
SuneKHow do i get the logs of a specific snap running on a juju instance (kube-apiserver in this case)09:55
SuneKI found out eventually. (It's in syslog)10:35
magicaltroutalright folks11:27
magicaltroutkjackal or someone. Is there something I can prod from within an app to find out if my app is running within a charm?11:27
magicaltroutscrap that found what i want11:32
kjackalSuneK: yes these are systemd services. journalctl should get you the logs12:49
kjackalmagicaltrout: you can do a while true loop and try try to hear the fan :)12:51
SuneKWhere can I find the repos for the snaps used in the CDK?12:54
kjackalSuneK: just a sec let me llok for them12:54
kjackalSuneK: they are on the Global store, not sure what should I get you from there...12:57
kjackalI see them when I get here: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/12:57
kjackalbut thats probably because i have proper permissions...12:58
SuneKYeah I found them there, but the developer website references an email. I would like to look into their definitions and eventually modify them12:58
kjackalfor example: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/kube-scheduler/12:58
SuneKHmm I get a 404 when I go there13:01
SuneKDo I need special permissions?13:01
kjackalCan you give us some more info on what you want to do?13:02
kjackalDo you want to see the source? How these snaps are created?13:02
kjackalI can point you to the github repos13:02
kjackalSuneK: ^13:02
SuneKExactly, I want to make the vsphere cloud provider setup easier in CDK. Github repos would be excellent13:03
kjackalok just a sec13:04
kjackalSuneK:  here is one: https://github.com/juju-solutions/cdk-addons13:06
SuneKThanks kjackal!13:07
kjackalhi elmaciej!13:43
elmaciejhi kjackal!13:44
kjackalelmaciej: I am eu based so you can reach me your morning hours13:49
elmaciejkjackal: Thanks a lot. I thought that maybe they will make decision today for this workshop but looks like it will take time13:51
magicaltroutdoes greece count as europe?13:51
kjackallol eu for sure magicaltrout :p13:56
kjackaljealous magicaltrout13:57
magicaltrouti might move in13:59
magicaltrouti'm very good a striking13:59
kjackalYou are always wellcomed but I though you were moving to LA13:59
magicaltrouttrying to sell my house currently actually14:00
magicaltroutthe new potential buyer are fscking rubbish14:00
kjackalyou are in a bad shape if you have to do fscking14:01
magicaltroutat least the UK can afford sufficient bandwidth to keep me online though kjackal14:13
utkingHow can i re-deploy a failed envirnoment?14:14
rick_hutking: what failed and you want to deploy a new model or do you mean to retry what failed?14:16
knobbymagicaltrout: keep the gloves above the waist!14:19
magicaltroutkjackal gives as good as he gets14:19
knobbythis is true14:19
utkingI want to retry a model that failed :)14:20
utkingI'm deploying openstack, and it selected the wrong machine, so i have to do it again14:20
utkingwith maas that is14:21
knobbyyou could use --to in order to select the machine14:21
utkingwell i kind of removed all the machines, so i just need to re-deploy the model14:22
utkingcan i use --to in the gui?14:22
knobbyyou can in a bundle I know, but I'm not sure about the ui14:22
utkingor do i have to that specifically on the one service (cinder) that i'm deploying?14:23
knobbydid you destroy the model or remove the applications?14:23
utkingno, none of it, it took some time to set up the model the way i wanted to14:23
knobbywhen I deployed I altered my bundle to use --to14:23
utkingwhere do you do that?14:23
knobbyso you can just add-unit myapp --to machine14:23
knobby`juju add-unit myapp --to machine`14:23
utkingah ok :) sounds nice14:24
utkingeven though that app is a part of a big model?14:24
knobbyyou'd have to find the bundle you were deploying and download it and edit it. Then you juju deploy that filename instead of your original bundle. Using the gui though, I don't know how you would do that, but I imagine you can...14:25
knobbyyeah, you'd need to add all the units back that you need for the whole model14:25
utkinghmm, ok14:25
knobbyso if you have 2 kubernetes-worker and 1 kubernetes-master(I know you don't with openstack, but I don't know the app names for that), you would run add-unit twice for kubernetes-worker and once for kubernetes-master14:25
utkingah ok, i'll guess i'll try that then14:26
utkingbut is there no way of just re-deploying the model i have?14:26
kjackalI do not know what juju magic you pulled out here magicaltrout but I managed to get quassel back on!14:26
utkinglike release the machines, and do it once more14:26
knobbyI don't know of a way to do a deploy to a specific model, but it certainly sounds like something you could do...let me look at the docs14:27
utkingsure, that would be great! :)14:28
knobbyutking: looks like you can do a juju deploy -m model_name to deploy to a specific model14:28
utkingi tried that14:28
utkingi just get no charm or bundle specified14:29
knobby--map-machines exists too in order to select what machines14:29
knobbyoh it would be something like `juju deploy -m my_model openstack`, but then you'd get random machines...I think you need --map-machines to do what you want14:29
utkinghmm, in where in that sentence? ^^14:30
utkingguess i'll read the docs some more14:31
utkingpretty new to juju and maas14:31
knobbyso maybe `juju deploy -m my_model --map-machines 0=5,1=2,2=1,3=4 openstack-base` if you wanted machine 0 from the bundle to use your machine 5, which ends up with neutron-gateway, etc14:36
knobbyI found the machine numbers and what mapped to them here: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/openstack-base/archive/bundle.yaml14:36
elmaciejHi! I'm trying to relate rabbitmq and ceph-mon, when I do it it is failing as it's trying to insert rbd module which exist14:37
elmaciejshould I use specific charm for rabbit on ceph based openstack installation ? I'm doing pike14:38
elmaciejceph-relation-changed subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['modprobe', 'rbd']' returned non-zero exit status 114:38
knobbysorry, utking, it would be --map-machines=existing,0=5,1=2,2=1,3=414:39
utkingoh wow! thanks knobby! I'll try that out, you've been an angel :)14:40
kjackalelmaciej: that might be an isse with the cepf relation14:42
elmaciejkjackal: it looks like, I'll try to deploy rabbit outside of the container, I have ceph-mon running without container too14:42
elmaciejwondering if I need a relation between ceph and rabbit14:42
kjackalelmaciej: there are some restrictions when trying to modprobe inside a container14:44
kjackalthe problem is that the kernel is owned by the host operating system and it might not allow for module loading14:44
elmaciejwell it should check if the module is not loaded as it is already loaded14:45
kjackalfair point, if you open an issue on the charm code the devs will eventualy get to it14:49
kjackalyou could also submit a PR14:49
kjackalor even "fork" the charm under your namespace14:49
elmaciejwell I usually pull the charm and rebuild if it's quick fix :)14:50
kjackalyou do charm pull or do you clone the charm layer and then do a charm build?14:50
elmaciejcharm pull, then fix, then charm build and install local charm14:51
kjackalwhich charm are you using?14:52
elmaciejkjackal: I found proper way, none of them can be put in container and then looks good. testing now and let now if any issue appear. Thanks!15:24
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