb' "15:33
lordcirth_worktomeaton17, TJ- , if you want to see changes, how about: watch -d permanent "ip neigh show | grep 'b8:27:eb' "15:35
lordcirth_workThen plug it in15:35
lordcirth_workwatch will keep checking and highlight any change15:36
TJ-tomeaton17: the local ARP cache is only going to work if the raspi and local PC talk to each other, if they're linked via a switch.15:37
tomeaton17Turns out there are a lot of pis on the network! None of them were the correct one however, will try watching15:37
TJ-tomeaton17: I wondered if that may be the case when you asked :)15:38
TJ-tomeaton17: you can use nmap to find it15:38
tomeaton17how do I do that?15:39
TJ-tomeaton17: you'll still need to figure out which one it is, but e.g: "sudo nmap -sP | awk '/^Nmap/{ip=$NF}/B8:27:EB/{print ip}' "15:41
tomeaton17Okay I will give that a go, but its probably easier to just connect via the serial console15:42
TJ-tomeaton17: does it not have a hostname set that can be found on the network with mdns?15:44
TJ-tomeaton17: e.g. "avahi-resolve-host-name -4 noc.local" (raspi hostname is 'noc' )15:46
neurrei was just doing upgrade from 16.04 to 17.1015:52
neurreI got triggers looping, abandoned15:53
neurreThe upgrade will continue but 'libc-bin' package may not be in a working state.15:53
neurrei wonder if i am in trouble?15:53
EriC^^neurre: after it's done try sudo dpkg --configure -a15:54
tprPici: ok, I just tested it with clean installs of both server & desktop 16.04.3, desktop doesn't seem to have automatic time fetching enabled (as per time & date settings), but the server one has (with timesyncd, according to timedatectl). both default to ntp.ubuntu.com alone when enabled15:56
AmisHello! (16.04) Is it possible to make Ubuntu automatically mount anything that looks like a drive or device? Like I have several NTFS partitions and I want them to be mounted on boot without having to manually add them to some config file.15:57
neurreEriC^^, ok thanks will do16:00
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Tin_manAmis, here is a few ways, some involve editing fstab, some don't you can choose the one you want.16:04
ubuntu-noob-userHello everyone!!!16:05
ubuntu-noob-userThere is a problem stucking me here.16:05
AmisTin_man, thanks I'll check it out16:05
genii!details | ubuntu-noob-user16:06
ubottuubuntu-noob-user: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.16:06
ubuntu-noob-userI 've tried everything that I found at google, but anything helepd.16:06
ubuntu-noob-userUbuntu only log as guest user.16:06
ubuntu-noob-userI cant log and switch user either.16:07
ubuntu-noob-userI am using ubuntu 16.04 lts16:07
forgonubuntu-noob-user: Can you switch ttys, with Ctrl-Alt-F6 for example?16:08
ubuntu-noob-userforgon: yes, I can.16:08
forgonubuntu-noob-user: You can't log in without a graphical environment?16:09
ubuntu-noob-userforgon: The login display manager prompts only the guest user.16:10
lordcirth_workubuntu-noob-user, yes but in a tty can you log in?16:10
ubuntu-noob-userYes, I can log in any user at tty environment16:11
neurreoh noes16:11
andrew_Hi, is there a reason to use ubuntu over linux mint?16:11
andrew_I'm using mint right now in a vm16:11
neurre"The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. "16:11
leftyfbandrew_: that's not really a good question to be asked here. This is a support channel for Ubuntu16:12
forgonubuntu-noob-user: Maybe your user is missing in a group that is required for your login manager?16:12
neurreany suggestions what to do now?16:12
leftyfbneurre: try: sudo apt-get update ; sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a16:12
ubuntu-noob-userforgon: I don't know how to check it16:12
JonelethIrenicuswhy isn't aptitude the default?16:12
JonelethIrenicuswhen you run into a package conflict apt is horrible to use16:13
JonelethIrenicusin comparison16:13
ubuntu-noob-userforgon: mind you help me?16:14
neurreleftyfb, I get unknown option a16:14
forgonubuntu-noob-user: Are you sure your config is correct? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM <- did you check the options here?16:14
leftyfbneurre: sorry sudo dpkg-configure -a16:15
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lordcirth_workI thought the fix command was dpkg --configure -a16:15
neurreleftyfb, command not found16:15
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neurre"sudo dpkg --configure -a" prints nothing16:18
ubuntu-noob-userforgon: I have accountservice running16:20
ubuntu-noob-userforgon: https://pastebin.com/ftEBgGNv16:21
ubuntu-noob-usermine lightdm config16:21
neurrei think i shall just pack my homedir and do a fresh install :/16:21
forgonubuntu-noob-user: No, please give /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:22
forgonubuntu-noob-user: As the article states, that configuration you posted is totally ignored with accounts service running16:24
tfittsAnyone use monit?  I have a bash script that works fine when I run it from the command line but when I try using the start service button in monit it doesn't do anything16:24
ubuntu-noob-userforgon: https://pastebin.com/EUqx7aLN16:25
ioriaubuntu-noob-user, that file does not do much16:28
forgonubuntu-noob-user: Here is what you can try:16:29
forgonChange UID_MIN in /etc/login.defs to 50016:29
forgonthen `sudo service accounts-daemon restart; sudo service lightdm restart`16:31
ubuntu-noob-userforgon: Okay thanks16:33
tomeaton17Thanks I managed to get it in the serial console16:34
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Pinkamena_DGetting 30% constant cpu use on gnome-shell even after disabling all extensions16:36
Pinkamena_Dhas anyone managed to fix this? Do I also need to log out and in to test each extension or disabling it should show improvement?16:37
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tprPici: okay, made some further experiments. 15.04 uses ntpdate during the boot (if-up) on ntp.ubuntu.com and then afterwardss timesyncd from pool, 15.10 uses timesyncd only with ntp.ubuntu.com, 16.04 also timesyncd + ntp.ubuntu.com, 17.10 also the same16:40
tprPici: where did you find the discussion from spring '16? :)16:41
Picitpr: I just was looking at the changelogs for the ntp package.  Also , you might get some headway asking in #ubuntu-devel, this seems like it *might* be a topic appropriate for there16:44
leftyfbneurre: if you haven't started the fresh install already, you can try sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # verify that it's pulling from xenial repo's during the update16:46
tprPici: yeah, looking into the package changelogs indicate mostly that a patch has been carried with. but ntpd is not installed per default, instead of it timesyncd from systemd is used :-) but thanks!16:47
neurreleftyfb, it is pulling from artful16:56
leftyfboh, you upgraded to 17.1016:57
neurrewell sort of16:57
neurreit aborted at some point16:57
neurreso my system is sort of broken16:57
neurrei dont know if it is fixable16:57
leftyfbdid you try what I suggested above?16:57
neurreit says nothing to update16:58
neurrewould i dare to reboot?16:58
neurreis there something else i could do to verify system sanity?16:58
leftyfbneurre: sounds to me like it should work ... but no guarantees17:00
neurrerebooting now17:01
LinuxREx55i speak spanish17:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:02
neurrei get to login prompt but after i login i dont get to desktop, or at least i get very quickly back to login screen17:02
neurrehow do i debug/fix that?17:02
EriC^^neurre: start with checking that you own ~/.Xauthority17:02
EriC^^try the guest account17:03
neurreEriC^^, -rw------- my user17:04
neurreis my .Xauthority17:04
EriC^^does the guest account work at all?17:04
neurrehow do i get to guest account?17:04
neurrei dont think i have guest account setup17:04
neurrei could do adduser in terminal i guess?17:05
EriC^^neurre: try from the tty, DISPLAY=:1 startx xterm17:05
neurrethat works17:05
neurrei think it is gnome desktop which has issue17:06
EriC^^try reinstalling the package and some dependencies maybe17:06
administrador_i need some help with nagios core17:06
EriC^^neurre: when you try from the login manager, does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say anything?17:06
leftyfbadministrador_: you might try #ubuntu-server or #nagios17:06
EriC^^or possibly /etc/gdm/ or something? neurre17:07
neurreEriC^^, nothing interesting in Xorg.0.log17:07
neurrei will remove ubuntu-desktop and whatever is the gnome desktop package17:08
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tfittsI have a bash script that I need to run as another user or at least using their environment.  is there an easy way to do this?  the bash script calls a ruby rake task that requires a version of ruby that isn't even install for root.17:08
neurreand try reinstalling17:08
EriC^^neurre: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-desktop17:08
EriC^^neurre: ubuntu-gnome-desktop *17:09
Guest94276sudo su apt get sniper17:09
Guest94276for web site17:09
EriC^^tfitts: sudo -iu <user> /script.sh17:10
Guest94276cyborg linux17:10
EriC^^!debsums | neurre this might be helpful17:10
EriC^^!info debsums | neurre this might be helpful17:11
ubottuneurre this might be helpful: debsums (source: debsums): tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2 (artful), package size 41 kB, installed size 120 kB17:11
tfittsEriC^^:  monit already runs as root.  do I still do sudo from root?17:11
EriC^^tfitts: yeah17:11
leftyfbtfitts: sudo su <otheruser>17:12
leftyfbtfitts: then run the script17:12
EriC^^sudo -i changes the environment stuff17:12
EriC^^"su -" is similar i think, not too sure of the differences17:13
neurreno luck17:13
EriC^^neurre: is there anything in /etc/gdm ?17:13
EriC^^neurre: sorry, i meant /var/log/gdm17:14
neurrechecking with debsums now17:15
igrekunGuys, I just installed gnome-extensions-tools on 17.10 and set my UI on fire. Is there any way to revert changes?17:15
neurrein /var/log/ there is gdm3 which is empty17:16
igrekunMy dock now turned into hot-corner and half icons turned into default17:16
neurredebsums didnt find anything interesting17:16
leftyfbneurre: you know with 17.10 you'll have to upgrade again in July right? 16.04 is supported till 2021. 18.04 which will be out in April would have been a cleaner upgrade from 16.04 and will be supported till 202317:16
Thoomsen/me is now away: Ich bin zur Zeit nicht online. Hinterlasse mir eine Nachricht.17:16
leftyfbThoomsen: please don't17:16
neurrewell that doesnt help much now..17:17
tfittsleftyfb: I'm trying to get the script to be trigger using monit.  I already have the script working from the shell if I manually sudo to the user, but when I  try running it through monit it doesn't work17:17
leftyfbtfitts: are you using monit to keep it running? If so, you should use a systemd unit which would do the same thing and give you the ability to run as a user17:17
EriC^^neurre: i'd clean install, there's no knowing what's broken and stuff now17:18
tfittsyes, I'm trying to use monit to keep it running.  I'm not familiar with a systemd unit17:18
leftyfbtfitts: it's just as easy to create a systemd unit as a profile for monit17:18
tfittsare you saying don't use monit at all or you're saying create a systemd unit and run/monitor that using monit?17:19
leftyfbtfitts: if you create a systemd unit, you won't need monit17:20
leftyfbtfitts: https://www.devdungeon.com/content/creating-systemd-service-files17:20
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debouncerI just upgrade the ubuntu from 16.04 to 17.1017:38
debouncerhowever I cannot login or do anyhing with periphals17:38
debounceri cant even move the cursor17:39
debouncercan someone help me please?17:39
GrandPa-GI want to run a startx foocommand automatically at boot. I am booting into terminal mode. Where would I put the startx command? is rc.local the right place?17:39
debouncerplease help me17:49
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leftyfb!ask | debouncer17:55
ubottudebouncer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:55
debouncerit takes some keyboard inputs in booting up17:56
leftyfbGrandPa-G: I would create a systemd unit17:56
debouncerwhile booting up17:56
DiecastMessiahdebouncer, no one will answer unless you give more info on the problem.. Like what hardware you have ectect17:56
debouncerLike cpu motherboard?17:56
leftyfbdebouncer: what do you mean it takes more keyboard inputs in booting up?17:58
DiecastMessiahdebouncer, maybe in your case the keyboard or mouse and if getting errors what are they... I am a newbie so i will most likey not able to help... but just letting ya know you have to ask question the right way17:59
debouncerWhen I restarted it, during the boot up process (the process which you see everything is OK messages) I can some characters on black screen18:01
debouncerI can some characters on black18:01
debouncerI can type **18:01
debouncerThen when login screen came, cannot do anything18:02
lordcirth_workdebouncer, what if you hit ctrl-alt-F2?18:07
ubuntu-noob-userforgon is gone?18:09
ubuntu-noob-userThe problem with login still remains18:10
DiecastMessiahdebouncer, i not sure but i think you'll have to reset the xorg config files... maybe lookup on the web how to reset xorg. but i am new so again not 100% but i had problem doing a upgrade18:10
debouncerit shows the terminal for a sec18:10
ubuntu-noob-userLightdm only logs the guest user.18:10
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debouncerthen return back to login screen18:10
ubuntu-noob-userI can see the other users, but when I click on them it prompsts the guest user account18:10
akikDiecastMessiah: xorg doesn't have config file anymore. well it has snippets of it in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d but not the old style config18:11
akikDiecastMessiah: it'll still use one if you create it18:12
DiecastMessiahakik, thank you yeah it been a 4 or 5 years sense i used linux.. started up again just 4 days ago18:12
debouncercntl+alt+f1 and cntl+alt+f2 also doesnt work18:14
ioriadebouncer, on 17.10   f3 should work18:16
debouncerEverything seems OK except starting user manager18:16
debouncerstarting user manager for uid 12518:19
debouncerIt doesnt have OK check next to it18:19
ioriadebouncer, looks like a gdm issue18:24
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debouncerioria any way to fix it?18:25
ioriadebouncer, can you login in console ?18:25
DiecastMessiahdebouncer, looks liek youhave to install xserver-xorg-input-all package .. you may have to use the live cd or use the ubuntu recover mode to be able do the commands18:26
debouncerI prefer fix it without live cd18:26
debouncer'cause i have any18:27
DiecastMessiahk well google search keyboard not working after updating ubuntu 17.10 that alot of different help18:29
akikDiecastMessiah: you can boot from your hdd/ssd into the recovery mode, from the grub menu18:29
DiecastMessiahi know that :)18:30
akikDiecastMessiah: although the recovery mode is problematic for new users as it doesn't start the network automatically18:30
akikDiecastMessiah: oh sorry :)18:30
akik^- meant for debouncer18:31
yosefrow_nchambers, tmux for command line, terminator for gui multiplexer18:31
debouncerI removed the nvidia  drivers on recovery mode18:31
debouncerIt worked18:33
debouncerThanks DiecastMessiah18:33
debouncerand akik, ioria18:33
akiknobody seems to have mentioned nvidia, but ok :)18:33
AggregatedExceptI have an eth0 interface (default)18:35
DiecastMessiahdebouncer, no problem18:36
AggregatedExceptand a 3g mobile interface ppp0(inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
AggregatedExceptI am running an UDP server on
AggregatedExceptit receives an UDP packet from
AggregatedExceptbut response goes out on eth018:36
AggregatedExcepthow can I fix routing?18:36
Guest46Does anybody know how to fix VPN in lubuntu?18:37
AggregatedExceptppp adds only this row:18:38
AggregatedExcept10.64.64.64     *      UH    0      0        0 ppp018:38
TJ-AggregatedExcept: you'd need to add a default, or static, route, depending on what you want to happen18:39
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AggregatedExceptTJ-: I already have a default:18:40
AggregatedExceptdefault         UG    0      0        0 eth018:40
AggregatedExceptand I would like to keep that18:40
AggregatedExceptTJ-: but I how can I add the 3G network to routing table as static if I know only my IP?18:41
TJ-AggregatedExcept: right, so you need something like "ip route add dev ppp0" - you may need to adjust the subnet and possibly add a via18:41
TJ-AggregatedExcept: you can also add static routes via the Network Manager Connection Manager, on the IPv4 tab18:42
AggregatedExceptTJ-: it is a server without gui, but how can I calculate the network address automatically from my IP?18:44
xaeB5after a recent kernel update, trying to start a virtualbox VM freezes the computer and forces me to hold the power button to shut it off. the computer works fine until i try to start a VM. i selected an older kernel (4.4) from the GRUB menu and the VM starts fine. what could be going on?18:44
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AggregatedExceptTJ-: if I use an another SIM card with another private APN I get different IP: inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
AggregatedExceptbut I need to get the network address to add a static route18:49
TJ-AggregatedExcept: it looks from your examples that the PPP subnet is not the same as the subnet you're trying to route, therefore knowing the PPP subnet is not required, all you need is the subnet you need to route and the device name18:50
TJ-AggregatedExcept: oh, sorry, I misread your earlier message. If you need to route the PPP subnet you need to ensure it's configured with the correct net-mask when it comes up (/16, or /24, rather than the current /32)18:52
akikAggregatedExcept: you can use subnetcalc. you need the ip and netmask18:52
TJ-AggregatedExcept: how have you configured the ppp0 interface, which service? ifupdown/network-manager/systemd-networkd/netplan ?18:53
AggregatedExceptTJ-: I use wvdial, which uses pppd, which creates ppp0, I did nothing more18:54
TJ-AggregatedExcept: OK, thinking about it, as you've got a point-to-point link that does need the /32 ... so you need to add a script/command to xvdial that creates the correct route and adds it18:55
TJ-AggregatedExcept: try creating the script /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/add-route and then in that file "#!/bin/sh", "ip route add $PPP_IPPARM/24 dev $PPP_IFACE"18:58
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TJ-AggregatedExcept: look at the script /etc/ppp/ip-up  for more details on what variables are availale19:00
AggregatedExceptTJ-: I tried create srcipt in the same folder already, but I think that information does not enough to create route19:07
AggregatedExcept#       $1      the interface name used by pppd (e.g. ppp3)ppp0 #       $2      the tty device name/dev/ttyUSB3 #       $3      the tty device speed115200 #       $4      the local IP address for the interface172.31.175.233 #       $5      the remote IP address10.64.64.6419:07
AggregatedExceptTJ-: from this params ($1-$6) how can I create a route programatically?19:09
AggregatedExceptwhich fits for example
AggregatedExcept$1      the interface name used by pppd (e.g. ppp3)ppp019:10
AggregatedExcept$4      the local IP address for the interface172.31.175.23319:10
AggregatedExcept$5      the remote IP address10.64.64.6419:11
AggregatedExceptthis three params are only relevant19:11
phelixhow can I make a file by root readable by everyone but writeable only to root? which chmod perms?19:13
AggregatedExceptit is enough to create a default route, but I need only the private apn network19:13
nooneelsephelix, there are tons of tools for calculating chmod out there, here is one of them https://chmod-calculator.com/19:15
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DiecastMessiahphelix check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod and look at the Symbolic modes part19:16
phelixnooneelse, so I made it 644. Its in my users home folder but the file is owned by root19:16
phelixI don't want my user profile being able to edit this file only root19:16
phelixBut 644 still lets my user edit the file.19:17
phelixI can chown -R root:root .nvidia-settings-rc and then chmod 644 .nvidia-settings-rc and then my user can still open and change it. Then its owned by my user account again19:19
DiecastMessiahphelix maybe its the group ?? i forget the command chgrp or something like that19:21
phelixwell if i chown root:root the file... how is it that my user can modify it?19:21
DiecastMessiahsorry no idea I would think it wouldn't ... but i am newbie19:22
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lordcirth_workphelix, there's a great guide to permissions here: https://linuxjourney.com/lesson/file-permissions19:34
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vernphelix: likely your non-root user can edit the file because the user owns the directory the file is in. technically they can't edit the file but they can delete the old file and create a new one with the same name19:45
linguini1I just installed lubuntu 17.10 on a computer with 1 HDD and 1 SSD.  However, I don't see the SSD in /dev/ ; how can I troubleshoot this?19:54
tomreynlinguini1: this posts your kernel ring buffer log to a pastebin, returning a URL you can post here:  dmesg | nc termbin.com 999919:57
tomreynthe ring buffer log may provide information which helps diagnosing this issue19:58
tomreynlinguini1: if you know how your SSD is connected (on the SATA bus, USB, or is it actually an NVMe?)19:59
TJ-linguini1: is the SSD on  an nvme interface?19:59
linguini1The SSD is a M.2 PCI thing19:59
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TJ-linguini1: when we see the kernel log we'll know more; it's possible you're looking for a /dev/sd* when it's a /dev/nvme0n1 type node name20:00
linguini1TJ-: I see no /dev/nvme*; dmesg is at http://termbin.com/3h1920:03
TJ-linguini1: No, you're correct. I do see "[    4.708118] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.SAT0.PRT4._GTF, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170531/psparse-550" which indicates a possible problem with (interpretting the ACPI path) SouthBridge > PCI domain 0 > SATA device 0 > Port 420:04
TJ-linguini1: around that area we see thaat ata5 link is the only one "up" (which becomes /dev/sda)20:05
TJ-linguini1: if you start the PC and enter it's firmware setup does that 'see' the SSD ?20:05
linguini1TJ-: Don't know; I thought I'd see what I could do before rebooting.20:05
TJ-linguini1: On the basis of that kernel log I'd suspect the drive wasn't connected, or doesn't have power20:06
linguini1Thanks; I'll reboot and poke around the BIOS and look at the mobo20:06
oerhekslinguini1, add nvme_load=YES to grub  https://www.dell.com/support/article/nl/nl/nlbsdt1/sln299303/loading-ubuntu-on-systems-using-pcie-m2-drives?lang=en20:06
TJ-oerheks: always happens... too late :D20:09
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oerheksTJ-, yeah, bussy making meatballs, if he returns, you can tell him perhaps?20:17
TJ-oerheks: will do :)20:17
add1ctusI just installed Python 3.6 from source, but apparently I didn't have libssl-dev installed while compiling, so now I can't use ssl with it (or install packages with pip). How can I uninstall the Python I installed with "make install"?20:17
oerheksadd1ctus, 3.6 is in our repos ?20:18
add1ctusI made it into a .deb package with checkinstall, but dpkg -r python doesn't seem to work for me20:18
oerheks!info python3.620:18
ubottupython3.6 (source: python3.6): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.3-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 171 kB, installed size 300 kB20:18
TJ-add1ctus: "sudo make uninstall" in the build root directory?20:18
add1ctusTJ-: I tried that as well, got this message: make: *** No rule to make target 'uninstall'.  Stop.20:19
add1ctusoerheks: I wasn't aware of that. This is for 16.04, right?20:19
TJ-add1ctus: well, that's weird. try reading the ./Makefile  if it has one, look for other targets near the "install:" target20:19
oerheksyes, 16.04 and up https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python3.620:20
TJ-add1ctus: this may help "grep '^[^ ]*:' Makefile"20:20
flexdhi there, perhaps a unusual question: I think I have a SSD sitting here with Ubuntu (or Debian) installed on it, and it was installed in UEFI mode... I have a older motherboard that I'm pretty sure does not support UEFI, but booted a drive with Ubuntu installed in BIOS/legacy mode just fine.. How can I "convert" my non-working OS installation on the first SSD to the older legacy way?20:21
flexdAlternatively, this might not be the problem at all: It's just hanging at boot with a blinking dash in the top left corner, and I never see grub or the startup OS logo20:21
flexdIt was working before the old motherboard died last year20:21
flexdand I can read the SSD that is not booting from Ubuntu when I boot from the other one, so there seems to be nothing wrong with it20:22
pavlushkaflexd: I think you just have to reinstall the grub in lagacy mode to work on the old motherboard20:23
add1ctusTJ-: I went through the grep output, but I'm not sure what should I look for. There is no uninstall. Here's the output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MGPRYmGJbD/20:24
TJ-flexd: if you have a PC with both devices connected at the same time, and booted into the working Linux install, then you can modify the broken OS install via a 'chroot' environment20:25
TJ-add1ctus: ...WoW...! I'd have expected a large project like Python to have an uninstall: target, but you're correct, there's only variations of install: targets20:26
flexdTJ-: good idea! I just was not sure I could just reinstall grub20:28
add1ctusTJ-: So, is there a way I can uninstall it? Is it actually safe for me to overwrite that installation?20:28
akikadd1ctus: if you install the deb created by checkinstall, you can then remove it20:29
rangemongerpavucontrol doesnt seem to depend on pulse as of late, is this not a bug?20:29
akikadd1ctus: it'll remove the same files than make install put into place20:29
add1ctusakik: Will try, thanks!20:30
TJ-add1ctus: if you configure/make it with the correct libssl config option and then 'make install' it'll replace whatever is already installed20:30
TJ-add1ctus: I hope it isn't replacing any files from system packages. I'd keep a log of the build/install process and check the install paths. ("sudo make install |& tee /tmp/python3.6-build.log")20:31
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flexdTJ-: right, I have a chroot going, I just need to figure out how to go from a UEFI setup to legacy then20:42
TJ-flexd: did you bind-mount /proc /sys /dev /dev/pts into the chroot ?20:42
flexdsda1 is a 512MB EFI System20:42
flexdTJ-: not /dev/pts, buty et20:42
flexdbut yes*20:43
flexdhttps://superuser.com/a/111215 pretty much like this20:43
TJ-flexd: OK, then first thing I'd do inside the chroot is "mount -a" which'll mount all the auto entries from /etc/fstab20:43
flexdTJ-: okay.20:43
TJ-flexd: then you've got 2 choices 1) find about 1-2MB of free space between partitions on /dev/sda, or 2) over-write the EFI-SP in /dev/sda1, for a BIOS Boot partition where grub-pc could install it's core image20:44
TJ-flexd: to actually do the GRUB install you'd need to "apt remove grub-efi*" and then "apt install grub-pc"20:45
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flexdwell, I might as well do option 2?20:47
TJ-flexd: you could /copy/ everything from /dev/sda1 (which should now be mounted at /boot/efi/ ) into another directory so you have a copy in case you want to reinstate it later. E.g. "sudo mkdir /boot/efi-sp; sudo rsync -av /boot/efi/ /boot/efi-sp/"20:47
flexdTJ-: maybe copy everything from /dev/sda1 out of /boot, since we will be formatting that to another filesystem?20:48
xeon_kyoi need a help , does somebody know Bash language? cause i wrote a file which runs well but i cant use with crontab :(20:49
EriC^^xeon_kyo: the environment is different in cron20:50
xeon_kyocompletely? :(20:50
EriC^^xeon_kyo: make sure that $HOME and $PATH is set right, also might want to add a > /tmp/cronlog 2>&1 to the end of the command20:50
flexdTJ-: copied everything from /boot out onto the own drive. Then I just remove grub-efi* and install grub-pc?20:51
EriC^^to troubleshoot what's actually going on20:51
TJ-flexd: once you've copied those files you can unmount the file-system ("sudo umount /boot/efi") prior to replacing it with a BIOS Boot partition. For that use "gdisk /dev/sda", then 'd' to delete and choose partition 1, then 'n' (new partition), 1, set start and end as defaults, then set type to EF02 (BIOS Boot), then 'w' to write the change. Then "kpartx -a /dev/sda" then "grub-install /dev/sda"20:51
xeon_kyoi can share my code if u have a minute to check it but i dont have these path-s its a rly simple stuff20:51
EriC^^xeon_kyo: ok pastebin it20:51
TJ-flexd: correct, replace grub-efi* with grub-pc and then alter the partition20:51
TJ-flexd: it would make sense (to avoid errors) NOT to 'apt install grub-pc' until /after/ you've done the gdisk operation to make the BIOS Boot partition20:52
xeon_kyocheck it20:53
flexduuh, I'm doing the gdisk part now, and I have not uninstalled grub-efi* yet. I have umounted /boot/efi20:53
TJ-flexd: that's fine20:53
TJ-flexd: it's like a dance, switching boot methods :)20:54
EriC^^xeon_kyo: try adding >/tmp/cronlog 2>&1 to the end of the command in cron20:54
xeon_kyodesc: the scripts sends to my set top box a message , after i make an array with urls ( now only pasted one ) , after he cuts out stuff from these websites , after he makes an array with these copied stuffs ,and he writes to one file20:54
xeon_kyohow can i run just this cron job?20:55
EriC^^xeon_kyo: set it to run after minute or 220:55
EriC^^*/2 * * * * will run every 2 minutes20:55
xeon_kyoif i change crontab , i need to restart cron daemon or it will be automatically know?20:56
EriC^^no need to restart anything20:56
xeon_kyoso i can make a last line echo /tmp/cronlog 2>&1?20:56
EriC^^make the command "/path/to/script.sh >/tmp/cronlog 2>&1"20:57
flexdTJ-: oh come on.. now it's complaining about dependencies when I'm trying to install grub-pc :(20:59
flexdaha, had to remove grub-common as well21:00
xeon_kyostill nothing21:00
xeon_kyoi even not see trying to run...21:01
flexdTJ-: right, I should be installed!21:01
flexdI guess I'll try exiting chroot, unmounting everything and restarting21:01
xeon_kyothis is in my crontab "03 22 * * *   /usr/srcipts/test.sh >/tmp/cronlog 2>&1"21:02
EriC^^there's still a minute to go no?21:02
azizhello is that there is any hakcer??21:02
xeon_kyonow moded tried at 00 22 * * *21:02
EriC^^xeon_kyo: try */2 * * * *21:03
oerheksaziz, wrong channel for hackers, this is ubuntu support21:03
xeon_kyohow can i check does crontab working now or not?21:03
azizcan u tell me use of ubuntu... what is use for?21:03
EriC^^it should show up in "sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog"21:04
EriC^^xeon_kyo: ^21:04
TJ-!ubuntu | aziz21:04
ubottuaziz: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:04
flexdTJ-: success!21:04
TJ-flexd: well done, one take as well, impressive!21:05
flexdI'm currently looking at Debian jessie booting up :-D21:05
oerheksaziz = azizLIGHT  :-D21:05
flexdTJ-: ha, I'm not that inexperienced with Linux I just had no idea how to achieve this. Luckily people like you exist, thanks!21:05
xeon_kyoi dont have syslog in my log21:05
azizLIGHTno im me oerheks :)21:05
xeon_kyocause its not ubuntu , its a linux based set top box21:05
TJ-flexd: it's a pleasure working with someone who knows what's what :)21:05
flexdIt's going to be so unhappy booting up hah. I'm missing a whole ZFS pool and lots of stuff will be booting up depending on it21:05
flexdold motherboard died in october or november.. I spent a good while deciding what to replace it with :) ended on a old dual xeon setup21:06
azizthanks for share your comments21:07
oerheksxeon_kyo, so maybe you get wrong answers, not using ubuntu21:07
zduniakhey, im trying to move my installer preseed from "stock" 16.04 server to the HWE stack for better wifi drivers support, but I'm struggling with fixing X11 (which I install manually and launch using xinit, xserver-legacy is installed, xauthority allows anybody). I get the following error when I try to start it up: http://termbin.com/euxs321:08
flexdTJ-: :D unfortunate side-effect of this motherboard: It only has 6 SATA ports but I have 6 drives in the ZFS pool + the OS SSD.. and I only have a external SAS HBA card.. I'll have to run a cable back in from the outside21:08
azizis that ununtu use for hacking ???21:08
xeon_kyolinux bash is linux bash , the scripts works well in my linux as in my settopbox21:08
xeon_kyojust i am dumb for using crontab :(21:08
naccxeon_kyo: we aren't able to support not ubuntu21:09
naccxeon_kyo: check things like path, etc.21:09
xeon_kyothere is no path in the file21:09
oerheksaziz, what is ununtu?21:09
xeon_kyoi checked bunch of literature , before i tried to find skilled developers on irc like now21:10
rangemongeraziz its an alternative operating system, instead of windows you can use ubuntu21:10
dopstarxeon_kyo, what are you trying to do?21:10
flexdTJ-: all is not well however.. it hangs on startup dropping me into recovery21:10
xeon_kyoi created a script, which works well with terminal using SH xyxy.sh its do the job21:11
azizoerheks i mean ubuntu21:11
xeon_kyothe problem is i wanted to run this script automaticaly at 0:05 every day21:11
azizthanks rangemonger21:11
oerheksaziz, oh oke, but i already answered that21:11
TJ-flexd: maybe it's trying to mount the now-missing /boot/efi/ device - that needs disabling in /etc/fstab at least21:11
flexdTJ-: maybe.. looks to be something about failing to load kernel modules21:12
xeon_kyoso i found cronjob, i worted this lane to cron 05 00 * * *   /usr/srcipts/test.sh21:12
azizok thanks for responce oerheks21:12
xeon_kyoit is in the root file21:12
TJ-flexd: has it failed in the initial ramdisk, or during init system startup ?21:12
xeon_kyobut still nothing21:12
azizLIGHTxeon_kyo: chmod +x test.sh21:12
azizi am new user of ubuntu....i do not know how to use21:13
xeon_kyoazizLIGHT used it21:13
flexdTJ-: system startup, I think. I'm dropped into recovery on the host and I can look at systemd logs with journalctl21:13
TJ-!help | aziz21:13
ubottuaziz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:13
xaeB5after a recent kernel update, trying to start a virtualbox VM freezes the computer and forces me to hold the power button to shut it off. the computer works fine until i try to start a VM. i selected an older kernel (4.4) from the GRUB menu and the VM starts fine. what could be going on?21:13
azizLIGHTxeon_kyo: was the script working in terminal21:13
xeon_kyoyes yes21:13
flexdit might also be freaking out that this is a entirely new motherboard with a different chipset/cpu/memory21:13
dopstarxeon_kyo, ls -lah /usr/srcipts/test.sh21:13
azizLIGHTmight be permissions issue with the other user21:14
xeon_kyoi have just root user in my STB21:14
azizok ubbotu21:14
xeon_kyoso only user is root21:14
rangemongerxaeB5: i dont know but ive had numerous problems getting kernels that are newer than the release of vb that im using21:14
TJ-flexd: that should never bother Linux, unless the kernel is very old and the mobo very new21:14
azizLIGHTaziz: ubottu is a bot21:14
flexdTJ-: 'failed to insert 'nct6775': No such device is the failed to load kernel modules bit21:14
flexdTJ-: 3.14 kernel (Debian Jessie when it died), which should be way newer than this motherboard which is like 2011-201221:15
dopstarxeon_kyo, ls -l /usr/scripts/test.sh21:15
TJ-flexd: does it exist? "modinfo nct6775"21:15
rangemongerfor what its worth, i fixed the gdebi problem... or rather the devs did21:15
zduniakhey, anyone has any experience with running x11 as non-root without systemd involved? I am trying to get my setup working on a HWE stack on 16.04, I launch it using xinit, xserver-legacy is installed, xauthority allows anybody. I get the following error when I try to start it up: http://termbin.com/euxs321:15
TJ-flexd: what does "uname -r" report? that should show where the modules are. Also, might be good to "sudo depmod -a" in case the current kernel's module dependencies haven't been built21:15
xeon_kyo-rwxr--r--    1 root     root           644 Feb 14 21:57 /usr/scripts/test.sh21:15
azizcan any one help in private inbox??? is little shit question but for understand i need to ask or know something21:16
rangemongerdoing a fresh install of 17.10.1 did the trick21:16
rangemongersimply updating 17.10 didnt21:16
flexdTJ-: uname -r  is 3.16.0-4-amd6421:16
TJ-flexd: the 'failed to insert' could have been during the initrd phase, and that module may not have been in the initrd.img21:16
dopstarxeon_kyo, chmod 755 /usr/scripts/test.sh21:16
dopstarxeon_kyo, so that the permissions are -rwxr-xr-x21:16
xeon_kyonow how to try out next?21:17
xeon_kyojust write in root file at crontab?21:17
flexdI just spotted a call trace in the logs from the kernel, about Intel QuickData Technology Driver 4.00, ioatdma saying APICID_TAG_MAP set incorrectly in the bios, disabling DCA21:18
flexdTJ-: ^21:18
TJ-flexd: sounds like you've got some detective work to stabalise it21:18
dopstardoes the script run on its own if you execute it?21:18
azizLIGHTxeon_kyo: set the script on schedule in crontab file, then crontab <path to crontab file> if you havent already.21:18
azizLIGHTxeon_kyo: if you made chagnes to crontab file while crontab already specified, might ahve to crontab -r and then crontab <path to crontab file> and you canc heck if ef everyhings ok with crontab -l21:19
azizLIGHTsorry for typos21:19
flexdTJ-: yeah, I guess I'll go digging in the BIOS. Looks like that specific error is related to the NIC(s), but shouldn't be causing it to not boot21:19
xeon_kyo*/2 * * *   /usr/scripts/test.sh > /tmp/cronlog 2>&121:19
azizLIGHTwas there any error messages in cronlog from before21:20
xeon_kyoi dont know how can i check cronlog , or does even cron working in my system21:21
dopstarxeon_kyo, this */2 * * * must be */2 * * * *21:22
TJ-flexd: might be an idea, if there's any networking, to first try to install the most recent kernel version you can, reboot into it (best chance of good hardware support) then start fixing up the rest21:22
azizLIGHTyou need 1 more *21:22
azizLIGHTtotal 521:22
xeon_kyook changed21:22
azizLIGHTis your cron service running21:22
xeon_kyohow can i check does cron working on system or not?21:22
oerheksxeon_kyo, *if* you were on ubuntu, service cron status21:23
flexdTJ-: trying to do a full upgrade now, I fixed networking first21:24
azizLIGHTcheck if your crontab has latest changes you made, check crontab -l21:24
flexdi.e just configured an interface, it works fine21:24
xeon_kyoi not have service command21:24
xeon_kyoif i wrote crontab -l i got back the actual changes21:24
azizLIGHTdoes your script leave output? check cat /tmp/cronlog21:25
xeon_kyofor example i have this row in script , i can make just this in script , its send message to display : wget -O /dev/null -q "http://localhost/web/message?text=PLEASE+WAIT%0A+SCRIPT+IS+RUNNING&type=1&timeout=5"21:26
xeon_kyoi not have output by script21:26
xeon_kyooh i got cronlog21:27
azizLIGHTit must have just run21:27
xeon_kyoempty :(21:27
azizLIGHTit should be, because wget -O /dev/null and -q means no putput21:28
azizLIGHTit looks like it ran, check if what your script is supposed to do, did what it is supposed to do21:28
flexdTJ-: upgrading 290 packages is going to take a while.. it didn't want to let me install any kernels without upgrading21:28
xeon_kyoaziz can i send you pastebin? do you have a bit time to check my script?21:28
xeon_kyoits not a big stuff21:28
azizLIGHTxeon_kyo: link the pastebin url here21:28
azizLIGHTline 12 - 15 dont look right to me, but i could be wrong21:32
xeon_kyoits working in original long code21:33
xeon_kyonow seems like useless array but in code its works21:33
xeon_kyobut i can remove it , i need just to make cron friendly21:33
azizLIGHTcomment it out maybe21:34
xeon_kyoi leave just this row in sh : echo "CRON WORKS" > /tmp/testcron.log21:35
azizLIGHTyea good21:35
xeon_kyolet see21:35
azizLIGHTyou can change it to * * * * * instead of */221:35
azizLIGHTto see the answer faster21:35
xeon_kyobut still no answer :(21:36
xeon_kyo* * * * *   sh <DO I NEED THIS HERE? /usr/script/test.sh21:36
eaglgenes101I disabled swap for maitenance purposes, but when I try to run operations on it, my system says it's still in use21:37
eaglgenes101What could still be using it21:37
azizLIGHTive done it like * * * * * /usr/script/test.sh as well as * * * * * /bin/sh /usr/script/test.sh21:38
eaglgenes101(this is after a reboot with disabled swap, by the way)21:38
TJ-eaglgenes101: what does "cat /proc/swaps" report?21:40
eaglgenes101It reports no swaps21:40
azizLIGHTxeon_kyo: i suggest you see if cron is running21:41
eaglgenes101That's all it shows for cat /proc/swaps21:41
xeon_kyothe problem is i not have service command >*21:42
oerheksxeon_kyo, yeah, but with ubuntu you would be fine21:42
oerheksreally, i wonder why you end up here, and not in ##linux21:43
xeon_kyou are some ubunu advertiser ? :D i use ubuntu now as daily run21:43
xeon_kyobut i make code for my set-top-box21:43
netochka_hey guys. how can i have nightmode in xubuntu. like the option in ubuntu?21:45
fareastI am running ubuntu on an amd athlon dual core with a radeon hd 5000 is this compatible?21:46
fareastI also would like to know is there a better core temp app?21:47
oerheksfareast, compatible with ..?21:47
fareastI am using Psensor21:47
fareastthe graphics card21:47
oerheksfareast, sure, by the openradeon or amdGPU driver21:47
tcpdumpHey everyone, Im pretty well used to systemd, but today I found myself on a 14.04 LTS server needing to create a service from a python script.21:48
tcpdumpAnyone have any idea where to start on that?21:48
fareastwhich is recommended and how sould I go about installing it.21:48
fareasteverything looks good should I run a graphics benchmark somehow?21:48
oerheksfareast, it installs automaticly21:48
fareastok can you lead me to a good graphics benchmark for it?21:48
fareastand a temp sensor program21:49
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.21:49
oerhekspsensors is fine21:49
kenrinnight mode is a gnome option21:50
kenrinSo you better develop it into xfce21:50
netochka_it is xfce21:51
netochka_i installed ubuntu and then xfce coz ubuntu was laggy21:51
netochka_so i'm confused about what to do next21:52
fareastok graphics benchmark?21:53
fareasteverything looks good I am under 6021:53
fareastthis pc stinks of hippy oil21:54
eaglgenes101I tried my hardest to have my system disable swap for now, but badblocks still refuses to run on swap21:54
eaglgenes101What else should I check before flicking the force flag on21:55
flexdTJ-: hmm.. it's very very unhappy now.. I'm trying to run dpkg-configure -a to finish configuring some things, and it's dropping into emergency mode mid-way21:55
=== mquin is now known as ISO3103
fareasthow do i install a .run file?22:00
eaglgenes101I disabled swap, and linux reports exactly zero swap. Is it safe to do potentially destructive operations on swap?22:02
eaglgenes101*the swap partition22:02
akikeaglgenes101: yes22:03
akikfarid: chmod +x file.run; sudo ./file.run22:03
=== ISO3103 is now known as mquin
Harishello all22:05
Harismy ubuntu machine says I have 7 security updates. when I run apt-get update; apt-get upgrade it doesn't upgrade anything. Is there a way to see list of these 7 pkgs which can be upgraded ? and how to upgrade them ?22:05
eaglgenes101Does it report that packages have been held back?22:05
eaglgenes101Run sudo apt install <name of package> on each one, which will have the system go ahead and install dependencies for the backages22:06
eaglgenes101sudo apt-get upgrade doesn't do that for whatever reason22:06
netochka_somebody please tell me how to have a nightmode on xubuntu, xfce platform installed on ubuntu22:06
HarisI don't know what 7 pkgs have upgrades available22:06
eaglgenes101What does sudo apt upgrade output?22:07
eaglgenes101Specifically, look for a line that says: "The following packages have been kept back:"22:08
texlamethod http has died unexpectedly22:10
Harisit gives me a list of pkgs I can upgrade22:11
Harisand asks for Y/n22:11
oerheksHaris, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade # should do the trick22:11
eaglgenes101Say yes to the upgrade22:11
beidlHaris: that's the wrong info22:11
eaglgenes101Since that's what you wanted, right?22:12
Harisoerheks: don't want full upgrade at this stage22:12
beidlHaris: which packages exactly are being held back?22:12
Harisonly to upgrade pkgs on existing install22:12
oerheksfull-upgrade does not give a new ubuntu22:12
oerheksit updates those held back packages22:12
oerheksdist-upgrade was the old way, indeed22:13
eaglgenes101Packages have dependencies, and sometimes package dependencies change, necessitating installation of new packages to maintain the status quo22:13
Boyettedoesnt work anymore?22:13
oerheksBoyette, ehm, it is still working, for overlap22:13
Boyettei like my new ubuntu mate22:13
Boyettevery much22:13
beidlupgrading to another distro release is something totally different22:14
Boyetteonly thing is im stuck on the mesa 18.1 which is kind of bricky22:14
oerheksHaris, why do you ask us to answer Y/N ???22:14
Boyetteis there a way to post a systemoverview so you guys can check on my system if there are things which can be improved?22:14
eaglgenes101Installing security updates should be a no-brainer22:14
Harisif these pkgs are ok to proceed with or if they can cause problem for me22:14
eaglgenes101Ubuntu has corporate customers, and said customers would probably be very unhappy if Canonical pushed breaking changes on them without warning22:15
eaglgenes101So I think updating should be fine22:16
beidldon't risk it with held back packages22:16
oerheksHaris, you will need to reboot after that fresh kernel22:16
Harissent it for reboot22:17
beidlinstalling held back packages is russian roulette, will cause problems with the wrong combination of packages22:18
beidlinstalling with held back packages*22:19
oerheks!fud | beidl22:19
ubottubeidl: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt22:19
beidlif you assumed me to be someone who you thought I was, then you were clearly wrong22:20
oerheksbeidl, are you here to troll? of so, please leave this support channel, thanks.22:20
beidlno, I am here to contribute, just like in the past before the switch to gnome22:21
beidloerheks: but nice way to interact with someone22:21
beidlthank you22:21
hggdhit is not installing with held-back packages that is dangerous, it is *forcing* package installs without the pre-reqs22:21
beidlhggdh: that's exactly the problem I'm warning of22:22
oerheksHe just gets a fresh kernel on trusty, nothing fancy at all22:22
Boyette:) peace22:23
beidldepends on additional modules, et22:23
eaglgenes101Doing "sudo apt install <package>" on each held-back package will get everything straight without risking breakage22:23
beidlapt wasn't default on trusty, right?22:24
eaglgenes101I don't know why automatically installing prerequisite packages on upgrade isn't the default, but that's beside the point22:24
beidleaglgenes101: because the repo list isnot up to date22:24
beidllist of packages in the repo, specifically22:24
flexdTJ-: It's alive! It was /boot/efi mounted in fstab that was the problem at the end22:24
Bashing-om!yay | flexd22:25
ubottuflexd: Glad you made it! :-)22:25
eaglgenes101It's not too bad to get a repo list up to date22:25
eaglgenes101Sudo apt-get update22:25
beidleaglgenes101: that's not what I mean22:26
eaglgenes101If it reports failure, remove extra repositories until you can isolate the point of failure22:26
beidlclearly the ubuntu community has lost it's drive22:26
akikbeidl: nothing is "the default". just your preference what you want to use22:26
DrkShadow_When I use archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu in my  sources.list, everything works great. When I run debmirror to clone a repository, it's always missing dists/trusty-blah/binaries-amd64/Packages. This file indeed doesn't exist, and doesn't exist on us.archive.ubuntu.com. Can someone help me with repository mirrors?22:26
flexdyou have no idea how nice it feels going from a SoC Atom chip to a dual xeon setup22:28
flexdthis is ridiculous :-P22:28
eaglgenes101Sometimes my system ends up going into very high IOWait percents and then locking up for, at least, minutes at a time22:29
eaglgenes101I'm pretty sure that my CPU and SSD are plenty fast enough to service whatever IO I throw at it, so I suspect there's a software problem22:30
eaglgenes101Where should I look?22:30
akikeaglgenes101: maybe iotop(?)22:31
akikeaglgenes101: do you have enough ram for your tasks?22:33
IntelCore - hi - my i5, Broadwell Hp with Grub2 loads, reloads, then boots from grub.  Why?22:33
eaglgenes101Yes, I also have plenty enough ram22:33
akikeaglgenes101: you could also test with the deadline io scheduler (elevator=deadline kernel parameter)22:35
Hariswhat's the difference between apt-get upgrade and apt upgrade22:37
IntelCore??  I press enter to have grub run the ubuntu, it goes.. I wait, and it comes back to the same menu.. then I press enter again, and it goes... takes longer, and boots ubuntu..22:37
eaglgenes101I'm on the blk-mq schedulers22:38
eaglgenes101I selected bfq to try to maintain some responsiveness under heavy IO load, but apparently this does not work22:38
eaglgenes101As my system locks up nevertheless22:38
ShirakawasunaHey! Not sure where else to ask this question, but I'm looking to get a slightly-friendlier-to-privacy chromium-based browser. Was using chrome, am now using chromium, but various articles indicate that chromium still uses binary blobs and sends tracking info to Google. The only alternatives I see are Brave and Ungoogle Chromium. Any thoughts?22:39
IntelCorethis for ubuntu22:39
akikeaglgenes101: does it start swapping heavily?22:39
eaglgenes101No, it's at half ram, and I specifcally set vm swappiness low to try to prevent unnecccesary writes22:40
IntelCoreChrome slags22:40
ShirakawasunaI've also been using firefox 58, but it's a bit buggy22:41
naccShirakawasuna: i think you might want a differnet channel22:41
akikShirakawasuna: do you have a problem with firefox?22:42
DiecastMessiahthats odd firefox seems to run the best22:42
chindyanyone else have the problem, that the sound of videos randomly turns off ?22:42
chindyas in both in the standard video program as well as VLC22:43
Shirakawasunaakik, it will randomly freeze whenever I try to open privacy mode (I think I accidentally hit ctrl+P and it has issues with that dialog)22:43
Shirakawasunaalso its gl performance is much worse22:43
TJ-flexd: belated Yay :D22:43
Shirakawasunanacc, any ideas for what might be a better channel?22:43
akikShirakawasuna: you mean ctrl+shift+p (private browsing) ? ctrl+p opens the print dialog22:44
IntelCoreapt-get upgrade vs. apt-upgrade ??  I think you mean.. apt-get update updates the list of available packages and their versions, but it does not install or upgrade any packages.22:44
Shirakawasunaakik, yes22:44
nacc!who | IntelCore22:44
ubottuIntelCore: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:44
Shirakawasunaakik, I mean if I accidentally don't hit shift, it freezes the whole browser, all tabs22:44
akikShirakawasuna: do you have many printers defined?22:44
flexdTJ-: thanks again for the help! I'm off to bed o/22:44
nacc!alis | Shirakawasuna : I just meant it's not an Ubuntu support question of what better brwoser to use, since only a few are actually packaged22:44
ubottuShirakawasuna : I just meant it's not an Ubuntu support question of what better brwoser to use, since only a few are actually packaged: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:44
IntelCoreHaris -22:45
akikShirakawasuna: ok i can only say that firefox 58 is working fine here with one or two printers defined22:45
IntelCoreHaris asked upgrade.. well,22:46
naccHaris: apt and apt-get are different tools22:46
naccHaris: both are frontends to dpkg22:46
eaglgenes101Does libreoffice similarly hang if you try to print a document?22:46
IntelCoreYep nacc22:46
IntelCoreSo they updated grub after this kernel chang and have tried since.. but, like I said, my grub isn't workie right22:47
IntelCoreThe program 'gksu' is currently not installed.22:51
IntelCore2013 since with no answer to how to edit grub..22:53
IntelCoreGood info, but the OP would also like to know how he can make the changes he wants in /etc/default/grub and then update-grub. – chaskes Apr 13 '1322:53
IntelCoreyay. a grub22:55
IntelCorebye. I can read22:57
Harisiptables is behaving differently on 14.04 than it does on centos. For e.g., I have rules for state new and established in iptables. but most normal traffic is matching my iptables rules with state new, when it should be matching the generic rule for established,related state23:00
Harisplus, on some machine, I seem to need to add the rule with return clause for my ssh traffic to not get dropped23:03
FurretUberWhen using the connection made by virt-manager (virbr0) and iptables rules, the connections are not shown in netstat, but the apache server is accessible to external devices. Example: apache is running on one VM that is using virbr0, then a iptables rule is added to route the host http port to the guest address and port. Shouldn't the connection be shown by netstat?23:06
Harison cpan> prompt, I can't do a single typo without having to re-try what I was doing on 14.0423:09
IntelCoreis this good?   (kernel) + 39.434s (userspace) = 51.419s boot time23:10
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FurretUberOn my notebook: 5.956s (kernel) + 35.995s (userspace) = 41.951s23:12
DiecastMessiahwhat mackine you on again IntelCore i5 was it?? i am on a i3 and i have 35.40s altogether23:13
FurretUberI'm using a i3-6100U, with a 5400 RPM HDD. I think it's not bad23:13
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naccIntelCore: 'good' means nothing in this context23:14
naccIntelCore: it completely depends on your system and what you hve installed, running, etc.23:15
FurretUberOne desktop, with a USB 2.0 pen-drive: 5.646s (kernel) + 19.854s (userspace) = 25.501s23:15
IntelCoreDiecastMessiah;  My first four show 9. secs..23:15
naccok, let's stop, thess numbers don't really mean anything, and are not useful comparisons23:16
IntelCoreUse the word blame... and get a list of what's running23:16
IntelCorenacc, that right?23:17
naccIntelCore: `systemd-analyze blame` will tell you how long each systemd unit took23:18
IntelCoreum, ahh, I just wanna try to see what's causing my sluggish booting and grub menu breakages23:18
nacctypically you want critical-chain23:18
naccwhich will show you the slowest path23:18
FurretUberI remember there was a bug with keyboard-setup.service, which made it took 20 seconds to start23:18
IntelCoregraphical.target, multi-user.target, getty.target all three 39+23:22
IntelCoreI can't fix those?23:22
IntelCorehmm, ty anieways nacc23:25
=== Thargoid is now known as stwalkerster
truexfan81ubuntu 14.04 i have a cron job set to run at 00 00  * * * but for some reason its not running it, script works if i run it manually, any ideas?23:50
nacctruexfan81: is it executable, is the script given as an absolute path, does it have a shebang in it, if it's a shells cript, etc.23:53

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