
malibuHi there, I'm finding that I'm getting a lot of 404s for Ubuntu repositories these days.  How do I go about fixing this issue?01:24
malibuThis is for Ubuntu 17.0401:25
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html01:26
malibuSo they just turn off the repository??01:27
malibuI thought 04 was long support01:27
krytarikSure, because it's EOL - and for a month now.01:27
krytarikNope, only even years.01:27
malibuI thought all 04 was LTS01:27
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.01:28
malibuok, but the reason I like ubuntu is because apt makes it easy to get out of situations like this.  So how do  I get to a supported level?01:28
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:29
malibuI see what you did there01:29
malibuIsn't there just a script I can run?  This page seems rather complex01:31
malibuIt should just be sed replacements on apt sources01:31
malibuThis page does not explain the exact sources I need to have configured01:33
malibuWould this have been easier if it was before the EOL?01:35
malibuSo, can I confirm, if I update my repo list manually to go to the current version, then I should be able to dist-upgrade?01:40
malibuOr do I need to reinstall?01:41
krytarikYes, and no.01:43
malibuwhat does yes and no mean?01:50
malibucrap.. trying to update my sources list but I don't have curl installed..01:51
malibuSo does ubuntu no longer offer dist-updates?02:00
valoriemalibu: the proper sequence is `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`02:24
valorieor more modern: `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`02:24
valorieor what I now use: `sudo pkcon refresh && sudo pkcon update`02:25
valorieyou don't need curl02:25
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lordievaderGood morning07:16
user|42931where do i get the sys requirements for 14.05...?08:10
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:49
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lost_In_Spacejust re-installed kubuntu and im pretty happy with the state of things.11:53
lost_In_Spacelast time i added an hp printer i installed HP's blob which asked me for the root password which made me un  settled.11:54
lost_In_Spacecan i print on an HP with out installing anything from HP?11:54
lordievaderIf you are able to find an opensource driver for your printer.... however, I don't think those are available.11:59
BluesKajhplip driver should be installed by default12:06
hateballyou may still be required to download/install additional firmware for some models12:07
hateballand that's why you are prompted for elevated rights, to put the blobs in a system readable location12:08
TheQuestionmarkI try to log into KDE but stuck on the session manager with 16.04, is there anything I can do? The tty works fine.12:52
hateballTheQuestionmark: did this use to work?12:52
hateballTheQuestionmark: Have you by any chance used "sudo" to run GUI apps?12:53
TheQuestionmarkWell, we are talking about my daily driver.12:53
TheQuestionmarkAs for sudo, that needs me to get to the desktop in the first place :(12:54
hateballTheQuestionmark: I am asking if you have done that previously12:54
hateballas that can mess up your X12:55
hateballTheQuestionmark: if you can login to tty, make sure you are the owner of ~/.Xauthority12:55
TheQuestionmarkAh, I might see the issue.12:56
TheQuestionmarkMy home partition is encrypted and for whatever reason it locked me off.12:56
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lost_In_Spaceinstalling printer is always not fun14:55
lost_In_Spaceim on the hp linux page it says my printer needs a plug in above and beyond hplips14:55
lost_In_Spacebut does not link to the plug in14:55
lost_In_Spacethe printer settings module recommends the driver but also doesn't pull it down14:56
lost_In_Spaceim in a closed loop on the hp web site15:19
lost_In_Spacego here for this15:19
lost_In_Spacewrong now go here15:19
lost_In_Spaceoh your back15:19
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geniiAlmost every HP printer will work out of the box with a generic postscript driver15:21
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lost_In_Spacecan you tell me how to force the printer installer to use a postscript driver15:25
lost_In_Spacei see how to push the driver in there15:26
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lost_In_Spacewhere should i get the generic driver15:26
geniiJust use IPP printer, port 9100, generic postscript. But you do need to know the IP address the printer has15:27
lost_In_Spacei have that15:27
lost_In_SpaceWOW thanks genii that worked!15:38
hateballlost_In_Space: if you had wanted to install the proper firmware, just run "hp-setup" and you get a nice gui to do so15:38
hateballthat is part of hplip15:39
hateball... which is installed by default15:39
hateballif you need more advanced functions of the printer/scanner, a generic driver is not always sufficient15:39
lost_In_Spacethe last time i did that two years ago hp asked for the root password . made feel sullied15:40
hateballLike I said earlier, because it puts the firmware in... I think /lib15:40
lost_In_Spacenow that they have slipped further down the pole of trust not wanting to have any of there code on my box15:40
lost_In_Spacethey have a whole linux site15:41
hateballThis is just irrational, so I'll back off15:41
lost_In_Spaceif there were reputable they would let you have the driver and you could drop it where it needs to be and change the permisiions15:41
lost_In_Spacei do tend to be irrational, but this is more of a non knowledgeable situation , when in doubt of were to give my password i try to errr on the side of safer not to15:43
lost_In_Spacewhen some box ive never seen before pops up and says enter your root password rational me says yea id rather not print then15:43
lost_In_Spaceany way supper happy with my kubuntu15:44
lost_In_Spacethanks for the fish15:44
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MrokiiHello. I'm on Kubuntu 17.10 (with Plasma 5.12 installed). I tried to install latte-dock (from backports), but it crashes with a segmentation-fault. I wonder if this is a know problem or if there's anything I can do about it.18:07
acheronukMrokii: delete contents of ~/.cache/lattedock/qmlcache/18:09
acheronukthen might it work18:09
Mrokiiacheronuk: I've tried that and there seems to be some progress. At least it starts now, thanks. But it doesn't seem to work properly still. The grey bar is shown, but no icons.18:11
acheronukMrokii: do you get the settings option on a right click?18:13
Mrokiiacheronuk: yes.18:14
acheronukand they work?18:14
MrokiiI'm trying out options currently.18:15
acheronukit all works for me, so can't really say what to do more that just try stuff18:15
MrokiiOkay. I've found something out. The originally chosen layout is named "my layout" (whatever that means). When I choose "Plasma", the icons appear. But that changes the dock to a bar that spans almost all of the lower border of the screen. I'll see if I can get it to work properly.18:16
MrokiiReally weird. No the icons appeared with "my layout". I have no clue why though. But thanks again, it seems to start now. I'll see how it will behave upon restarts.18:19
Mrokiiacheronuk: Do you happen to know how to remove widgets from the dock? There doesn't seem to be an otpion in the popup-menu, just one to add widgets.18:27
acheronukMrokii: open the settings. then with that open, hover over the widgets. should then have a pop up widget handle with a red X18:29
Mrokiiacheronuk: ahoneybun That didn't work for me but I edited the latte-configuration-file by hand and got rid of the widget. :)18:35
MrokiiNightUser: hello.18:42
NightUserShould I install kubuntu or ArhLinux ?18:42
NightUserI just want to get started with linux18:43
piotr_NightUser: using recent Ubuntu LTS pretty much results with least (to none) level of frustration18:44
MrokiiI have never tried out Arch, but I read it's not too suitable for beginners. But I could be wrong.18:44
MrokiiKubuntu works just fine out of the box though.18:44
MrokiiAt least it did for me, heh. But I have installed it on a few computers without any problems.18:45
NightUserDoes kubuntu still support C#18:45
piotr_NightUser: I wouldn't recommend any rolling distro as things change unexpectedly18:45
piotr_NightUser: I recall writing some C# code and using mono on Ubuntu (even with some IDE - monodevelop?) but I'm not sure now if I hadn't have to install some external packages outside of what distro offers.18:47
piotr_NightUser: apt-cache search suggests that there are packages for monodevelop.18:47
nickolayhi guys. does anybody have ready hosts file for blocking coin miners?19:37
daumhey guys - any ideas why my mic would be showing as plugged in in pavucontrol but then no audio still?20:48
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RoeyI need a little help here... I got a hard drive, put it in my external enclosure... turned it on.. I can hear it whirring but I don't see any new device for it in lsblk23:57
Roeylsusb shows the enclosure's detected thoguh23:57

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