[00:00] I have another enclosure [00:00] I put the drive in there [00:00] same thing... [00:03] If it's USB3 use a USB3 plug on the machine, if it's USB2 then use that [00:04] There are some oddball enclosures with chipsets that usbstorage driver has issues with, but not many [00:06] Also look at the results from dmesg | tail to see if it's some issue like an I/O error ( drivehttps://i.imgur.com/s7RAVa4.pnghysically bad) [00:06] stupid trackpad :( [00:08] ok [00:08] yeah dmesg showed me nothing related to the enclosures actually [00:08] could the enclosures be bad?? [00:08] both of them/ [00:08] ? [00:08] jfc. [00:09] the hard drive I bought spins and I can hear it do its thing [00:09] when it starts up. [00:09] perhaps I should buy a new enclosure.. [00:09] I've got this rosewill one [00:10] hmm. I only bought them less than four years ago. [00:12] Does the enclosure have a separate power supply? [00:20] genii: yes it does [00:20] genii: I think it'sthe enclosure really [00:21] both of the enclosures don't show up when I do lsusb [00:21] genii: I ordered two new ones since htey're cheap [00:21] $35. [00:21] I think my backup drive that spins up, I htink it still works actually, but that the enclosure went south [00:21] sound reasonable? [00:22] I suppose I can see fi the drive is OK by directly attaching it to the mobo [00:22] but.. I don't want to reset my machine [00:23] Some weird ones require old compatabulity drivers like paride === leon is now known as Guest14391 [07:13] Good morning === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [08:27] help firewall [08:28] help help [08:29] Tjommi: Asking a question might help there. === ktonga_ is now known as ktonga [11:49] Hiyas all [12:02] Hey BluesKaj [12:02] How are you doing? [12:11] i rebooted and it seems my microphone no longer is working. I checked in pavucontrol and it is set to "Built-in Audio analog Stereo" and Port : Rear Microphone (plugged in), but still no audio any ideas? [12:17] hi lordievader, doing ok here, and you? [12:18] Doing good here [12:34] daum, check your alsamixer mic volume ctls in the terminal [12:39] BluesKaj, https://i.imgur.com/OwOws3M.png seems it's on and up [12:41] daum, disable the automute. to the right of capture [12:42] still nothing [12:43] and unmute your "line" [12:44] hm where did you see that? [12:44] and front mic MM means mute [12:45] dee the MM in the vol ctl box at the bottom, use the M key to unmute them [12:45] see [12:45] lol [12:45] what a fail [12:45] sorry [12:45] thank you [12:47] np, alsamixer is always the first thing to check when there's no sound , then pulseaudio/pavucontrol after that [12:49] ok well this is weird [12:49] so if i tap on the mic i can hear it over the speakers [12:49] but according to pavucontrol it's completely silent [12:49] and using arecord/skype to test it gets no audio [12:50] which mic is it plugged into , front or rear? [12:50] rear [12:50] and pavucontrol is setup to that [12:50] is it still muted? [12:50] MM in th ebox? [12:51] in alamixer [12:51] alsamixer [12:52] nope when it was i couldn't hear anything as expected when i taped on the mic [12:52] https://i.imgur.com/gjkxiAp.png [12:54] daum, plug it into the fron mic and unmute that, it's still MM in the vol ctl box [12:55] ok one sec [12:56] same issue, you can hear me tapping on it through the speakers, but in pavucontrol under the input devices it shows front mic (plugged in) but then where it has the bar which shows what is is picking up, it has zero audio [12:57] check the pavcucontrol volume sttings [12:58] BluesKaj, just moved mic to the back of the machien: blob:https://imgur.com/1e2af006-3534-4560-83ff-9aef811b4e3b [12:58] err [12:58] https://i.imgur.com/uYyYiLG.png [13:00] now check the output devices vol ctl [13:01] https://i.imgur.com/ULkhYeC.png [13:01] i put music on just so i could show the bottom blue bar moving [13:03] one slider shows only 28% . bring it up to 100 [13:04] the output? [13:04] yes [13:04] also what kind of speaker system are you using ? [13:04] ok done - music just loud [13:04] ha um speakers are some supper old altech lansing speakers from 15+ years ago [13:05] the mic itself is just a standalone plugin mic [13:05] all this was working until i rebooted after some updates yesterday [13:05] are the speakers connected directly to the sound card? [13:05] yeah [13:05] the are the line out [13:06] ok [13:06] you may need to run sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel, then reboot [13:06] but shouldn't i be able to for all purposes jsut completely unplug them and only focus on the mic? [13:06] brb will reboot [13:07] to load the driver, if there is no output from that command then the driver loaded properly [13:07] yeah no otuput [13:07] brb rebooting [13:10] BluesKaj, that did it thank you! [13:11] ok, good [13:11] thanks so much! gotta head to work [13:12] daum, so next time if this happens after updates/upgrades , run that modprobe command , it's a well kinown bug that's been neglected for yrs [13:12] ahh very good to know [13:16] * zxq9 does stuff [14:14] how can I access get root permission on Dolphin ? I'm using KUBUNTU 17.10 [14:18] mozammel: you don't. KDE disabled it. a safe method of doing it in dolphin etc is being worked on. [14:18] and already gone.... [14:19] the answer wasn't useless tho, I learned something new (: [14:21] http://blog.chinmoyrp.com/gsoc%20kde/2017/06/18/new-upgrades-in-kio-file-ioslave/ [14:21] Hm [14:22] was almost here for frameworks 5.43, but got disabled before release I think to review or fix things [14:25] "Add support for privilege execution in KIO jobs (temporarily disabled in this release)" [14:25] :/ === root__ is now known as jonny87w [15:22] hello [15:25] hello everybady [15:26] What are you talk often in this area?programming or something else [15:27] @ [20:30] Oookay I don't like Konversation 2's UI === sithlord48 is now known as rizzitello === rizzitello is now known as sithlord48 === malibu is now known as Guest6986 === malibu is now known as Guest96984