
DelemasOn LTS anyone else having issues with the most recent linux-firmware update trying update-initramfs a 3.19.0-21 kernel they haven't had in years? I don't get where it is coming from.01:02
TJ-Delemas: check under "ls /var/lib/initramfs-tools/" for a directory for that version01:13
DelemasOh bingo that shouldn't be there...01:15
DelemasTJ- Thanks01:15
DelemasGreat! That fixed it. Thanks. :)01:17
cpaelzersnowy morning everybody06:44
lordievaderGood morning07:16
cpaelzergm lordievader07:23
lordievaderHey cpaelzer07:23
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:23
cpaelzergreat - and you?07:24
lordievaderDoing okay here, haven't had coffee yet though07:27
ahasenackrbasak: good morning/afternoon11:04
ahasenackrbasak: did you see the ping on the zstd bug? The packages should be in the sru queue, I wonder if you saw them in your sru day yesterday11:04
rbasakahasenack: I didn't yesterday, but I'll look at that next today11:09
ahasenackok, thanks11:10
Isla_de_MuerteHeya guys, is there a specific amount of free RAM I should keep on the server? I did some apache changes and free -ht shows free mem down from 1.9GB to 600mb11:11
rbasakIsla_de_Muerte: https://askubuntu.com/a/116359/780811:12
Isla_de_Muerterbasak, tyvm11:13
Isla_de_MuerteIt seems like almost 8GB is free to use11:14
hateballunused RAM is wasted RAM :p11:14
Isla_de_Muertetotal       used       free     shared    buffers     cached11:15
Isla_de_MuerteMem:         16006      15285        721       1020          0       742511:15
Isla_de_Muerte-/+ buffers/cache:       7858       814711:15
Isla_de_MuerteI was only watching the first line :P Oh well tyvm for the help guys11:15
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and  http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing11:16
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/11:16
lordievaderThat's the one11:16
lordievaderBut as hateball says, unused ram is wasted ram. Unless you frequently reload programs which swap a lot of ram.11:17
rbasakcpaelzer, ahasenack: I'm a bit confused as to why https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/libzstd/+git/libzstd/+merge/336258 is showing as Merged11:18
rbasakI can ignore that and proceed anyway. I'm just wondering if that's a workflow issue or consequence of something11:18
ahasenackrbasak: I think cpaelzer changed that once it was uploaded to proposed11:18
rbasakAh. Because he pushed an upload tag perhaps?11:19
ahasenackhe did that too11:19
ahasenackbut I'm also confused by the mp status in general11:19
ahasenackI would think that lp would detect it as such once the importer imported the uploaded package the next time11:19
rbasakIt's not good whichever way we do it for SRUs :-/11:19
rbasakSince the uploader (or sponsor) has the upload tag but does not know if the SRU will be accepted.11:19
ahasenacksince srus can take months, setting the mp to merged is a cheap way to get it out of our view I guess11:20
rbasakOK. Let's just keep doing that for now, and we'll deal with it individually if something goes wrong.11:20
ahasenackwe should talk about it in the sprint11:20
ahasenack(yeah, it's that time of the year again :)11:20
rbasakahasenack: we're deferring workflow stuff in favour of getting all the packages imported first11:22
cpaelzerrbasak: ahasenack: so far I handled it as tag-push=>dput=>merged11:45
cpaelzerbut reading through your discussion it seems you in general agree11:45
cpaelzeruntil we have worked on the improved workflows11:45
ahasenackand yes, we have had cases where the package was not used, like ubuntu-fan, where smb (I think) took over that sru11:46
rbasakIt's probably the least worst answer right now11:46
ahasenackat worst we lose rich history, right?11:46
rbasakIf the SRU isn't accepted, the upload tag will need removing or superseding11:46
rbasakOr it'll be present, wrong, but not adopted11:46
cpaelzeressentially we (tag pushers) need to be informed if it was rejected11:47
jamespagecoreycb: nearly there with heat - tripped over a python-tz issue this morning :-)13:25
coreycbjamespage: oh interesting.13:26
jamespagecoreycb: its fixed in debian - just pending a sync to happen13:26
jamespagesyncpackage: Error: Debian version 2018.3-2 has not been picked up by LP yet. Please try again later.13:26
coreycbjamespage: ok. i need to figure out some failures with neutron-vpnaas.13:27
coreycbjamespage: qemu is fixed up in ocata-proposed btw13:28
jamespagecoreycb: awesome-o13:28
jamespagewhat was the problem?13:28
coreycbjamespage: one of the spectre patches was causing a segfault13:29
coreycbjamespage: there were 2 approaches to the patch so i went with the alternative used in xenial13:30
ahasenackrbasak: I have the changes you requested for the livepatch motd in the ubuntu-advantage-tools13:48
ahasenackrbasak: a process question now (as in procedure)13:48
ahasenackrbasak: in upstream (github), I usually just do a new release13:48
ahasenackrbasak: in this case, what you reviewed in that MP was upstream release v1413:48
ahasenackrbasak: I would normally now do an upstream v15, with the requested changes, and that update the MP with that13:49
ahasenackrbasak: end result is that v14, albeit released upstream (github) and in some ppas, was never in ubuntu13:49
rbasakahasenack: it's a Debian native package, isn't it?13:49
ahasenackrbasak: do you have an issue with that? Assuming you would approve this v15 MP, that d/changelog would mention both v14 and v1513:49
ahasenackrbasak: it is13:50
rbasakYou may have to skip this time.13:50
ahasenacknot my call, but somebody made it native some time ago13:50
rbasakBut normally you should be testing with things like 15~ppa113:50
ahasenackI do13:50
ahasenackthe daily build ppa uses git revnos even13:50
ahasenackand they are using 1413:51
ahasenackbut 14+ I think13:51
ahasenackyeah, 14+stuff13:51
rbasakGithub "releases" make no sense here. I wouldn't do them.13:51
ahasenackI need a tarball13:51
ahasenackand github releases make them for me13:51
rbasak"git archive"13:51
rbasak"script" :)13:51
ahasenackgithub will eventually need a release13:52
ahasenackit's a matter of ordering13:52
rbasakHow so?13:52
ahasenackrelease in ubuntu first, then make mps to release in github, since I need to change d/changelog13:52
ahasenackor release in gh first, with the mps over there, then make an mp in launchpad for the ubuntu release13:52
ahasenackI can't commit without mps, and I also can't upload it to ubuntu13:53
ahasenackI personally don't mind having the d/changelog mention v14 and v1513:53
ahasenackthey were releases13:53
ahasenackone just never made it into the *archive*13:54
rbasakThey weren't releases.13:54
rbasakThere is no upstream here.13:54
ahasenackthere is, and ubuntu isn't it13:54
rbasakIf it didn't get published in Ubuntu, it wasn't "released", despite what you want to call it.13:54
rbasakAre you publishing this anywhere apart from Ubuntu?13:54
ahasenackubuntu ppas13:55
ahasenackand github tarballs13:55
rbasakFor development and test, or actual use by anyone else?13:55
ahasenackit's a public ppa, the url was used in document specs for people to see what's coming up13:55
ahasenackbuilt via a recipe13:55
rbasakIt seems to me that you (collectively) are making this far more complicated than it needs to be.13:56
rbasakWhat you're doing (maintaining a git tree in Github) is fine, but is really no different than any Debian packaging maintenance team maintaining a native package in alioth (now salsa).13:57
ahasenackit's a bit different13:57
rbasakStop doing tarball releases in Github. Use Launchpad build recipes for your test/preview PPAs.13:58
ahasenackthe debian team make a release in salsa and upload right away13:58
rbasakNot necessarily13:58
rbasakTreat the Github master as the place to prepare Ubuntu uploads.13:58
ahasenackwhen they are happy with a salsa tree, they update d/changelog there and upload13:58
ahasenackwhen I'm happy with my gh tree, I need to make an MP for an ubuntu reload, which may or may not be accepted13:58
rbasakPrepare d/changelog in Github if you wish, with MPs.13:58
ahasenackif changes are requested, I need to make PRs in github to land those, which may or may not be accepted13:59
rbasakBut at that stage, you can edit the latest entry in d/changelog as you wish, including retrospective changes.13:59
rbasakBecause nothing is "released"13:59
ahasenackok, you are saying treat ubuntu as the source of truth13:59
rbasakBecause it has to be _a_ source of truth.13:59
rbasakBy not making it the _only_ source of truth, you're making everything difficult.14:00
ahasenackI'm seeing ubuntu jsut as the delivery mechanism14:00
ahasenackthe archive, specifically14:00
ahasenacksome releases make it there, some don't14:00
rbasakI think that's where the complication arises.14:01
rbasakIf you want to treat it that way, then it'll be easier to switch to a non-native package, and use a separate packaging branch.14:01
ahasenackI don't see having entries in d/changelog that never made it to the archive as a complication, but I'm asking because I know others do14:01
rbasakThat's more effort than it's worth if the only production consumption of this work is via the Ubuntu archive.14:01
rbasakHaving entries in d/changelog that never made it to the archive is wrong.14:02
ahasenackok, that settles it then14:02
rbasakAt upload time, d/changelog should be summarising the changes made in that upload only, so the debdiff going "in" to the archive matches the changelog.14:03
ahasenackwell, we have ton of entries in d/changelog that never existed in the ubuntu archive: debian releases14:03
ahasenackbut that's a specific case I suppose14:03
rbasakTrue. That's a wart we have to live with.14:03
ahasenackand dpkg-genchanges has -v to grab multiple d/changelog releases in one upload14:04
rbasakd/changelog is linear, and that doesn't work well with Ubuntu being a derivative leading to non-linear history.14:04
ahasenackso the changes file would grab v14 and v15, in this example14:04
ahasenackit's my understanding packages in proposed that were superseeded also trigger this case14:05
rbasakPackages in proposed have been "published"14:05
rbasakThey are published in Launchpad forever.14:05
ahasenackbut if they never migrated to proposed actual (srus, for example), then nobody could get them14:06
ahasenackor even if stuck in excuses14:06
ahasenackfor the devel release14:07
rbasakFor stuff not accepted by the queue (eg. an SRU rejection), we don't "burn" version numbers.14:07
rbasakLet me try and simplify this a little.14:07
ahasenackwhat if it was just not looker at yet, and somebody else starts a new sru, including the changes from the previous unapproved one?14:07
ahasenackI'm hunting down corner cases now, I know14:08
ahasenackthere is what is possible to do, and what is best :)14:08
rbasakIf the goal is to have the previous unapproved SRU rejected from the queue14:08
rbasakThen the replacement should use the same version number.14:08
rbasakVersion numbers are in flux until Launchpad accepts an upload and publishes it in the archive.14:09
rbasakRegardless of pocket.14:09
rbasakAs soon as that happens, the version number is "burned".14:09
rbasakThe changelog should reflect published versions only.14:09
rbasakThe changelog in published versions should not skip version numbers.14:10
rbasakAs you say there are exceptions. Perhaps there has to be an exception for you this time. But your workflow in general should not need any exceptions. If necessary, we need to fix your workflow :)14:10
ahasenackit's weird for me to consider myself as upstream when I can't "commit" to upstream, if ubuntu is the upstream14:11
ahasenackI can behave as a proper upstream in github14:11
ahasenackbut not in ubuntu14:12
ahasenackthat's what lead me to consider github the upstream, and ubuntu as just one delivery mechanism14:12
ahasenackwhich gets a curated set of the upstream releases14:12
rbasakThere is no upstream. It's all Ubuntu here. You are an Ubuntu developer. You just need a "reviewer" to "commit", that's all.14:12
ahasenackI'll continue with v14 and just amend d/changelog with the changes, let's see how it goes14:13
ahasenackbut first, lunch14:14
rbasakI think that'll be fine - thanks!14:14
ahasenackthanks for the talk14:14
rbasakahasenack: yw. Another thought: if you had an ~ubuntu-core-dev approve every MP, then getting a successful upload into Ubuntu would be a no-op.14:19
rbasakAnd you need to do that anyway, so perhaps bringing that closer into your workflow would smooth things out.14:20
rbasakIn Launchpad I'd suggest just maintaining the repo in lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-advantage-tools; then any core dev sponsor can verify it's already reviewed just looking at the repo permissions.14:21
rbasakI'm not sure how that might work in GitHub.14:21
coreycbjamespage: looks like we can drop neutron-vpn-agent binary package and init scripts - https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/169212814:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1692128 in neutron "VPNaaS stuff should load inside of an l3 agent extension mechanism" [Undecided,Fix released]14:24
jamespagecoreycb: awesome14:25
rh10guys, how can i more handy ping a lot of servers simultaneously?14:42
lordievaderrh10: Fping was more suited for that, I  believe: https://fping.org/14:45
coreycbjamespage: i'm not sure where to put strongswan and keepalived deps now. python-neutron-vpnaas or neutron-l3-agent.14:45
rh10lordievader, got it! thanks14:46
Neo4what is read about ssl?14:46
Neo4I'm going to read something about ssl and mail server14:47
Neo4I wish I had read something about ssl and mail server...14:47
Neo4any suggestions?14:47
Neo4I've read there exists also corier and exem...14:49
Neo4this is read about ssl? https://www.openssl.org/14:52
Neo4about mail I know, What would you suggest to learn about ssl?14:52
coreycbjamespage: mind reviewing this when you have a sec? https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/ubuntu/+source/neutron-vpnaas/log/14:58
jamespagecoreycb: what do we do with config files etc for neutron-fwaas?15:03
jamespagethis kinda puts vpnaas on the same footing I think15:03
coreycbjamespage: they get installed in /etc/neutron15:04
coreycbjamespage: let me revisit configs, vpn_agent.ini is gone15:05
jamespagecoreycb: I'm going todo something a little different with the pxc-5.7 orig.tar.gz15:09
jamespageno reason why we can't repack it with the required minimal boost headers - I got some info of the oracle guys as to what they do for mysql-boost-*15:10
jamespagethus not requiring an each 80MB of upload15:10
jamespageand an extra tarball15:10
coreycbjamespage: sounds good15:11
coreycbjamespage: onovy pointed me to autopkgtest-pkg-python15:23
jamespagecoreycb: oh yes?15:23
coreycbjamespage: very nice, didn't know about it15:23
coreycbjamespage: tests basic import of python modules for dep815:23
jamespagecoreycb: yeah I contributed a fix to make it work with the oslo packages towards the start of the cycle15:23
coreycbjamespage: cool15:23
jlacroixI noticed on the tutorial page for LXD (https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-setting-up-lxd-1604#1) is having the user install LXD via Apt. Isn't the Snap version of LXD preferred currently?15:56
marsjeI just found out my Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS instances don't automatically sync time with NTP servers. How can I fix this?17:34
naccjlacroix: i think so, but relatively recently17:36
rbasakThey should be.17:36
naccjlacroix: possibly the tutorial has not been updted17:36
naccdpb1: --^ fyi ?17:36
rbasak(syncing with timeservers)17:36
dpb1jlacroix: both are supported currently, stgraber, do you want the tutorial to prefer snaps?17:36
rbasakmarsje: systemd-timesyncd is enabled by default on 16.04. You'll need to debug that.17:37
marsjerbasak: I did install upstart, so not sure if that automatically gets rid of systemd and the default services?17:37
stgraberdpb1: yeah, we should prefer snaps in instructions in general these days, it's more future proof17:37
rbasakmarsje: yeah, that'll do it. Using upstart on 16.04 is not supported.17:37
naccand seems like a ... bad idea?17:38
marsjerbasak: I had some dependency on upstart and figured it didn't matter much......17:38
rbasakIt absolutely matters.17:38
marsjeI think I found out just now17:39
marsjeanyway, all I did was something like apt-get install upstart17:40
rbasakIt's your system so you can do what you want, but you'll be mostly broken and on your own if you carry on down that path.17:40
marsjehmm, not sure if it can be easily fixed now...17:41
* marsje is AFK17:41
SecutorI'm trying to add rdiff-backup to zesty server. Apparently rdiff-backup is in universe. But sudo apt-get install rdiff-backup is failing. Any suggestions?18:35
naccSecutor: zesty is eol18:36
naccSecutor: please upgrade18:36
SecutorOK thanks.18:36
ptx0mason: whatever happened to you :P19:00
masonptx0: I ran out of linespace on my first line, where #zfsonlinux was. I might put it back. Too many IRC channels...19:01
ptx0mason: weird, irssi has 5 rows of channels here19:01
masonEight here at present. :P19:02
ptx0got 79 windows open, wonder what happened, i used to be in 188 channels..19:02
ptx0was gonna tell you to check out nohidea19:02
ptx0basically any/all of their stuff <319:03
ptx0it's all creative commons too19:03
masonYar, that's too much to keep up. That said, I was thinking of jumping back into a couple channels. I'll just add them to the end.19:03

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