Unit193 | Heya. | 00:11 |
PCLine__ | Hi - Thanks for the Link a few days back Unit193. | 01:03 |
Unit193 | Uh, sure thing? | 01:08 |
PCLine__ | ....<Unit193> PCLine__: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu-us-oh.html.... | 01:09 |
jenni | [ Index of /latest ] - https://bit.ly/2HdcMWK | 01:09 |
Unit193 | Yes I do remember. | 01:09 |
PCLine__ | One day I will setup a script to reconnect when I get home (or even not at work) and then a Delay reconnect if I get disconnected. | 01:11 |
Unit193 | I just don't disconnect, seems to work. | 01:12 |
PCLine__ | I move around a little. That a little hard for me. | 01:13 |
PCLine__ | I had a BNC that kept my Name and would show me what I missed. that is on my 1 Day list also. | 01:15 |
Unit193 | ZNC is one that does that for different clients, quassel has a core/client mode, and then there's clients like irssi and weechat that you run in screen/tmux, and just ssh into. | 01:18 |
PCLine__ | I hope I can work on that next week. If I dont get it done before spring I might have to wait a while. | 01:27 |
Unit193 | Well depends on how much you IRC, if one doesn't do that much then no need to have a connection always on. | 01:33 |
PCLine__ | Great way to see other problems and fixes and/or even learn about features you didnt know about. | 01:43 |
PCLine__ | I need to start relearning VB.Net to make a front end to T-SQL so I will make sure I look over the log files for that channel until I have that created. | 01:44 |
antonm | Hi | 19:37 |
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