
kpcyrdnacc: https://github.com/cloud-init/cloud-init/releases00:01
powersjkpcyrd: here is where we changed the version schema: https://lists.launchpad.net/cloud-init/msg00097.html00:01
powersjbasically we follow a YY.release method now00:01
powersjThat means 18.1 will be next up00:01
powersjAs far as those releases/tags that are showing up in GitHub, every time we make a release to the development release I beleive a tag gets made, similarly when we make an SRU to 16.04 and 17.10.00:02
nacci would assume hte ubuntu/ namespace is for uploads to ubuntu as well00:03
naccbut not sure00:03
kpcyrdpowersj: I see. So https://github.com/cloud-init/cloud-init/releases/tag/17.2 is the latest "portable" release for now (ignoring everything with ubuntu)?00:03
kpcyrdcontext: I was about to use cloud-init on archlinux and noticed the package was moved back into AUR and up for adoption, so I'm currently trying to get it back on track00:05
powersjkpcyrd: I'd prefer smoser or blackboxsw answer that one, but my understanding is even the latest tag should be useable, it will just have additional fixes and changes since 17.200:05
powersjah cool!00:05
powersjkpcyrd: smoser usually comes back in in a few hours to see if anything needs his attention00:06
powersjfwiw here is the 17.2 announcement https://lists.launchpad.net/cloud-init/msg00117.html00:07
kpcyrdnice! I think I have to do some testing before I upload a new version anyway, feel free to ping me00:31
smoserkpcyrd: for sure 17.2 is latest "stable" release.  the ubuntu tags are just things that have been uploaded to  ubuntu.01:58
smoserwe generally strive for "always releasable trunk".01:58
smoserwe expect to have 18.1 next thursday (Feb 22)01:59
smoserif you find things quickly that are blockers for you we can get them in.01:59
kpcyrdsmoser: there have been a few bugreports (see comment section https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cloud-init/), I think most of them are resolved by bumping the version09:31
kpcyrdthe package currently also explicitly sets python2, but the code reads like python3 is supported, so I would try to change that as well09:32
catmandohey all11:28
catmandoi've got a couple of problems11:28
catmando1: cloud-init keeps resetting my hostname to localhost even though i've set preserve_hostname: False and hostname: some_hostname11:29
smoserkpcyrd: yes, python3 is supported, that is what is used on ubuntu. you should move that.14:09

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