
Unit193...So if you opt-out, it tells them you opted out thus not actually fully opting out?  Otherwise it doesn't sound like the end of the world, but still not fond of it.  Part of that is I've had to poke them many times about fixing popcon, and it always breaks again.07:17
Unit193(It's been broken since Jun 2016 because I stopped bothering.)07:17
Unit193The privacy break was with update-motd, it's less bad than it was but still a bit...hidden.07:19
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar 1.6.14 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-1-6-14-released-tp50674.html (by Alex)21:24
* flocculant waits for that swiss bert to talk about thunar 1.7.0 ...21:37
flocculantbluesabre: documenting interesting bits would be useful for me at least :)21:38
flocculantbluesabre: also would be rather intersting to see what happens with our iso and this new option :)21:39
flocculantpinged in release about that ubiquity thing - and how it affects flavours - and reminded about our core 21:49
flocculantand some talk there too21:55
flocculantthat could be an interesting diversion for some - already I'm confused :p22:01
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar 1.7.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-1-7-1-released-tp50676.html (by Alex)22:17
* flocculant suspects foul play from swiss bert 22:18
flocculantdo we get that for 18.04 bluesabre  :D22:18
flocculantthunar 1.7 not foul play ...22:18
flocculantbluesabre: finally got a bionic vanilla - I'll run with that for a week, and see what I find there - anything specific you or ochosi want me to check out, bear in mind this install is full of ppa and git22:51
flocculantnot working tomorrow so prior to sunrise I can fiddle about to make music and mpd work for me22:52
flocculantbest sort nfs outputs too - or I'll scratch my head ...22:52
flocculant(firefox and tbird will use my elsewhere profile though - so only xubuntu issues to look at please)22:53
flocculantbluesabre knome - please check the *bold* installer issue note (or anyone watching)23:05
flocculantdoes it make sense23:05
flocculantknome: how do I make the whole of that stanza red - not some of it - all of it ;)23:06
flocculantquite important imo - every cycle we get 'installer issues' that we can't actually do anything about so we need to move those things elsewhere if you ask me23:10
flocculantif we get iszsues like lxde did when it efeectively died as an install then we can shout - or the lead (council can)23:11
flocculantlubuntu appear to be effective in getting things done ...23:11
bluesabreflocculant: where?23:17
bluesabreflocculant: thunar 1.6.x for bionic23:17
bluesabreflocculant: foul play for bionic+123:17
flocculantbluesabre: oh good lord - where? is just not fair lol23:18
bluesabrerelative timestamp?23:18
flocculantyea - can we have gtk3 everythings for lts23:18
bluesabrenot going to do that to you :)23:18
flocculantI can check current for a week on vanilla - anything specific to look at?23:19
flocculanthaha 23:19
bluesabreoh that23:19
flocculantyea ok :D23:19
bluesabrewe know notifications are a bit crashy atm23:19
bluesabresound plug should be completely functional except for the grey icon at some startups23:20
flocculantbluesabre: I'm really all over the place currently package wise - so a list of vanilla newness23:20
bluesabrealso, if notifications crash, volume changes get slow23:20
flocculantbluesabre: well pa grey UI get EVERY boot23:20
bluesabreflocculant: gotcha, will get you a list of that tonight then23:20
flocculantwithout fail23:20
bluesabreI think I have a solution for the double icons23:21
bluesabregoing to annoy Unit193 with my proposal of undoing the ayatana port on that one23:21
bluesabrebut yet23:21
flocculantoh cool - that one is shit - looks rubbish23:21
bluesabrewill do some listy things23:21
bluesabregotta run for now, bbl23:21
flocculantthat'd be helpful23:22
flocculantbluesabre: try for a list this weekend - I'll run boring bionic for as long as I can cope, get some feedbacks to you and ochosi on theming issues23:23
Unit193bluesabre: Yeah, I know.  I just don't like it because when we'll be ready, we won't be in sync (but functionally will be the same.)23:23
flocculantI do not aplogise for the following ...23:23

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