
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @MichaelTun, @exar_kun are we going to do shownotes?  I said 'not possible' but maybe you are able?  :)00:05
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> If someone else wants to write them from the audio and send to us, be our guest! ;)00:05
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> we will happily post00:05
ubptgbot<MichaelTun> That's disappointing. Alright then01:40
ubptgbot<exar_kun> @wayneoutthere, Need more help from people out there for the Q&A first then I will have more time to do other things02:15
ubptgbotIna was added by: Ina07:57
ubptgbot<Radu> so, how's the performance of Unity8 on desktop, nowdays?08:28
ubptgbot<padraic7a> @wayneoutthere, I don't know how pactical it is for you but if you upload the show to youtube you can get their speech recgnition transcription. It isn't amazing and would probably need correcting but it might be a shortcut to getting the show transcribed.09:54
ubptgbot<abdullahcok> Fwd from abdullahcok: hi everyone10:52
ubptgbot<abdullahcok> Fwd from abdullahcok: How to solve this problem?10:52
ubptgbot<abdullahcok> (Photo, 620x648) https://irc.ubports.com/CsXog6sF.png10:52
ubptgbot<abdullahcok> (Photo, 138x141) https://irc.ubports.com/J7mdAVrb.png10:52
ubptgbot<abdullahcok> it's been solved.10:56
ubptgbotDaniel Karpiński was added by: Daniel Karpiński11:36
ubptgbot<Xenial> Hi, any progess made on the 16.04 backlog? Thanks13:29
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Xenial, https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/milestone/713:29
ubptgbot<Yance> Hi everyone, how to make application can got live notification just like this telegram app?13:45
ubptgbot<unknown> https://docs.ubuntu.com/phone/en/platform/guides/push-notifications-server-guide13:48
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @unknown, But note notifications should be sent to push.ubports.com and not push.ubuntu.com13:49
=== cc_ is now known as cc
ubptgbot<nikhilubuntu> Can I try devices branch of Ubuntu 16.04 based ubports touch? I own bq e5 hd.13:57
ubptgbot<nikhilubuntu> Are data and phone calls working?13:58
ubptgbot<Yance> @unknown, Thank u14:00
ubptgbotNoe_hdht was added by: Noe_hdht14:35
ubptgbot<Yance> Welcome @Noe_hdht14:37
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Yes, welcome @Noe_hdht and also Kurt and I think also H  … If you have not already seen our welcome page, please do, and let us know if we can help! Have a great time in our community :)  https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome14:39
ubptgbotMiguel Pires was added by: Miguel Pires14:40
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Hello Miguel and welcome.  This is where all things Ubuntu Touch happen (and more).  Here is a page to get you started and let me know if we can help.  https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome14:43
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> @wayneoutthere beated me to it..14:44
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> Miguel I supose you also speak portuguese14:44
ubptgbot<Miguel Pires> Yap14:44
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> no rules against welcoming someone twice! it shows that there are 1300 people not 3 ;)14:45
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Did anyone notice we are 7 people away from 1300? :-014:45
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I haven't14:45
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> well. do it.14:45
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> notice.14:45
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> feel it14:45
ubptgbot<Noe_hdht> @Yance, Thanks om14:48
ubptgbot<Noe_hdht> Mantau dulu14:48
ubptgbot<Noe_hdht> Cari ilmu14:48
ubptgbot<Noe_hdht> 😂14:48
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Totally!14:49
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I hope we reach 1300 before Tiago finishes editing the podcast14:49
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I stated we were already 130014:50
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> hahah14:51
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> about 2 per day14:51
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> mimimum14:51
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> maximum 4 days wait probably 214:51
ubptgbot<Miguel Pires> Loool14:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Yance, really, this is something that is implemented server side, and not on the application side. on the application side, you just get the push token, and then hand it off to your server, for sending the notifications15:58
ubptgbot<dohbee> but most web services are not interested in supporting ubuntu push notifications :-/15:58
ubptgbot<Yance> @dohbee, very sad15:58
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Yance, yep, but it is what it is16:04
ubptgbot<Yance> and also why cannonical abandon this platform?16:09
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> this was already explained by Canonical16:10
ubptgbot<Yance> although, this platform more better in this community16:10
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> they were'nt making money wiht it16:10
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> and they want to do an ICO16:11
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> [Edit] and they want to do an IPO16:11
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> they can't justify to share holders doing something like this16:12
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> wihtout knowing if they're ever going to make money with this16:12
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> and if it's unlikely to make lots of money because of android and iOS16:13
ubptgbot<libremax> worse, with knowing they are never going to make money16:13
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> that's your opinion16:13
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I think it had fair chance of doing some16:14
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> anyway16:14
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> we will never know16:14
ubptgbot<libremax> Not mine, shuttleworth's. It's his money that was pissing off.16:16
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> shutleworth never said that16:17
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> so don't put words in his mouth16:17
ubptgbot<libremax> It wasn't a quote. no " "16:19
ubptgbot<libremax> He put money for years in Ubuntu that for a long time wasn't profitable.16:21
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> Canonical weren't going for an IPO then.16:21
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> yes they were16:23
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> this was a result of a report that orderered to prepare for IPO16:23
ubptgbot<libremax> I just assume that at some point there's a limit not to be exceeded.16:23
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> @DiogoConstantino, No, I meant, not for all the years prior to this that he put money in Ubuntu for years. I was reacting to @libremax's comment16:23
ubptgbot<libremax> It's why I believe it was no more sustainable16:24
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> @libremax, The irony is that they had hoped that it would get a lot of community involvement. The lack thereof forced their hand (among other things a mentioned by @DiogoConstantino). But now that they 'abandoned' the platform the community has embraced it like never before.16:28
ubptgbot<libremax> There is not a big choice for those who need a free/libre mobile OS...16:30
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> There is not really a big choice for prorpietrary mobile OS's either ... Seems like two is about as much as the market can hold.16:35
ubptgbot<Xenial> Also, from the start UT was never a solid alternative. Most of the reviews were bad. Yeah, canonical was pushing forward the linux on mobile, but in the end the quality of the product didn't convinced as they thought16:37
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> The reviews were bad because it was marketed as a production ready OS, which clearly it wasn't.16:38
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> In my experience it was a much better tablet OS than phone OS at that point.16:39
ubptgbot<Xenial> And I'm ubuntu touch user since 2015. But, I can't recommend UT atm for mt family or close friends16:39
ubptgbot<libremax> In commercial world, for global consummer market, big compagnies with shareholders cannot accept to be no 3, it's not making enough money16:41
ubptgbot<Xenial> It's okay as a community project. It has potential, and I hope it fulfill its potential but I don't see it happen in short term. It will take years, and UBports will have to grow in human resources16:43
ubptgbot<libremax> I also use UT since 2015 and  don't need more than what I already have.16:45
ubptgbot<libremax> And thousands of people may be in the same situation16:46
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> The only thing I am really missing is WhatsApp to keep in contact with my family. (And no, they will not switch to telegram)16:47
ubptgbot<libremax> as long as the adventure continues16:48
ubptgbot<libremax> They don't need to switch, just add telegram16:48
ubptgbot<Cesar_Herrera> In my case, I can't connect by Bluetooth with my car. I's the only thing.16:50
ubptgbot<libremax> Change your car😄16:51
ubptgbot<Cesar_Herrera> Or the old E4.516:52
ubptgbot<libremax> I don't think there's much progress for the bluetooth stach even with 16.0416:53
ubptgbot<libremax> [Edit] I don't think there's much progress for the bluetooth stack even with 16.0416:54
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> 16.04 is still very rough around the edges. I installed it on my M10 FHD. Had it on fornhalf a day before i went running back to 15.04 OTA-316:58
ubptgbot<Jimmie Johnsson> Anyone built the terminal app outside of qt creator? Dont really feel like installing it and I dont think I really need to. Im able to build it using just cmake and make but the built app (naturally) wants me to have MIR running. I figured I could just set the right architecture and build it and create a click package. Is it17:11
ubptgbot a complicated thing to do?17:11
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @dohbee, should what it is stay what it is or should it is what it is change to it won't be what it is?  That is the question. :)17:24
ubptgbot<Jimmie Johnsson> @ArubIslander have you tried LoquilM? Think it does whatsapp, have not tried it myself though17:25
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Here is the conclusion to the Canonical discussion.  You can save this to your clipboards:  Canonical is a business.   Businesses make decisions - whether wrong or right - just like people.  On one hand, we can get angry at them for not supporting it, but on the other hand, we can thank them for the money and work they put in17:27
ubptgbotand for handing it all to us to use and promote and build.  I choose the latter position as well as most core people in UBports.  We are all very happy that we were able to start with such a great OS and that we can now make it free - the way it was supposed to be.17:27
ubptgbot<matv1> @milkor73 Hi Milan I wonder why you chose to package Scratch as a .click web-app as it seems to still rely on flash technology, which isnt -and will probably never be- supported on UT. There was at one time talk of rebuilding scratch based on HTML5 but this doesnt seem to be that. Am I missing something?17:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> @ArubIslander, It wasn't though. The retail devices were all marketed explicitly to developers, and were limited production runs. Exactly to control the market in a way suitable for growth and development of the platform.17:51
ubptgbotmarc_rodrigues was added by: marc_rodrigues17:51
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I agree fully with @wayneoutthere17:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> @wayneoutthere, What I think should happen is irrelevant to what actually happens.17:52
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> and wen I talk with Canonical and former Canonical employees I always get the feeling or the explicit statemente they are amazed and like what we're doing here17:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Jimmie Johnsson, terminal app will run ok under x11. not sure what you did, but mir is not explicitly required by it, afaik17:53
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> This was not an happy decision for Canonical and for it's people17:53
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> @Jimmie Johnsson, Yes I have tried it in the past. But it never really worked for me.17:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> @DiogoConstantino, This much is true.17:56
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> @dohbee, Then it is the market perception that could have been managed better. Somewhere along the line the expectation arose that it sgould have been further along than it was.17:58
ubptgbot<sbjabire> (Sticker, 512x258) https://irc.ubports.com/DATILy2c.webp18:00
ubptgbot<sbjabire> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/x9U0UB9C.webp18:00
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> I am not bashing Canonical, mind you. I ubderstand the reasons for their course of action. And I do appreciate how hard the decision was18:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> @ArubIslander, This happens with all things though. "it should have been managed better." is an ignorant argument. Such perceptions are going to happen, especially when your customers are more hopeful than customers of other projects, for example.18:00
ubptgbot<Xenial> Obviously dropping UT was not a easy decision and we have to thank Canonical for doing the first hard job18:00
=== Beton_ is now known as Beton
ubptgbot<sbjabire> @sbjabire, Please sorry for this mistake.18:12
ubptgbot<Michele> @sbjabire, you can remove messages 😉18:12
ubptgbot<sbjabire> It refused to give me the option to delete from the group.18:15
Betonis there any way to hard switch to desktop/mobile mode? I have bluetooth mouse that disconnects after 30s not moved, and then my tablet switch back to mobile mode, when I move/click mouse, it connects, and tablet switch to desktop mode. This happpens over and over when I'm using tablet, and it's very annoying ;/18:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Beton, the switch in the session indicator perhaps?18:17
ubptgbot<Jimmie Johnsson> @dohbee, yeah it did run, complains about some missing qt stuff. But Im really mainly interested in building so I can run it on the phone rather then the desktop anyway. Having a bit of trouble with that18:19
ubptgbot<Michele> @sbjabire, very strange...😳18:19
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Jimmie Johnsson, well you just need to cross compile, and i guess create a click. take a look at clickable perhaps if you don't want the full sdk with qtcreator18:20
ubptgbot<sverzegnassi> @Jimmie Johnsson, I just gave a look at terminal-app, and the Clickable manifest was missing a build dependency. I've pushed a commit in the UBports repo, now the app can be built and run on desktop using `clickable --desktop`.18:20
Beton@dohbee, switching to desktop in settings or UT Tweak Tool doesn't helps, it seems that auto-switching remains enabled18:20
ubptgbot<libremax> @sbjabire, With rigth click on the message and the "Delete Message" ?18:21
ubptgbot<Jimmie Johnsson> @sverzegnassi, Thanks, I'll give it a try. I figured it might be a good starting thing to try and fix add that setting I reported in.18:21
ubptgbot<libremax> @sbjabire, [Edit] With rigth click on the message and then "Delete Message" ?18:21
ubptgbot<sbjabire> @libremax, Sorry, I'm using a handset. It sometimes behave that way. Pardon me for that.18:25
ubptgbot<sbjabire> (Photo, 450x800) https://irc.ubports.com/Sh0hRo7x.png Screenshot (Feb 15, 2018 7:27:00 PM)18:27
ubptgbot<Jimmie Johnsson> @sverzegnassi managed to build the desktop version :)18:30
ubptgbot<sverzegnassi> @Jimmie Johnsson, You're welcome! And sorry for the misleading info on GitHub. We've planned to update core apps documentation during this weekend, that's why Clickable is not mentioned yet in the readme18:31
ubptgbot<sverzegnassi> @Jimmie Johnsson, Great! :D18:31
ubptgbot<Jimmie Johnsson> @sverzegnassi  Cool, I like the clickable tool. Its very easy to use. I will give it a try, no promise I will fix it though - my girlfriend is already looking strangely at me for spending hours on hours on ubuntu touch programming stuff after sitting 8 hours in the office coding for the man :)18:32
ubptgbot<sverzegnassi> Hah, always the same story. Let me know if you need anything. Thanks again18:35
ubptgbotMrMishraJi was added by: MrMishraJi18:49
ubptgbot<milkor73> @matv1, Hi Mathijs, thanks for info. Did not know. Yes there is an effort to bring to UT safe and learning stuff and environment for kids. Maybe not the right way with scratch to be as it is based on flash. Shame, any idea, inspiration?18:59
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @dohbee, for once we can fully understand each other ;)19:15
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Michele, i thought it looked pretty.  i don't know what it means but it looks nice ;)19:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> @wayneoutthere, Maybe I've been binge watching too much Andromeda19:49
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> could be... no...i figured it out.  someone switched the mushrooms in our stirfry20:08
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Hello @MrMishraJi and @marc_rodrigues !  Welcome to the team.  Enjoy the community and don't hesitate to ask if you need anything>  This link will help you get started: https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome20:11
ubptgbot<marc_rodrigues> Thanks @wayneoutthere -  I'm following the forums for quite a while and in fact I have a whole bunch of questions and won't hesitate to ask them here or over at ubports. Thanks for the warm welcome.20:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> ask away20:21
ubptgbot<HelloBug> @sbjabire, Those curves :p20:34
ubptgbot<HelloBug> @dohbee, Downloading Andromeda20:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> @HelloBug, Pay for it.20:40
ubptgbot<HelloBug> @dohbee, Sorry... I am a pirate. Not by choice though...20:43
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @HelloBug, you're a pirate by trade20:48
ubptgbot<HelloBug> True I guess.20:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes by choice20:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> you're not a pirate, either20:59
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @HelloBug do you smoke a pipe21:08
ubptgbot<HelloBug> I had once21:09
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> I smoke a pipe! When I can afford some...  I have about 8 nice pipes from my grandpa21:10
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> OT!21:10
ubptgbot<HelloBug> @wayneoutthere, My grandpa never gave me his pipes 😣😣21:11
ubptgbotMokmeister was added by: Mokmeister21:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> do you drink rum? have a wooden leg? a large sailboat?21:20
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @dohbee, i want to be a sailor21:20
ubptgbot<Mokmeister> Hi guys, I've just installed the ubports installer, trying to flash a bq10 fhd to latest image, I just keep getting to a screen in the installer saying please reboot to bootloader. When I reboot to bootloader, I see at the bottom of the screen on the bq10 "=>FASTBOOT mode..." And that's as far as I get. Any hints and tips?21:20
ubptgbot<Mokmeister> @vanyasem, tailer soldier spy! :)21:21
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @Mokmeister, plz join our welcome room21:21
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @WelcomePlus21:21
ubptgbot<vanyasem> it's a place for installation issues21:21
ubptgbot<Mokmeister> Thanks Ivan21:22
ubptgbot<matv1> @milkor73, Hi and first of all I really appreciate the effort to bring something like this to UT. Well as I mentioned, there was an effort to move Scratch away form Flash. But it seemed to have ground to a halt last time i looked. However, looking again after noticing your effort, things seem to be moving again. It is still a pr21:22
ubptgboteview but seems to be usable, having given it a rwally quick spin just now. The Github repo is here  https://github.com/LLK/scratch-gui and the actual thing is here https://preview.scratch.mit.edu/21:22
ubptgbot<matv1> other then that, what I have found is that good quality foss programming apps for kids are not readily available unfortunately21:24
ubptgbot<matv1> One last thought: I know that Michael Hall from Canonical (although i am not sure if he survived there after ditching Unity8) was involved a lot in programming for kids. If anyone knows what is around thats any good, it be him.21:26
ubptgbot<matv1> he is mhall119 on IRC21:28
ubptgbot<Mokmeister> I remember Qemu, a distro aimed at kids that Michael Hall was involved in. It was XFCE + Ubuntu + loads of kids apps. It was quite good at the time21:38
ubptgbot<Mokmeister> Michael Hall now works for Endless AFAIK21:39
ubptgbot<Mokmeister> as the community manager methinks21:39
ubptgbot<popeydc> I think you mean Qimo21:40
ubptgbot<Mokmeister> Oops, you're probably right, has been a long time since I installed, and a long time since it was available (IIRC it was based off 12.04, maybe 10.04?)21:46
ubptgbot<libremax> http://www.qimo4kids.com/21:49
ubptgbot<Mokmeister> @libremax, Nice one Libremax. My kids were just about the right age to make use of it at time. I was sad to hear it was discontinued.21:52
ubptgbot<Helium> Anyone knows where I can get the today scope with day info? 😅22:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Helium, it's contained within a few projects on launchpad.net22:24
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't think all the scopes it pulled from were made public though22:25
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I think we need t ogive some huge props to our translations teams for their thorough translation of the UBports Documentation. For example, Italian is very close to 100% (but I think it's short now becuase we mreged some changes today): https://docs.ubports.com/it/latest/porting/building-ubports-boot.html22:52
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> [Edit] I think we need to give some huge props to our translations teams for their thorough translation of the UBports Documentation. For example, Italian is very close to 100% (but I think it's short now becuase we mreged some changes today): https://docs.ubports.com/it/latest/porting/building-ubports-boot.html22:53
ubptgbotXbdiddbjddb was added by: Xbdiddbjddb23:11
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> I am so excited to see a name I can finally pronounce, @Xbdiddbjddb !  I welcome you to the UBports community.  I'm not sure what ethnicity that name is but we have many languages to choose here: https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome  Enjoy!23:14
ubptgbot<BeckerBRA> ok23:15
ubptgbotdookain was added by: dookain23:28
ubptgbot<HelloBug> How many to 1.3k?23:44
ubptgbot<vanyasem> 323:47
ubptgbot<HelloBug> 😄seems like when I will wake up tomorrow it will reach it23:53
ubptgbot<HelloBug> @wayneoutthere, 😝😝23:54
ubptgbot<HelloBug> @wayneoutthere record it in your next *cast23:57
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> tooootally23:59

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