
xubuntu24ihello. need help. Xubuntu 17.10 install failed due to unable to reformat a pre-formatted partition. What do I do now?01:22
xubuntu24ihelloooo? anyone there?01:24
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
=== Woowoo678 is now known as catelwaur
doxvaHi everyone! I'm having trouble with setting up a secondary monitor to the left my laptop. My laptop should stay the primary screen, but even if set it to be primary, all desktop icons and the panel move to the left screen. I searched the web, but found only outdated posts without solutions. I know that I can manually move the panel to "screen 2" in its own settings, but then it disappears if I unplug my laptop. I'm running Ubuntu 16.011:34
nokiomanzUnit193, drleviathan, I installed a VM with xubuntu 16.04. Both xfce terminal have the same color scheme from the option EditMenu --> Preference...Option --> ColorsTab. One difference is in the version. 16.04 xfce4-terminal 0.6.3 where 17.10 is 0.8.614:13
nokiomanz16.04 TERM is set to xterm where 17.10 is set to xterm-256color. I will try that out!14:14
Unit193That means the PS prompt will differ, but I mentioned you'll want to load a different *Preset* in the color selection.14:19
nokiomanzYes i tried different preset. I select the same preset on 16.04 and 17.10 and the color are not the same14:34
nokiomanzwell the color are the same but it seems thats with  xterm-256color i get more difference of the same color versus xterm14:34
nokiomanzwhich is why I will try and see if it is what makes it different14:34
doxvaI don't want to annoy anyone, but does someone have any idea about my multi-monitor issue?15:32
GridCubedoxva: what would be the issue?15:42
chrishag_can anyone help me out. I just installed and have internet via a wired connection but it is very slow. I have 60mb down on my windows machine a less than 1mb on this clean install of xubuntu17:11
jaltHi, is there a new target release date for Xubuntu 16.04.4 ISO? Alternatively, is there a daily or dev ISO I can download? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/xenial/daily-live/current/ might be it but it still says 16.04.3. Lastly, is there a public tracker where I can see the blockers for the release?18:07
pleia2jalt: that's a better question for #xubuntu-devel (I don't know the answer)18:10
jaltThanks pleia2, will do.18:18
doxvaGridCube: I want my main monitor (the one with the panel, desktop icons etc.) to be on the right. Ticking the corresponding checkbox in the display settings has no effect, the leftmost monitor seems to always get selected as primary21:07
GridCubeInstall ararndr move the screens to what ever positions you want and apply, if for some reason it doesn't work again after a reboot save the aeandr script anf add it to your autolaunch applications21:08
GridCubedoxva: ^21:09
liviuc_hi, I'm using a Xubuntu 16.04 on a desktop at work. When I leave, I switch to tty1, and shut down the monitors. But by the time I get home (~30 min), it's already in some sleep/locked state, and I can't SSH back into it21:26
liviuc_I've looked under "Power Manager", but nothing seems to help. Is there anything else I'm missing? TY!21:27
liviuc_Also, when I get back, the lock screen is on, with the previous desktop session intact. So it's more like a lock screen/seep, rather than a log out. But I don't understand why the networking is dying21:31
doxvaGridCube: Ah, I didn't reboot after ararndr. Gonna try that now.21:48
GridCubedoxva: rebooting should not be necessary22:04
GridCubeThe screens should respect the position they show22:05
doxvaGridCube: Sorry, then I misunderstood you. However, arandr did not fix the issue, anyway: while the layout is displayed properly in arandr, with the right screen being the primary one, in reality every program still seems to think the left is primary.22:06
doxvaSetting the relative screen positions and stuff in arandr works perfectly fine, though22:07

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